As if to verify his conjecture, Xia Heng took out a card, and then... made a large jar of bamboo leaf green.

The alcohol content is not very high, and compared with those wines brewed from grain, it is not strong enough.

There is a reason why he took out this wine, after all, he still understands the fact that elements generate and restrain each other.Zhuyeqing contains a lot of Chinese medicinal materials, no matter how you think it should be mostly wood elements.

Wood makes fire, just right for experimenting with these flaming griffins.

Xia Heng made up his mind, hugged a wine jar, and found a place that was relatively close to the flame griffin, but relatively empty and stopped.

He opened the wine jar, then sat down in front of the wine jar, and stayed there for griffins.

Although he didn't know if he could catch the flame griffin, he had to try, right?

Two or three minutes later, when the clear aroma of wine penetrated into the nostrils of those flaming griffins, the gas molecules of the wine aroma seemed to turn into hooks, pulling those flaming griffins to gather around Xia Heng.

Those members of the Flame Knights who were grooming their griffins were thrown to the ground by the flame griffins.

Members of the flame mercenary group:? ? ?

exm? ? ?

Can anyone tell them what happened?Why do their griffins all walk towards the same place? What's going on? !

Feige and Russell, who were hit by Weilan's Feather Blade Storm and 'Destructive Death Ray', are currently lying on the ground and grinning.

Russell raised his hand with difficulty, and when he touched his own griffin, which was also badly injured, his own griffin stood up from the ground in an instant as if it had been shot with chicken blood, and then flew towards one of the directions.

Russell:? ? ?

what's going on?

On the other side, Feige also faced the same experience.

He turned his head and Russell looked at each other, and then turned their heads together to the place where a large group of flame griffins gathered.

At this time, Xia Heng was also lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

He looked at a large group of flaming griffins that surrounded him, staring straight at him with big blood red eyes, wanting to get some more wine from him.

The wine jar he used to catch the griffins was empty, and these griffins would not let go of the empty wine jars, they even broke the jars, sticking out their tongues to lick...

Xia Heng: "..."

He swears that he really just wants to test whether these flame griffins are alcoholics, not to rob the griffins from the flame knights!

"Teacher—! Are you okay—"

Alice rode on Shimmer, looking down from the air on Xia Heng who was surrounded by flame griffins.

She tried to rush in to rescue Xia Heng, but she couldn't get close to the collective glaring from the flame griffins.

"I'm fine." Xia Hengsheng replied indifferently.

He counted the number of flame griffins present, and took out his cards blankly to continue brewing.

He stuffed these cards into Guardian 7100, "Alice, distribute the cards on 7100 to those in the Flame Mercenary Corps, one for each."

"Good teacher—"

Alice complied obediently, and dismantled the Bamboo Leaf Green cards that Xia Heng hurriedly made on Guardian No. 7100, and distributed them one by one to the shit-shoveling officers of the Flame Mercenary Group.

After Alice's friendly teaching, the shit-shoveling officers of the Flame Mercenary Group finally took back their own griffin after going through a chaotic battle for wine.

The two unlucky guys, Feige and Russell, are a bit tragic.

The two of them were seriously injured, so when their own griffin rushed over, they failed to get out of the way in time, and were pushed several meters away by their griffin with a sliding shovel.

Fortunately, because of the violent temper of the flame griffin, the two of them were always wearing defensive battle armor, so they did not become the first adventurer on the mainland to be given a box lunch by their mount.

"Teacher, what are you doing again?"

After successfully retiring, Alice retreated to the side of Xia Heng who was rescued, and her acceptance of Xia Heng's chaotic situation was very good.

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it well. I've seen you a lot in Altin City Lord's Mansion, and now I feel that everything is normal.

"A kind of wine, children can't drink it." Xia Heng briefly explained to Alice, and then walked to the nearest flame griffin.

The Flame Griffin caught by Zhuyeqing just now naturally knew Xia Heng, and when he saw him walking towards him, he ignored his master and immediately flapped his wings to please Xia Heng.

A member of the Flame Knights: "..."

Buy you off with a jar of wine? ? ?

I bought you a wine cellar of wine, why didn't I see you flattering me so much?

Xia Heng stretched out his hand to touch the feathers of the flaming griffin, and seeing that its blood-red eyes were clearer than before, a guess suddenly crossed his mind.

He took out the altar 'Bamboo Leaf Green' again, brought it to the griffin, and observed its reaction quietly.

Of course, what's in this jar is not Zhuyeqing, but his special top-notch hangover soup full of wood elements.

Feed these drunks again?He's not crazy.

A pot of hangover soup was poured down, and the tyrannical breath of the flame griffin in front of him eased at a speed visible to the naked eye.It shook its feathers, its four claws wobbled, and it couldn't even stand firmly.

"Make it smaller." Xia Heng reminded the owner of the griffin.

Although the man was a little bit worried that Xia Heng liked his mount more than him, but seeing the current state of his battle pet, he still made it into a small one according to Xia Heng's statement.

"You've been feeding the Flaming Griffin?"

Xia Heng touched the eagle's head of the reduced flame griffin, and spoke to the owner of the griffin solemnly.

Snow was somewhat puzzled why Xia Heng asked such a question. After all, the Raging Flames Mercenary Group is a well-known alcoholic mercenary group on the mainland, and their reputation is no worse than that of the Holy Light Knights. "Yes. Is there any problem?"

Xia Heng didn't nod or shake his head, but just asked him for the wine they had been feeding the flame griffins.

"I know the reason why the flame griffin is always mad."

Withdrawing the mental power that had penetrated into the wine, Xia Heng opened his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared in the turquoise eyes.

"Did you offend someone? Someone actually spent so much blood to harm you."

Xia Heng threw the wine gourd back to Snow, and went to tease the shrunken Flaming Griffin twice, speaking surprisingly.

The winemaking process in this world is different from what Xia Heng remembers. Here, a very precious plant called 'drunken vine' is used as raw material to make wine instead of grain or other crops.

Therefore, the cost is extremely high, the kind that ordinary people can't afford.

The selection of drunken vines is extremely strict. Only the drunken vines in the mature period of one to three months can be used for wine making. If the drunken vines in other periods are used for wine making, the final product will contain a lot of impurities, and these impurities , it will cause a big change in the temperament of the eater.

The drinks in the hands of members of the Flame Knights must be regarded as the kind of edge products.

It's fine for a human to drink it, but if it's given to a monster whose sensitivity to supernatural power is much higher than that of a human being... Tsk, I can imagine what will happen with my toes.

Snow: "What?!"

"Who is your leader?" It was about the safety of some cute creatures and other adventurers, Xia Heng decided it would be better to talk to their boss about this matter.

"I am."

Feige, who was able to restore his state by relying on the various healing medicines he carried with him, was pushed to Xia Heng's side by his own griffin before he could properly cultivate himself.

The conversation between Xia Heng and Snow was naturally heard by him.

"You said you found the reason for the flame griffin's madness? Don't they always have such a violent temper?" Feige originally dismissed Xia Heng's words, but he saw that the griffin was drinking Xia Heng After giving that altar of wine a different performance than before, he began to waver.

"Irritability is true, but it is by no means tyrannical."

Xia Heng was like an emperor sitting in the Six Courts of the Three Palaces, touching this griffin and then that griffin, talking to Feige unhurriedly, "You'd better find a sommelier to appraise it. You have been feeding the wine to the flame griffins, don't find acquaintances, the more unfamiliar you are, make an appointment. Also, if you want them to be obedient and stop causing trouble, you must not let them get a drop of the wine until you find out the source of your wine .”

"You mean that their uncontrolled behavior is due to the wine?" Feige frowned, thinking of the bamboo leaf green that Xia Heng took out before, and labeled him a 'drink dealer' almost instantly.

"Do you have any proof?" he said.

"No." Xia Heng smiled slightly, not annoyed, "You can verify what I said by yourself."

"Don't rush to refuse." Xia Heng interrupted Feige's rebuttal that was about to blurt out, "At least I just stabilized your flame griffins. You know, I have this ability."

Fige was dumbfounded for a moment.

Although he really didn't want to admit it very much, what Xia Heng said was indeed true.

"These are for you. If those little guys can't bear it, just feed them. Don't feed them those low-quality products." Xia Heng showed kindness once in a while, took out a dozen cards, carved a large amount of green bamboo leaves and threw them to Fig.

"If you find out that there is a problem and want to change the wine source, go to Altin. Large quantity discount."

In the end, Xia Heng naturally did not forget to advertise his own city.

Fig: "..."

Why did he have the illusion that he was about to be cut off?

"Card... Altin..."

Russell suddenly appeared from behind Fig, startling him.

"Do as he said, and we'll check when we get back." Russell said in a deep voice.

"Do you really believe what he said?" Feige's eyes widened, and his beard almost stood on end.

"Yeah." Russell nodded, "He is the lord of Altin."

Fig: "!!!"

"You know the effect of the cards recently produced by Altin. He is an extremely powerful card master, and his mental power can perceive all abnormal elemental fluctuations."

"Since he said that there is something wrong with our wine, there must be something wrong. No matter what his purpose is, we must check."

"Don't forget, those who stare at you have never let down their vigilance on you. As long as you are alive, I don't believe those people will sit back and relax."

Feige fell silent, and the hand holding the card tightened uncontrollably.

"I know..." He looked like he had suddenly aged several decades, his figure hunched down, and he walked towards the members of the knight order with heavy steps, like a lost ghost.

On the other end, the triumphant Letterman is now being taught by Clark's ears.

Basically, he didn't know how to weigh himself, and he was desperate to rush into such a dangerous situation.

"Second Uncle! I saved you! If I hadn't been there, you would have been beaten to the ground by Feige and Russell today! Aww—it hurts——Second Uncle, let go!"

Letterman covered his ears and howled, not thinking that he had done anything wrong at all.

"How dare you talk back?!"

"What I said is the truth!"


"Leader, head! Be merciful, be merciful." The logistics members of the Holy Light Knights hurried up to the rescue.

"Head, you two are fine anyway, should we now focus on why Weilan can suddenly win two four-stars with one against two.

"That's right, Captain. Even if Weilan is a sneak attack, it sounds unlikely, since its current level is only three stars."

"Even if the Flaming Griffin with weak defense was injured by you, leader, it shouldn't be so weak that it would be hammered to the ground by a three-star!"


Everyone kept Letterman and Clark apart, especially the team member who was responsible for taking care of the griffin when the master didn't have time, guarding Letterman behind him like an old hen guarding its chicks.

Of course, it would be better if he could ignore the way he looked at Letterman as if he saw some rare treasure.

Dazed by anxiety and worry, Clark also calmed down under the persuasion of the team members. He took a deep breath, and only then did he realize that Letterman's strength did not match his own at all.

"What's going on? Weilan has advanced to four stars?"

Clark frowned, looked at Wei Lan who was going to have fun with Shimmer again in the distance, and asked his own question in a suspicious tone.

"Of course not!" Letterman poked his head out, covered his red ears and challenged Clark.

"Then tell me how you won!" Clark raised his brows, his tone serious.

If he knew that Letterman dared to use the secret medicine, he wouldn't be able to beat him to death!

Letterman: "It's the equipment given by Mr. Xia."

Clark: "What did you say?"

"The equipment given by Boss Xia..."

Hearing what he said, several people reflexively went to see Xia Heng.

Xia is masturbating a griffin Heng: What are you looking at me for?

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