Uchiha Haru watched the four of them meet for the first time, and then went home contentedly.

Lying on the tatami and rolling around, he finally hugged the quilt and nestled next to Nakahara Chuya, muttering, "Help me deal with the rest."

He was referring to the pile of "greetings" memorials on the table. All of these memorials were about trivial matters, such as the weather was fine, the people held a temple fair, and how many pieces of hailstone fell today... Besides, There are unshakeable greetings about Uchihaji's physical condition, and rainbow farts that take up a lot of space.

Randomly flipping through, Zhong Yuanzhong couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Why are there so many?"

What is there to hand over this kind of memorial to the leader Uchihaji for correction?

Uchihaji pulled the quilt up a little, and said casually, "This is a regular condolence. I am the leader of Nanyun, and all the foreign officials and local officials of Nanyun wrote to me. Besides them, there are also nobles.

"In the future, there will be more ninjas, and they will understand the rules, so I have to write this."

He is actually very impatient with this thing, it is all trivial, and he has to correct it himself, it is a waste of time!

But if it is cancelled, I will lose some of the fun of onlookers.

Of course, it’s not about looking around for fun from these memorials, but watching their lives on the intelligence, while reading the reports on the memorials, come to play “click and watch”, and pick a hapless ghost to come out and clean up~

Thinking of this, Uchihaji stretched out his hand and randomly took out a copy, flipping through it, "A little nobleman in Buda City? This rainbow fart is not bad..."

Touching his chin, he happily made a decision, picked up a pen and wrote a sentence - "I know it".

After correcting the memorial, he lost his hand, and the memorial flew into the hands of the ninja who emerged from the darkness. Uchihaji gave the order without looking back, "This week's unlucky guy is him, go."

"Unlucky ghost?" Nakahara Zhongya watched the ninja go out with this memorial, as if he was going to do something, and was suddenly a little surprised.

"Is it a trial?" Uchihaji tilted his head and waved his hands, "There are so many low-level nobles who can blow rainbow farts, just pick one out and stumbling them to see if they can solve their difficulties by themselves, or transfer to Go to work in a certain place, whether you can make meritorious service, if you pass it, you will be promoted, but if you pass it, you will lose your title of nobility."

He doesn't think this is a problem at all. In his opinion, the nobles' self-production and sales are too much, and it must be reduced to a certain extent.

The titles of these current nobles can be passed on one by one. For example, Imaeda Taihe under him, I granted him a title in the reward some time ago, and this title can be passed on to his next generation eldest son. In addition, his other legitimate sons can also inherit a title one level lower than this title.

Calculated in this way, isn't it quite a lot?

Uchihaji had the idea of ​​directly killing a large group of people, but this is unrealistic.

He still needs the support of the nobles. Even if he sneaks in a group of hard-working civilians to become officials, in the final analysis, the ruling court is still the nobles, and even for a long time to come, this matter will not change. of.

"It is enough for Quanna to solve the problems of ninjas and nobles in the future. As for the problems of common people, leave them to the distant future."

Uchihaji didn't intend to be a treasure father, if it wasn't because his plan was almost the same, Tajima and Izumi Qingyun were tied to this boat, otherwise he would have run away on the spot.

In fact, being a leisurely city lord is not bad~

Nakahara also heard the meaning of Uchihaji, he is only responsible for conquering the world, and the rest is not his business.

"Will this be a little..."

Opened his mouth, Zhongyuan Zhong didn't quite agree with this theory.

He is a responsible person. If it were him, he would definitely have to deal with the aftermath and arrange everything properly, but Uchihaji is different from him.

In other words, Uchiha's thoughts have actually been influenced by many Uchihas.

Ninja's "thinking of the strong", Uchiha's "the strong are respected", and Izumi Qingyun's "nobility is supreme"... These theories have all been integrated into Uchihaji's thoughts, and are mixed with the things of the previous life. Together, he became who he is now.

In this world, I have strength, so I can do whatever I want. I can realize my ideals and accomplish what I want to do. As for what the person who takes my place will do after this thing is done, whether If you can continue to retain this achievement, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Because, I have done what I want to do.

Uchihaji thought so, completely unaware of how similar his idea was to Madara and Hashirama in the future.

In Quanna's previous life, Hashirama and Madara established Ninja Village for their own ideals, creating a new era, but it also brought countless disadvantages.

Madara will go to smash the village because he thinks the village is far from his ideal, and Hashirama protects the village because the village is still his ideal, and the people in the village are also the people he wants to protect.

If people from the distant future come to accuse them, thinking that in the final analysis this matter is that they established a ninja village and caused the destruction of those great ninja clans one by one, Hashirama and Madara will just let them say, but it will not change their idea.

In the final analysis, what the latecomers develop into is their problem.

The people who built the village just fulfilled their ambitions.

Although Nakahara Chuya is also a strong man, he still can't understand this kind of thinking, but Uchihaji doesn't ask him to understand, everyone has their own ideas and ideas, just don't interfere with each other.

Uchihaji shrugged, but he was thinking about a question in his heart.

Where did Chuuye's responsible and reliable character come from?Normally, gods shouldn't have such thoughts, and neither did Verlaine!

Let Rimbaud teach him well in the future, this guy is too simple, he is easy to be deceived!

Of course, being cheated by me is a matter of course, not being cheated by others :)

Uchihaji hummed a little tune, and accompanied by the rustling sound of Nakahara Nakaya correcting the memorial, he closed his eyes, lay comfortably, and gradually fell asleep.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Quan Nai's voice came:

"The final is about to begin!"

Uchihaji woke up, looked over subconsciously, heaved a sigh of relief, and lay back bored, "Final... Madara vs. Hashirama?"

"Yes," Quan Nai nodded, and then realized something was wrong, "Why did you call that guy Senju Hashirama 'Hashirama'?"

"Isn't the name chosen to be called by others? Besides, it's not just a thousand hands who came. Do I want to be called by my surname?"

Uchihaji smacked his lips, threw the quilt aside, stretched his waist, pulled Nakahara Chuya up, and finally agreed to follow Quanna away.

There are people around the final venue, including civilians, nobles, and ninjas. They are all paying close attention to this final. Winning or losing this time is related to the face of Nagumo and the country of Japan!

When he came to the upper position, Uchihaji first delivered an exciting speech, and then he sat down and motioned for the start of the game.

Although sitting a little far away, Uchihaji and others with particularly good eyesight can see the scene clearly.

There is still a gap in strength between Madara and Zhu. After all, one is still at the normal upper level of Senshou, and the other has been buffed for a year.

One manipulated Fire Dungeon and Sharingan, and the other used Earth Dungeon and Water Dungeon.

Uchiha Haru looked in all directions, sensing the situation of everyone in the field, and suddenly caught a familiar aura, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw Bai Ze's head popping out from somewhere.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the feel of Bai Jue's pillow.

That stupid guy is very comfortable to touch, and it is soft when used as a pillow for sleeping, and the quality is also very good~

At this time, Madara in the field had already used his big round fan, fanned it hard, the flames boiled, and filled the gap found by Sharingan, and quickly sealed the space between the pillars.

At the same time, he also used the sealing technique, which is a simple and trapping sealing technique, even a ninja like him can easily use it.

Hashirama was trapped and didn't panic. He counted the remaining amount of Chakra in his heart. He used the water escape to counteract the flames. He stepped hard. When he jumped up, his hands quickly formed seals and turned into an attack of earth escape. A piece flew towards Madara's face.

Without the slightest bit of fear, Bantuan waved his fan, slapped away the clods of dirt, jumped up, and without hesitation gave a heavy kick to the thousand-handed pillar that had just emerged under his feet through the earth escape.

The two of them fought back and forth, and Hashirama gradually felt the strain.

It is said that Uchiha is physically weak?The physical strength and stamina of this one is stronger than mine!

Seeing this, Quan Nai's eyes lit up, she didn't dare to cheer for Brother Ban directly, she could only carefully clenched her hands under the table, shouting cheers in her heart, she only hoped that Brother Ban would be able to beat that guy Senshouzhujian in this life !

At this time, Madara kicked out flying, hitting Hashirama's waist and abdomen, kicking the opponent several meters away, hitting the wall, with a bang, Hashirama was already exhausted at this time, and his ears were buzzing Ming, fell to the ground, buried by falling stones.

"that's all?"

Madara panted, wiping the fine sweat from his forehead, with some disappointment in his words.

Although he is also receiving Uchiha's teaching on weekdays and has learned a lot of knowledge, Madara is just a sponge, absorbing knowledge and power crazily, as if there is no limit at all.

Not everyone can bear the teaching of Tailed Beast and Chuya!

Those are two guys who can destroy the world. Under their training, how could Madara be weak?

The body skills and endurance problems that Uchiha has have been completely filled, even far better than most ninjas, plus the talent in sharing eyes, as well as Professor Uchihaji's use of chakra and illusion methods, with additional Various sealing techniques.

Madara, who was raised in this way, is now six years old and already has the qualifications to compete for the place of Chunin!

Therefore, against Hashirama, who was brought up under the normal Senju Ninja teaching, his advantage is so obvious, because the strength is not equal.

From this point of view, he is already the winner, because Senshou Hashirama has long been unable to fight back.

Uchihaji, who was on the sidelines, didn't feel that this was the end.

If Asura's reincarnation is so easy to kill, why would Hei Jue pay so much attention?

Maybe, the buff between the pillars will arrive~

Sure enough, when the referee opened his mouth to announce Madara's victory, a phenomenon suddenly appeared on the ground.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and the vine branches were pulled out from the ground, flying up one by one, swaying wantonly, showing their sense of existence.

The stone buried in Zhujian was also blasted away, Qianshou Zhujian stood up with one hand on the ground, the back of his hand wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were fixed on Madara, the plants beside him were still growing wildly, bit by bit This small training ground is completely wrapped up.

He took a deep breath, stood firm, and said seriously:

"it's not finished yet!"

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