father - home

Chapter 5 Miracle (2)

Generally speaking, Walter Foss is a conscientious, diligent, and dedicated young man. In addition to studying medical records and sorting out materials, he also took the initiative to take care of patients.Of course, Zhao didn't need any special care now, Walter was only responsible for ordering meals, taking medicine and injections on time.

I went back to the laboratory, Zhao was not in the ward.I was about to start shouting, but realized I couldn't do that anymore.After Walter Foss came, Zhao and I could no longer talk and laugh without scruples like before, and we could no longer call him by his first name.Zhao has already changed his name to "sir", and every time I hear him say that, my heart twitches.And I'm supposed to call him number "79475," but I can't.

I paused and called out, "Walter!" Then I searched around every room.Zhao is not here, and Walter Foss is not here. Where will they go?

I tense up.Although it was already mid-February and the coldest days of winter had passed, the temperature was still very low, not to mention that Zhao hadn't been out of the hospital since he woke up.

I hurried downstairs and met Walter on the stairs.

"What are you doing? Where is the patient?" Before Walter saluted, I asked condescendingly.

"Oh, sir, I took him to have his head shaved." Walter stood on the stairs with his head raised, a little overwhelmed by my tone.

"What about the others?"

"Behind..." Walter stammered back, not knowing what he had done wrong.

I immediately ran down around the dazed Walter, turned the corner, and saw Zhaozheng walking up slowly, holding on to the railing.

I ran over and reached out to help him. "you still……"

After I said two words, Zhao Chong smiled at me, shook his head at the same time, put one hand on my chest, and gave it a slight push.

There was almost no strength at that time, but I took a step back involuntarily.

Zhao's eyes told me unmistakably: No!

I was startled.When the pain in my heart passed, I still grabbed the hand that had left my chest.

His hands were cold, and he didn't wear gloves, and Akira didn't wear a hat or scarf. His scalp, which had just shaved off his hair, was already white. This time, it was as pale as his face, and his lips were worryingly purple.

"Walter!" I shouted, suppressing my anger.

Immediately, a series of "thump, thump, thump" sounds of leather boots came from my ears. "Sir!"

"Come to the office later!" I ordered Walter loudly, leaving him again, without looking at Zhao, and ran back to the laboratory by myself.

I poured a cup of hot honey water and put it on the cabinet next to Zhao's bed.

Zhao walked in.Walter did not help him, but followed behind him.This is to be expected.

I gestured to Zhao, indicating that he drank the glass of water on the cabinet, returned to the office without saying anything.

I opened the window of my office to let the bitter cold quell my anger.In the past few minutes, my anger has been building up.I lit a cigarette and took a few deep breaths.

Walter knocked on the open door and walked in.

After he closed the door, I snapped, "Why did you do that?"

"I think his hair is too long. It doesn't meet the battalion regulations." Walter replied confidently, and then defended me. "Professor Straghold said that you are a very dedicated and noble person. You are always focused on scientific research and have no time to take care of these small things, so I will..."

"I didn't mean that!" I cut him off annoyed, ignoring his kindness.Originally, whether Walter said these things to ease the relationship between me and him or flatter me, I didn't care at all, I only cared about Zhao. "Haven't you read his medical records? Don't you know that he hasn't been out yet? It's so cold outside, and you take him out without any measures to keep him warm, neither a hat nor a coat. What if he gets sick again?"

Walter froze for a moment, the streaks around his mouth deepened.He must have never thought about what I said, Zhao is just a prisoner without a name to him. "I...I thought...he just..."

"What do you think he is? Don't you know that he is the next test subject? And it is a very important test subject, which was appointed by the professor himself. If he falls ill again before he fully recovers and delays the test, you are afraid Are you worthy of this responsibility? Do you think? Do you think the professor asked you to make trouble?" I had to move out the professor to suppress him.

Now it seems.Apart from ambition and desire, Walter Foss had no sympathy at all.From this point of view, he should be Professor Straghold's best student.

"I... I'm sorry! Sir." It worked.Walter has only been here for two days, and he may not be aware of the rumors in the camp. Whether he is confused by my close relationship with Zhao, at least I gave him an acceptable reason to treat Zhao well. "But, sir, if the patient can't stand the cold outside, how is he going to survive the freezing test?"

"Well, you have to know that the purpose of the freezing test is not to test how long a person can survive in ice water, but to examine the method and possibility of rescuing the injured in the event of such a situation. So you carefully study his medical records and The file will make it clear why the professor is so interested in him. Besides, before the experiment, he will have to exercise for a period of time to restore his physical condition to a better state."

"Understood! Sir. Don't worry, I will take good care of him. If you want, I can also be in charge of his recovery training." Walter showed great enthusiasm, and the stripes on both sides of his mouth suddenly changed into two A dimple, and finally that touching smile.

I don't want to take another look at that smile.

Walter waited for a while, saw that I didn't answer, and knew that my anger was still there, so he said embarrassingly: "Sir, if there is nothing wrong, I will..."

"Go!" I waved my hand, smoked a cigarette, walked to the file cabinet, and took out a medical record from it.That was the medical record of a previous trial failure.

"Sir, it's dinner time, are you going to the restaurant, or..."

Why don't you leave!I cursed in my heart, still looked down at the medical records, and said, "No! I'm not hungry yet."

"Then I'll bring you some back." Walter said graciously, as if he was afraid that I would refuse, and added: "I also want to bring food for '79475'."

I want to see what Walter looks like now.But I didn't look up, but gave a soft "um".

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