"My lord, unless all the soil is replaced in this situation, it is impossible to grow food."

Gris clapped his hands, as if he had seen through everything, and didn't notice Xia Heng's eyes that looked at him like a second fool.

"Hmm..." Xia Heng responded perfunctorily, and decided to go to the ground to see the conditions of the plants he had never seen before before drawing conclusions.

There is no problem with the land, and it is not impossible that the problem lies in the crops.

Xia Heng glanced around and set his target on a plant that was about to die.The leaves of the young seedling were withered and yellow, and the stem had shrunk severely, like an old man on the verge of death, not far from death.

The spiritual power penetrated into the soil, found the roots of the Miao Miao, and then entered Miao Miao's body through him, trying to analyze its biological characteristics.

Inside there are two forces engaged in a tug of war.

This is the first message sent to Xia Heng by the spiritual power penetrating into Miao Miao.

One is the power of the plant itself, and the other is from the black earth.The two are incompatible. Everyone wants to obtain the ownership of the plant. The fluctuations released during the collision imperceptibly destroy the structure of the plant itself. After the structure in the plant is completely destroyed, it will die.

A thought flashed across Xia Heng's face.

He withdrew his mental power and re-targeted on a plant that looked a little better.

The power of this plant itself is much weaker, and most of it is occupied by the energy from the land. Under the crushing of the energy contrast, it does less damage to the interior, and it is still healthy.

After Xia Heng went to investigate the situation of a few plants, she almost understood the current situation.

Only when the power of the plant itself and the power from the land is very different, can the plant grow healthily, and the seedlings whose land energy is stronger than the plant energy will grow better.

"My lord, are we going to hire a spiritual planter to improve the soil environment?" Seeing that Xia Heng had been silent for a long time, Gris couldn't help asking.

"No need for now." Xia Heng shook his head, "Which places here belong to the City Lord's Mansion?"

"It's all." Gris was baffled.

All the natural resources of Altin City belong to the City Lord's Mansion, and these residents who work in the field only rent land from the City Lord's Mansion.

Xia Heng: "..."

Well, he forgot that this is a world where all resources are concentrated in the hands of the rich and powerful.

"Let's go to other places to see, I have some ideas to verify." Xia Heng waved his hands to signal Gris to follow, "You can contact Corey and ask him to go back to the City Lord's Mansion first, and then release it in my name..."

After thinking for a while, Xia Heng methodically took his first reform measure after he came to Altin City to assume the post of city lord.


"Alice, look who's back?"

After seeing a vehicle that she had never seen before, Alice and her friends went home separately. As soon as she entered the house, she saw her mother who was beaming with joy.

Alice's eyes lit up, and she jumped into the house, "Dad!"

"Hey, Alice, my little baby, do you miss Dad?" A muscular man squatted down and picked Alice up, put his hands under her armpits, and started to play a game of lifting with her.

"I think!" Alice smiled happily and nodded heavily.

"Okay, okay, Dick, put her down quickly." Alice's mother hurried forward to stop her.

Her husband Dick is a lv29 ice elemental knight, and she herself is a lv14 light mage.The cultivation resources of civilians are pitifully small, and being able to reach their level is already considered a talent.

The daughter of the two, Alice, has not yet undergone professional awakening, so Daisy is not worried about letting her husband and her delicate-skinned daughter play such a high-risk game.

"By the way, Daisy, our team's next mission is to go to the city next door. Alice is also of age. I'm going to take this opportunity to take her for professional awakening."

Dick, who had been playing with his daughter for a while, suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and told Daisy about his plan.

"Won't your captain have any objections?" Daisy's eyes lit up first, and then some scruples surfaced.

"No, this time it's an escort mission. The captain's family also has a child who needs to be awakened. If any of our team members has a child who needs to be awakened, we can take it along with us.

As Dick said, he took off his armor and put it in the closet, "Alice, do you want to be an ice elemental knight like your father, or a light mage like your mother?"

Every child's professional talent is inherited from their parents, but there is a 3% chance of mutation.Like the fusion of elements, or the awakening of a profession that has nothing to do with parents.

Like Dick, he just had a professional fusion.His mother is an ice mage, and his father is an ordinary knight. After the mutation, he was born as a rare elemental knight. At the same time, his talent was enhanced, so that even if he was a commoner, he could still cultivate in his 30s. to lv29.

"Occupation..." Alice held her chin and began to think, and the caravan she just saw today appeared in her mind, "I want to be a card player! Like the city lord!"

Her honey-colored eyes curled into crescents as she told her parents about her career aspirations.

"My lord?" Dick looked at Daisy with a dazed expression on his face.

"A new city lord has arrived in Altin City, the emperor's seventeenth prince, and his profession is a card player." Daisy sighed and explained to Dick.

Dick was a member of the Mercenary Association. When the news came that someone was going to be the Lord of Altin City, he was still doing tasks outside and didn't go home. He didn't know it was normal.

"Father gives you this." Alice remembered the candy she hadn't finished eating, quickly took it out of her pocket, and stuffed it into Dick's hand like offering a treasure, "This is from the city lord, it's delicious Yes. Mom too." She said, and gave Daisy another one.

Hearing the word 'city lord', Dick's face instantly turned cold.

Thinking of the faces of those city lords when I was on this mission, and seeing my daughter's unabashed love for the new city lord, I was in an extremely bad mood.

"Alice, didn't I tell you to stay away from those powerful people? They are not good people, why are you disobedient." Dick looked at Alice seriously.

"But our Lord City Lord is not like what Dad said." Alice pouted and retorted, disapproving of her father's behavior of beating everyone into the ranks of bad guys indiscriminately.

"Okay baby, you are still young, listen to daddy, daddy won't hurt you. Let's change the subject and guess what good things daddy brought you?"

Dick refused without saying a word, then picked up Alice and walked towards the master bedroom.

He winked at Daisy, who nodded to show that she knew what to do.

Three days later, not long after Dick and his companions left Altin City with Alice and several other children who had reached the age of professional awakening, a super-long battery life projection announcement stone was dropped in Altin City for nearly a hundred years. Unused bulletin board.


"Have you checked the announcement? The new city will distribute new seeds, and the residents will receive them voluntarily."

"And there is no tax on new seeds, and the things you plant are all yours!"

"But who knows what a potato is?"

"Whatever it is, go try it, after all, it's tax-free!"

"I want to go to you, but I still don't know what it is. What if something that comes out can't be eaten, or can't be grown? I still count on this little food to make ends meet."


Hart hid in the crowd, watching the image projected by the Bulletin Stone, his eyes flickering.

He didn't think for too long, and after some thought, he made up his mind and turned around to squeeze out the crowd, and quietly ran to get the seeds given on the picture stone.

He no longer has the money to buy general-purpose seeds from the grain merchants who come to Altin City intermittently, and he is only a lv5 animal trainer, and even his battle pet is the empty star civet cat raised by his family, and he has not become an adventurer at all. Or the qualifications to join the Mercenary Association.

He has no choice.

After all, there are free seeds, whether they can be planted or not, he has to try, no matter what, it is better than doing nothing and waiting to be starved to death.

The seed collection place was placed in the central square of Altin City. Xia Feng, who was assigned to board the plane to collect the residents' information, looked at the square in front of him and sat in a daze.

The manpower that Xia Heng brought was not enough, so this kind of work that didn't require brains or physical exertion was temporarily arranged for Xia Feng.

There are other reasons why he agreed with Xia Feng to follow.

Although this guy is a foodie, his management skills are top-notch.After all, in the huge city of Altin, there must be someone in charge of revising government affairs.

And the price of 'hiring' this guy is very low, he only needs to eat and drink to keep him full, and he doesn't even need to pay his salary. He is simply the best tool man he has ever seen in his two lifetimes!

"Ah... so boring..."

Xia Feng stared straight at the sky, after a while, he stretched out his hands to his golden head, scratching his hair frantically, "Ahhhh - I shouldn't have listened to that guy Xia Heng's fooling around !"

"You... hello..."

Hart, who found the place where the seeds were collected, had a panoramic view of Xia Feng's crazy appearance.

He swallowed, and repeatedly confirmed that this place was the place to receive the so-called potato seeds, and then tentatively walked up to ask.

Common people are instinctively afraid of powerful people, even if he doesn't know Xia Feng's identity, he still has to deal with it cautiously at this time.

"Huh?" Xia Feng froze, and focused his gaze on Hart who was standing on the other side of the table.

The two looked at each other for half a second.

Only then did Xia Feng straighten out his demeanor as if he had just woken up from a dream, sat upright, and began to exude his aura of being a 'noble prince'.

"Hey, are you here to collect the seeds of the new crop?"

Xia Feng coughed lightly, and looked at Hart pretending to be a superior.Of course, there was still a little warning in his eyes, but because Xia Heng had instilled the concept of 'everyone is equal' for a while before, he didn't show it obviously.

Hart, who has a top-notch ability to perceive words and emotions, quickly got the meaning of threat in Xia Feng's eyes.

——You didn’t see anything just now, if you see it, forget it right away.

Hart: "..."

There seems to be something wrong with this new lord's style of painting...

"Yes, my lord." Hart just complained in his heart, and answered Xia Feng's question with a respectful face.

"How many acres of land do you have?" Xia Feng flipped through the registration form Xia Heng stuffed for him, found a blank page and pushed it in front of Hart, "Registration information."

"One acre." Hart answered honestly, and then looked at the information registration form in front of him that he had never seen before.

Name, occupation, grade, home address, field location...

Hart was baffled by the list of a lot of information that seemed to him to be a mess.But he didn't think too much about it. It wasn't any private information, so there was nothing he couldn't write.

"My lord, you've filled it out." After Hart carefully checked it, he returned the registration form with both hands.

"Give you."

Xia Feng took it back, threw the one-acre seed that Xia Heng got out on the table without even looking at it, and motioned Hart to take it by himself.

Looking at the 'seeds' on the table, Hart suspected that their new city lord was teasing them.

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