Xia Chihuo Feng said, and took out a white blank card from the space accessories he carried with him, and solemnly handed it to Xia Heng.

"The materials are ready, Brother Seventeen~~You understand~~"

Xia Heng: "..."

"Did you see the living conditions of the residents of Altin City when you inquired about the news?" Xia Heng stretched out his hand to take it, and lowered his eyes to look at the card in his hand.He just held it, no unnecessary movements.

"I see, what's the matter?" Xia Feng was at a loss, completely unaware why Xia Heng mentioned this suddenly.

Is there any necessary connection between this and his desire to eat?

"Seeing that the residents of Altin City can't even eat enough, they still ask me for food after they come back? Don't you feel ashamed and embarrassed?" Xia Heng glanced at him and said coolly.

"Does it have anything to do with me that they are starving? They are not of the same class! You let me, a prince, compare with these commoners? Are they worthy?!"

Xia Feng rolled his eyes and dismissed Xia Heng's words.After finishing speaking, he put on a flattering smile again, "By the way, you want to be pure and thin, not chili~~"

Xia Heng: "..."

"Heh." Xia Heng didn't give Xia Feng any good looks, put the card into his pocket, and got out of the car without looking back.

In front of him, play the set of "the rich wine and meat stinks, the road has frozen bones"?

It's really beautiful.

He didn't let his brother, who was only one month older than him, experience the beatings from socialism. He wrote his name backwards!

The solidification of class concepts in this world is even more serious, especially in places where the powerful can fall from the sky just by stomping their feet.

The three views formed in the previous life made it impossible for him to accept the class system of this world.Now Ordin City is his territory, and he will never allow this kind of dross to run amok in the area under his jurisdiction!

If development is simply an improvement in living standards without enough values ​​to match it, then it is not development, it is called promoting arrogance and lust.

In the small square where they temporarily stopped, many children suddenly appeared.Surrounding their caravan not far away, everyone secretly wanted to come up to join in the fun, but they didn't dare to go forward.

Xia Heng stretched out her hand to call them over, and in front of Xia Feng, used the card he gave him to carve out a lot of candies, and distributed them to the children in front of her.

"Thank you!" One of the little girls with chestnut hair in two braids thanked Xia Heng crisply. She stared at Xia Heng with her honey-colored eyes for a few seconds, and then said, "Are you new?" Is the Lord City Lord here?"

"I am." Xia Heng smiled lightly, and squatted down to talk to her.

The little girl thought for half a minute, "You are different from them."

"Huh? What's the difference?"

Facing such a well-behaved and very sensible little Douding, Xia Heng has no resistance at all.It was rare for him to be interested in chatting with the little girl in front of him.

"It's just... you have a different feeling from those big people who pass by the city." The little girl pouted for a long time and thought for a long time, but in the end she couldn't come up with any specific comparison.

Xia Heng just smiled lightly, nothing much.

The child looked about four or five years old, and Xia Heng didn't expect to find out anything from her.

Ordin City actually has another hidden benefit, that is, there is no need to worry about children being abducted by unknown people in this place. After all, Altin City is simply too poor, and even human traffickers are too lazy to come to this place crime.

"Okay, let's go play." Xia Heng stood up, reached out and rubbed the top of the little girl's head twice.

The little girl followed Xia Heng's movement of getting up and raised her head. She paused for two seconds, and finally made her request tentatively, "That... Lord City Master, we can go and see your..."

She looked at the RV that Xia Heng came to Altin, and didn't know what adjectives to use to describe his strangely shaped vehicle.

"Yes." Xia Heng cast a kind smile at the little girl, "That is called a caravan, you have to be careful, there are many offensive and defensive runes on the car."

"I see!" The little girl's big watery eyes completed two crescents, "Thank you, Lord City Master!"

After she finished speaking, she bowed politely to Xia Heng, and then ran to front of him along with a few equally excited little bean dings around her.

"My lord! My name is Alice, and I like you!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

"My lord, we like you!"

When Xia Heng heard the group of little Doudings suddenly stop and 'confess' to him one after another, he couldn't help but laugh for a while.Altin's little ones are really pure, and can be bought with a handful of sugar.

Even if it is to live up to the love of these little bean dings, he has to build Altin City into an existence that no one side can underestimate.

Xia Heng rubbed his chin and looked at those little bean dings for a while, and then very secretly gave Xia Feng, who was full of hostility and contempt for them, after getting the assurance from that person that he nodded quickly and would never cause trouble. , and then took Gries out of the city.

Card masters, like magicians and priests of light, develop the brain domain due to supernatural power, and there is no essential strengthening of the body.

But the magician's attack ability is destructive, and the priest of light is a little strong who can't be killed... Therefore, the weak group and the strength of the five scum have become the iconic pronoun of the card master.

Regarding the card master's setting of "delicate body and soft body", Xia Heng failed to find a solution after several years of research, and because his brain is too developed, his physical fitness is at the bottom of the card master. .

In the end, Xia Heng had no choice but to give up and devote all his energy to the research of the power system of cards.

As for your own safety...

In addition to being surrounded by guards every step of the way, he also armed himself in all directions.

Especially after knowing that the things carved out of the card can be restored to the card form and used repeatedly without any change in the external structure and internal structure, Xia Heng even used the one that Xia Feng brought to him before. A purple card in that pile of cards popped out with a mushroom.

He is not afraid of death, otherwise he would not have chosen to sacrifice his life to enter high-latitude time and space in order to prove his theory in his previous life.


He didn't want to die by feeding a monster or other messy causes, this was simply an insult to his life.

"Where is the unified awakening of professional talents in Altin City?" Xia Heng didn't want to walk out of the city foolishly, he and Gris are sitting on the flying carpet he carved and flying in the sky.

Gris filtered all the information he had collected before in his brain, stopped his words a little, and gave Xia Heng's answer, "There is no priest association in Altin City, and the professional awakening of children in the city is generally done by their own The elders of the elders will lead them to other cities for awakening."

Xia Heng frowned slightly, "What about schools?"


"What about the Adventurer's Association, Chamber of Commerce, Auction House, and leisure and entertainment venues?"

"Uh...no." Griston paused for two seconds, and still told what kind of mess Xia Heng took over.

Looking down from the sky, the city is full of waste... Bah, it is the city of Altin, which is full of waste. Xia Heng unconsciously asked a deep torture from the soul, "So what is there in the city now?"

"Personal small shops, old people, children, miners who dig cards, and adventurers who often go out to run businesses." Gris broke his fingers and began to count the personnel composition of Altin City for Xia Heng, with an expression that was hard to describe.

Xia Heng: "..."

Good guy, he didn't take over a city, he just took over an empty shell!

"Forget it, take it step by step slowly." Xia Heng wiped his face, inexplicably feeling a heavy responsibility and a long way to go.

It seems that in a short period of time, it is impossible to think about the life of his previous life, where he was eating, drinking, and playing except for research.

If you want to relive the good life before, roll up your sleeves and work hard now!

In the distance, the white-feathered snowy owl, which was sent to investigate the road conditions, flapped its wings and landed on Gries. It barked twice, reporting to Gries the completion of its mission.

"My lord, we're here." Gris touched the white-feathered snowy owl's wings, and handed it a handful of rations as a reward.

The white-feathered snowy owl took a look at the ration in Gris' hand, and slapped his wings on his face, expressing his dissatisfaction to him.

'I want to eat!Little jerky!Secret jerky, jerky, jerky! '

Gris was covered in a face, and the pet rations in his hand almost became garbage from falling objects.After receiving the spiritual wave from the white-feathered snowy owl in his mind, he was almost heartbroken.

Ask for help, what should I do if my battle pet is fed up by my city lord, and I have begun to dislike him as the master.

Wait online!

Very urgent!

"No jerky! My lord said you should lose weight." Gris took his deeply hurt young heart and threatened his pets in the name of Xia Heng, "My lord said, if you don't return to normal Weight, don’t even think about eating secret jerky in this life!”

A certain white-feathered snowy owl: ...

It turned its head 180 degrees to look at Xia Heng with a look of deep grievance in accusation.

After receiving the sight of Gris asking for help, the corners of Xia Heng's mouth twitched, acquiescing that he had said this.

He glanced at the petrified white-feathered snowy owl, tilted his head and rested his chin, and began to think about how to get a detailed map of the world.Take time to reinstall navigation on his vehicle, especially all air travel equipment.

In this way, there is no need to rely on Gries' pets to find out the road conditions every time.

Look at this four-star white-feathered snowy owl, which is known for its ferocity, it is about to be fed into a pig!He now seriously doubts whether it can defeat other monsters when it encounters them.

"My lord, please sit still." After making clear arrangements for his pets, he flew for about 2 minutes. Gris used the supernatural power in his body to control the flying carpet under him to turn and land.

Outside the city, large stretches of black land are connected into one piece, which can't be seen at a glance.The forest and mountains are still further away, and the distance from Altin City is very far away.

However, for this continent, the scale of Altin City is actually not even considered a small city, and it still barely earned the title of a small city by relying on the export of cards.

But too big is not easy to manage, Xia Heng is still very satisfied with the scale of Altin City.

After all, land is such a thing, it is expensive and not expensive.

Xia Heng put the flying carpet back into the form of a card and put it in his pocket, and he walked into the nearest field under the guard of Gries.

There are many residents of Altin who are tidying up the fields, and they don't have much reaction when they see two strangers.

The seedlings in the ground looked droopy, as if they were malnourished, and even the leaves were turning yellow.

Xia Heng stared at the crops inside for a while, and finally found that he really didn't know what it was.It should be a unique crop on this continent, and there is no record of this thing in his knowledge base.

"My lord, it seems that it is indeed a land problem." Gris squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, observed it carefully and compared it with the fertile soil in the imperial city in his mind, and came to the conclusion of 'it is so', "here The land is wasteland, and the biological activity is too high, no wonder the crops that grow are sick."

Hearing his words, Xia Heng looked at him in horror.

He withdrew his spiritual power that had penetrated into the soil, looking at him like looking at a fool.

exm? ? ?

Do you call such precious black soil rich in organic matter 'wasteland'?I'm afraid there will be no naturally fertile land in the world, okay?

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