[Western Fantasy] Creator's daily tasks

Chapter 23 The Lesser School Curriculum

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Not to mention that this is already the temptation of being the lord of a country.

In the following week, the whole school fell into a frenzy of cultivation, and even Gordon, who had always been lazy, entered the most devoted time in history. Heard some very discordant sounds. (The silver-haired elf of that hapless boy was also brought in... what a joy)

I have to say that Bedino College does have its proud capital - a huge library of books, with no end in sight at a glance, tall and large bookshelves next to each other, sunlight shining through the narrow sun window, obliquely shining On the Bookshelf Magic tab.Snow-white moonstones are inlaid on the moss-covered walls, and an ethereal atmosphere slowly spreads.

Countless parchments and magic logs are placed horizontally in the aisle, the historical precipitation is in this air, the ancient charm rises and hovers, and knowledge is drowned in the senses of the whole person.

Qi Yang casually took out a book from the dusty bookshelf.

It is written in platinum fluid—Guide to the Library of the Inner Court.

With the light movement of the fingers, the pages of the book were turned with a rattling sound, and the whole book was quickly read.

"Huh, isn't it?"

Qi Yang flicked the spine of the book, caressed the gorgeous page with his slender fingers, and chuckled, "I see."

Large swathes of ink spread rapidly, quickly covering the book cover of the sheep scroll, and the delicate fringes continued to grow and bloom, like the vast and solid soil quickly covering all the contents.

Qi Yang raised his hand and lightly tossed the "Guide to the Inner Court Library" in his hand, the books out of his control floated quietly in the air, intertwined with the light of the moonstone to form a halo of milky yellow, countless inks were like the diffraction of life , waving in the air, intertwined into a beautiful framework.

Continental languages ​​are then marked on these bookshelves, and there are corresponding names below them, Conneredi in the alchemy room on the second floor, Goldo in the ranger room on the third floor, the dean on the fourth floor... and He is on the first floor.


With one hand, Qi Yang instantly expanded the three-dimensional virtual magic on the books, and the bookshelves were arranged exactly the same as in reality. Even the parchment scroll he just touched showed the author's words clearly.

"It seems to be the product of the mutual interaction between detection magic and predictive magic, and a small contract spell is attached."

The fingertips touched a corner of the spine, and the imaging magic floating in mid-air moved, quickly retracted, and returned to Qi Yang's hand again.

"Really good stuff."

He clamped the book in his hand to his arm, turned around and walked towards the teleportation array, because the liberal arts knowledge course for freshmen was about to start.

Different from previous magic schools, Baidino College has two-year pre-selection courses and seven major courses. These two parts are to lay a solid foundation for traveling around the world or serving as officials in the future, and the second is to prepare for future magic and martial arts Make a good foundation for learning.

The college curriculum is as follows:


Etiquette: Basic education in social etiquette.

Basic grammar: including basic continental lingua franca and literature, rhetoric.

Basic Art: Teaches basic music theory and drawing knowledge.

Basic History: Learn basic historical knowledge.

Basic Geography: Learn the basics of geography.

Optional courses: Angorio, Kormosa, Lebe.

Regular courses:

Grammar: Continental Common Language and Literature

Rhetoric: the composition and history of prose and poetry

Logic: formal logic.

Note: St. Isidore also called grammar, rhetoric, and logic the trivium

Arithmetic: Mathematics

Geometry: Geometry (including Geography)

Astronomy: Astronomy.

Music: Musicology.

Note: Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music are collectively called quadrivium.

Electives: fencing,

————————————————————————————————————————————————— Three major military schools:

Cavalry School, Fencing School, Shooting School

Cavalry school: (closed school only has less than a day's rest after morning prayer on Sunday), and is divided into non-commissioned officer and officer school according to different ranks

Enrollment: 5~6-year-old minors in preparatory courses.

Zhengke is an adult who has received military training.

Cavalry School Prep:

Military order class: Familiar with various military orders and semaphore and respond instinctively.

Military system class: understand the military system.

Military etiquette class: Familiarize yourself with military etiquette.

Military History Lessons: Learn about the history of imperial armies in battle.

Martial arts class: Students can choose lance, flail, crossbow, axe, etc. as elective content of martial arts class.

General education: Continental Chinese reading and writing.

Survival lessons: learn to hunt, survive in the wild.

Taming Lessons: Training and Care

Swimming Lessons: Swim with weapons and basic equipment.

Archery Lessons: Covers basic use of the bow, spear and spear/javelin.

Service class: including basic logistics, common sense of not being in a hurry, maintenance of weapons and equipment, etc.

Formal courses:

Combat: Combat techniques including unarmed and short knives and broken weapons.

Throwing Guns: Learn to use a 3-pack of heavy javelins.

Riding: Master the technique of riding a war horse.

Archery: including step bow training and riding and archery training.

Coordinated tactics: attack, blitz, detour, outflank, intersperse, split, chase, night battle, wind battle.

Basic medical skills: wound dressing, basic herbal medicine, basic veterinary medicine.

Martial Arts: Students can choose lance, flail, crossbow, axe, etc. as elective content of martial arts courses.

Advanced courses after fifth grade:

Tactical command: command the junior students to form a team (10 people), flag (100 people) training: attack, blitz, detour, outflank, intersperse, split, chase, night battle, wind battle, etc.Divided by combat terrain: mountain warfare, plain warfare, siege warfare, battle against magicians, magician combined combat, and war against monsters.

Tactical Deduction: Students who intend to be a staff officer must learn the course of deduction of the battle situation and analysis of famous battle cases.

Swordsmanship: Arrange more in-depth battlefield swordsmanship teaching for students who are in command.

Note: Students can choose according to their own hobbies, strengths and talents.

Students who want to apply for the knight order, please get the knight seven skills badge before graduation, and a recommendation letter from the instructor. During the annual knight order recruitment period, the school completes the knight declaration.

The knight's seven skills include: swimming, fencing, riding, hunting, playing chess, and poetry.

That is to say, although Qi Yang and others were recommended by Dubai Oscarland to enter the inner courtyard, they still have to learn basic etiquette, grammar, art, history, geography, and language from the lower grades.

Although a few of them have already learned it, if they want to be exempted from these courses, they must pass all the basic knowledge assessments at the end of the year, so they still have something to grind~

Moreover, in the inner courtyard, all actions are managed in accordance with the military regulations of the knight order. If you have scored three or more times, the college will not issue a graduation certificate and a letter of introduction from your instructor. It will not be allowed until all your courses reach A+ you graduate.

...Of course, no one has achieved this a+ result except Oscarland in Dubai. That is to say, your hope is very vague. After so many years since the establishment of the school, only such a talent has been produced.

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