Jin Wenling really didn't know how to deal with this immature child, he poked his head out from under the quilt, and reached out to hold his still laughing face.

The young man's expression slowly became serious, his eyes changed from clear to cloudy, shining with suppressed passion.

He looked at his face, which was as finely sculpted as marble. The resolute lines revealed a very masculine beauty that was different from his own femininity.

Just as they were about to kiss each other, there was a knock on the door outside.

At this moment, Wan Baylor had already silently raised the torch. Jin Wenling stopped him. He was afraid that there might be some follow-up to Zhang Xuewen's matter. The delay would not be good. The two got up and put on their clothes. Angrily went to open the door.

Unexpectedly, the little boy named "Zhuzhu" who helped Jin Wenling out of the siege yesterday was standing outside the door. He was still wearing pajamas and a nightcap on one side, looking innocent and cute.

It's just that when he saw Wan Baylor, he didn't look at him directly, and didn't know how to call someone, so he went straight into the room, and when he saw Jin Wenling, a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Wen Ling."

The little boy was not very shy of strangers, so he went straight up and crawled onto Jin Wenling's bed.

A raging jealousy was burning in Wan Baylor's heart, wishing he could throw the little guy out by the collar.

Unexpectedly, Jin Wenling really liked this boy, she even reached out to support him, hugged him and sat down beside her, asking, "I heard little Jinzi call you Zhuzhu?"

The little boy nodded very obediently.

"Manager Jin said it's cuter to call him that way, so let him do it. My name is Zhu Ji, Brother Wen Ling, please take care of me."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wan Baylor came forward and immediately picked up the little boy from Jin Wenling's side, carried him to his bed and sat down, smiling and saying, "Little friend, this name is quite cute, then look at it." Should I call you pig, or is it better to call you dick?"

The little boy didn't bother to talk to him at all, he still looked at Jin Wenling with concern, and said casually, "It doesn't matter, uncle, you can call him whatever you want."


Wan Baylor thought that he had always been a good citizen who respected the old and loved the young, but now he was so depressed that he was about to explode. Even the aloof Jin Wenling laughed at the kid's ability to flatter the superior and trample the inferior, and waved his hand Tell him to come and sit next to you.

"what can I do for you?"

"Well, Brother Wenling, this is my first time acting in a costume drama. There are many places in the script that I can't understand, and the movements and demeanor are not very good. People in the crew say that you are a well-known costumed little prince. So I want you to give me some advice, soon, just a few, okay?"

Before Jin Wenling could agree, Wan Baylor reacted quickly, and said with a big wave of his hand, "How can you use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken? If you have something to do, you don't need us, Wenling, to do it yourself. If you don't understand something, tell your brother." , I promise to explain it clearly to you."

Zhuzhu glanced at him calmly, then at Jin Wenling, who nodded and said, "He is my script assistant, you can ask him about any words or sentences you don't understand, and you can also ask me about acting skills. "

Zhuzhu nodded politely, then looked at Wan Baylor with a sneer, and opened the script in her hand, on which a paragraph had already been marked with a highlighter.

"Assistant Yu, just tell me about this passage. This is an excerpt from my morning reading in the study."

Wan Baylor reckoned that it was some kind of "goose goose goose", took the script carelessly and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

As a result, I was dumbfounded when I saw it. It was a very long ancient text, but now the big words have been uttered, and I can't regret it in front of the children, so I have to bite the bullet and read it.

"Pan Geng moved to Yin...the people were not suitable for living...and led...what...all the relatives came out, and vowed that my king came, that is...what...he lived here, respected my people, endless Liu... You can't Xu... Kuang... Yisheng, Bu Ji, saying that it is like a platform... The kings of the past were obedient, and he... respected the destiny of heaven, so it is still not Chang Ning... Not Chang... What... Yi, in today's five states... The present is not inherited from the past, but...knowing the fate of the heavens...what...it is said that it can restrain the strength of the previous kings, if there is a reason for the tree...what, the sky is forever and my life... Yuzi Xinyi, Shao Restoring the great cause of the former king, what, what, what, where..."

After listening to this passage, Jin Wenling already knew the source, let alone Wan Baylor, who was half jealous. When she was in the study, she was often punished by the Taifu because of this passage, but she always left it for him in front of children. With some leeway, he looked away and tried his best to hold back his smile.

Zhuzhu just laughed directly without losing face, and reached out to take the script in Wan Baylor's hand: "Han Wengong said: 'Zhou Yu Yinpan, you bend your teeth', it is human nature for Assistant Yu not to understand, Don't take it to heart."

Yuliangwan is also a well-known PO owner, and the little pink in the Weidan world, now let a child scold him for being illiterate, his face is completely red, and the worst thing is that he made a fool of himself in front of his sweetheart. I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in, pointing at Zhuzhu's smug little face.

"You! Don't leave after school!..."

Zhuzhu waved at him.

"Assistant Yu, I want to play against Brother Wen Ling, you should step back."

Wan Baylor was about to come up and pinch his face, but Jin Wenling stopped him and said, "You go to the hall below to have dinner first, I will play with Zhuzhu for a while, and soon, you will be on "Flower Girl", follow me more." There’s nothing wrong with socializing with people in the circle.”

When Wan Baylor heard the master's words, he dared not disobey, and made a gesture of "I remember you" to Zhuzhu, and left the room with a sad face.

Jin Wenling casually flipped through the script in his hand. He didn't have a role in the young emperor, and he didn't bother to read it. Today was the first time he came into contact with it. He saw that there were several small details in the script that were inconsistent with the current dynasty, and Zhuzhu It was drawn with a highlighter, and the revised words and sentences are below.

At best, this child is in the second or third grade of elementary school. I really can't tell that he knows a lot about history. It may be related to his family history.

Just as Jin Wenling was thinking, Zhuzhu had already turned the pages for him, pointed to the dialogue on it and said, "This article has been NG several times, Brother Wenling help me check it?"

As he said that, without waiting for Jin Wenling's consent, he immediately entered the play. He was originally a bit of an old man, but once he picked up his accent, he really looked like a very experienced actor.

"The emperor's brother will be the emperor in the future, and the minister will be the general king, and charge for the sage, and seal the borders."

When he said these words, there was a naive and heroic look on his face, which made Jin Wenling's heart tighten all of a sudden, he was too much like a person, and the intimacy that came from another life overwhelmed him. He grabbed Zhuzhu's wrist and stared at him with wide eyes.

"...Brother Wenling, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuzhu has put down her figure now, and has returned to her innocent and lovely expression, looking at him with a little fear.

It was only then that Jin Wenling realized that she was holding the little boy's arm tightly, and his slender wrist was reddened by him, so she quickly stopped her hand, stretched out her hand to rub it for him, and adjusted her mentality.

"Aren't you playing the young emperor? Why do you have such a line?" He wanted to change the topic a little, and chatted a few words casually.

"Brother Wen Ling played the later adult part. The previous plot may not be familiar. This character was not the eldest son, so it should not be his turn to ascend the throne. However, his brother was assassinated and killed by the Lvlin Road later. Be crowned prince."

Jin Wenling let out an "oh" and was silent for a while, then said, "I think your feeling is quite right, did the director say something is wrong?"

Zhuzhu shook her head, then smiled again and said, "He's full of energy now, if he doesn't make trouble with us, how dare he say no to brother Wenling? Let's just mess around like this, and we'll finish it soon." Hasn't time passed?"

Just after hearing these few words, Jin Wenling looked at the little boy with admiration. Seeing his cynical meaning, he put on a new face, saying that he is a senior actor who has been a male supporting role for several years. The rules and context of the group are clear.

Seeing him staring at her, Zhuzhu smiled shyly as if she knew what he was thinking.

"I made my debut when I was four years old. In fact, I have collaborated with brother Wen Ling on one or two works, but I haven't had the chance to meet each other. I'm too young to catch up with you. You always seem to be very busy."

Jin Wenling didn't expect that this little guy was still a veteran, seeing him change his aloof and coy demeanor just now, it reminded him of his younger brother, the beautiful boy who died tragically in his arms...

He couldn't help but reached out and touched his head, Zhuzhu looked up a little embarrassedly and asked, "Brother Wenling, can I wash at your place? I got up early in the morning for fear of not blocking you." , Broker Jin might be angry."

Jin Wenling was a little hesitant. He and Wan Baylor seemed to have had a hard time yesterday. Although he took a brief shower afterwards, he still felt sticky and wanted to rinse again.

Zhuzhu seemed to have read his mind, took Jin Wenling's hand and said, "Brother Wenling, if you don't mind, let's wash it together?"

The little boy's expression was very pure and natural, no one would shy away from such a young child, Jin Wenling thought about it, and was afraid that he would be in danger in the bathroom, so she nodded and agreed.

Wan Baylor was having dinner in the downstairs hall. As usual, the master chef from Hongbin Building was invited to take charge. Most people couldn't invite their head chef, but this Wan Baylor had the most class friendship with the working people at the bottom. The waiters, the cooks, and even the lobby manager in their store all call themselves brothers, and they are still willing to sell him this bit of face.

At this moment, the chef specially asked the head chef to make a cup of chasing wind for thousands of miles, and he waited for Jin Wenling to come down to eat, but he couldn't wait for the left and right, and his heart was shocked. Could it be that he came down to eat by himself, but let the person surnamed Zhang Breaking through the empty door?

After packing the food, I ran back to the room. When I opened the door, I couldn't see anyone, but I heard the voices of talking and laughing from the bathroom. One of them was Jin Wenling, and there seemed to be others!

With a green light above Wan Baylor's head, he kicked open the bathroom door.

"I'll fuck you..." Before the uncle could say the words, Wan Baylor was stunned, and saw Jin Wenling sitting on the flush table outside the bathtub, washing Zhuzhu's hair in the bathtub, seeing him break into He came in, covered the important place with one hand, grabbed a piece of foam and shot it out like a dart, covering Wan Baylor's face.

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