Fascinated, I stopped bothering my cousin.The sealed and packaged handmade soaps were also neatly stacked and put into large cardboard boxes.

Time passed in a busy way, and it was already early morning inadvertently.My cousin is heating up a new batch of raw materials in the kitchen, and Li Qiuyun has already packed three boxes of handmade soap and is about to launch an attack on the fourth box.

At midnight, there are not many good programs on TV, only some boring nighttime ghost movies.With great difficulty, Li Qiuyun chose an interesting anecdote program about ancient unofficial history.

The five or sixty-year-old host in the show narrated anecdotes and strange things in a slow tone, "According to ancient records, during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, there was a noble concubine who liked to collect porcelain vases. One day, she saw a special porcelain vase in her dream. Gao Like a young girl, the shape is graceful, the body of the bottle is unadorned, and the whole body is red. In order to please the concubine, the emperor ordered the emperor to make the porcelain vase that the concubine said. However, the porcelain at that time was only white and blue, and no one had ever made red. The imperial merchant could only report that he was powerless to ask the emperor to hire someone else, which made the imperial concubine very angry, so the emperor sentenced Qiuhou Wen to be executed on the grounds that the imperial merchant resisted the decree. This was a disaster for the imperial merchant family. People are very sad to hear it. In the end, the daughter of the emperor merchant thought of a way to save her father by throwing herself into a kiln to save her father. At first, it was just to impress the emperor with her filial piety and let her old father go. I didn’t expect it to happen. The girl’s The blood dyed the porcelain vase being fired in the kiln red. Later, the porcelain fired in the porcelain kiln that the girl joined had a gorgeous sunset red, hence the name "beauty porcelain."

"Beauty Porcelain, Beauty Handmade Soap. Why is the name so coincidental?" Li Qiuyun muttered to herself. "If you find a beautiful woman to melt her down and make handmade soap these days, you'll probably go to jail if you don't have a buyer. This story is really insane and creepy."

"Okay, let's listen to the next story. This story is recorded until..." The voice of the host on the TV has a hypnotic effect.Li Qiuyun heard more and more vaguely.

"Ah, something is wrong and I forgot to set the alarm clock last night. Today's morning reading is the class teacher's Chinese, so you must not be late." Li Qiuyun woke up instantly when she thought of this.But he was confused by the surrounding scene again, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.I seemed to be lying down, but there was no one around me, and my cousin didn't know where she went. Recalling the scene before going to bed last night, could it be that my cousin let me sleep on the sofa alone, and she went into the room to sleep on the bed?No, no, it's impossible, my cousin is not such a person, she would rather sleep in the hall by herself than let her friends into the room.But why can't see anything now?Are the curtains drawn?Or is it the middle of the night and how many more hours can I sleep?

"Crack." In the darkness, Li Qiuyun was extremely sensitive to the sound. This sound should be the sound of turning on the light, but she still couldn't see anything.Why is it still dark, Li Qiuyun felt uneasy.Didn't I open my eyes?Or am I blind.

"Mom? You're back. The food is heating up in the pot. You signed for the couriers you bought on Double Eleven and put them on the coffee table." Li Qiuyun heard another voice, a man, very familiar, as if she heard it somewhere Pass.Cousin, how can there be a man here!New boyfriend?Or the junior brother who called over to help pack the handmade soap?Handsome?

"Okay, go do your own thing." Li Qiuyun listened carefully, and found that the voice was more familiar. Why did it sound like the voice of Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office heard on the school radio every day.That voice reminded people of the serious side of Director Liang when he rectified the school's violations of discipline.

Li Qiuyun hadn't figured out what the two voices were all about, but at this moment the surroundings brightened without warning, filled with long-lost light.It was the magnified face of Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office, which frightened Li Qiuyun into a daze. "Huh? Why doesn't my heart beat?" Li Qiuyun felt that her brain had lost the ability to think.

"Thank you for your strong support for the SOS Cosmeceutical Mask. SOS presents you with a surprise. Handmade soap... for bathing?" Li Qiuyun looked at Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office and unfolded the product introduction that she personally put into the packaging box Book, a little trance, the brain is blank, and I have become the handmade soap made by my cousin?Beauty soap, beauty soap, I have never regarded myself as a beauty. The TV show that night was pressed randomly, and the words were nonsense.God, the Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, teach me how to turn back into a human.

However, Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office lifted herself up easily, removed the heat-shrinkable film wrapped outside, stuffed it into a snow gauze bag, tightened the rope, and tied a knot. This series of real actions made Li Qiuyun understand that she really became a handicraft The soap is gone, and the spirit is already on the verge of collapse. "Son, are you running out of body soap in the bathroom? Take this soap to see if it works. It smells like sweet-scented osmanthus."

"Oh, good. Help me hang it in the bathroom." Hearing his son's answer, Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office carried Li Qiuyun, who had turned into handmade soap, into Huang Yanxuan's exclusive bathroom, and hung it on the hook next to the shower head.In the hands of Director Liang of the Academic Affairs Office, Li Qiuyun first turned twice to the left and then to the right twice, and finally stopped the dizzying rotation due to gravity.Li Qiuyun wanted to pass out and wake up to another beautiful day.Nowadays, no one wants to face this reality. It’s better to become a bastard than to become a handmade soap. The bastard can live for thousands of years. What promising things can handmade soap do? Bubble?Listening to the rhythmic sound of water droplets beside her, Li Qiuyun fell into deep thought.

On the first morning when Li Qiuyun turned into handmade soap, she was awakened by a strange smell.

"There is such a saying in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. If there is no disease, there will be no residue in the intestines; if there is a long life, the intestines will always be clear." Huang Yanxuan dropped the book bag as if no one was there while cleaning his body.Indeed, he was the only one at this moment, and no one could see that the handmade soap in the shower was changed by humans.

Li Qiuyun murmured in her heart, she didn't know if there was something wrong with this person, maybe it was just detoxification, cleansing the intestines, and he could even quote famous quotes from famous people.Wait a minute, do you want to observe your excrement and speculate on your recent physical condition.

"Today's weekend, let's make a lotus root and peanut ribs soup. I haven't made soup for a long time, and I want to drink it. The peanuts need to be soaked for three hours. Remember to wash the peanuts when you go out." Huang Yanxuan propped his elbows on the sink and squatted He stared blankly on the toilet, talking to himself.And Li Qiuyun, who was in the same place, was already unable to complain.Ah, it stinks, please finish your troubles quickly, go elsewhere to discuss what to eat today, won't your stomach feel nauseous thinking about dishes in this fragrant place?Now put abalone wing belly in front of me and I feel like throwing up.ah!Why is that exhaust fan so weak? Is there an air freshener?Don't worry about me, spray it boldly, as long as you cover up the smell, you can say anything.God, Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, please save me.

"Wow, wow, snore." The pleasant sound of flushing the toilet finally sounded.

However, the toilet lid was not closed when the water was flushed. Li Qiuyun seemed to see the scene where the excrement was stirred and mixed with the water. Some bacteria also floated to every corner of the bathroom with the airflow caused by the flushing, such as the ceiling and the towel used to wipe the face. , and on Li Qiuyun.The intoxicating smell permeating the bathroom also lingered for a long time, making Li Qiuyun's breathing hard all of a sudden, and she passed out properly.

When Li Qiuyun woke up again, she felt bored again. There was no living thing in the empty bathroom, not even a single moving thing. It was completely static, as if time had stopped. "One brick, two bricks, three bricks... 40 yuan square tiles on the floor, half a meter of earthy yellow and half white; 56 rectangular tiles on the wall, all gray and white; there are five lamps, two mirrors, one A door, a window... Hey, it's so boring, there's not even a living thing to chat with."

"Suoso." Li Qiuyun moved her ears and caught a small voice from above. Looking up, she saw a small gray-white spider on the shelf where the body wash and shampoo were placed. From this angle, the spider's legs could be seen clearly. The fine fluff on the top made Li Qiuyun's hair stand up instantly.Normally, Li Qiuyun wasn't afraid of these weak creatures that would die when pinched, but now that she was a thousand times smaller, the spiders she saw seemed to be a thousand times magnified, and there was a weird feeling no matter what.

"Oh! Don't crawl over here, I don't need you to chat with me anymore, and I don't understand the language of spiders." Li Qiuyun yelled loudly at the spider. Of course, only Li Qiuyun thought she was calling, but no one heard it. her voice.

The spider crawled over unscrupulously, along the shelf where the shampoo and body wash were placed, to the hook connecting the shelf, and then along the hanging rope to the snow gauze bag containing handmade soap, as if a careless footstep messed up the eight The legs will touch Li Qiuyun through the snow gauze bag.

The spider moved slowly around the rope at the mouth of the bag, as if looking for a foothold, preparing to weave a net to catch flies and insects.When Li Qiuyun thinks that in the days to come, she will spend day and night with a spider, a group of "cute" insects, and a pile of leftovers eaten by spiders and wrapped in spider silk, she wished that the rope would be broken, and she would go down vertically to be free. The falling motion is over, luckily the whole body is kept, the worst is just broken into slag.Li Qiuyun also couldn't figure out why she was so defiantly given this piece of handmade soap to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, but not let her move.At this moment, repelling spiders can only

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