Hearing his uncle's quotations about exploiting spies, Quan Nai took a deep look at him, and his heart moved slightly, only feeling that the other party opened a window for him.

Yes, a spy is also a human being, as long as he has the ability, he can become my social animal, regardless of whether he is a spy or not!Use it first!

When Uchihaji became a daimyo, he took away a large number of courtiers he trained, as well as the powerful nobles of Luoshui City. Although they would sometimes come to help Luoshui City's affairs (after all, the family is here), but they The main focus of his work fell on the entire Yunlei, and he was sent around by Uchiha Haruhisa.

This also caused Quan Nai to suddenly find out that although this place is the source of the daimyo and the home of the talented ministers when he took over the plate of Luoshui City, there are really not many talents here!

Uchihaji is not short of manpower now, but Quanna is short!

Thinking of the information she received a few days ago, and the group of spies in Luoshui City, Quan Nai's heart immediately moved.

A few days ago, he was still thinking about finding an excuse to kill them. Now it seems that he can learn from his uncle's method and make good use of it.

Showing a smile similar to Uchihaji's sextile, Quan Nai said gently, "This is nature. Humans should have their own value."

Uchihaji was very satisfied when he confirmed that Quanna was enlightened, "Now that you understand, then I won't give you the few courtiers I originally planned to give you, and go fight for the world by yourself."

Quanna:! ! !

etc!Did you still plan to give it to my courtier?Don't take it back!I definitely don't have too many talents! ! !

Also, what does it mean to fight for the world by yourself, I am just a prince, what are you talking about, the true Lord of Luoshui City!

Could it be that you really plan to leave Luoshui City alone?Back then, Izumi Qingyun left a lot of people for you. Even if you developed a lot of new people yourself, you can't really leave me an empty family, right?

Am I really your own nephew?How can there be such a cheating uncle!

Quan Na pursed her lower lip, snorted softly, and chose to use reason and morality to suppress Uchihaji, "Uncle, I think you will definitely help me with your 'magnanimity', and save some people, right?"

If Uchihaji replied, he could logically point out that Uchihaji is the castellan and he is just the son. He is using child labor and other rhetoric, and he can definitely make himself more reasonable.

Uchihaji looked back innocently, rolled his eyes, and was about to say something when he saw the door was pushed open.

There is only one person in this palace who can open the door openly and openly, and that is Central Plains Chuya!

Sensing the arrival of the other party from the contract, Uchihaji closed his mouth logically, got up with a smile and went to pick up Nakahara Chuya...

Juice in hand :)

Throwing on Nakahara Chuya, he didn't care about the other's hand supporting him at all, and directly reached out to touch the juice floating beside him, put the cup in his palm, felt the coldness in it, and burst into a bright smile.

"It's cool~"

Speaking of such soft words, Uchihaji took a sip of the juice to lower the level of the juice so as not to overflow, then bounced and ran to the low table on the other side of the study to ask someone to bring in the dessert , Greet two people to come and enjoy.

Seeing Uchihaji's approach, Quanna knew that her "appeal" had definitely failed.

Uncle is really good at pretending to be stupid... He must have known that Mr. Zhongyuan was coming!Specially waiting for it!

Nakahara didn't care about the "intrigue" between his uncle and nephew, and followed the direction of Uchihaji's hand, and sat beside him. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he stretched out his fingers, superimposed gravity, and moved the last cushion next to the low table. to his side.

In this case, this guy will be alone by his side.

After dividing up the juice, the attendants also arrived with desserts. Uchihaji looked up and left Hyacinth behind, and everyone else went out.

With a look, Hyacinth immediately formed a seal and set down a sealing formation to ensure that no one can detect the situation in the study, and no one can break into it. Then he slowly came to the other party's side and served Uchihaji's food.

Nakahara also raised his hand to block Hyacinth's movement, indicating that she only needs to be responsible for distributing the desserts. As for the consumption of pastries, Uchihaji has no hands or mouth, so no one needs to be fed!

Seeing a hint of jealousy from Nakahara Chuya's actions, Uchiha Ji burst out laughing, "There are times when the dark dwarf is so cute~"

"Who do you think is cute!" Nakahara Chuya turned his head away and looked in Quanna's direction. Seeing that the other party was not paying attention to eating, and some crumbs leaked out of the pastry he swallowed, he frowned, " How did you eat?"

Quan Nai also noticed this, apologized quickly, and cleaned up by herself.

Uchihaji took another look, his eyes lit up little by little, and seeing the excited look on his face, he knew that he had discovered something interesting.

Under such scorching eyes, Quan Nai felt very bad, and always felt that the other party had discovered something that was not good for her!

Uchihaji kept his elegance, smiled, and spoke amazingly:

"Speaking of which, it's time for Quan Nai to change her teeth. Give me the first tooth that falls out. Wrap it up well~"

Quanna:! ! !

Change teeth?That's right, Brother Ban also started to change his teeth last year, and his speech is still a bit leaky! ! !

Uchihaji signaled Hyacinth to go to the hidden compartment of the bookcase and take out a small box wrapped in cloth, and showed it in front of several people, "Gen, Mei, and Madara's first lost tooth are all in it~"

Just looking at the cloth wrapped outside the box, Quan Na felt dizzy.

Because that piece of cloth is covered with overlapping sealing techniques!In other words, if one's teeth were really collected, one would have to break the seal to get them out!

Are you sick?Why use the precious sealing array to preserve this kind of thing!

Uchihaji blinked playfully, "This is the trace of your growing up. Uncle, of course I will keep it well. People who are 'careless' like my brother must not pay attention to this."

Quanna: ...

Even if you kill me, I won't give you the first tooth that falls out!Dream it!

"Even if the sealing array on the cloth is untied, the box also has its own sealing array, and there are several small boxes inside, and there are various styles of sealing arrays."

As if unaware of Quanna's panic, Uchihaji continued to give him critical blows.

"When your teeth fall out, I'll put them away and send them to the Nanyun Grand Shrine, where the priest will take away your bad luck."

Zhong Yuanzhong also heard this, and immediately widened his eyes.

He knew the identity of the priest, but Uchihaji still planned to send this tooth to his bad luck?Are you serious?It's too good to be useful!

Uchihaji is very serious, he really feels the need to do this.

Look at how miserable Quanna's previous life was, no matter how you look at it, Uchiha has a strange bad luck that has been surrounding him, from his ancestor Indra to now!

Although there are some black hands and feet in it, in his eyes, as long as the three-legged cat's kung fu is black, it's fine to hang and beat everyone. It's impossible to really get involved in such things as fate. Let the priest, the spokesperson of world consciousness, take a good look at it. see.

When Madara was five years old, Uchihaji took a day off to take Madara to the priest to receive the "blessing".

Calculating the time, how about sending Quanna over to receive the baptism of "blessing"?

These two brothers were attacked and killed from behind in their previous lives. No matter how you look at it, they are extremely unlucky. It is good to go through a process and make a name in front of the world consciousness...

Thinking about it this way, Uchihaji talked about this matter less jokingly and more sincerely:

"Aren't you still on vacation? You will accompany me to the priest to wash off the mold later."

Quanna:? ? ?

ha?What mold can I have?

Not knowing Uchihaji's good intentions at all, Quanna bumped into Uchihaji, a guy who just did what he said, and had no ability to resist at all, and was packed and sent to the priest of Nanyun Taijin Shrine in a blink of an eye.

This time it's really the way Princess Chuya of Central Plains hugs Uchihaji, and Uchihaji carries Quanna with one hand!

Accepting the baptism of the strong wind, Quanna almost vomited out on the spot when she landed!

Although Uchihaji has always used chakra to protect him, but being hit by the rushing wind like this does not hurt, he will still faint!

"Are you afraid of heights?" Uchihaji was still adding "firewood" to him.


Quan Nai was really angry, and immediately roared, and then shrank smaller and smaller under Uchihaji's gaze, and finally lost all momentum.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you, I won't play this method next time." Uchihaji temporarily compromised.

Quanna: So you are just playing, right?I hear you say the word "play"! ! !

Uchihaji patted him on the head and led him to find the priest, while Nakahara Nakaya followed slowly.

To be honest, Zhongyuan Zhong didn't really like to come to this place to find priests, because they really didn't see each other very well!There is a feeling of "this bastard robbed me"!

The priest maintained his usual gentleness in front of Uchihaji, and listened softly to Uchihaji's story about Quanna, without any impatience.

After making sure to explain everything to the priest, Uchihaji left Quanna here as a "blessing" and waited outside for a while.

When he left, he still didn't forget to remind him, "I think their brothers are really unlucky. It would be nice if this life was smoother."

"Yes." The priest replied gently.

Quan Nai originally thought that the priests looked quite gentle, but they could bear Uchihaji's nagging, and in the next second, they felt what is called the change of life.

The moment Uchihaji closed the door, the gentleness on the priest's face disappeared instantly, and his eyes looked cold and high above, like a god looking down on ignorant human beings from above.

He swept over Quan Nai lightly, and said in a cold voice, "Bring the lost tooth."

Quanna:? ? ?

No, I didn't lose my teeth!

Just thinking about this, Quan Nai felt that the originally hard front teeth suddenly shook and fell out completely uncontrollably.

Quan Nai was stunned. With a move from the priest, the front tooth flew in front of him. With a wave of his hand, Quan Nai saw that the front tooth was wrapped in a piece of golden cloth, and something seemed to fly into the front tooth on his body. , and finally wrapped by layers of sealing arrays.

Just by looking at it, he felt like his whole soul was going to fly.

The priest glanced at him, "The seal of God is not impressive."

After finishing speaking, he got up and opened the door, and welcomed Uchihaji who was waiting at the door.

Quan Nai once again saw the priest's face change in a second, and saw the priest's temperament instantly changed from cold to warm, and said with a smile, "'Blessing' is done, don't worry, his life will be smooth, even if there are difficulties, he will be smooth." live until old age and death."

Uchihaji was very satisfied with the result, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"It should be." The priest nodded, a smile entered his eyes, and he couldn't hide it at all.

Quan Nai observed carefully, and always felt that there was an inexplicable kindness in the eyes of the priest.

Tsk... I must have read it wrong, where is the kindness!

Uchihaji turned his attention back to Quanna, and immediately found the other party's leaky front teeth, and laughed loudly, "Hahahahaha... Are you talking leaky now? I'm laughing to death, the little prince without front teeth ~"

He laughed so much that he had to rely on Nakahara Chuya to stand up, and he pulled Nakahara Nakaya to watch the "spectacle" together: "Chuya, look! It's Nana-chan without front teeth!"

Quanna:! ! !

If you hadn't brought me here, would I have no front teeth?

You must be doing it on purpose!Uncle bastard! ! !

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