Letterman, who had been taught a lesson, ran towards Xia Heng staggeringly when Xia Heng looked over, and then hid behind him and glared at his second uncle, strongly condemning his indiscriminate behavior.

"Second uncle, I think you are jealous of me because you didn't get the equipment. Let me tell you, even if you are jealous of me, it's useless!"

Letterman poked his head out from behind Heng Xia, pointed at Clark with a finger, and began to show off his might by taking advantage of Heng Xia's power.

Clark: "..."

I envy you?

I'm mad?

"Letterman, tell the truth. Did you give Wei Lan the secret medicine to increase combat power behind my back?"

"Do you know how much damage this thing can do to the Holy Light Griffon?! Don't think it can improve the combat power of the Holy Light Griffin for a while, but it consumes potential and vitality!"

"Except in the face of a certain death situation, you are not allowed to use it at any time. This is a forbidden drug, do you understand?!"

Clark once again seriously emphasized the dangers of using occult drugs.

"I'm really useless, why don't you believe it?!" Letterman, who was suspected, was also jumping in anger, feeling extremely wronged.

"Wei Lan come here!"

He called Weilan over angrily, and then stuffed the little one, including its equipment, into Clark's hand with its bewildered expression.

"If you don't believe me, check it yourself!" He put down a sentence, crossed his arms and raised his head to look directly at Clark, without any expression of guilt.

Clarke called him such a confident look, and faintly felt that he had really wronged him.

"If you let me check out something, you can go home. The Holy Light Griffin didn't let you spoil it like this. I would rather let it be a waste at home."

Clark flexed his fingers and tapped his knuckles on his forehead.

"Attention all, I will give you half an hour to rest. Villian, take Sandy to the foothold to heal your injuries. Everyone else, leave on time in half an hour."

Clark took Weilan away and gave orders to his members in an orderly manner.

Feige and Russell had already left with the members of the Flame Mercenaries.

This is the norm.

After all, every time they come to find fault, they all run away immediately after a fight. Clark said that he has perfectly completed the transition from being angry at the beginning to accepting a good change now.

In fact... I got used to it when I was angry, and the big deal is to beat them up the next time we meet.

"Boss! Do you think my second uncle is going too far!"

Letterman watched Weilan leave him helplessly, then turned his head and began to complain about Clark to Xia Heng.

What are you saying about autocracy/system/dictatorship/dictatorship, disrespect for children and the like.

"He's not wrong either."

Xia Heng failed, and lightly slapped Letterman on the head.

"I will also doubt the sudden increase in the strength of the battle pet. Don't be petty. If you have that time, you might as well think about how you can be embarrassed in front of your second uncle after the verification."

"makes sense."

Letterman touched his chin, feeling that Xia Heng's words were simply wise words.

He likes face slapping!

Especially slapping his second uncle in the face, just thinking about it makes his heart itch.

No, no, he has to think up his lines quickly.

This rare opportunity to slap his second uncle in the face must not be wasted because of his lack of preparation!

Weilan was taken away, and Letterman, who was having an awkward fight with Clark, naturally couldn't go with Clark to ride Guangyao.He approached Alice tentatively, trying to share the glimmer with her.

"Love...Alice, can I sit with you?"

"Of course, if you don't want to..."

"Okay." Alice agreed very happily without even thinking about it.

"Oh?! Is it really possible?" Letterman's purple-gold eyes shone with burning light.

"Really!" Alice repeated again, and then reached out to hold Letterman's hand hanging beside her, and the two quickly sat on Shimmer's back hand in hand.

"Teacher—please come with Uncle Clark—"

Alice poked her head out from the light that took off, and shouted at Xia Heng.

Xia Heng: "..."

Don't think I don't know what you little girl is up to.

Don't you just don't want to study?

Her behavior was exactly the same as the students he had seen in his previous life who were fighting wits and courage with their parents, but just didn't do their homework.

"Give you a few days off and have fun."

Xia Heng laughed, raised her right hand and waved her hand, passing a piece of news to Alice that made her extremely happy.

Thinking that Clark should study Weilan's equipment along the way, Xia Heng decided to change positions with Mingwei in order to prevent him from asking around in his ears.

Sitting with Mingwei was the griffin breeding expert in the Knights of the Holy Light, the one who was protecting Letterman like a chicken cub before, and his name was Barlow.

Xia Heng didn't know his identity when he sat on it. After taking off, the man's mouth was like a machine gun, loaded with bullets of the billion-word brand, and began to shoot at him frantically.

"Letterman said that the increase in Weilan's combat power is due to the equipment you gave? How did you do it? Even the orange-quality pet armor can't exert such great power!"

"Is there an energy gathering array on it? Or are there runes on it that stimulate the potential of monsters?"

"Will it cause harm to the user? How much is the damage? If it doesn't cause harm, it's too bad!"

"Also, what was it that you tempted those flaming griffins just now? They seem to like it very much. Are you interested in changing careers to become a war pet breeder?"


Xia Heng... Xia Heng didn't want to say anything.

If he did something wrong, please let the law punish him instead of making everyone around him talkative.

In order to make her ears feel better, Xia Heng chose to answer a few questions for him, and for the rest of the time, she pretended not to answer him, trying to let him get the meaning that he didn't want to talk at this time.

But obviously, Barlow failed to deeply understand what Xia Heng wanted to express.


He really said it all the way!Don't even stop for a drink!


"My lord, the chairman has sent news that the person in charge of the Adventurer's Association is currently conducting field inspections in Altin. After the inspection, a branch of the Adventurer's Association will be established in Altin."

The first thing Xia Heng did when he reached the temporary foothold was to find a quiet place to stay alone, but unfortunately Wen Xi didn't give him a chance.

Even though he was thousands of miles away from Altin, Xia Feng still had insufficient authority on some key issues, and he had to obtain his approval through remote communication.

"Didn't I leave all the administrative aspects to him? Jian, tell me what to do?!"

Xia Heng is in a bad mood now, so his tone of voice is very irritable.

"Uh... The chairman said that the investigation and establishment of the Adventurer's Association requires the approval of the seal of the city lord, and you did not give him the seal..."

Wen Xi added in a low voice.

Xia Heng: "..."


Well, he seems to have forgotten this thing.

Who always remembers such big and small things!

Besides, the identity authentication authority rune on it had already been transferred to his ID card by him.

He has been in office for such a long time, doesn't it seem very low to still use the seal?

"In the first drawer on the far left of the second laboratory table in the laboratory, there is my ID card and seal in it, tell him to take them all."

Xia Heng recalled where he put these things that are not very commonly used, and told Wen Xi about it, and Wen Xi would relay it later.

Clark took Letterman to the local mercenary association as soon as he arrived at the temporary foothold.

Sometimes, in order to compete for high-paying missions, when the publisher has difficulty deciding which team to choose, these mercenary groups will tacitly make an appointment to fight, and whoever wins the mission will belong to him.

Over time, an unwritten rule has been formed.

The Mercenary Association is also happy to see its success, after all, they don't need to come forward as peacemakers who can't get any benefits.

Therefore, each mercenary association will be equipped with a dedicated fighting arena, large or small, but with the existence of space mages, all this is not a problem.

It’s not a big deal, if you don’t have enough space, you can invite a space mage to open another one. It’s not a big deal. It’s much cheaper than spending huge sums of money to build a large fighting arena.

Xia Heng simply estimated the time for Clark and the others to go back and forth.

The time to go back and forth, plus the average queue time, plus the duration of the fight... oh, plus the time for Clark's lecturing.

About four to five hours in total.

The time is okay, it can let him relax his brain and ears.

After all, he will face the bombardment of all kinds of information in the future, it is better to clear his brain's cpu and memory now.

At the same time, in Altin City far away, Xia Feng was leading the leaders of the Adventurer's Association to investigate the current situation of Altin City.

For the sudden arrival of these people, Xia Feng was not surprised at all.

Look at the way they book out the gourmet and beverage stores as soon as they come here, like starving ghosts who haven't eaten for hundreds of years, their eyes can shine when they see a bite.

But Xia Feng didn't show the little contempt in his heart.

Although these people did appear to be a little ignorant, but after all, their identities are there.In order to successfully establish the Adventurer's Association in Altin, the identity of these people must exceed 80%.

Moreover, these various associations are completely independent of the existence of the royal family. Even if Xia Feng wants to use his status as a "noble prince" to suppress it, it is useless, and it is not impossible to even get the opposite effect.

The person in charge of a certain adventurer's association: "I think..."

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