[Gintama] I am Teacher Songyang

Chapter 35 The Change of Kamui

Kagura is still young, and Songyang has been with her for more than a year, which caused her memory of her father to be confused, and she always thought that Songyang was her father.In addition, Kamaki's "hairline moved a little bit", even his wife dislikes him, let alone Kagura.Finally, under the persuasion of Songyang and her mother, she reluctantly called Shenhuang Daddy.She wants to leave the title of father to Songyang.

"Songyang!!" Shenhuang grabbed Songyang and shook him: "Did you really not attack my daughter?"

"No." Songyang said: "I think Kagura's denial of you is because of your hair, and it has nothing to do with me."

Shenhuang gritted his teeth, remained silent for a while, and asked: "Then, did you take action on my wife..." Before he could finish speaking, he was already kicked out of the window by Mrs. God.

"Really." Mrs. God patted the non-existent dust on her hands in disdain: "Not only has I not made any progress after being away from home for a year, even my hair hasn't grown. I might as well change my husband!"

"I agree, I agree!" Kagura raised her hand: "I want Songyang to be my father!"

"Thank you, but your daddy will cry." Songyang smiled and patted her head.

Kagura turned to Kamui next to him: "Brother, will you be bald like Daddy in the future?"

"...!!" Shenwei, who was still gnawing on the chicken leg indifferently, suddenly paused, and his face sank: "I won't, I...!"

He turned his head and saw Songyang, so he stared at Songyang, showing a look of "Why aren't you my father", and then jumped out of the window.Shenhuang's happy voice came from outside the window: "Shenwei, are you here to pick up Dad... Huh...?!"

There was a banging sound of fighting outside the window, and Shenwei suddenly beat Shenhuang violently.

After a fight, the relationship between the father and son reconciled again, and Kagura finally remembered that Kagura was his father after all kinds of silly flattery from his father.But she doesn't plan to change the title of daddy anymore, it doesn't matter to Shenhuang, as long as his daughter likes him, it's fine!

In the blink of an eye, another two years passed, and under the guidance of Songyang, Shenwei gradually restrained his murderous aura.In the past, he was a wolf cub baring his fangs, always wanting to choose people, but now he has turned into a hidden cheetah, retracting his minions, shaking his tail, disguising himself as a kitten, laughing So innocent and cute, no one could even feel his killing intent one second before he was about to kill.

"Although this is a lot less fun, it is also very interesting to see the other person's shocked expression at the moment of killing." Kamui said with a smile: "And the person who can sense my murderous aura is the real strong. Those who can't feel it, it's not a pity to die. Hey, Songyang, you can feel my killing intent, right?"

"Yes." Songyang looked at Shenwei's blue eyes as clear as the sky, showing a worried expression.

Since Madame God fell ill a year ago, Shenwei is like a wild beast that has been freed from the bridle, and the wildness in his blood has gradually awakened.His killing intent became more and more serious, not only targeting Songyang, but also targeting Shenhuang.Songyang is not worried about him attacking him, only worried about Shenwei losing his mind, sometimes, he seems to be completely controlled by killing intent.

"Did Shenwei see mom today?"

When mentioning her mother, Shenwei became quieter and nodded, "I've seen it, she's already asleep."

"Really..." Songyang raised his hand to touch Shenwei's head, but Shenwei turned his head away: "Don't treat me like a child again, Songyang."

"Yeah." Songyang withdrew his hand and sighed: "Shenwei, don't let mom worry."

"It's annoying, I know."

Even so, for the sake of his mother, Shenwei finally stayed quiet for a while, instead of going out to find someone to fight, but stayed by her side, quietly reading a book.From the cover of the book, Songyang found that it was an ancient book with a yellowed cover. The text on the book was complicated. It should be the ancient text of the Yetu clan. I don't know what is inside.But it's good that Shenwei can calm down, Songyang didn't disturb his reading.

Mrs. God's health fluctuates from time to time, and Kamaki no longer dares to leave the house, and spends most of the time by her side, clumsily taking care of the two children.At this time, Shenhuang was extremely grateful to Songyang. If he hadn't been there, the family would have been in chaos.He didn't take care of his wife enough, and he didn't have much energy to take care of his two children.

Mrs. Shen's condition gradually worsened, and she fell into a coma most of the time. Shenhuang and Songyang could no longer take care of their two children, and desperately searched for a doctor who could cure the disease in the universe.But the Yetu tribe has a special bloodline, and the doctors are helpless.During the time when the two were busy, Kamui underwent a terrible change.

It was a cloudy and rainy weather, Shenhuang had just sent away the new doctor, and only Songyang was by Mrs. Shen's side.The weak Lady God suddenly opened her eyes and said to Songyang, "Songyang...stop Shenwei..."

"What?" Songyang held her who was about to get up, and said gently: "Speak slowly, don't rush."

"Stop... Shenwei..." Madam God pointed to the bottom of the bed: "Please..."

Songyang picked up an old ancient book from under the bed, which was a book he had seen in Shenwei's hands.Opening the content inside, I found that the text inside was somewhat similar to traditional characters, and I could roughly see the general meaning.Songyang turned to one of the bent pages, saw the content on it, and suddenly widened his eyes.

The content on this page records an ancient custom of the Yetu tribe: killing relatives.

In the former Night Rabbit tribe, the way for children to prove their adulthood was to kill their parents, but this custom was abolished because it was too cruel.

"Shenwei... Shenhuang..." Mrs. Shen said weakly: "Quick... stop him..."

Song Yang dropped the book, picked up the sword and went to look for Kamaki.As soon as he opened the door, he was attacked by a purple umbrella head-on.Song Yang blocked it head-on with the blade, and looked at the owner of the umbrella: "Shenwei..."

It turned out that the target was him?

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