With a narrow face, he said, "I didn't expect to teach at such a young age. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your school is full of talents."

Xie Yuchen frowned inaudibly, withdrew his hand from Mr. Chen, and wiped it carefully with a handkerchief in the blind spot of everyone's sight.

The atmosphere was a little bit cold, Dean Wang laughed a little embarrassedly and pretended to be proud, pointed to a few students standing next to him, and continued to introduce. "Mr. Chen is awesome, awesome. These are students in the Department of Music Performance, please take care of your company. There is also a female lecturer from the Department of Music and Meterology that has something to do. We will communicate with each other next time." comminicate."

"This is easy to say, this is easy to say." Mr. Chen drank a few sips of tea, his eyes were fixed on Xie Yuchen, and he refused to leave for half a minute, as if pointing out, "At first, I heard from Dean Liu of the Department of Music and Watches that there were few male professors in their department. A few of them accompanied the students to Vienna to participate in the competition. Let me borrow a male lecturer from Dean Wang, and it looks really good now."

"Mr. Chen's vision has always been good. Since you have agreed, it must be excellent." President Wang smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"It's getting late, and I still need to take care of some things in the company. I'll take my leave first. Excuse me. Next time, we will have a meal together when we have time, and we can talk." Mr. Chen glanced at the brand-name watch on his wrist.Satisfied, he put down his teacup, took the briefcase beside him, and got up from the sofa.

"Okay, okay, the company's affairs are important, Mr. Chen, you are busy. Then we will meet again next time, Mr. Chen, go slowly, and don't see him off." Dean Wang sent Mr. Chen to the door of the office.The few students who were standing next to him also left one after another and went back to class.The black glasses sat in the corner, took a sip of the tea in the cup, and held the half-full teacup in the palm of his hand, maintaining the original sitting posture, motionless, with no intention of leaving.

After sending Mr. Chen and the students away, Dean Wang closed the door of the office and pulled Xie Yuchen towards the sofa. "Xie, sit down. I'll get you a cup of tea."

"There's no need for tea, just tell the dean if you have anything to say." After meeting the group of people just now, Xie Yuchen didn't simply think that Dean Wang called him here just to invite himself to the office for tea.Seeing Dean Wang's humble appearance, Xie Yuchen knew that things would definitely not be that simple.

"Well, it's like this. The college entrance examination is coming soon. The school also needs to work hard on recruiting students. In the past, no matter how connected it was, it would never think of borrowing someone from our department. So at the beginning, Dean Liu of the Music Performance Department asked me if I was free here. When I was a young male lecturer or professor, I didn’t think about it. I just remembered that you just submitted your manuscript and you were free, so I applied for you. Now I’m going to shoot the admissions advertisement for the school. Look..." Dean Wang scratched his head angrily.

"It turned out to be like this. They are all doing things for the school. This is what they should do. Just notify now." Why did this Dean Wang always do these tricks intentionally or unintentionally? Xie Yuchen muttered in his heart.Then he glanced at the silent black glasses sitting on the other side of the sofa, and asked Dean Wang, "Isn't he the photographer who took the recruitment advertisement this time?"

"Yes, still. You all know each other and are familiar with each other. By then, there should be a tacit understanding between each other. The recruitment advertisement will start next week, and it will take less than a month. After finishing this, it will be summer vacation. You can go back to your hometown to rest, and remember to come back to teach when the school starts in September." Dean Wang continued to smile like a chrysanthemum.

"Well, then I won't disturb the dean's work and go down first." Xie Yuchen nodded.Taking the summer vacation ahead of time and still receiving wages is equivalent to a wage increase. Xie Yuchen is quite satisfied with this.

As soon as Xie Yuchen finished speaking, the black glasses suddenly said, "Then I will go too."

"Go, go." Dean Wang waved his hands and let them go.Seeing that he was the only one left in the office, he cleaned up the teapots and cups where the tea had been brewed, discarded the tea dregs in the teapot, rinsed the tea stains with boiling water, and added new tea leaves after rinsing, and brewed a pot again New tea.

"Why are you still here? What matters do you not want to participate in?" As soon as he walked out of the office door, Xie Yuchen couldn't help asking.Xie Yuchen looked straight at the black glasses, not angry because of this incident, there was a smile on the corners of his eyes and brows, as if he had found something interesting.

"It's just a coincidence. Shen He Lai Shen He Qu is not all for the sake of eating." The black glasses stretched out their index fingers and pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of their noses. "And Mr. Chen also said to sponsor my photography exhibition. And you are here, so why not do it."

"Photography exhibition, sponsorship?" Xie Yuchen grasped these two key words, and couldn't help but feel a little confused, what was this person thinking about.

"Well, Mr. Chen provided sponsorship and a venue for me to hold a PhotoExhibition. Remember to come, don't forget." Looking at Xie Yuchen with black glasses, he suddenly stretched out his hand and propped it on the wall.The corridor was very quiet, there were no students walking around, just the two of them.Xie Yuchen stood in the not-so-large position between the black glasses and the wall, raised his head slightly, looked at the face in the black glasses, as if every breath was each other's breath.If a needle falls to the ground at this time, you can clearly hear it.The two just looked at each other intently, taking every subtle expression of each other into their eyes, without dialogue or embarrassment.

"Congratulations, remember to give me a ticket then." After a long time, Xie Yuchen replied.

"Definitely." The black glasses raised the corners of his mouth, and he was in a happy mood.

◆◇SAMA came out to pick up melons

The night in midsummer was extremely sultry.In the rainy weather, even the animals began to behave abnormally.

Xie Yuchen's beloved cat, Xiao Hei, no longer clings to him crookedly all day long.Xiao Hei lay flat in front of the electric fan like a blanket, and the place facing the blower vent was filled with air, like a dead body, letting the cat's fur, which was meticulously groomed before, be messed up by the wind.

It wasn't until Xie Yuchen got up and walked into the kitchen to open the refrigerator door that Xiao Hei turned sideways and opened one eye. The pupils hadn't been fully opened yet, but the green eyes were so beautiful that they immediately caught people's attention.The ear on one side was erected high, inquiring about the owner's movements.

Xie Yuchen took out two cans of cold beer from the refrigerator, opened the tab with a "click", and put one can in front of Xiao Hei to let it roll and lick.I took the remote control of the air conditioner and lowered the indoor temperature by 2 degrees.

Xiao Hei immediately yelled a few times comfortably with his belly spread out, "Meow Meow Meow." It seemed to be saying, "It's cool, it's really cool, it's very cool."

Xie Yuchen smiled and rubbed its furry head, and opened NotaBook.The moment the screen turned on, Xie Yuchen was still wondering whether he wanted to turn on the computer to watch ghost movies, or check whether Haagen-Dazs ice cream had a new flavor recently, or hacked someone else's computer?Of course, the last one is impossible.But in the hot summer, turning on the air conditioner, eating ice cream and watching ghost movies is a good way to cool down and relieve stress.Just as Xie Yuchen was flipping through the list of recently announced thrillers, the little penguin in the lower right corner of the screen suddenly jumped up.

[Planning-Da Ge: Reporting to Master Hua, the third phase of our drama has entered the final stage and will be released soon.The fourth issue, which is the final chapter, is short of Xiaoshou Hanshan Yanbeisheng's voice. He said that it will be recorded after the college entrance examination.Then there are only FT, welfare...]

[cv-Jie Yuhua: The speed is good. 】

[Planning-Da Ge: Well, it was completed in half a year, and it was completed quite smoothly and efficiently.It is also thanks to Master Hua that you are here to support the scene, otherwise it will not be completed in a long time.The painstaking process is unique in the online distribution circle where the drama is indefinitely (it seems to have used the wrong word, but you know what I mean.) The speed is fast, and the quality is still guaranteed.I hope this drama will become a bright spot in Jieyuhua's list of participating dramas. This wish is not a fantasy.Don't be a stain! TUT is very anxious, very restless. 】

[cv-Jie Yuhua: Thank you for your hard work, I didn't do much in this drama except for the voice. 】

[Planning-Da Ge: It was agreed at the beginning. [Expression - pat on the shoulder] We are all our own people, don't mind this. O(∩_∩)O]

[Planning-Big Brother: Let me make an inch of it. Since everyone is in Guangzhou, can Master Hua come out for a meal? [Expression - greedy]]

[cv-Jie Yuhua: I just received a new task at work, and I still have to be busy for a while before becoming a regular.It is estimated that I cannot leave school for a while.Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future. 】

[Planning-Da Ge: I understand this, career-oriented. Fighting】

[Planning-Da Ge: (*^__^*) Hee hee... I have a new script here, do you want Master Hua to relax after work. 】

[cv-Jie Yuhua: Yo, it turns out that not only is it necessary to make progress, but it is also necessary to make progress.There are quite a few people who make appointments with me. 】

[Planning-Big Brother: Master Hua, don't mess around with the show!Recently, there are many new associations in the circle, which is relatively chaotic.And Oumen uses acquaintances in the new drama.The script is all one issue, an original modern spy war drama.The newly popular stalk, Master Hua has never released a similar drama, love to collect stamps!A heroic man with a strong blood and a high air. SAMA, you just accept it ~ accept it ~ I look forward to it very much. 】

[cv-Jie Yuhua: Wang Po sells melons, and she sells her own melons.Who are the new dramas? 】

[Planning-Da Ge: The staff remains unchanged.The part-time protagonist in black glasses, digested by himself in the troupe club. (*^__^*)】

[cv-Jie Yuhua: Black glasses?Why is it him again?And which protagonist is part-time. 】

[Planning-Da Ge: It just happened to follow his own setting. 】

[cv-Jie Yuhua: From this point of view, is the lead role in the black glasses a hidden rule? 】

【Planning-Big Ge: Huayeguo

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