[Western Fantasy] Creator's daily tasks

Chapter 24 x 1st Lawyer "Pukloni"

"Clap clap clap!"

The loud pointer poked on the podium, and the buttons were tightly intertwined, which contrasted with the clean robe surface, as if there were no gaps.

"Students, today I, Pukloni, will explain to you the national laws of our Essenvik Nani country for the first time. I believe that everyone must learn to know and understand the laws. Let people catch you, such as prostitution."

Speaking of this, the rigorous lecturer winked mischievously at everyone, and the audience roared with laughter, which immediately made the students below feel more favorable.

"That's great! Students, please open the "Seven Components of the Viknani Empire" on the table, turn to the first page, and learn about our empire."

Rational words came from the podium, and gradually wiped out the only few laughs in the audience.

"Teacher! I have a question."

For a moment, the sound of questioning overwhelmed the sound of flipping through books.

"what is the problem?"

Pukloni looked up at the crowd, arrogant and conspicuous, with better clothing materials, belonging to the middle and small nobles.And...has an inexplicable confidence, as if the world is a game.

"Excuse me, Lecturer Pukloni, what is the law of the empire to you?"

It is true that this kid is a little clever. He raised his hand and closed the "Seven Components of the Viknani Empire" on the table, and looked directly at Dean with his eyes, "It is a method."

"Then what is the method of a mentor?"

"A rule."

"I said, Teacher Pukloni! You go around in circles with me, go around and avoid this question, can you explain it, please!"

Well, look at this domineering aura, Pukloni thought that he had changed his face, and even these new students could challenge his authority. Anyway, he personally ground the king until he agreed. Famous talker, not to mention all these decrees are placed on the table, alas~ I have not been a bad person for many years, the weather is cold, let the children remember the bitterness and think sweet again.

"What method is good? Alright, the instructor will tell you. The core of the empire's laws is the 150th to 150th pages of the "Seven Institutional Laws of the Viknani Empire" in your hands."

"Hey, I said teacher, can you be more practical..."

The more arrogant words came to an abrupt end as its owner wanted to throw the book.

A magic staff was pressed against Dean Ryder's neck. The scorching heat was like a furnace, and it was so hot that he couldn't breathe.

"Dear Dean Ryder, would you please read the content from page 150 to 150 for everyone?"

The extremely warm words, like a basin of ice water, formed a huge contrast with the rigorous appearance, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Good, good."

Dean Ryder hurriedly opened the textbooks on the table, almost crying, and made the whole class laugh.He didn't have time to take care of those mocking laughter at the moment, he just hoped to finish this damn basic civic morality class as soon as possible.

Wait, what did he see? !mouth

Holy crap, is this one short page?

This is clearly [-]% of the laws of the entire Veknani Empire.

Densely packed fluid characters covered the entire page, so small that they were almost indistinguishable.At first glance, it looks like an endless number of ants, and the one-handed work done by myself is so deadly ORZ

"Why is there a problem with Dean?"

"No, no, no problem..."

"Then let's get started."


"Seven percent of the grammatical law

(Imperial Code, Imperial Fundamental Law)

rights law

Identity and Duty Law

sales law

Marriage and Family Law

property law

Religious law

penalty law

a law of rights

imperial power

1 The imperial power of the empire is supreme, and the imperial code is with the emperor.

2 All imperial citizens, freemen, and slaves are subject to the emperor's rule.

3 Imperial ministers are selected by the emperor and serve the emperor with allegiance.The imperial minister has the power to enforce the law.

4 All the land in the empire belongs to the emperor, and the emperor has the right to grant or take it back.

5 The will of the emperor is the will of the empire, and the emperor makes decisions about the military, diplomacy, taxation and other matters of the empire.

6 The emperor has the right to make the final decision.

7 The Imperial Code represents the will of the Emperor and overrides other laws, policies, and territorial private laws.When other laws, policies, territorial private laws conflict with the Imperial Code, the Imperial Code shall prevail, and the relevant laws or policies that conflict with it shall be abolished.

8 All within the territory of the empire, the laws of the empire and the will of the emperor shall prevail, and non-imperial people must also abide by the imperial code of law, its subsidiary laws, and local laws.

9 When the emperor and the laws of the empire determine the guilt, everyone is equal and responsible for the same crime.When sentencing according to the Imperial Code, everyone of the same class is equal and punished for the same crime.


1 Citizens, as the imperial elite, are granted titles, can hold public office and trade slaves, and are eligible to obtain the right to use the territory.

2 A citizen whose title constitutes a crime against a freedman or is guilty of the same crime as a freedman is reduced by three levels.

3 The legitimate property of citizens is sacred and inviolable.Citizen property includes cash, equivalent metals, real estate, crops, slaves, etc.

4 The personal safety of citizens is protected by law, and other citizens and free citizens shall not take the lead in harming the personal safety of citizens for any reason.

5 The reputation of citizens is protected by law, and other citizens and free people shall not accuse or insult them without reason for any reason.

6 Citizens have the right to suspect that a freedman is guilty and request an arbitration agency to investigate the freedman.If the result is that the freedmen are not guilty, the name of the citizen who initiated the investigation will be posted on the guilt board for three days.

7. Citizens have the right to freedom of movement. Except for the imperial palace, the emperor's bedroom, other citizens' residences, and some places that are not suitable for entry due to gender, tradition, customs, military affairs, and confidentiality, they can enter other public places at will.

8 Citizens can own and buy and sell slaves, and citizens can kill slaves.Citizens can take slaves without nameplates as their own.

9 Citizens do not need to pay poll tax, and only need to pay half of the farming tax and sales tax.

10 Citizens who have the right to use the territory have the right to collect additional farming tax and sales tax from the free people in the territory at a rate not exceeding one-fifth of the imperial tax rate.

11 Citizens who have the right to use the territory have the right to dismiss the freemen in the territory, and have the right to promulgate regulations applicable to the territory after reporting for trial.

12 Citizens have the right to have a certain number of guards, but are not allowed to equip military armor and long-range weapons.

13 Citizens have the right to slaughter their own livestock at will.

14 Male citizens have the right to have multiple spouses.

15 Citizens have the right to renounce their citizenship and titles to become freedmen.

free civil rights

1 Freemen have the right to accumulate wealth through farming or trade while paying adequate taxes.

2 Freemen have the right to acquire real estate by purchase.

3 Freeman's legal property, including cash and real estate, is protected by law.

4 Freemen can hire other freemen through contracts.

5 The personal safety of free people is protected by law.Freedmen were not to be traded as slaves.

6 In the empire, freedmen can enter any public area except the imperial palace, the emperor's bedroom, citizen's residential area, other freedmen or farming areas owned by citizens, and some places that cannot be entered due to reasons such as gender, tradition, custom, military affairs, and confidentiality.

7 A freeman has the right to suspect that another freeman is guilty and to request an arbitral authority to investigate the freeman.If the other freedman is found not guilty, the freedman who initiated the investigation will be exiled.

8 Free people have the right to domesticate meat animals and slaughter them for food.Free people have the right to report and domesticate farm animals, but they are not allowed to slaughter them privately.

9 A freeman has the right to a spouse.

10 The freedmen have the right to offset the farming tax with crops.

Official power

1 Those who hold public office have the right to implement imperial laws and policies.Non-special departments shall not obstruct.

2 Holders of public office have the right to temporarily forcibly recruit free citizens to cooperate in the performance of official duties.

3 Holders of public office have the right to declare public expenditures.

4 Those who hold public office have the right to submit opinions and suggestions to the emperor or higher authorities.

5 Those who hold public office have the right to enter the royal palace, citizens' residential areas, other free people or farming areas owned by citizens, and some areas that cannot be entered due to gender, tradition, customs, etc. to perform official duties.Entering the palace and citizen's residential areas must be reported in advance.

6 Those holding public office at the level of Viscount and above have the right to appoint a private secretary.

7 Those who hold public office have the right to receive certain property as remuneration for their work.

The Law of Identity and Duty

1 All members of the empire should be unconditionally loyal to the emperor, and swear to the death to defend the will of the emperor and the dignity of the law of the empire.

2 The people in the empire are divided into citizens and free people except members of the royal family.Citizens have free status, titles and corresponding rights, and free people have free status.

3 Slaves have no human rights and can be bought and sold by citizens.Everything a citizen does to his slaves is lawful.Citizens can kill slaves they own.If a citizen kills a slave belonging to another citizen, he must pay a fine and compensate the slave owner for the loss.If a freeman kills a slave, he must pay a fine, compensate the slave owner for losses, and be sentenced to a cane.

4 Citizens and freedmen are obliged to pay taxes in full and on time.

5. Free citizens are obliged to participate in corvee according to the policies promulgated by various places. If there are people who have not participated in corvee, the relevant local government agencies have the right to force them to participate in corvee.Anyone who flees without authorization during the corvee project will be exiled or deprived of his status as a free citizen.

6 Freemen and business citizens are obliged to disclose their financial details to tax officials.Tax officials have the right to confiscate their private property if free citizens refuse to show their financial details; if business citizens refuse to disclose their financial details, they will be fined _____.

7 Freemen are obliged to enlist unconditionally.

8 Freemen are obliged to unconditionally cooperate with official activities.

9 Freemen and citizens are obliged to pay remuneration to those employed in accordance with the contract.

10 Freemen and citizens are obliged to pay war taxes in full during wartime.

11 Freedmen and citizens are obliged to defend legal imperial currency.

12 Freedmen are obliged to defend the reputation of citizens and protect the safety of citizens.

13 Freemen and citizens have an obligation to protect the property of others and restrain themselves from the desire to touch the property of others.

14 Citizens who have the right to use land have an obligation to govern the freedmen living in their land.

15 A freeman is obliged to pay taxes to the owner of the right to use the land in which he is located.

16 Citizens living in other people's territory have the right to supervise the owner of the right to use the territory to use the right in accordance with the law and morality.

17 Citizens who have the right to use the territory are obliged to reduce or exempt the taxes of freedmen whose land output is affected by natural disasters in the territory.

18 Freedmen are obliged to report to the owner of the right to use the territory when entering or leaving the territory.

19 Adult citizens are obliged to participate in national government affairs discussions and put forward their own views.

20 Those who hold public office are obliged to maintain the reputation of the local public sector.

21 Those who hold public office are obliged to submit detailed government affairs reports to the imperial court on time.

22 Those who hold public office are obliged to mediate local civil disputes during their term of office.

23 Those who hold public office are obliged to ensure that their behavior meets the requirements of the Code and that their punishment is fair and public.Obliged to expose the malfeasance and ultra vires of other persons holding public office..."

Hey, hey, he's finally finished, he's about to foam at the mouth and his limbs are twitching, Mom~ I miss you... Hey, hey.

Qi Yang got up to wake up the sleeping Gordo, looked at him with pity, and finally read the complete text. Seventy percent of the grammatical status is unlucky. No advantage.

After studying for such a long time, I didn't realize that the lecturer standing in front of him was his fellow countryman, and he was also a high-tech talent who knew the law well. , and the unlucky boy hasn't realized it yet, this is clearly the beginning of the National Law Program of the People's Republic of China, adapted from another world.

Alas...you deserve to be punished.

It’s better than his family’s Gordo, who sleeps when he doesn’t understand, worry-free and obedient, and doesn’t need to be fed regularly. Why does he have a weird sense of pride? This is unscientific.

"Mand——, the cafeteria is half off today, hurry up."

...Sure enough, the pride is an illusion, he clearly remembers that Valgudo is the God of Light, okay! -_-

In this regard, Conneredi said that he does not express any opinions. As far as he is concerned, it is enough to have experiments to do and subjects to experiment.

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