Relying on ideas is actually praying to heaven.Li Qiuyun greeted her from the Tathagata Buddha in the east to the Holy Son Jesus in the west, but she didn’t respond. In the end, she could only give up struggling and live in harmony with the spider. On the bright side, there is a spider, and I watch it weave its web every day Predation is also a kind of fun.

The spider seemed to be spiritual. Instead of weaving a web on the handmade soap, it picked a lemon yellow bath flower on the hook next door.Maybe it is because the spiders dislike this position and there is no good angle for it to display its web-weaving talent.Before leaving, I didn't forget to stick Li Qiuyun's body with spider silk.

"Ah! It's so uncomfortable. I always feel like I have a film on my body." Li Qiuyun looked at the strands of spider silk on her body in distress, and the sun shone in with a silver light, and she broke down, "Ah, I still want to take a bath. I have touched these before. Any weird things will be washed quickly."

"Bath? There must be water in the bath, and there must be boiling hot water. By the way, am I going to serve Huang Yanxuan's family to take a bath? Oh, my God, will I slip into the swimming ring on Director Liang's body? I can't get out now. Will Huang Yanxuan do some weird things when he takes a shower, for example..." Li Qiuyun had to face up to the current serious situation.However, she can only think about what kind of situation she will encounter next, and she has no effective coping strategies to prepare for it.

After thinking about it, it was evening, when the lights came on and I was about to take a bath.

The first person to come in was the male guest Huang Yanxuan. Only one of the five lights in the bathroom was on, the one on the top of the shower room.The male guest was holding a pair of blue, yellow and white floral beach-style boxer pants, and it seemed that he was not going to give it to the only female guest present.

When Huang Yanxuan walked into the shower room 'alone', Li Qiuyun froze in fright, her eyes only dared to look above her neck.Seeing that the protruding Adam's apple is a bit beautiful, it is probably because there is nothing but curiosity or expectation. For example, the black hair is long and straight and beautiful, but I like the big golden curly hair.


Compass pan なんて渋抱のもと/热ににうかされrudder をとるのさ/ホコリかぶってた宝の地図も/实かめたのなら伝説じゃない/...weare, weare, weare.” Probably because the parents are not at home, Huang Yanxuan sang to his heart's content with the nozzle in the shower, probably out of tune and in a foreign language, but Li Qiuyun didn't know which song it was, and the repertoire needs to be studied.

Then Huang Yanxuan wet his hair, closed his eyes and stroked his bangs back with one hand, then a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to the side to reserve a perfect 45-degree angle, and looked forward After sweeping it away, he said to the mirror, "Is it difficult to sing? Is it not perfect? ​​But I am handsome."

Li Qiuyun stared at the young man in front of him dumbfounded.In the past, when I heard classmates complaining behind my back that Huang Yanxuan was very coquettish, I half believed it, but this time I fully believed it, but I didn't expect it to be so coquettish.People are not judged by appearances. I never thought that the good baby in the eyes of the teacher and the great theological bully in the hearts of the students also have such an unknown side.

Just when Li Qiuyun had tens of thousands of cute pets of Mahler Gobi galloping in her heart, Huang Yanxuan stretched out her hand to this side.Li Qiuyun immediately closed her eyes tightly, trying to close all her senses, but it was in vain.Li Qiuyun felt that she was shaking a lot, but felt that the shaking was decreasing or even becoming static, so she slightly opened her eyes and looked out.I saw Huang Yanxuan squeezed out a pile of black-painted fleece-flower-flower shampoo, put his fingers into his hair and rubbed them staggeredly, and after a while, a pile of foam came out.Because of the wind blown by the exhaust fan, the bubbles did not fall down according to the gravity of the earth, but floated around in the shower room, sticking to the tiles on the wall, the venetian blinds of the windows, and the water-proof frosted glass.According to the principle of light reflection, the bubbles show different colors, which is actually quite beautiful.

Huang Yanxuan mercilessly popped a bubble stuck to the frosted glass with his fingers.A layer of mist formed on the glass under the alternation of cold and heat, Huang Yanxuan turned off the water and drew circles on the glass left and right.

Although the drawing is a bit abstract, Li Qiuyun can still see that it is a mathematical geometry problem.

"Here we need to add an auxiliary line, here we need to prove the straight line AD...this place should be a trap." Huang Yanxuan was writing and calculating seriously from memory, and he didn't even notice that the temperature in the shower room started to drop. "Ah, I can't do the third question. I can't figure out what kind of perverted question the teacher asked. It must be unsolvable. It must be because the teacher made a mistake, otherwise it's beyond the outline." He usually looks calm and composed when solving problems in class, as if nothing can trouble him.Shots flashed through Li Qiuyun's mind.In fact, Huang Yanxuan's appearance of working hard is very handsome, no matter whether he has solved it or not, that kind of serious and focused energy is very attractive.

Huang Yanxuan scratched his hair angrily, frowned, grabbed a handful of foam from his head and wiped off the set of questions he just made, then turned on the nozzle and buried himself in the water, as if he could get rid of the annoying problem that could not be solved. The problem is isolated.

"It's better to fall in love than to solve this problem." Huang Yanxuan combed his hair and said to himself.

"By the way, I haven't taken any of the three professional courses in high school, lateness, absenteeism, and picking up girls." Huang Yanxuan counted with his fingers. "The family education is strict and strict, but as long as I want to do it, I will cut it first and play later, and who can stop me. I don't bother to be late and cut classes, but I am full of expectations when I fall in love. I have been imagining what kind of person I will be in the future, Cang Dabo? Beauty Fan? It’s still you, Little Osmanthus.” After speaking, she flicked the handmade soap and bath flowers hanging from the hook.The little spiders on the bathing flower were so frightened that they fell into the puddle, and they probably would never see each other again.

When Huang Yanxuan mentioned Xiao Osmanthus, Li Qiuyun felt her heart skip a beat.The golden millet is everywhere beside the Manjue Long, and the wind blows down the mountains and autumn.Autumn rhyme is also a kind of sweet-scented osmanthus. Could it be that Xueba has a peculiar taste and likes my scumbag.I remember one time when I was in a chemistry class, I felt sleepy and nodded my head like I was fishing. When I lost my luck, I was called by the teacher to answer questions.The teacher looked at Li Qiuyun who had just woken up, shook his head, and asked a simple question, "Can concentrated sulfuric acid be washed off with water directly on the laboratory bench?" The back table poked Li Qiuyun's back, She had a big tick on her back.Confused, Li Qiuyun naturally chose the answer from the classmate at the back table, and answered loudly without hesitation, "Yes." The whole class burst into laughter, and Huang Yanxuan also whispered in the corner, "I can believe the tricky answer , Acid-base neutralization is written in such a big word on the blackboard, you don’t even look at it.” The teacher gave Li Qiuyun a look of resentment, “Sit down! Listen to the class carefully. The study committee will answer.” Huang Yanxuan stood up Glancing this way, he calmly read according to the book, "sprinkle concentrated sulfuric acid on the laboratory bench, first neutralize it with Na2CO3 (or NaHCO3), and then rinse it with water." The teacher nodded and said two words in satisfaction. He said, "Look at him, tsk tsk." Naturally, Li Qiuyun was so ashamed that she wanted to get under the table.

"I like osmanthus cake the most. It's sweet and crystal clear. It's like the taste of first love." Sure enough, there is no good result for a top student and a bad student.

"If Bi's mother finds out that I'm in a relationship, I will definitely let go." Huang Yanxuan brushed away the mist on the mirror, and looked at himself in the mirror melancholy through the palm-width slit.But in the next second, he raised three fingers and swore, "I, Huang Yanxuan swear. If there is any girl who dares to confess to me, even if she looks like a pig chop, I will admit it, or whoever dares to agree to my confession, I will Immediately fall in love. But I guess no one has the courage. My mother catches young couples at school every day, and she would rather kill them by mistake than let them go." Huang Yanxuan rinsed his hair and prepared to take a bath, but He didn't use handmade soap, but took the body soap on the shelf, opened the lid, mixed water, and shook it frantically until the water and milk were mixed before pouring it on his body.Seeing this situation, Li Qiuyun counted her fingers, and knew that if there were no accidents, she would use herself in the next bath.

"It's empty, lonely, and cold, pack up your bedding and roll away." His whole body was full of jokes, and finally finished his bath, changed his clothes and left.Thinking of watching such a reality show every night in the future, Li Qiuyun felt that being a handmade soap was enough to live a wonderful life.

"Oh, my god. The soup almost spilled." Not far from the kitchen in the bathroom, Li Qiuyun could vaguely hear Huang Yanxuan frantically lifting the lid to get the soup bowl, and could smell the aroma of the soup.

"Hey, I'm so hungry, I really want to eat. Can you leave me a bowl." Li Qiuyun counted the tiles in the bathroom to get by.

It's another Sunday, the last day of the weekend, and the scumbags are making up their homework, and the top students can choose to relax.Li Qiuyun heard a little noise outside, probably Huang Yanxuan's house had guests.

Then I heard Huang Yanxuan's voice, "Please help me wash the dishes, and I will reward you with my chef." The voice got closer and closer, "Dawei, you go to the next door to do the laundry, and take the clothes from my closet. one piece."

"Okay." Then came a male voice, they are all wearing the same pair of pants, they should be Huang Yanxuan's good buddies, Li Qiuyun speculated.

After thinking about it, Huang Yanxuan also took his clothes and walked into the bathroom.The moment he walked into the shower, Li Qiuyun could smell the long-lasting smell of sweat.Just by smelling it, you can guess that you just went to play.

"The big river flows eastward / The stars in the sky go northward

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