The appearance of Chuya Nakahara did not affect the careers of Uchihaji and Meilin. The careers of their "Mei Li☆Tanxi" idol group are still booming, and they even reached the level of going to the Budokan within a year. .

Although there are also various factors involved, such as the hands and feet of the special agent department, the secret assistance of the port mafia, and the handover of various forces...

All in all, their going to the Budokan to hold a concert is really finalized!

Staring at the leaflet for the Budokan concert in his hand, Uchihaji looked at the black and red costume he was wearing on it, and then at Chuya Nakahara, who had been laughing muffledly beside him, and said uncomfortably:

"Do you have any opinion?"

"No, no..." Zhong Yuanzhong also shook his head again and again.

He has also practiced it in these few months. Even if he sees Uchihaji turned into a 14-year-old girl, he can deal with it calmly. He even learned to wave the baton as a support team leader and stand in the front when the other party holds a concert. A few support sticks, calling for Uchihaji.

Moreover, Nakahara Chu also joined Uchihaji's fan base and became a big fan.

If you ask Nakahara Chuya in the past, he would never have thought that he would be able to achieve such a level one day, but now he is completely proficient.

Reluctantly believing Chuya Nakahara's "nonsense", Uchihaji put down the leaflet and turned to ask about the Merlin Holy Grail War.

"If I remember correctly, the time of the Budokan concert seems to be the third day of the Holy Grail War..."

Merlin nodded, indicating that he guessed correctly, "Yes, it's the third day."

"Is there no problem?" Uchihaji asked about Merlin, "Don't you want to witness the growth of King Arthur?"

"Okay, I can see it."

Although it is a fusion world, their clairvoyance will not be blocked as the existence of mutual communication between the two sides. Merlin's clairvoyance is enough to support him to see what happened in Fuyuki City, so he can naturally see what King Arthur experienced.

Uchihaji nodded thoughtfully, and happily clapped his hands to settle the matter.

"In this case, let's hold the last concert at the Budokan in the world of 'Book'!"

Holding a concert at the Budokan in the world of "Book" is not a violation of the Holy Grail World's requirement that they must be in Fuyuki City during the Holy Grail War. After all, their projection is indeed in Fuyuki City, but the main body is in another world. That's all.

You are looking for us in the Holy Grail world, what about us in the "book" world?

Thinking of this, Uchihaji and Meilin enthusiastically planned what the Budokan concert would look like.

Seeing that Uchihaji was planning with great interest, Nakahara thought about it, turned around and went to Fuyuki City to find out, took a bunch of information, and came back to see that the two were already playing like flying, Completely forget about myself.

Nakahara Chuya: A little upset.jpg

After coughing, Nakahara Chuya opened his mouth and was about to say something, Uchihaji interrupted him first:

"By the way, Chuya, you are in Fuyuki City in the Holy Grail World these days."

Central Plains Chuya:? ? ?

Uchihaji didn't feel sorry for throwing his boyfriend out, and even said bluntly:

"You can be considered a half-anchor. You go to Fuyuki City to stay, so that Merlin and I can play thoroughly... the last concert is over."

Chuya Nakahara: just said "play", right?Definitely say it!

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Yuanzhong also felt that it was not worth getting angry about it.

After convincing himself seriously, he tilted his head and said, "Will it be okay for me to go to Fuyuki City?"

"...No problem." Uchihaji paused strangely before answering.

He handed over a meaningful look, and said seriously: "If something happens, don't resist."

Uchihaji didn't explain what this sentence meant, but it was obviously a reminder, and Nakahara Chuka immediately remembered it in his heart.

Nakahara was also reluctantly left in Fuyuki City, watching his family Aji and Meilin run to the concert hand in hand, not to mention how bad the mood was.

Guarding the stronghold in Fuyuki City, the moment the Holy Grail War started, Zhongyuan also suddenly felt a huge force permeating the air, as if something was awakened at that moment.

Perhaps this is the spiritual vein of the legendary Holy Grail War?Or is it the Holy Grail?

He thought so, but felt something was wrong.

The power in this air is not just ordinary power, but also full of tyranny and pollutants.

The extremely sticky dark breath came looking for similar power attributes and wrapped him in it. Zhong Yuanzhong also subconsciously used his own power, but he couldn't completely get rid of the other party. Instead, he absorbed these powers unconsciously. Come in.

Huangbatu is the god of destruction and destruction. His instinct is to absorb these dark and negative auras.

Zhongyuan Zhong also felt bad after taking two sips.

The power that was originally integrating smoothly increased suddenly, and even had a tendency to go berserk. He could only control two-thirds of the power that belonged entirely to him, and the remaining one-third spread out involuntarily. Double the gravity blessing.

Under the pressure of huge gravity, the formed gravitational field is like a killing field, and the existence that enters this field will be crushed by gravity in an instant.

This huge force is running wild, stirring up Chuya Chuya's mentality little by little, causing him to gradually fall into a state of running rampant, with the desire to destroy.

At this moment, Zhong Yuanzhong also realized something from his own strength.

He remembered Uchihaji's meaningful words in a trance, and understood what he was going to do.

Zhong Yuanzhong also let go of his control, allowing his consciousness to sink down with that force, and enter a brand new world.

In this case, what Zhongyuan Zhong also showed to the outside world was a complete runaway state, turning into a black-red flame that saw people kill people and gods kill gods.

But before he sank into consciousness, he still remembered to move to the river first, and no innocent people were hurt.

The aura belonging to the Rage God reached its peak at this moment, filling the entire river, controlling it within the domain, distorting the time and space around it, and attracting the attention of countless people.

"Tsk...God." The blond man sensed the aura of destruction of the god, frowned, turned into a spirit in displeasure, and fell to the river, looking coldly at the faintly rampant god in the river, "It's still a child cub."

Several other teams of Holy Grail War participants also came here one after another, and they were a little dazed when they saw the gods running rampant on the river.

King Arthur was the first to realize something, and he clenched the invisible sword in his hand, "What heroic spirit is this? God?"

It shouldn't be Berserker, the opponent has appeared in the previous battles, but the guy in front of him also has a tendency to go berserk, this aura is somewhat similar to Berserker's feeling...

King Arthur counted the heroic spirits who appeared on the stage in his mind, and said, "Is it Caster?"

"Even if it's Caster, it shouldn't be in this berserk state, right?" Weber said softly, "I can't see his stats."

"It's all right, if it's an enemy, then defeat it! If it's a brave man, then subdue it!" The King of Conquerors laughed and slapped Weber on the back several times, causing him to stagger a few steps forward, obviously unable to bear it Stay with such strength.

Emiya Kiritsugu who was hiding in the dark stared at the existence in the river through the magnifying glass, frowned, and thought about how to deal with it.

If you can find out the opponent's master, then it will be easy...

The onlookers and masters looked at this area with nothing to do (heavy fog), and when they found that the other party didn't seem to be expanding outwards at all, they all chose to watch instead of attacking directly.

In this case, the first to attack will instead expose its means and attract other people's information collection, which is not conducive to the battle on its own side.

With so many people watching, the supervisor responsible for supervising the battle sent a message that if someone could get rid of the guy in the river, he could get more Command Seals.

When this point came out, the attitudes of the Master and the Heroic Spirits changed 180 degrees in an instant.

"Is this Caster?" King Arthur couldn't help asking again.

The church personnel in charge of delivering the message shook their heads, "This is not Caster, but the patron saint of Master Caster."

Yes, they all know that Nakahara is also the patron saint of Uchihaji, the master. Although he is also summoned, he is still very different from the heroic spirit.

Everyone was stunned, the title of Patronus God was really surprising. In this era, as a human Master, there is actually a Patronus God?

The blond heroic spirit seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned sour, "Heh... the patron saint."

Seeing that the faces of the heroic spirits and masters became complicated, the church staff thought about it and felt that they couldn't be hurt by themselves, and that it would be better for everyone to be hurt together!

He took out his mobile phone, tapped a few times, and opened a live broadcast of the concert for everyone in front of him to watch.

Crowd: ? ? ?

The church staff said solemnly, "This is the Budokan, and today is the day of the 'Merry☆Tanxi' idol group's Budokan concert."

King Arthur felt bad when he heard the name "Merry".

Sure enough, the next second, the church personnel pointed to the white-haired girl inside and said, "This is the heroic spirit."

Crowd: ? ? ?

What?She is a heroic spirit?That is, Caster?Which heroic spirit will debut as an idol?Do you still have the morals to be a Heroic Spirit? !

King Arthur's expression changed in an instant, and she swore with her sword of oath that this girl who is a top-notch singer and dancer is definitely her bastard teacher who does not blink!

Taking a few deep breaths, she suppressed the eagerness to move in her heart, so as not to rush over and split her teacher in half at such a time (heavy fog).

Except for King Arthur, the others didn't really recognize who the white-haired girl was, so they didn't have such a big reaction as King Arthur.

The church staff deliberately left some time for them to slow down, then pointed to the black-haired girl who was also singing and dancing, and said, "This is the master."

Crowd:! ! !

What?Not only Caster is an idol, but the Master also goes there?Also set up an idol group? !

How did their group escape from Fuyuki City during the Holy Grail War?Even went to the Budokan to hold a concert?That is the Budokan that all idols dream of!

Did you agree that everyone should be "closed in confinement"?Why are we fighting to fight for the Holy Grail here, but they can travel across the country to hold concerts there?It's not fair!

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