Raising the coffin to make a fortune [travel]

Chapter 35 Abnormal Undressing Phenomenon

Wan Baylor nodded to express his admiration, and said with a smile, "If you came to my house, this would definitely not happen."

Jin Wenling's almond-shaped eyes turned round. Does this mean that she regards herself as a star married into a wealthy family?But he was a little curious, and couldn't help joking him: "Why? Aren't you afraid that your family will bully me?"

Wan Baylor rolled his eyes and shook his head with an exaggerated expression: "Hey, who are you? You are the emperor, the ancestor of Gongdou Zhaidou in the world. Let me tell you, if you pass through the gate, my father and I will Brother is not enough to flick your nails."

Jin Wenling didn't bother to talk to him, she changed her clothes and went to bed, the Northeast kang was conjoined, and the two of them had to sleep on the same bed, Wan Beile gave up the kang to Mimi, his family, and slept by herself Kang Shao'er lay on his stomach for a while, feeling that Jin Wenling was fast asleep, like a starfish, he stretched out his limbs, wriggled sideways, rolled for a long time before rubbing against Jin Wenling's side, put his hand on his waist and lay down on his stomach.

At about three o'clock in the morning, the working group began to assemble. They listened to the advice of the forest ranger Xiao Zhang and set off early in the morning, trying to spend a day and a half on the journey to reach the location of the hot spring before the mountain was closed by heavy snow. Rest there for a whole day, and continue to go deep into the hinterland of the snow mountain to find the legendary tomb of Emperor Ye.

Ye Di is a clan tribe that was marginalized by the Central Plains regime back then. According to the current classification method, it has been extinct as soon as it entered the slavery society.

Because this tribe does not even have its own language, only the uppermost aristocratic class knows how to use Chinese characters, and the way people communicate with each other is also very primitive. Called here to exchange ideas, that's why this tribe was called "Yeti" by the Central Plains regime. In the long process of historical inheritance, it was mistakenly written as "Yedi", which has been passed down to this day.

A group of people set off before dawn. Walking in the forest, sea and snowfield, there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. There is no reference at all, and they don't know how the progress is. They can only rely on the richness of the forest ranger Xiao Zhang. Experience, slowly groping towards the hot spring area.

Xiao Zhang walked in the front, he was taciturn, and he never took the initiative to speak when others did not talk to him.

Tantai Liuguang had a noble and glamorous attitude in front of outsiders, except for taking care of Yunluo from time to time, he didn't speak. Yunluo seemed a little flattered, but he hesitated to deal with him.

Jin Wenling's physical condition is not very good, walking is already a little difficult, and she completely refuses to pay attention to Wan Baylor's gags along the way.A group of people walked so quietly, as if they would go to the end of the world.

Until the sun rose, Xiao Zhang climbed up a relatively high rock, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and nodded to indicate that the first stage of the journey has been completed ahead of schedule, everyone can take a rest and eat something to replenish Take a look at your strength.

Wan Baylor didn't care about others, and pulled Jin Wenling to sit down in a sunny place, stretched out his hand to touch the cold and hard rock, and pressed it casually, and it became warm like a small stove.

Jin Wenling knew that he was using the power of Samadhi True Fire again, seeing that Tantai Liuguang in the distance didn't seem to be affected, she gave him a reproachful look and shook her head.

Wan Baylor put on a measured expression, took a few boxes of military canned food and warmed them in his palms, opened them and handed them to Jin Wenling.

Jin Wenling seemed to be exhausted physically, her face was a little pale and sick, she stretched out her hand to push away the can, and shook her head.

Xiao Zhang at the side saw it, and said in a rare voice: "Comrade Xiao Jin, you still have a whole day to go. You are exhausting yourself. How can you do without eating?" After the baptism of European style and beautiful rain, the names of people are still in the style of decades ago.

Jin Wenling shook her head: "I really can't eat anymore, it's fine." Wan Baylor knows that Jin Wenling has always steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted flower duck, roasted young chicken, roasted goose, boiled salted duck sauce chicken bacon You may not be able to swallow the golden grains and jade grains of the noodles of Songhua Xiaoduer, air-dried meat and sausages, let alone these laborious seeds.

Tilting his head and thinking for a while, he said, "Hey, Comrade Xiao Zhang, isn't there a small mountain stream on the way we came just now? I often hear people say that you are "beating roe deer with a ladle to scoop fish, and pheasants flying to rice." Pot', let's go to Mimi... How about catching some fresh fish for Comrade Xiaojin to make soup?"

Xiao Zhang is an honest person, and he couldn't tell that Yu Liangwan was joking with him, so he frowned and said, "It's about to be the season when the mountains will be covered by heavy snow, and there are fish in the river, but the ice will always break." to be caught."

Wan Baylor said with a playful smile: "Comrade Xiao Zhang, you have been in the mountains for a long time, and you don't know that the technological level of our imperial capital has already reached the four modernization standards. One day is equal to 20 years. How difficult is it to surpass Britain and catch up with America!" Also made a big leap forward gesture.

Xiao Zhang made him feel a little confused, and seeing that Jin Wenling's face was really pale, he nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll go with you."

Now Tantai Liuguang, Yunluo and the others also came to inquire about the situation, and when they heard that Wanbeile was going to catch fish, Tantai also agreed to go together.Yu Liangwan was afraid that he would steal merit in front of Mimi, so he waved his hand: "No, Mr. Astro Boy, your inner arm is too precious, we can't afford to pay for it if it breaks."

Xiao Zhang told them that the fish will definitely choose a relatively warm place to spend the winter. According to past experience, they should gather in the upstream area. The group walked upstream along the frozen mountain stream, hoping to see more Get running water.

Because of the fear of suffering from snow blindness, everyone wore rayban before departure. Only Wan Baylor, who evolved into the ultimate body, was invulnerable to all poisons, staring at Di Liuyuan's big eyes and walking on the road of happiness like a normal person. .

Because the eyes are not covered, the vision is very far and sharp, and it seems to see someone swimming naked on the ice of the mountain stream from a distance.

Wan Baylor let out a "huh", then turned to Xiao Zhang and said, "Why, this place is still a winter swimming pool? Didn't you say that tourists are not allowed to go hiking when the mountains are covered by heavy snow? Why are there still people swimming here?"

Everyone was so busy on their way that they didn't pay attention. Looking up now, it seemed that there were a few naked people playing in the stream from a distance. They waved their arms excitedly, as if people in the swimming pool were interacting with each other. It's like playing in the water, but what makes people feel puzzling is that those people seem to maintain that movement all the time, motionless.

Xiao Zhang had some bad premonitions in his heart, so he hurried forward a few steps, and everyone followed him one after another. He turned around a dense pine forest, and only then could he see the situation in front of him clearly. Everyone gasped. Take a breath.

The upper bodies of three people were exposed on the frozen ice, all of them were young and middle-aged men. One of them bent down and folded his hands together, as if he was about to scoop water into the mountain stream. The third person was in the state of splashing water, and that person seemed to be afraid that the splashed water would splash on his face, so he blocked his eyes with one hand, and made a gesture of refusal with the other hand, his lips parted slightly, as if he was still smiling to say something.

The expressions of these people are very cheerful, just like the scenes of friends playing in the water that are often seen in public swimming pools on weekdays.It's just that their joyful expressions are forever frozen on their faces.Time stopped here. If Jin Wenling and his party hadn't forcibly intervened, they would have maintained this posture forever until the eternity of time.

Wan Baylor couldn't help shivering: "Damn it, Zhu Yan's blood lantern..." Tantai Liuguang and Jin Wenling both subconsciously glanced at him, only Yunluo looked blank, obviously not knowing what he was talking about , and looked at the companions around him, everyone looked away subtly with a little expression.

Yunluo didn't know, so she had no choice but to continue to look at the corpses in the glacier. He had received professional field survival training and knew how to tell the time of death. The three of them were all naked, and there were many dark red spots on their skin besides corpse spots. The spots mean that these people were frozen to death, and the time of death will be at least several days.

But a few days ago, the temperature here has reached below minus 40 degrees. What tempted these people to take off their clothes and play in the icy mountain stream like summer... Could it be that they drowned in the mountain stream? Ghosts, charmed them to make a back?

Yunluo looked around and soon found the equipment of these people. There were ropes, explosives, daggers, gas masks, miner's lamps, cold fireworks, signal flares, compressed dry food, walkie-talkies and a very representative Luoyang shovel in the backpack.

Wan Baylor glanced at it from a distance, and touched Jin Wenling with his elbow: "Hey, are you going together?" Jin Wenling was afraid that the forest guard Xiao Zhang would become suspicious, and something unexpected would make it difficult for Tantai Liuguang, so she said to him, "Shao Hun Said, these people are tomb robbers at first glance, how can they be of the same nature as our working group engaged in rescue excavations?"

Wan Baylor also knew that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly made up for it: "That's right! Leave it to the country!"

Xiao Zhang didn't pay attention to this. Although he was taciturn, he was very careful. After checking the equipment, he looked at other items, pointed to the pile of clothes next to him and said, "Look, these people's clothes are from Taking them off and folding them from the outside to the inside proves that they have not lost their logical thinking, nor were they coerced into the water."

Could it be that these people simply want to have a winter swim?I haven't heard that tomb robbers always come here for a while before they fight.Everyone was looking at each other, suddenly Tantai Liuguang raised his eyebrows: "This is an abnormal phenomenon of undressing."

Wan Baylor couldn't read well, and whenever someone talked about terminology, his brain hurts: "I said Astro Boy, what kind of undressing phenomenon, these people are strippers?"

Yunluo immediately realized: "Why didn't I expect that, this is one of the symptoms of frozen corpses, because the body temperature regulation center is paralyzed, people who freeze to death will have hallucinations before dying, and feel extremely hot, so dying Before taking off clothes, shoes and socks, naked body, or turning up clothes to expose chest and abdomen, or only wearing underwear, this is called abnormal undressing phenomenon.”

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