Yunluo reached out to wipe the sweat that was about to drip off her chin, and looked at Tantai Liuguang a little embarrassedly, he must have hurt him just now, because they were so close, he could even hear his strong heartbeat The sound, because of nerve pain, is fast and sharp.

But the expression on his face didn't change much. He was still gentle and poised. Seeing that Yunluo had failed to install it twice, he even comforted him: "It's okay, I don't hurt."

He is a child of the old family, Yunluo knows that he can play tickets and loves gold and stone, he is still young, handsome and rich, such people are usually frivolous, showy, happy to be kind, just like Wan Baylor.

But Tantai Liuguang is an exception among the princes of the imperial capital, he does not make friends with young children, it may be because of his seniority, and the people he associates with are middle-aged gentlemen, even his behavior is the same as those people, Zhai Zhuang Zhongzheng, peaceful and gentle.

What exactly made his temperament so sophisticated, Yunluo remembered that night in the underground parking lot of Hongbin Building, he robbed Yu Liangwan for nothing, so that the eloquent boy had no way to fight back. Strength, his heart is still hot, but he rarely shows it. By the way, he was complaining for himself at that time.

Yunluo's head was a little cranky, and her movements also hesitated.Tantai Liuguang raised his arm, and felt that the newly installed iron frame could be used freely, so he tentatively took the shirt from Yunluo's hand, and put it on by himself.

"What are you looking at, so lost in thought?"

The mandarin he usually speaks is very standard, and his voice is full-bodied, almost comparable to a radio announcer, but now he suddenly said something in Jingbai, his tone was a little higher, and his tone suddenly became intimate.

Only then did Yunluo come back to her senses, and she had been staring at his upper body when she was in a trance just now, he had been in the army for a long time, his style was simple and down-to-earth, it was inevitable that he was stupid, and he couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

"I, I didn't..."

Tantai Liuguang laughed heartily, and stretched out his hand to lightly press on his shoulder: "I'm just joking, don't be annoyed. There is a meeting outside today, let's take a look."

half a month later.

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting.

Wearing an M65 combat uniform, Wan Baylor chanted the leader's poems with his hands behind his back facing the wind. He shrank his head as cold as a grandson, and ran back to the forest ranger's cabin after halfway through the recitation.

As soon as he took the lead, he saw that Xiao Jinzi had fanned a copper pot, freshly cut mutton slices, mushrooms and bamboo shoots were stewed together, and the room was filled with aroma.

Wan Baylor is a carnivore. After wandering around in the bitter cold of the border area for a few days, a bird came out of his mouth. The road along the road is rugged. Even the best equipment is useless in this kind of mountainous area. , In the last part of the journey, everyone abandoned their cars and carried their loads before walking into the depths of the mountain.

He didn't bother to look for chopsticks, and was about to grab the pot with his hand, and asked Xiao Jinjin to slap his claws off.

"It's still a son of a family. It's really embarrassing for you rich N generations. Wait a minute, let the young master eat first."

Wan Baylor immediately turned dog-legged, turned to Jin Wenling and said, "Yes, yes, Mimi will eat first, but how could I remember that you don't like meat..."

Jin Wenling ignored him, took a box of canned military vegetables from Tantai Liuguang, asked Xiao Jinzi to boil the spinach into the broth, cooked it with thick soup, and handed him a small bowl.

"Well, a record will be released in the second half of the year, so I need to improve my voice."

With an expression that you city people really know how to play, Wan Baylor waited for Mimi to finish eating, then ate up the rest of the soup by himself, and went to fill another bowl.

Seeing that Tantai Liuguang also filled a bowl, he didn't eat it himself, but put it in Yunluo's hand first, patted his shoulder, lowered his eyebrows and whispered a few words, vaguely heard something like "you are too thin" if.

Wan Baylor is not happy anymore, Yunluo has been around him ever since he was a child, but now he is very friendly with the young master of the Tantai family, and he is also polite to himself, and he has become more and more serious.

Eating in a delicate atmosphere, when the door slammed, I saw the forest guard Xiao Zhang coming in through the curtain with a double-barreled shotgun on his back. I fetched water and took it outside to wash and peel.

He is a taciturn young man. Since the working group came to the forest ranger base a few days ago and showed relevant documents, hoping that he would cooperate with the work, he cleaned out the three rooms in the base for them to live in, and gave himself the best condition She also gave up her bedroom, saying that since Jin Wenling was born thin, it would be better to live in a warmer place.

This poor place doesn't even have wifi, and no one is chasing stars. I guess this kid has lived in the barren mountains for a long time, and no girl is willing to marry him. Seeing Jin Wenling, a big star who is prettier than a girl, is a bit pretentious. Can't stop.

Wan Baylor saw some clues, but this young man was honest and down-to-earth, and in terms of appearance and value, he was not comparable to himself at all. His kindness to Jin Wenling made Qian Baylor feel a little grateful, and he Get on well.

After eating for a while, Jin Wenling went back to her room to pack her bags and prepare to leave tomorrow.There are three forest guards in total, and they are on duty at this base in three shifts. They were originally received by Xiao Zhang, and he is a native of the snow-capped mountain area. Unlike the other two, they came to such a poor place for work in order to be a civil servant. Yes, I heard that Jin Wenling and the others needed a guide, so they volunteered to take advantage of their rotation vacation to accept it.

They didn't say that the room was given up for Wan Baylor, but since he attempted to rape last time, he has always regarded himself as a real boyfriend. He stuck Jin Wenling on his body like a dog skin plaster, and he couldn't be chased away. Jin Wenling didn't bother to shout He, Xiao Jinzi is no match for him, he was thrown out of the room by Qian Bayle long ago and went to live in another dormitory.

Humming and whimpering, she rolled over on the Northeast kang, hugged the quilt tightly and waved to Jin Wenling: "Mimi, it's cold here at night, come here, let's sleep together under the quilt."

Jin Wenling didn't pay attention to this, instead she took out a coat from the suitcase and threw it on Wan Baylor.

"This is the M65 military version of the field coat. The jacket on you is at best an assault jacket. It will be even colder in the mountains. Don't try to show off your prestige. Remember to put it on tomorrow."

Yu Liangwan shed tears of emotion: "Mimi, I know you are the best for me." After wearing it on her body and trying it on, it was much thicker than the M65 for civilian use, and the design was more straight. The tall and straight body sets off the majesty.

After looking in the mirror and twisting for a while, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Mimi, didn't the military version of this M65 go out of print during World War II? It's your collection, what should you do if you wear out such an antique?"

Jin Wenling shook her head: "It's not worth anything. Liu Guang managed to get this from the military supply department. There are still some in the warehouse. You can just wear it."

When Wan Beile heard this, he became jealous, took off his clothes and threw them on the kang, puffing up his face.

"Don't wear it!"

Jin Wenling sneered: "Then don't go tomorrow, so as not to drag me down."

A few muffled moans came from Wanbeile's throat, he got up from the kang and bounced to Jin Wenling's side, reaching out to hold his hand.

Jin Wenling only felt that the place he touched was extremely hot, raised her eyes and frowned: "Do you have a fever?"

Wan Baylor shook his head, and took off his thermal clothes repeatedly, with his upper body bare, and said meanly: "I have learned to control my aura a long time ago, let alone a field coat , even if the young master only wears a blue hoodie, he can still pick out a treasure out of millions of zongzi, like picking something out of a bag." As he spoke, he sang: "Wear Linhai~Cross~Xue~Yuan~An~An~An~ Ann~"

Jin Wenling clenched her fists between her frowning brows. Before setting off, this kid read too many Bao Bao's notes, and was dazed... while pulling up his clothes.

"Don't be so easy after entering the mountain. If you lose control again, it will be bad for Liu Guang. His iron frame is very heavy. Once it fails, it will be a heavy burden for us, understand?"

Wan Baylor was just talking, since he knew that Tantai Liuguang had no unreasonable feelings for Jin Wenling, he didn't care too much, he just wanted to show off the new skills he got in front of his sweetheart.

At the same time, he remembered the stickiness between him and Yunluo when he was eating just now, and he felt very uncomfortable, and complained: "Yes, why did this kid suddenly become so warm to my brother? I used to be in my old house. It's not that I haven't heard of him in the circle, he is the most sour-faced person, but I didn't expect to be very concerned about my brother's affairs."

Jin Wenling looked at him playfully: "Why, are you jealous?"

Wan Belle immediately got up and knelt on the kang, swearing to the sky that he didn't have it, Jin Wenling sighed: "Maybe it's because Yunluo's temperament is more similar to Jin Ou's."

Yu Liangwan made up the picture of these two people together, not to mention that they are really golden boy, jade boy, talented and handsome, and they are familiar with Jin Wenling.

"Do you think I should tell my brother and tell him to guard against that embarrassment?"

Jin Wenling was about to go to sleep at the moment, she had already untied her ponytail, was combing her hair, playing with the end of her hair one after another: "No need, he won't make a move."

"That's not necessarily true. You see, when that kid was eating, he almost ate my brother. Although my brother is older than me, he has never been in society at all. What should I do if I was cheated?"

Jin Wenling reached out and poked Wan Baylor's face, and said thoughtfully: "Do you know how Jin Ou died? People with their personality can't play against you, the old forces of the imperial capital. The Tai family's "360 days a year, the wind, the frost, and the sword are pressing against each other", I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable. If Liu Guang really has this kind of heart, he will never tell the truth. Your brother's mind is still pure, so if he doesn't say it, Of course he can't see through."

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