Aches and pains of the night.Of course, for Xie Yuchen, a four-good young man who has nothing to do with eating, drinking, whoring and gambling in the 21st century, these slight physical discomforts can be ignored.According to the contact information left by Professor Xu, he dialed it.After asking the exact address of the meeting, I called a taxi to save the trouble of getting lost when I got it. It is not good to be unfamiliar with the place.

The contact person's surname is Yang, who is Professor Xu's golf friend.Very enthusiastic, as soon as we met, I made an appointment with Yuchen to play snooker with him next time.The two talked and laughed happily.

"I have a house in a university town, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, and one balcony. It's very suitable for single people to live in." Mr. Yang finally started to talk about practical topics. "It was the downturn in the real estate market in the past two years. I saw a friend bought the apartment next door, so I followed the trend and bought it. With decoration and home appliances, because the house price has not yet reached a price suitable for selling, I don't feel at ease renting it out, so it has been vacant. If you If you want to rent, I can give you a discount, after all, you are Brother Xu's friend. If you want to buy a house, I can also introduce you to nearby properties."

Then Mr. Yang took Xie Yuchen to see the house.A stair room with a high floor, four households in one staircase.Facing south, the room is well lit.Both sides are very satisfied.So I found an intermediary and signed a one-year lease.

"To be honest, I think you look familiar. I don't know where I saw it?" Mr. Yang handed the key to Xie Yuchen, "Mr. Huqi at the opposite door is my friend for many years and works in art. His behavior is a bit strange, please bear with me. "

"By the way, go straight east after leaving the community, and there will be a supermarket, train station and subway station in 5 minutes." Mr. Yang told Xie Yuchen carefully, fearing that Xie Yuchen was unfamiliar with the place and would not be able to find his way out.

Xie Yuchen responded, sent Mr. Yang and the agent out, and went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities.After taking care of the house briefly, it made him look like a home.

Bought new mattresses and wardrobes.The kitchen and bathroom utensils are also polished.I ordered a fabric sofa for the living room, bought a few chandeliers and some easy-to-maintain flowers and plants.There is also a rattan hanging chair hanging on the balcony...

It was rare for Xie Yuchen to have the patience to tidy up these things, but although this house is a home, no matter how many things there are, it can't create a warm atmosphere.It was deserted, and I always felt that something was missing.


"People say that a person's strength is weak, just like a bunch of sticks are stronger than a stick. But how do you know that if a bunch of black hairs with the same root have differences and become rough, the rules will be messed up. People's hearts are not enough. , there are not many people in this world who are purely nice to you, it’s always good to be careful. If it’s not good for you, it’s okay.” In the weather that was about to bleed, Er Yuehong said such words, and she still vaguely remembers them That day, it was a sunny day without drama or rain.

Not long after, the bloody civil war broke out.

Blood splashed onto Xie Yuchen's hand with the blow of the dagger, and the dried vermilion covering his arm was particularly glaring.Yes, this is Xie Yuchen, not Xie Yuhua.The people standing here are struggling between chasing and being hunted, not just going through the motions and singing a play of floating life.This play should not only be sung for the other side, but also for one's own side.Bloody scenes can probably make the opponent fearful, so let's be vigilant.

"Why did you kill me?" A very straightforward sentence.The moment before the knife entered his stomach, the man looked into Xie Yuchen's eyes.The movement of the knife and the meat was not slowed down for a moment.Then a bloody agreement was thrown, and the man's face quickly turned pale.

"What qualifications do the traitors in the Xie family have to ask me "why"? I just want you to understand. Anyway, you have done a lot of things for the Xie family over the years. Don't think that no one can cure you if the people above are dead. . " The man looked at Xie Yuchen's slightly slanted eyes, his pupils like ink.What a pair of fox eyes.That's right, this is a fox, a creature that came out of a fox's den, why do I treat him as a rubable little white rabbit?It was wrong.Not reconciled, not reconciled!

The blood flowers bloom one by one, one after another, the sweet smell moistens the street in the night.A street lamp is lit, like a guide to hell.The trees on both sides turned into hideous, muddy dead souls and messengers, declaring the authority of this hell.

"Master Xie, please." A pair of black and white impermanence suddenly appeared beside Xie Yuchen, and red and rusty iron chains locked Xie Yuchen's hands and feet.

"Let's go." It seemed to be divided into two halves.The soul left with the impermanence of black and white, but the body remained motionless.Gradually falling into the vortex of memory...

"Xiao Chen, Xie's family will depend on you from now on. Er Yuehong is an old acquaintance of Grandpa. I don't worry about entrusting you to him. I must learn from him and take good care of this family." Xie Jiuye said warmly The palm of his hand caressed Xie Yuchen's fortune, full of pity.

"Jie Yuhua, understand people's language, and understand people's nature. Don't be confused by people's appearance, people's hearts are unpredictable." This may be the deep meaning of Xie Yuhua's stage name.

"Master, who is that person who just walked out? He is wearing black clothes and black pants, and wearing sunglasses. It is really unlucky in broad daylight." The self 11 years ago was really ignorant and outspoken.

"Chen Pi Ahsi's agent. Hua Yazi, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you." Er Yuehong sighed.

"What?" Xie Yuchen was puzzled.

"Nothing." Er Yuehong shook her head.

"Young Master Xie, you are young and promising! Come, come, drink some wine... How about eating some powder, which is imported from abroad, and ordinary people can't get it." The seduction of these servants at the end of the year.

"This one has thin skin and tender flesh, and its skin is a bit better than girls. It's just a little arrogant. Follow me, how about two-thirds of Dongcheng's dishes?" The threats and lures of those in power over the years.

"I just want to make you dirty. Too clean is not suitable for you, not suitable for Jie family. Hahaha." These years, the little people have been framed one after another.

Those blurred figures in the rain and fog had bloody shadows.Slowly approaching like a monster, a depressive roar filled his ears.

"Presumptuous." Xie Yuchen roared and sat up from the bed.The pores on the neck are slightly raised, and thin sweat is coming out.These things in the bottom of my heart dreamed again.How long has it been since you dreamed?Or did it, woke up and forgot.Probably because I am not used to sleeping in a new place.The taste of indulging in a dream is not good, and it is still a bad dream.

Turning over and getting out of bed, I made myself a cup of hot tea.Hold it in the palm of your hand, and blow the hot air with your head down.The warm moisture lingers between the brows, dispelling the midnight spring chill.Sighing, he walked to the rattan hanging chair on the balcony and sat down.The hanging chair swayed slowly, swaying slowly, like a mother's embrace.Looking up at the sky, away from the light pollution of the city, there are a few sparse stars hanging in the night sky of this university town.I still remember that when I was a student, I had a girlfriend who played astronomy, and I often heard her talking about the quadrilateral in winter, the big triangle in summer, the belt of Orion, and the star star... At this time, did anyone wake up from a dream or stay up all the time to watch with me? The same night sky.

◆◇Wake up

The rain in spring nights always comes as soon as it is said, but in a blink of an eye, a few clouds cover the stars.The continuous rain, as thin as a flower needle and as dense as a cow's hair, flutters with the gentle spring breeze.This spring rain is sticky. Even wearing a raincoat, water shoes, and holding an umbrella, it is difficult to block the wetness of the rain.The scenery is like a layer of tulle, which makes it difficult to see clearly.On the contrary, there are a few rays of light piercing the night sky with the spring thunder from time to time, flashing across the shaded bushes outside the house, even the branches are clearly illuminated.The branches that haven't sprouted are bare, like the ghosts and monsters with teeth and claws in the dream.

Suddenly, Xie Yuchen saw the screen of the phone light up and the ringtone rang.

Not a well-adjusted timed alarm clock, and not miscellaneous spam text messages.Caller ID, Wu Xie.A person whom I haven't contacted for a long time.This person is notoriously evil, I hope there won't be any other moths this time.

"Xiaoxie, what do you need from me?" Xie Yuchen sighed, and asked as soon as he got on the phone.

The person over there said politely in a tired tone, "Xiao Hua, you are back home."

"You also know that I have let go of things on the road for many years, and I only charge a small profit every year and don't care about it. What happened to you, I will help if I can..." If I can't help, forget it.Of course, this last sentence was only thrown in my heart, and I didn't really say it.

"Xiaohua...I want to have a plastic surgery." Wu Xie seemed very tired, and probably didn't sleep for a few days.

"Plastic surgery? What kind of madness is your uncle smoking? It's just recently. I went to the United States of America, the United States of America, not the Republic of Korea??? I studied forensic medicine, and the elective course was at most to put makeup on the corpse, no Know those plastic surgery techniques." Xie Yuchen was bored by the rain that drifted into the balcony, wet and uncomfortable at all. "Why don't you just fall in love with God's talent and beauty! What, you are so disfigured that you were kicked out of bed?"

"Xiao Hua, your mouth is really poisonous." Wu Xie felt better after being told by Xie Yuhua.Even tiredness is also reduced a few points. "I made a mistake just now. I want to change my appearance, and I want to ask you to borrow someone."

"Why did you just say that you are going to change sex, be straightforward. I will contact you for you, lie down for me and go to sleep, and count dumplings if I can't sleep. Do you know that it is already midnight. Call me to ask for smoke. "Xie Yuchen didn't ask why Wu Xie needed disguise.What he wants is nothing more than for the interests of the business field, to avoid the slap in the face, of course, it may also be for the interest in the husband and wife with Zhang Qiling.No matter how hard he would do the illegal activities of robbing banks and selling arms with his own face, Wu Xie didn't have the guts.

Wu Xie replied "Okay." and hung up the phone.

Not long after the phone was closed, the screen turned on again, and the midnight ring

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