"Flower Young" is a star sister and brother self-help travel reality show created by Imperial Satellite TV. A country that you are not familiar with, or even the language you don't understand at all, completes a poor trip to a foreign land.

Because this program is a live reality show, the ratings are very popular, allowing fans to watch the unknown side of their idols from a distance. Well-known second- and third-tier stars have been recruited by this show, and the industry has mixed reviews, but the popularity remains high, and it has been filmed for five or six consecutive seasons.

There are a total of four people in this season, two men and two women. Before the departure, Wan Baylor only knew that he and Li Yanran had joined the group. He didn't pay much attention to the other pair of siblings, CP. He was immersed in seeing each other for more than two weeks. Not to be in the sorrow of parting from Mimi in his house.

After getting on the plane, he realized that the other two were familiar, especially the boy, who turned out to be the male protagonist in the indecent video that he ordered Mirror Demon to retrieve a few days ago——Su Hang.

Speaking of which, the name is enough for Su. I met him in the video last time, and later I saw his interview on TV by chance. Wan Baylor paid special attention to it. Sure enough, the host asked him the origin of his name. According to myself, it was because his parents fell in love at first sight in Hangzhou Duanqiao and married him, and gave birth to him a year later. He was named "Hang'er" to commemorate this happy relationship, and his surname happened to be Su.

Wan Baylor complained to Jin Wenling at the time, saying that this surname suits him well, and he could feel the breath of Mary Su blowing across the screen.

That girl, Wan Baylor, is no stranger to her. The two of them didn't have much contact in the third dimension, but Two-dimensional is a pair of good friends who interact frequently with each other.

The girl's name is Mengmeng. When her parents chose her name because the name has the same pronunciation, it is easy to read and remember. They never thought that ten or twenty years later, the word "cute" would be so lethal. The child has become a new generation of house goddesses.

This girl is a loyal fan of Xiaotu Studio. If there is any delicious and fun place in Didu, she will tentatively @解决工作室人员Lanzhou Cuisine Classmate. Seeing that this little girl is very enthusiastic, Wan BeiLe Mutual attention with her.

As a result, I found out that Ganqing is still a small star. Although she is not as famous as Jin Wenling and Li Yanran, she has a lot of fresh works on campus after her debut, and they are quite well-known. Belonging to a rich and well-mannered intellectual family, she does not rely on children to support the family, and it is not recommended that she take some more adult and commercial films.

The most important thing is that Mengmeng looks cute, sweet, and tender. Although she is over 20 years old, she can still easily handle film and television works such as campus romance. In the past few years, she has gradually gained a little fame in the circle. Otherwise, the director team would not have arranged her in this episode of "Flower Girl".

Wan Baylor was not in a good mood following Li Yanran all the way here. Yesterday, he was going to make out with Jin Wenling, but he was abruptly disturbed by that little piggy. He took off his trousers, and the little boy insisted on knocking on the door to come in. , "Sleeping with Brother Wen Ling".

Unexpectedly, Jin Wenling didn't know what fate she had with him in her previous life, she loved that little pig so much, she actually threw Wan Baylor to another bed because of him, she really blinded his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes from crying.

But fortunately, his Mimi is not completely impersonal. When he followed Jin Wenling into the bathroom early this morning, he thought he would hit him with a torreya. Unexpectedly, Jin Wenling didn't resist much this time. He just booed him, motioned him not to disturb Zhuzhu outside, and whispered in his ear: "I'm waiting for you downstairs, there's no time, you can do it casually, remember this feeling, Solve it yourself if there is no one else, I can only help you here."

As a result, not only did Wan Baylor's tent not swell, but also his nosebleed came out again. When he rushed downstairs with his suitcase, people who didn't know thought he was being raped by Jin Dapai again.

Along the way, Li Yanran was like a little bird clinging to others, making him tired and crooked enough. Because of the mirror demon, Li Yinghou couldn't remember the ins and outs of the incident, but deep down in her consciousness, she couldn't change her submissive state towards Wan Baylor. , is still domineering to others, and when seeing him, she looks like a gentle and virtuous little woman. The accompanying staff really thought that there was something wrong between these two people.

It can be said that it was a pleasant surprise to see Mengmeng now. Seeing her sitting carelessly on the seat and squinting her eyes, as if trying to catch up on sleep after getting up, I couldn't help poking her shoulder with Kidney Six .

"Mengmeng, stand~get up~come~"

Mengmeng was sleeping soundly, and suddenly she was woken up by being stabbed, thinking it was the Suhang of that sissy, this little fresh meat is not bad in terms of appearance, but it is a pity that she can do nothing but hold her thighs, her own coffee position She's a little taller than him, and the sisters and sisters around the front and back keep screaming, and she thinks she's a good girl even if she's a girl.

At this moment, I thought it was him who was provoking me again, and secretly cursed a bitch in my heart. I opened my eyes and was about to go crazy, when I saw it was Qian Baylor, jumped up from the seat with a cheer, and gave him a Enthusiastic hugs.

"Little brother, why is it you?"

"How do you talk about the little girl, and you are still a little brother. Now that the rumors are so tight, be careful to give you a three-year reprieve."

Who knows that although Mengmeng is quite petite and cute, she has the temperament of a son and daughter of the world. She waved her hands and said, "Who are you scaring? Take it easy, even if you go in for tea, you can still have sex. If you put me and the fat man God is locked in a room, hehehe..."

Wan Baylor had a hectic expression on his face: "Sister, do you have common sense? If you want to be imprisoned, I will be imprisoned with Feitian, okay? But even if he is my idol, I will still defend myself like a jade for my male god."

Speaking of which, the plane is about to take off. Originally, the crew arranged for the four of them to sit in a row, with Suhang and Mengmeng sitting next to each other, and Wan Baylor and Li Yanran sitting together. Now when good friends meet, they don't care about that. Two people.

Su Hang was driven by Meng Meng to Wan Baylor's original seat. He was not convinced at first, but when he saw the goddess Li Yanran, he immediately felt that this was a great opportunity, and immediately took out the original method of coaxing Meng Meng, kneeling and licking This movie queen.

However, Li Yanran, apart from bowing her head and obeying Wan Baylor's advice, is still very big-handed towards others, and doesn't bother to talk to him at all.

Everyone sat down and the plane took off.

Meng Meng is a rotten girl, and she and Wan Baylor have met several times on weekdays. It's not that Yu Liangwan has any crooked intentions, but mainly because their buddy who started a business together has a crush on her, so she begged him several times to come forward to organize the party , and then slowly became acquainted.

He also likes Mengmeng's bright and lively personality, and gradually he is less defensive. All his roommates know that his male god is Jin Wenling. The yin and yang were gags, and over time, Mengmeng discovered the little secret in the boy's heart.

Hearing him talking about the male god now, he approached him very mysteriously and said, "Your male god, couldn't it be... that national male god Jin Wenling, right? Damn, you got it?"

Wan Baylor thought it was nothing. They had basically made it public in the circle. Mengmeng must have heard about it a long time ago, and she is also a good friend of hers. There is no need to hide it from her. She nodded and said: "That is, Don't look at who I am, the sunny boy with melancholy eyes." As he spoke, he looked into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds pretendingly.

Mengmeng looked like I was spitting salt soda on your face, curled her lips and said, "It's been rumored in the circle, I didn't believe it at first, you two are so far apart, say, how can you hug the thigh of a male god?" of?"

Wan Baylor was a little embarrassed to ask her, so he put his cheek on his face and said cutely, "Young and rich."

Mengmeng clicked his tongue. "I'm much younger than you. Last time I watched the entertainment program, I saw the news that the little Zhuzhu was favored by Jin Dapai. How about it? He's out of favor now. Dude, Zhuzhu always takes advantage of your absence It's time to get up."

It's true which pot can't be opened and which pot can't be lifted. Wan Baylor left tears of regret in his heart. Who knew that he killed a foot-washing maid on the way to become empress, and the Shengsheng Sheng loved him even more.

That little boy looks like a mini fresh meat now, this time on the show he has captured a lot of fans of his own mother, I am afraid that he will at least be able to climb to the front line in the future, when he breaks out of the cocoon and becomes a butterfly, he turns into a beautiful boy , Jin Wenling has a childlike face for thousands of years, and she is a man of thirty scumbags...

The more Wan Baylor thought about it, the more desperate he became, and he remembered the famous saying, "A friend's wife should not be bullied, if you want to bully him, wait until he gets on the plane." Feeling burned inside, he took out a refa platinum stick from his backpack and smacked it on his face. Massage it up.

Mengmeng is also an older actress, and the agency usually buys her some basic anti-aging artifacts. Now, seeing this young master who is less than 20 years old also use the baby face machine, he almost spit out a sip of coffee His face.

"No, Daddy, how old are you? Just use this. I'm already in my third year and I still find it troublesome."

Wan Baylor held the refa in one hand and kept massaging, and pressed the other hand on his chest, and said in a state of holding his heart in his arms, "Oh, you don't understand, those who use sex to deal with others, the color fades and the love relaxes, and the beauty is not old Grace is broken first, leaning on the smoked cage and sitting until dawn, don’t you see that the door is closed and Gillian is close, there is no north or south in life when you are frustrated..."

"Stop, stop, stop! I can't stand you, a bitter woman!"

Mengmeng's family education is very strict. After graduation, she was busy with filming. She never talked about a boyfriend. She had beautiful fantasies about love at first, but when she met these two guys today, she was more than a Su, which broke her relationship with the opposite sex. All kinds of yearning, with a little lily impulse...

The plane lands and the phone is turned on.

Wan Baylor clicked on the speed dial, and the first one was Jin Wenling's number. He really wanted to call him, but because of the time difference, it was still early in the morning in China. After thinking about it, he was about to put away Kidney Six. WeChat sent it.

Click to listen, put your ear close to the speaker, and you can hear Jin Wenling's voice.


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