Quan Na was very helpless to Uchihaji's "prank", and also had some headaches.

My uncle is awesome, but he has no intention of being lenient when it comes to making troubles and cheating people!

He couldn't help but glance at Uchihaji one more time, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

Obviously I was reborn, logically speaking, I can do this, and I must be liked by the world. Why does my uncle look more like the chosen one? !

Priest: Azhi is my chosen son. As for your rebirth, I chose you purely to find an heir and helper for Azhi :)

Not knowing that the real answer to her rebirth was to help Uchihaji, Quanna sighed in her heart, but at the same time had to admit that her uncle was really charming.

It's quite normal that there are so many fans of Uncle in Luoshui City and Land of Thunder, after all, not everyone can reach Uncle's level!

Let's savor Uchihaji's achievements along the way!

——Became the heir of Luoshui City at the age of three, opened Sharingan at the age of five, officially became the lord of Luoshui City at the age of seven, signed Erwei as a psychic beast, became the leader of Nanyun at the age of ten, opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and only a few days after opening the eyes In just one month, I opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan without Brother Eyes, and then unified Nanyun and Beilei at the age of 11, established the Kingdom of Thunder, and became a generation of daimyo...

Just ask who can do it?

Who can do it!

Quan Nai can say with certainty that Uchiha Haru is unique and enchanting in both the political and ninja circles.

Not to mention that Uchihaji also improved the status and treatment of ninjas, gave them official positions, benefits and subsidies are even more numerous, and now the lives of ninjas in the entire land of thunder have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Quan Nai is now walking in the clan, there is a cafeteria in the clan, the clan people wear excellent quality clothing, the children are immersed in the distress of learning and fighting, the biggest ideal is to become a member of the shadow minister, and the people who talk freely are no longer The horror on the battlefield and the fear of the future are the expectations of being an official in the future, hoping to become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people.

The ninja promotion system that Uchihaji built for them has become more and more perfect, and countless branches have been derived. These have given ninjas new possibilities. They are no longer limited to the position of ninjas, they can be officials, Be a samurai, or even become a monk, and some girls choose to go to a shrine to be a witch...

These things were never imagined before, and now they are all realized.

Brother Ban's ideal back then was to allow all ninja children to grow up happily and become who they wanted freely, so he pulled Senshou Zhujian to establish Konoha Village.

Now this dream has long been realized, so even Brother Ban's dream has become "to become a unparalleled general in the world".

Yes, Madara mentioned this to Quan Na some time ago, saying that his goal is to become the most useful sword under Quan Na and his uncle, fight for them, save more ninjas and common people, and make the country stable and healthy .

In fact, Quan Nai quite agrees with this ideal, which suits Brother Ban's temperament and his path very well.

And he chose to be the heir, apart from Uchihaji's strong request, he also has his own idea of ​​wanting to engage in this area. He himself has a certain talent in this area, and he has come into contact with a lot of related things in his previous life. Wouldn't it be nice to be backed up?

These things now are all brought by Uchihaji.

And who doesn't like Uchihaji who brings great changes and benefits?

Excellent strength and elegant and courteous aristocratic attitude have become the image of Uchihaji in the hearts of most people. Now even if he is not a nobleman, but a pure ninja, absolutely no one wants to believe it.

In the same way, if one were to tell the outside world that a man like uncle would cheat his nephew and insist on Liu Quanna and Ban's teeth being black historical souvenirs, no one would believe it!

Quan Nai can imagine the result of what he said, either by his uncle's idiot fans (such as Ji Yuanliang) saying "My lord is right in everything, the first tooth that falls out must be kept!", or by other people Said "Impossible, Daimyo from the Land of Thunder is definitely not such a person!".

Who will believe what I say?

Even Brother Ban would not really believe it!

Although Brother Ban seems to have experienced this "blessing" again, but with Brother Ban's brain, it is very likely that he has been fooled long ago!

Quan Nai frowned and flattened her lips, and snorted softly, "Uncle is too much!"

But he just complained about such a sentence, then closed his mouth, turned around and asked about other things, "What is uncle doing recently?"

Today is a day off for me. I have been with my uncle for so long, but I haven't seen him doing anything serious.

Uchihaji tilted his head, "What are you doing? Of course I'm eating melons!"

"Eat melon?"

Quanna was puzzled. After returning to the daimyo's palace, she was stuffed with a large stack of materials, which were densely filled with the latest developments of several major countries/alliances.

After flipping through it, he was surprised to find that the Dongquan Alliance seemed to be only one step away from the founding of the country. In addition, the Kingdom of Sichuan, which was supposed to be separated from the Wind and Sand Alliance, was annexed by the Kingdom of Fire. , the country of Taki that existed in the previous life still exists, but the area has expanded a lot!

"The land of water, the land of earth and the land of wind..."

Haruyuki Uchiha casually counted the list of countries that the alliance will become on the data, raised his head suddenly, and asked suddenly, "Are you going to be six years old?"

Quan Nai froze for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"No, I just thought that I'm almost 12 years old." Uchihaji waved his hand, as if this topic was just mentioned casually, and calmly skipped it, "If you have nothing to do, go buy me some goods, I The tea leaves are running out."

"Isn't the tea purchased together?" Quan Nai knew that the supplies of the palace were purchased together, and there was no such thing as separate purchases.

"Huh?" Uchihaji raised his eyebrows slightly, and sneered, "I ran out of last year's new tea here, and I want to drink it now."

He accentuated the "last year's new tea" part, which seemed to imply something.

Quan Nai was stuck for a long time before suddenly realizing it, and hurriedly responded, turned around and went out of the palace to buy tea.

Uchiha Haru leaned to the side and fell on Nakahara Chuya's lap, complaining dissatisfiedly, "It's too stupid! I can't even understand the hint that he went to get the information!"

Zhong Yuanzhong also reluctantly responded, "Little child, you will be able to teach more."

"Children?" Uchihaji sneered, "We are about two years old after careful calculation!"

If he wants to say that, it’s not a problem. Uchihaji’s Oizumi was six years old in this life, and he was only 25 years old when he died in the previous life, which was three years younger than when Quanna died. Strictly speaking, the relationship between the two of them The age difference between them is only three years!

Zhongyuan Zhong also clicked his tongue, thinking that the fate of a person is really unpredictable. The superposition of past life and present life has caused some big changes.

"If it's in Yokohama, Izuna can only be cannon fodder!" Uchiha gave a definition, "Akutagawa is better than him!"

For a while, Nakahara didn't know whether to lament Akutagawa's rare approval from this heartless guy, or to mourn for Izuna who is "less useful than Akutagawa".

One thing to be familiar with is that once Uchihaji thinks that someone is "not good", that person will definitely accept more "training" from him.

Examples include Akutagawa who was scolded, and Atsushi Nakajima who was thrown out to single out countless bosses...

Nakahara is also a little curious, how does Uchihaji plan to hone his "new apprentice" this time?

After all, this apprentice is in politics, maybe the training method is different?

Uchiha used the facts to prove that in his eyes, whether it is politics or fighting, it is the same truth!

After Quanna brought the information, Uchihaji listened to the report from Anbe who followed him, his face darkened, he flipped through the information and threw it aside, and asked coldly, "Where's the tea?"

"Uh... isn't it for intelligence?" Quan Nai took out a can of tea, the kind Uchihaji often used.

Uchihaji: ...

Throwing the pot of tea aside casually, Uchihaji knew it was definitely not what he wanted without even looking at it.

He stared at Quan Nai coldly, lowered his voice, sounded like he was in a hurry, "I said it was "last year's new tea", what did you buy for me!"

"Do you think that this kind of note that is handed directly to you can't be seen by others? Are you mocking Hinata's eyes, or are you laughing at Uchiha who is as good as Senju?"

When Uchihaji went to the East Spring Alliance before, he went shopping and found a spy post placed by the country of tea, had a short exchange, and settled a cooperation.

The Dongquan Alliance intelligence collected by the Country of Tea will be shared with him, on the condition that they help when the Country of Fire attacks the Country of Tea.

The massive expansion of the Nation of Fire some time ago still made many countries and alliances fearful.

The "last year's new tea" that Uchihaji just emphasized is actually a limited-edition tea pot specially produced by the country of tea. That kind of tea pot is only used to store old tea, and the information is hidden on the pattern of this limited-edition tea pot.

The results of it?Quan Nai bought a can of tea and came over with a piece of information on the surface.

Uchihaji remembers very clearly that this method of information transmission is also available in Luoshui City. Quanna has taken over the affairs for so long, why still don't understand these important matters? !

Quanna: Who can memorize hundreds of information transmission methods in a few months? !

Uchihaji: I can do it, after all, it's your trash :)

Quan Nai: ...Monsters don't use their own standards to demand ordinary people!

Uchihaji was almost laughed out of anger, but after thinking about it, he felt that Quanna's aptitude was not good enough, and his previous life was so bad, even if he tried hard to fill his brain with knowledge in the past few years, he still couldn't fully enrich it. continue to cultivate.

A simple little test made him discover Quanna's inadequacy.

The idea of ​​wanting Quan Nai to directly take over the position of Lord of Luoshui City in the next year can only be temporarily suspended and changed to increase devil-style training!

Since you can't, then memorize it by rote, practice more and learn more, even if you are a fool, it's time for me to practice conditioned reflexes!

Quan Nai stared at her soaring workload, did the math, and found that she only had two hours of rest time left, and her vision went dark.

Bange help!God is going to finish me! ! !

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