The tyrants went back that day almost in a frenzy, and even forgot to bring the sheep back.

However, they forgot, Commander Xue did not forget, and directly sent the sheep back to their residence one by one.

Looking at the sheep in front of them powerfully, they wanted to vomit but did not dare to vomit, and they were not in the mood to eat, but recalling Commander Xue's murderous appearance, they still insisted on cooking the mutton in the hot pot.

His family members didn't know why the owner/master had such an expression. The mutton was delicious, but the expression on his face seemed to be constipated.

After eating these sheep, the owners breathed a sigh of relief and then fell ill in bed. Some of them were stretched, and some had stomach pains. The doctor who came to diagnose them judged that they would have to keep them for at least 2 to 3 months.

Chu An was still humming, happy that he had disposed of so many rams, but what was strange was that when he sent the cashmere coat to the Generalissimo, the Generalissimo looked at him very strangely.

Grand Marshal: This kid is a bit ruthless. Those Patriarchs may not be able to recover in a few months.

For more than a few months, these powerful families have not had any trouble for half a year, and then they will still tremble when they see Chu An.

And half a year later, Chu An was harvesting the last batch of grass and was preparing to plant new grass seeds in autumn.

The harvester pulled by the ox cuts the last batch of pastures to the ground, and the short-term laborers who come later will bundle the pastures and send them to the warehouse for storage.

Seeing the orderly signs in front of him, Chu An nodded in satisfaction and went to the sheep farm next door.

Now the entire sheep farm has doubled in size, and all the materials are used. It looks completely different from the slightly shabby one before. At first glance, I thought it was the house of some big family.

Chu An walked into the sheep farm, Ming Yuruo had been waiting here for a long time, this time she was reporting to Chu An the new breed of sheep that came out this year.

Ming Yuruo saw that Wang An's face had matured slightly, and the temperament around him was still that kind of cold and inviolable.

'However, who would have thought that such a celestial being, whose greatest hobby in life is raising sheep? 'Ming Yuruo complained in her heart, she hasn't given up on King An yet, but she already faintly despaired of this matter.

No matter what she said, King An always had the ability to turn things around to sheep, and then either increase the number of sheep or the breed of sheep for her.

But it's okay, now the sheep she raises are enough to meet King An's requirements, this time he probably won't increase the number of sheep for her, right?

"My lord, please see that this is a cloud sheep. It is bred from the sheep of Balth and the local flock. The wool is soft, long, thin and full of elasticity, which is very suitable for weaving. The first batch of orders for the border army this time is cloud wool. The cost of weaving is lower than before, but the quality of wool is better than before." Ming Yuruo introduced the new breed of sheep to Chu An step by step, but what she didn't notice was that there was a sense of pride in her tone.

It's a sense of pride in the results of your work.

Chu An reached out and took the wool that Ming Yuruo took out, stretched it, and looked at the fineness of the wool, and his mood became happy. This kind of wool is already comparable to the current merino sheep!

The talent of the Daughter of Destiny should not be underestimated! Chu An said happily: "Very well, the manager ordered me to go down and reward Miss Yuruo with 50 acres of land and two boxes of gold and silver."

Ming Yuruo had already been released from slavery by Chu An and even helped to set up a female household. Ming Yuruo felt very complicated about this, which was one of the reasons why she didn't use any means against King An.

Her own pride is on the one hand, but on the other hand, Wang An trusts her too much. She always feels that if she starts to attack Wang An who trusts him so much, she will have a strong sense of guilt.

So let's do it in a normal way.

Ming Yuruo, who was in deep thought, didn't notice the maids behind Chu An who cast envious glances at her.

With her own ability, she got into King An's eyes, and even got out of slavery and became a female householder. If she wanted to, she could even recruit her to be the master of the house in the future.

This is simply a fairy-like day for these maids.

Ming Yuruo didn't notice the eyes of those maids, she introduced the next breed of sheep to Chu An step by step.

"My lord, this is what you mentioned to me last time. Sheep that can't dig grass roots. This kind of sheep only eat grass leaves, not grass roots, and will not damage the pasture. It is very suitable for fixed breeding, although the wool quality is not as good as that of cloud sheep. , but the hair volume is more than that of Yunyang, which is more suitable for ordinary people." Mingyu Ruoyun introduced it to Chu An calmly, and did not notice Chu An's expression of trying to remember.

Have you ever mentioned such a sheep?Chu An thought about it carefully, but still couldn't remember.But looking at these sheep gnawing grass and leaves, Chu An felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

The cost of raising sheep with such sheep breeds will drop again, so that for the Daqian dynasty where cattle are strictly controlled, the common people have another source of meat, and wool and cashmere can be sold.

More importantly, once such sheep are raised, they will attack the Huns at a fixed point. When the Huns no longer need to run around to find pastures, but can settle down directly, will the Huns still be the Huns?

However, such a plan still needs to be discussed with his royal brother, and by the way, ask for a reward for Ming Yuruo.

Thinking of this, Chu An said to Ming Yuruo in a brisk tone: "This kind of sheep has really helped a lot. The reward will be given to Miss Yuruo in a few days. After all, this kind of sheep is of great importance and needs to be reported to the court."

Ming Yuruo was stunned by his words, she thought it was just a kind of ordinary sheep, how could it rise to be rewarded by the court?

Thinking of Ming Yuruo's eyes becoming wary, King An, don't you want to give her more sheep again?

Chu An looked at the sheep happily and added to Ming Yuruo: "Don't worry, it must be what you want most."

Ming Yuruo didn't wash up when she returned to the dormitory, but went out again with tools.

When I went out, I ran into Mrs. Yang, and Mrs. Yang asked curiously, "Why is Miss Yuruo going out so late?"

Ming Yuruo said with a gentle smile, "Clean up the sheepfold."

God knows when King An will parachute a batch of sheep to her. If you don't make preparations in advance, will you be in a hurry when the time comes?

King An never had credibility in this matter.Ming Yuruo gritted her teeth in her heart and thought.


Chu An didn't know that his excellent employees were complaining about him behind his back. He was writing a book for his royal brother. For Ming Yuruo's tenacious, shrewd and capable excellent employees, he had made up his mind to let her get The honor he deserves.

Immediately he began to be busy with the order issue of the border army.

This year, a new batch of soldiers was added, which made the previous sweaters obviously not enough, and the military purchase orders also doubled. After the generals from other border cities came to ask, Chu An had to find the Xiongnu merchants again. Ordered one batch of sheep at a time.

Fortunately, the cooperation last year was very pleasant, and the Xiongnu merchants delivered the sheep very quickly in time for the arrival of winter.

Li Erniu rubbed his hands, and breathed into his hands, the weather is really freezing, if he didn't have a sweater on his body, he would have turned into ice lumps by now.

And the colleague who was also standing at the city gate on duty also rubbed his hands, and he said with emotion: "The weather is really freezing. If I want to stay in the former border city, I'm afraid I'll have fallen down now."

Li Erniu knew that his colleagues on the side had just arrived with additional troops, and he hadn't been in the army for a year. From his impression, the border gate was like this, so he didn't know the duty hours that his colleagues said would freeze to death.

Seeing Li Erniu's curious expression, the colleague looked at him with a childish smile and said, "You just joined the army this year, so you've caught up with the good times."

"Before King An came to the border, the weather here was really freezing to death. Every patrol, some patrolling soldiers fell outside and couldn't come back. At that time, the adults above didn't care about the life and death of us low-level soldiers. , the pension is only a few copper coins, and sometimes there is no copper coin, and the news of the death is hidden from the higher-ups."

The colleague said this with hatred, but then his tone became grateful: "But it's different after King An came, who is Prince An? The emperor's younger brother is a master who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. No one dares to pay for nothing anymore, and the relationship between Wang An and the Generalissimo is good, the sweaters on us are the ones that the Generalissimo told Prince An himself, and then he nodded and agreed to supply them to the border."

Li Erniu listened to his colleague's words silently, touched the warm sweater on his body, and became reverent towards King An.

'The emperor's younger brother is such a good Bodhisattva, the emperor must also be a good person. ' Li Erniu thought silently in his heart.

And the great good emperor looked at the letter sent back by his younger brother, and was worrying silently.

The letter clearly stated that my younger brother's sheep farm has produced a new breed of sheep. The former breed of sheep is just more delicate on the basis of the original one, and the wool yield is higher, but the latter one is not digging These grassroots sheep can shake the foundation of the Huns.

Seeing the second type of sheep, the emperor slapped the table and applauded. The Xiongnu who have settled down in this way have the possibility of being assimilated by the Central Plains, and may even choose to join them. In this way, there is an additional natural line of defense at the border, and it is even possible to open up borders. Tuotu.

However, when he turned a page, the emperor's eyes stopped instantly, and he saw the name of the woman who raised these two breeds of sheep.

Ming Yuruo.

The emperor was very impressed by the maid's name, this was the first time his younger brother mentioned the name of another woman in front of him, and even asked him for a favor for her, and took her to the border.

The emperor originally thought it was the court lady who shamelessly seduced his younger brother, but judging from the news sent by Commander Xue at the border, the court lady was thrown into the sheep farm by her younger brother as soon as she arrived at the border. The emperor saw the news that he came back from Commander Xue's territory. He was still angry when he saw his younger brother's treatment of this court lady.

But now this court lady who was thrown to the sheep farm actually produced new fruits, and it was such a result that it was enough to shake the Xiongnu.

Sure enough, people can't be judged by appearances. The emperor deeply reviewed his previous behavior and opinions. When he saw that his younger brother, a court lady, wanted an official position, the frowning emperor sighed.

Come on, my younger brother hasn't gotten the hang of it yet, so I'll give this official position if I'm given it. Anyway, the merits are enough, and a small eighth-rank household servant can't cause any problems.

However, the second type of sheep should be let go, and the cloud sheep should be brought up first, and the leaf sheep must be reserved for a critical time before being announced.

As for the old-fashioned opposition in the court?

The emperor sneered, they had the ability to raise such a number of sheep by themselves, and Feng Mingyuruo's official position also meant a demonstration against those old-fashioned people who manipulated talents and formed cliques for personal gain.

Ming Yuruo, who was far away at the border, was still waiting for the sheep, but this time what she was waiting for was not the sheep, but the imperial decree to appoint an official.

"...Here." The eunuch who delivered the decree said to Ming Yuruo, who was kneeling on the ground with a clearly dazed expression, smiling.

"Master Ming, accept the order."

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