Just when the young man's waist was about to break from exhaustion, the top of the Luoyang shovel finally touched something, making a sound of gold and stone.

Yu Liangwan cheered, dropped the shovel and sat down on the ground, stretched out his hand to touch the pattern on the stone tablet, touched it for a long time, tilted his head and looked at Jin Wenling: "Is this a stone tablet? Why is there no bastard on it?"

Jin Wenling waved her hand to signal him not to talk nonsense, jumped into the homework pit, stretched out her hand to touch her wrist, and untied the Hermès leather bracelet she usually wears. It turned out that there was a jade bracelet inside, which was not very conspicuous at first. But it gradually emitted a firefly-like brilliance, and after a few seconds, the entire operation pit was illuminated like daylight.

After all, Yu Liangwan was also the master who had eaten and met in Sijiu City. He accompanied his grandfather for ten days and half a month to wander around Rongbaozhai. Son.

Salivating with a smile on his face, he said, "Is there any support tape left over from the last concert?" Jin Wenling didn't want to talk to him, but the little rascal started playing with his chest, plunged into Jin Wenling's arms and rubbed desperately, his figure like a blind bear instantly She staggered Jin Wenling's slender body.

Jin Wenling pushed away Wan Baylor's face of running away from home with one hand, pointed to the ground and told him to sit down: "This is ice formed by weak water. King Mu of Zhou asked Queen Mother Xi for it."

Yu Liangwan looked like you were lying to a ghost, and reached out to grab Jin Wenling's wrist, taking advantage of the situation to touch it twice, but felt that his hand was as cold as the jade bracelet on his wrist, so he couldn't help holding it to his lips. Hehe.

Seeing his childish behavior, Jin Wenling was not angry, and slowly withdrew her hand and said, "I'm not cold." Yu Liangwan tilted her head to look at him: "If this was ice, wouldn't it have melted long ago?"

"Weak water and cold ice, unless the real fire of Samadhi can't dissolve it..." Jin Wenling rarely said a word to explain to him, then put her wrist close to the tombstone, and said "huh".

Wan Baylor thought he had discovered something, so he leaned forward expectantly, looking left and right, there was nothing special about it, it was just an ordinary stone slab with no complicated patterns on it, it was actually in the shape of a lily.

Yu Liangwan's half-knowledge has turned into a chatterbox mode again: "It's no wonder, didn't that Ah Piao say last time that she was killed as a chaste and strong woman? Lilies represent purity, and I am very clear about this matter, brother. I think back when I was chasing girls, I only wanted to send this flower every time..."

He didn't realize that he was slapped in the middle of the sentence, he covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at his sweetheart pitifully.Jin Wenling didn't care at all, she shook her head and said, "You're talking about the current flower language. Lily was called acacia in ancient times, and men and women love each other, and they are mostly offered in the courtyard..."

Seeing that the dandy still looked illiterate, he could only shake his head and explain: "This flower is worn by Sister Yao..." Yu Liangwan almost laughed out loud: "I said it's too shameless for you, Lord Hou." Let’s go, repairing a grave for my own daughter can cause a scandal.”

Jin Wenling frowned her beautiful eyebrows: "I'm afraid it may not be the craftsman's carelessness. Take a closer look, this is not a tomb-sealing stone, it's probably the head of the outer coffin..." Stretching out his hand, he moved the surrounding floating soil to both sides, and immediately I just saw something was wrong.

The further down, the wider the inner and outer coffins, Jin Wenling gasped, this burial method really means that she will never be reborn forever.Yu Liangwan didn't care at all, and couldn't see why. Seeing that Jin Wenling's face changed, she still looked like a curious baby: "What's the problem?"

"This coffin is buried straight up and down, and it's... with its head down..."

Speaking of this, perhaps it was the brilliance on Jin Wenling's bracelet that alarmed the night owl sleeping in the Great Wall in the deserted village, and a shrill cry pierced the silence of the night sky.

Yu Liangwan shuddered all over, moved her buttocks, and stood close to Jin Wenling: "What a great hatred..." Jin Wenling didn't say anything, but tightly grasped the coffin with both hands, slowly struggling, and tried to lift it up Mentioned, shook his head and said: "Without enough horsepower, it can't be pulled."

Wan Baylor was about to show his bravery in front of his sweetheart, when he heard this, he waved his hands and said, "Let me go!" Before Jin Wenling agreed, two big hands as thick as bear's paws grabbed the side of the coffin, When he was young and vigorous, he didn't know how to take care of himself, so he mustered the brute force like a calf and pulled it out. With a violent pull, the coffin was really pulled by him by about ten centimeters.

Jin Wenling blurted out: "Take care of your waist." Wan Baylor's heart was blown when he heard this, and he turned around and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't miss our bridal chamber." With this pride, the coffin sank again...

Wan Belle cursed in a low voice, and wanted to make another move, but Jin Wenling stopped him and said, "The ones that can't be pulled up, there seem to be some fairy ropes underneath." Yu Liangwan has learned his lesson this time, and from the name, he probably knows that it is a fixed coffin I used an iron chain, in order to eliminate my illiterate image, I held back the mentality of a curious baby and didn't ask.

Jin Wenling stood up, took a hair tie off her wrist, pulled up her long hair, tied a ponytail behind her head, and then began to undress.

Yu Liangwan swallowed his saliva: "Mimi, why don't we change places, the main reason is that I'm afraid you'll catch a cold..." As he said that, he stretched out his hand to untie his belt.Ask Jin Wenling to step on Lushan's claw, kick him with the momentum, and kick him a little bit.

Looking up again, Daredevil's lover is wearing tights at home, and his whole body is neatly tidied up. Jin Wenling usually wears some well-tailored high-end ready-to-wear.

Now this outfit is specially prepared for Xia Dou'er. There is very little gap between the clothes and the body to reduce unnecessary resistance and friction. Looking at it under the moonlight, it outlines an exquisite and perfect figure.

Yu Liangwan murmured inwardly, but the wolf's paws still touched it with disappointment, but before he ate the tofu, he asked Jin Wenling to take it off, and took out a climbing rope from his quilt bag and waved it in front of his eyes: " Tie it around my waist."

Wan Baylor nodded flattered, and Jin Wenling turned her back to him, from this angle she could see his slender waist and perfect buttocks.This time, Yu Liangwan didn't dare to be a hooligan again, and tied the rope properly, but took the opportunity to hug him from behind, and Jin Wenling twisted her waist and escaped his control.

Looking back at him, he said in a deep voice: "I want to go into the coffin. The owner of the tomb has already allowed me a set of clothes for a big funeral. You tighten the rope outside. If there is any hard stubble, I will greet you."

Yu Liangwan was moved in his heart, he had put his life in his own hands, before meeting him, he was afraid that this big star would do all these things by himself, but he couldn't blame him for being able to easily get himself The script and role I wanted, I thought they were sneaked, but I didn't expect that he would do this side job by himself as the financial support later...

Thinking of this place, she suddenly felt pity and pity, and hugged Jin Wenling's waist and shook her head, "I'll go!"

Jin Wenling pushed him away, and said with a sneer, "This coffin is so delicate, why do I see from a distance that you are one size bigger than the coffin, can you go in?"

Yu Liangwan gritted his teeth and vowed that he would not eat tomorrow. While helping Jin Wenling, he knocked open the sealing stone at the end of the coffin, and a trapezoidal tomb hole was revealed inside, so dark that it was impossible to see what was happening.

Without even thinking about it, Jin Wenling jumped in. Yuliangwan let out a low cry, thinking that you should light a fire, but on second thought, it might be possible to burn it. Nothing big will happen.

Jin Wenling slid straight into the coffin straight up and down. What she was facing was a bright red dress with flowers embroidered on the skirt, which seemed to be a wedding dress. It seemed that the woman died unmarried, and her family So she put all her dowry on her body and buried her. This is not new in terms of the burial system of the former Jin Dynasty.

Sure enough, it was buried head down. Jin Wenling turned over in the narrow cave with her waist down. It is facing Zhenniang, the owner of the tomb.

Under the light of weak water and cold ice, Jin Wenling is facing Zhenniang face to face. That young and pretty face has been eaten away by time and bacteria, and only a long tongue is left. The inside slipped out, and I don't know why it didn't rot.

Jin Wenling sighed, said "abruptly", stretched out her hand to untie Zhenniang's front lapel, put her hands into the sleeves from both sides, and put on this wedding dress with the corpse, otherwise she would pull it up forcefully. I'm afraid that it will be ruined badly, and it will be difficult to make another move.

Sure enough, Jin Wenling had just put on the jacket and skirt, and the bones of Zhenniang had long been weathered, disintegrated one after another, and fell into mud and dust...

Jin Wenling let out a long breath, turned around and stood upright in the coffin, and was about to pull the rope to ask Yu Liangwan to pull him up, but he felt a ghastly air behind him, as if someone had spit on his neck Chill, when I turned around, it was a woman's face again!

The woman's face was lifelike, at first glance, Jin Wenling thought it was another Zhenniang, but upon closer inspection, the woman seemed to be a few years older than the owner of the tomb, not as pure and innocent as Zhenniang, with more eyebrows and eyes A mean and contemptuous look.

Jin Wenling didn't have time to think about it, but the female corpse slowly opened her eyes, fixed her eyes on the large funeral clothes on Jin Wenling's body, and let out a "giggle" grin in her throat: "Bitch! She's still alive... She's still alive! "

The living ghost cried at night, which alarmed the surrounding wild birds, mountains and beasts to run away one after another, making a miserable cry like a trapped beast.Yu Liangwan was about to fall asleep, when she heard noises inside the coffin, she was about to ask a question, when she suddenly heard Jin Wenling's voice from inside: "Crap!"

This is Chundian's meaning of "running fast", Yu Liangwan understood it, clamored with both hands, and pulled up fiercely, dragging Jin Wenling's slender body up.

As soon as Jin Wenling came up, her first move was to grab Yu Liangwan with both hands, throw him out of the homework pit with all her strength, and shouted: "Get away!"

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