In fact, Quan Nai didn't really want his brother Ban to have any interaction with Senshou Zhu, but this was not something he could control.

Compared with his reluctance, Uchihaji, who hosted this event, hoped that these two people would collide.

For Quan Nai, Uncle is a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement!Even if the person involved is a nephew, he can laugh without hesitation.

Seeing that Senshou Zhujian really got to know Brother Ban gradually, Quan Nai obviously became anxious.

Hugging Madara's arm, Quan Na pursed her lips and said seriously, "Brother Ban, he is Senshou, an opponent!"

It cannot be said to be an "enemy", because the country of the sun is now a partner with Nagumo, so it can only be referred to as an "opponent" in a friendly match.

Madara blinked, but didn't think it was a problem.

His eyes fell on Senshou Zhujian's body, and he could only feel the fighting spirit in his heart.

"See you in the final!"

Madara put down the words directly, he was very sure that both he and Senju Zhuma would enter the finals of the friendly match!His vision is unmistakable!

Senshou Zhuma touched the back of his head and nodded quickly, "See you in the final!"

Seeing these two guys talking to each other, the second child of the Qianshou family, Qianshou Fei felt a little vigilance inexplicably.

His eyes turned back and forth, and finally fixed on Quanna beside Madara. He frowned slightly, and said coldly, "Is this the Uchiha tradition?"

Is it something a host should do to declare war before the war?

Quan Nai finally set her sights on Senshou Feijian, and was surprised to find that this guy was still so immature.

The white broken hair has not been pinned by the ninja's forehead, and it is scattered. With those red eyes, how cute is it?

Bah, bah, bah... how could a white-haired bastard be cute!He's a guy with a heart!

After thinking about it in her mind, Quan Nai suddenly remembered a serious question.

Speaking of which, I was born early in this life. Normally, I am two years younger than Brother Ban, but now I am only one year younger than Brother Ban.

In other words, Qianshou Feijian is one year younger than me!

Quan Nai felt refreshed in an instant, and there was an extra place in the middle of her life in her life!

He was in a better mood, and he was not so unhappy when facing Qianshoubeijian.

Putting on a full posture, he raised his chin slightly, his black eyes cast a contemptuous look, and said with a sneer, "We Uchihas are not yet your turn to speak!"

"Heh..." Qianshou sneered, but couldn't find anything to break through, "I hope you don't lose too badly!"

"That's a pity, I'm not on the battle list~"

Quan Nai made a grimace and raised her chin.

Of course he could hear that Qianshoubeijian was declaring war with him. Unfortunately, he was pressured by his uncle to go to work. Naturally, he couldn't fight him, otherwise he would have to beat this white-haired bastard severely. Beat to disfigurement!

"The door."

Senshou Zhujian called Senshou Feijian's name, signaling him to restrain himself.

"Cough... My younger brother Feijian is out of the clan for the first time, and he is not used to it."

He calmly put the reason for the quarrel between the two parties on his younger brother's head, after all, Tobima was the first to speak provocatively.

Afterwards, Senju Bashima looked at Quanna who was like Madara Baba, and said with a smile, "Your brother really looks like you."

"Well, Quanna is an angel!" Madara praised his younger brother without hesitation, and didn't think there was anything wrong with his adjectives.

Qianshou Feijian looked at Quanna, and then thought about the meaning of "angel", turned his head away, trying to hide the twitching of his mouth.

Being praised by Brother Ban, Quan Nai's joy index rose to a new level again, but when she saw Qian Shou Fei Jian's expression, her eyes sharpened, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Senshou Fujian shook his head, decisively chose "this Madara may be blind" and swallowed it back, tugging at Senshou Hashirama, "We have to register."

"Ah, yes," reminded by his younger brother, Senshou Zhuma remembered the registration, touched the back of his head, let the other party drag him away, and waved to Madara, "See you later!"

Ban Wei nodded, her movements were so small that she couldn't tell if she didn't pay attention.

However, the piercing Senshou Bashima saw it, his eyes became brighter, and his smile became brighter. Even when registering, he was still talking to Senshou Feijian: "Tobima, it was worth coming this time! Madara should He is my future opponent!"

"Are you so sure?" Senshou Fei frowned and thought for a while, "Then he is the next Uchiha patriarch?"

Senjuzhujian is the future patriarch of the Senju family, and if the one named Madara can really be compared with his elder brother, then it may really be the future Uchiha patriarch.

However, Uchiha and Senju are no longer the same, at least in terms of environment.

Their Qianshou family is in the country of the sun. Apart from not having the title deed of the clan land at all, the daimyo is often suppressed and reused together. They were only engaged in a period of time a few days ago, and the clan's finances are in vain... …

The only thing to be happy about is that they are the strongest family over there. No one can compete with them for difficult entrusted tasks, and the client trusts them more, so the money they earn is enough to support the entire family for a long time.

But Uchiha is different. They used to live the same entrusted task life as Senju, but now, Uchiha is in Nanyun, has an official position, and has a fixed salary. The leader of Nanyun is still Uchiha's relatives. The relationship between them is very good, so that Uchiha's life here is called a wind and water.

Nanyun ninjas are the envy and envy of ninjas in other regions.

May I ask, who doesn't want to be despised and disgusted by others?And who doesn't want to change their humble status?But they can't do it! ! !

Senshou Feijian knows that it is absolutely impossible for the Senshou clan to move away, so they can only continue to live like this, unless the daimyo is willing to change the policy towards ninjas, but this possibility is really pitiful.

What they should do now is to let Senshou perform well, and even win the championship, otherwise it will be difficult to prove their excellence, and the entrustment money given by the daimyo will be difficult to return to the original level.

And the best candidate to win the championship is his brother!

Taking a deep breath, Qian Shou Feijian abandoned all thoughts, and seriously encouraged his brother: "Win the championship!"

Senshou Zhuma didn't notice Senshou Feima's worries at all, or in other words, in his opinion, it wasn't a big problem.

Touching the back of his head, he said with a smile, "I'm really looking forward to...the battle with Madara."

Between Thousand Hands: ...

What?Brother already called Uchiha Madara "Blade"?They just chatted for four or five minutes, right?Has the relationship gotten so good?The evil Uchiha must have charmed my brother! ! !

Here, Senshou Banjian is secretly cursing Uchiha Madara's "cunning", while Quan Nai is trying to instill "Thousands of Evil Theory" in Madara.

"Brother Ban, don't be fooled by the enthusiasm of the Qianshou family, that family is not a good person."

Quan Nai pursed her lips and gave some examples, "Erwei and Sanwei have already said that the sealing technique of the Tailed Beast was jointly developed by Senshou and Uzumaki!"

Because of Uchiha Osamu's relationship, Erwei and Sanwei often go to the Uchiha tribe to play, so the relationship between the two brothers and the two tailed beasts is not bad, and the reason why Quanna is studying government affairs now, they all know Uzumaki's sealing technique against tailed beasts.

Madara tilted her head, "Hashirama won't."

From his perception and intuition, he is more inclined to feel that Senju Zhuma is the same kind of person as himself.

Maybe Senjujuma will be a little more devious and more tolerant, but they are essentially the same.

This kind of sealing technique to seal the tailed beast, Senshou Zhujian would not use it, because he, like himself, did not like this kind of "cheating" "devious ways"!

Quan Nai was choked, and said again, "We are enemies, you know what uncle wants to do."

He is emphasizing Uchihaji's ambition of "conquering the world". As long as Uchihaji still has this idea, they will inevitably fight with the Senju clan of the Kingdom of the Sun.

Madara shook his head, "It's the opponent."

Not an enemy, but an opponent.

"You and that boy from the Senshou family named 'Takama' just now looked..." Madara thought for a moment, "A bit different?"

Quanna: ...

Can that be called "a bit inconsistent"?We are born to be at odds!

As a good younger brother, Quanna would not really refute Madara's words, but just frowned and said, "His attitude makes me uncomfortable."

Nodding thoughtfully, Madara looked at Quanna without saying a word.

I have been with Quanna for five years, the two brothers eat and live together, and Madara is an intuitive guy, how could he not see that his brother has a secret?

Quan Na not only has secrets, but also has very deep and important secrets!

Although "genius" is used to explain Quanna's quick mastery of ninjutsu and shuriken, Madara is not blind.

My uncle always likes to talk to Quan Nai in whispers, and directly appoints him as the heir. This matter is obviously not covered up at all.

Why is it Quanna?

Before Quanna was one year old, this matter was decided. How did my uncle make this decision?

Madara once asked, and the answer Uchihaji gave was "the priest of Nanyun Tai Shrine predicted it", but he didn't believe this answer.

My uncle is not the kind of person who would believe this kind of person, so this answer is just to fool me, and it is the kind of extremely careless fool, I am sure that I will never go into it.

Yes, Uchihaji's guess is correct.

Madara did not go into the details of the reasons, and was willing to be concealed and deceived.

Because Quan Nai is his younger brother, his most precious angel brother, so none of this matters.

Raising his hand, Madara rubbed Quanna's little head, facing the other party's puzzled eyes, said nothing, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I just want Quan Nai to be okay.

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