Ming Yuruo got up from the ground unsteadily, and almost staggered and fell onto the incense table in front of her.

Fortunately, she stabilized her body in time. Relying on the instinctive reaction trained in the palace, when receiving the imperial edict, she subconsciously took out a purse and stuffed it into the eunuch's hand.

The eunuch who delivered the decree felt the weight of the purse in Fan's hand with a smile, and the smile on his face became sincere.

He lowered his voice and said to Ming Yuruo: "Your Majesty Ming, please follow His Highness Prince An closely. Your good luck is due to Prince An's kind words in front of the Holy One."

Ming Yuruo nodded blankly, not knowing whether she had listened or not. After sending off the eunuch who passed the decree according to the etiquette, she stood there for a long time in a daze until a congratulation woke her up.

"Miss Yuruo, oh no, it's time to call Master Ming, congratulations! The future is bright!" Ming Yuruo turned around and found that the officials sent by the government to live in the sheep farm had already surrounded her.

After reacting, Ming Yuruo put on a smirk and greeted them. Ming Yuruo felt more and more illusory when she saw the unwilling but congratulatory expressions on the faces of these petty officials.

Some of the petty officials sincerely congratulated them, while others were sour in their hearts. They worked so hard for so many years to please their superiors and build a good relationship with their colleagues, but they couldn't compare to a woman?

Even though this woman came up with a breed of sheep that had never been seen before for the prince to raise sheep, many petty officials were still unconvinced, but what could they do?Even if it's just a woman, it's still an eighth-rank official.

Different from these low-level officials, no matter how low the rank of the eighth-rank official is in the capital, they can still be called a big man in the local area.

After hearing the noise, the hired workers from the woolen factory, the textile factory and the sheep farm all poked their heads out, and were called back by the maids who disciplined them. However, when the hired workers went back, the maids all came out to congratulate Ming Yuruo.

These maids were sent together with the guards when the emperor rewarded King An last time. King An really didn’t need so many maids to serve him, and there was a lack of middle-level management in the workshops on the outskirts of the city, so King An sent a group of maids. come here.

In the beginning, these court ladies were very dissatisfied that they wanted to listen to the command of Mrs. Yang, a businessman's wife, and they were even more dissatisfied with the management of Ming Yuruo, a young court lady who was even one level lower than them in the palace.

However, King An did not dare to disobey the order, but what these maids said behind their backs was extremely unpleasant, but now they don't have the jealous eyes and unwilling expressions on their faces at that time.

They had very enthusiastic smiles on their faces, as if they had never said anything to slander Ming Yuruo.

Ming Yuruo only felt it was funny when he saw how nothing happened on their faces congratulating her.If it wasn't for my strong heart, and because Wang An had instructed her to raise sheep, I would have been dragged down by these court ladies long ago.

But so what, now that I am an official, these people have to hold back no matter how unwilling they are.Even though she thought so, Ming Yuruo still felt unsteady as if her feet were on the clouds.

After finally dealing with these people and getting them all back to work, Ming Yuruo directly told Mrs. Yang that she had to go back to the palace to find Wang An.

As soon as she stepped into the gate of the palace, Ming Yuruo obviously felt that the attitudes of the people around her had changed.

The most intuitive thing is that no one dared to call her Miss Yuruo, and they uniformly called her Master Ming and Farmer Ming.

The guards used to look at pretty girls with the respectful look they used to look at officials.

Ming Yuruo was excited and terrified all the way, until she saw Wang An sitting behind the desk.

"Slave... No, my minister Ming Yuruo has met the prince." When Ming Yuruo saw that she was calling herself a slave, King An obviously frowned, and quickly changed his words. Sure enough, King An's expression eased when he called himself a servant

King An asked, "I don't know why Ming servants are looking for this king?"

Ming Yuruo gritted her teeth, and asked with a heartbeat: "I don't know why the lord wants to ask for this official position for my minister?"

Immediately, she heard Wang An ask suspiciously: "Don't you like this reward?"

Ming Yuruo hurriedly replied: "No, this reward is really a surprise for the minister, but such a heavy reward really makes the minister feel panic..."

Ming Yuruo closed her eyes, and said the biggest worry in her heart: "Besides, my lord, this minister is a woman."

The whole study room was silent for a while, Ming Yuruo raised her head quietly and noticed that the expression on Wang An's face was even more confused.

"So?" Ming Yuruo heard King An say this, "What does rewarding merit have to do with you being a woman?"

"Ming servant, you took this official position based on your merits," Wang An said calmly, "This king did not exaggerate any of your achievements in the note he wrote to the emperor, and the emperor still chose to give it to you." This official position shows that you can afford it."

Ming Yuruo's heart was shaken when she heard these words, she couldn't help but fix her gaze on King An's face and didn't move.

My heart also settled down, recalling the compliments I heard before, I suddenly felt not so panicked.

"Then the king of Ming servant Nong is asking you now, do you have the confidence to secure this position? If you feel that you can't afford it, this king will immediately make a statement and let the emperor withdraw it. But..." Speaking of this, Wang An suddenly After a pause, he said with a serious expression.

"If you feel that you can take on the responsibility, Ming Shi Nong, remember, standing behind you is the king."

Ming Yuruo suddenly felt a fire ignited in her chest. For the first time, she felt the feeling of a scholar dying for a confidant, and said to King An: "I can afford it. I will definitely not let the prince value me!"

Chu An looked at the Daughter of Destiny who was burning with fighting spirit in front of him, and let her back down contentedly.

Commander Xue, who was in charge of sending Ming Yuruo out, came back and told Chu An that Ming Yuruo had returned to the sheep farm and continued to work depending on the situation.

While drinking tea, Chu An thought complacently that if he wanted to let the horse run, he had to feed the horse. With a big carrot like an official position hanging in front of the Daughter of Destiny, he was afraid of being so ambitious Doesn't the Daughter of Destiny contribute to Daqian Dynasty?

Thinking of this, Chu An began to check the news about the cloud sheep raised by Ming Yuruo.

The amount of wool produced by Ming Yuruo's cloud sheep was more than double that of ordinary sheep, which also made the border soldiers unable to digest so many sweaters.

Chu An's way of dealing with this was to add new expensive sweaters to the sweater shops in Border City, while the price of ordinary sweaters dropped a little.

It has dropped to the point where some wealthy commoners can afford it.

As for the cloud wool sweater, it wasn't that Chu An didn't want to lower the price, but that if the cloud wool with such fine wool was sold at the same price as ordinary wool, the head of the palace would hold the account book and cry in front of him again.

But in this way, Chu An had to think about going to the Xiongnu to buy some sheep again, but this time, instead of killing the sheep directly like last year, the new pasture was enough to raise another batch of sheep.

Chu An silently thought that this would trouble the Daughter of Destiny again, but seeing her high-spirited appearance just now, she should like the gift he gave her.

Ming Yuruo, who returned to the sheep farm, was no different from before she was appointed as an official. She did not put on airs and did not take revenge on those who had offended her before.

She seems to be the same Yuruo girl from before, but judging from the official robes she occasionally puts on, she is different after all.

When Xiao Honglang came back from the capital after escorting the grain and grass, he learned the news that Ming Yuruo had been appointed as an official. He rushed to the sheep farm in a hurry, and the first thing he saw was Ming Yuruo who was wearing an eighth-rank official robe. .

Ming Yuruo, who was wearing an official robe, lost a little bit of the previous gentleness and became more vigorous, and even the words she spoke were with unquestionable firmness: "...the ewes gave birth at 2 am last night, why are you not on duty?" ?”

The hired worker in front of him opened his mouth as if he wanted to refute, but when he saw Ming Yuruo's official robe, he swallowed those words back and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Ming Yuruo reprimanded the hired worker who almost caused a few ewes to have dystocia, and then deducted her monthly bonus as a respectful example. When she turned her head, she saw Xiao Honglang looking slightly embarrassed.

"...Brother Honglang, long time no see." Ming Yuruo was a little surprised. She had rarely seen Xiao Honglang since she came to the sheep farm. A month ago, when Xiao Honglang was about to leave for the capital to escort the army rations.

Ming Yuruo's expression was a little dazed, too many things had happened these days, it seemed that a few days ago she was a little palace maid who wanted to become a dragon and a phoenix, but now she has become an eighth-rank servant.

"Long time no see, Yuruo." Xiao Honglang looked at Ming Yuruo in front of him with a complicated expression.

The almond-eyed girl in official robes became dazzling as if she had finally liberated her repressed nature. She was no longer as gentle as before, but she was even more attractive.

He frowned and said to Ming Yuruo: "I came here when I heard the news of your dismissal in the city."

Ming Yuruo said with a smile: "Brother Honglang is here to congratulate me?"

Xiao Honglang hooked the corners of his mouth and said: "Yes, congratulations on being promoted, but..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Honglang's expression became serious and he said: "Yu Ruo, do you really understand the meaning behind this official?"

Without waiting for Ming Yuruo to open his mouth, Xiao Honglang said directly: "You appoint an official as a woman. In the eyes of those ministers, this is really treason. You will be criticized, imprisoned and even splashed with sewage!" Xiao Honglang, who was a little excited, took a step forward, stared into Ming Yuruo's eyes and said, "The officials of the entire court will come to attack you, and they will make you worthless, and even leave you with a bad reputation!"

"Yu Ruo, the road you are about to embark on is really very difficult. If you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces," Xiao Honglang even said in a pleading tone, "Yu Ruo, resign, this road is really difficult." It's too dangerous."

Ming Yuruo was silent for a while, then raised her head and said, "Thank you, Brother Honglang, I have already considered what you said when I was appointed as an official."

"But I still want to give it a try. After all, I rely on my own achievements for this position, and I didn't get it by pleasing anyone." Ming Yuruo looked at his palms that had become slightly rough due to raising sheep, and was a little lost in thought. Said.

Immediately Ming Yuruo raised his head and said firmly: "Besides, King An risked the world's displeasure by letting me become an official, and he will definitely not let me sacrifice in vain."

Looking at Ming Yuruo's firm expression, Xiao Honglang understood that he had made up his mind, just like she made up her mind to go to the palace back then, so he could only sigh and said, "You are still so stubborn, remember that in case something happens in the future Remember to write to me, I can still save your life."

Ming Yuruo thanked Xiao Honglang for his kindness with a smile, and when she said goodbye to Xiao Honglang and returned to the sheep farm again, Mrs. Yang came over to her with a look of surprise and said: "Ming servant, you are really good!" Things are like gods."

Ming Yuruo suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Sure enough, the lord sent another batch of sheep down. The sheep pens you packed up just came in handy." Mrs. Yang said in admiration.

Ming Yuruo: Sure enough, King An does not have any credibility in this matter.

The author has something to say: Little Theater

Ming Yuruo: Sure enough, I guessed it right, but what's the matter if I'm not happy at all? (exhausted)


Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: this world cannot accommodate my 10 bottles of salty water;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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