Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 55 Just Can't Hear

Di Hao muttered silently on the side, "Where is your baby." But it didn't bother Peng Yu and Qi Qi's affection.

It was Qin Zhi who was depressed - he had forgotten that Di Hao had Peng Yu who had deep feelings beside him, and that Peng Yu not only had a deep relationship with Di Hao, but also had a good relationship with Qiqi. From this point of view, it is best not to have any ideas , but it's still annoying to watch.

Qin Zhi led Zhou Yao to Di Hao and the others. Di Hao cast a glance at Qin Zhi and did not speak. He glanced at Peng Yu next to him. Di Hao suddenly remembered that Qin Zhi was about that person five years ago. Peng Yu didn't know yet, Di Hao was secretly struggling - he hadn't decided whether to tell Peng Yu, it would be troublesome if he told him, if he didn't tell Peng Yu, maybe one day Peng Yu would know, and it would be even more troublesome - tsk, annoying Ah, what an annoyance.

"Di Xiaohao, what are you doing there shaking your head?" Peng Yu said while looking at Di Hao holding Qiqi in his arms.

Di Hao gave Peng Yu a blank look and shook his hands, "No reason, let's go back, I'm hungry."

Qi Qi rubbed her belly, "I'm hungry too."

Qin Zhi immediately said, "How about this, how about I invite you to dinner?" Before Di Hao could refuse, Qin Zhi patted Zhou Yao on the shoulder and continued, "Today is my nephew's first day of school, so it is inevitable that he will not adapt. Luckily, Qiqi is with him, so just take it as my thanks to Qiqi."

Zhou Yao glanced at Qin Zhi, rolled his eyes, and immediately continued, "Qiqi, let's have dinner together today, shall we?"

Qiqi smiled and nodded, "Okay." Then she turned to look at Peng Yu and Di Hao, "Dad, godfather, let's go have dinner with uncle."

Peng Yu nodded, "Okay, anyway, there are guests, I want to have a big meal!"

Di Hao kicked Peng Yu.

"Fuck! Di Xiaohao, what are you kicking me for?" Peng Yu looked at Di Hao, a little puzzled.

Di Hao glanced at Peng Yu with disgust, "Don't be greedy for others."

Peng Yu opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Oh my god! You actually said that from your mouth." Peng Yu scratched his ears, "Wait, did I hear it wrong just now? Say that sentence again ?”

"Get out!" Di Hao said while stretching out his feet to kick, Peng Yu ran away with Qiqi in his arms.

Qin Zhi pulled Zhou Yao, and said to Di Hao, "Let's go." Seeing that Di Hao was still a little unhappy, Qin Zhi sighed, "You don't want to make the children unhappy, do you?"

Di Hao lowered his head, and saw Zhou Yao looking at him eagerly, twitching the corners of his mouth, and glanced at Qin Zhi—don't think I didn't see it, you just gave the kid a wink after you finished speaking.

Qin Zhi shrugged.Take Zhou Yao forward.

Di Hao followed Qin Zhi helplessly - he really couldn't refuse Qin Zhi when everyone agreed to go, at least Qi Qi would definitely be unhappy.

Qin Zhi brought a few people to a hotel with a good environment, and chose a private room to enter.

"The food here is not bad, especially the signature dishes here. Order and try them later." Qin Zhi took the menu handed over by the waiter, ordered a few signature dishes, and then handed the menu to Di Hao himself, " See what else you want to eat, order a few."

Di Hao pouted and pushed away, "Give it to Peng Yu, he knows what I like to eat."

Qin Zhi's face turned cold, and then he handed the menu to Peng Yu silently.

Peng Yu looked around at the two of them, and asked suspiciously, "Did you guys quarrel?"



replied in unison.

Peng Yu nodded, "Sure enough, there was a quarrel."

Qi Qi was eating the fruit on the table that Zhou Yao handed over, and when she heard it, she stared at Qin Zhi and Di Hao with wide eyes, "Dad, uncle, did you quarrel?"

Di Hao shook his head, and just about to answer, he heard Qin Zhi say, "Your father just doesn't want to talk to me, because I did something wrong."

Qi Qi looked at Qin Zhi and nodded, "Oh, that's it, it's okay, Uncle, Dad said, you have to apologize for doing something wrong, after Uncle apologizes, Dad will forgive you."

Qin Zhi squeezed Qiqi's smiling face, "Really?"

Qi Qi nodded, "Of course, after Dad apologized, those who don't forgive are short-tempered."

Qin Zhi pursed his lips and smiled, then turned to look at Di Hao, "Do you accept my apology?"

Di Hao pretended not to hear, and reached out to pick up a slice of watermelon to eat.

Qiqi looked at Di Hao and shook her head, "Father is not good at this."

Di Hao stared at Qi Qi, "Stinky boy, do you know what he is doing! You are still facing him! I have raised you for nothing for so many years!"

Peng Yu and Qi Qi looked at Di Hao curiously, "What did he (uncle) do?"

Di Hao choked, took a mouthful of watermelon, and continued to pretend not to hear.

Qi Qi still wanted to speak to persuade Di Hao, when there was a scream outside—a woman's scream.

Di Hao and the others looked at each other, because the screams were very clear, it seemed that something must have happened near them, Qin Zhi stood up, and said to Peng Yu and Di Hao, "You look at the child, I'll go out and see what happened what?" Then he walked out.

Peng Yu looked at Di Hao, "Why don't you go and have a look? Aren't you a policeman now?"

Di Hao shrugged, "No, wait for Qin Zhi to come back to see what happened. I don't care if it's not my responsibility!"

Peng Yu curled his lips, "The probability of it being your fault is very small, after all, such things don't happen often."

Qin Zhi came back after a while, but his brows were frowned and his expression was a little bad.

Peng Yu looked at Di Hao who was silently eating fruit with his head down, and asked helplessly, "What happened?"

Qin Zhi sat down, "A murder happened, someone died."

Now Di Hao also raised his head, "Who died?"

Qin Zhi glanced at Di Hao, "It seems to be the son of the Zhao family who has grown up in recent years."

Di Hao grabbed Qin Zhi's arm fiercely, "The Zhao family? Are you sure?"

Qin Zhi glanced at Di Hao's hand holding his arm, inexplicably happy and depressed, happy because Di Hao touched him, depressed because Di Hao unconsciously touched him because of certain things.

"I asked you something! You said it!" Di Hao withdrew his hand and patted the table.

"Uh..." Qin Zhi turned to look at Di Hao, "Why are you asking the Zhao family?"

"It has something to do with the case I took over recently." Di Hao replied.

"What case have you taken on recently?" Peng Yu leaned over and asked.

Di Hao pushed Peng Yu's head away, "Do you know what happened to the Zhao family recently?"

Qin Zhi thought for a while, "I just heard that this son of the Zhao family who just died, his wife also died a while ago, and it seems that he died in the hospital while pregnant."

Di Hao clapped his hands, "This is the Zhao family... No, I have to call Qiu Yuan and ask him to accept this murder case. Maybe it has something to do with the case we are investigating now." After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone Called the past.

Peng Yu sighed at the side, "Oh, what a crime, my wife just died not long ago, and I was still in the mood to go to the hotel for dinner. Hearing the woman's scream just now, I should be the one who was with him."

Qin Zhi nodded, "It seems that he has a very close relationship with him."

Peng Yu leaned over and asked Qin Zhi, "Did you see how that man died?"

Qin Zhi shook his head, "I didn't see it, I only asked about things on the outside, but I don't know what's going on inside."

As soon as Qin Zhi finished speaking, he heard a "bang". It turned out that Di Hao was about to go out as soon as he slapped the table, "No, I want to go over and have a look." Then he opened the door and went out.

Peng Yu blinked and asked Qin Zhi, "Why does he look so eager to investigate the case? He used to be very lazy."

Qin Zhi thought for a while, "Do you know what the case he was originally investigating this time?"

Peng Yu shook his head, "I don't know, I've been so busy recently, I haven't contacted Di Xiaohao for a long time."

Qin Zhi stood up and went out, "Maybe it has something to do with pregnant women." Walking to the door, Qin Zhi suddenly turned around and said to Peng Yu, "Be busy, find something for yourself." Then he went out. .

Peng Yu turned his head suspiciously, looked at Qiqi and Zhou Yao, "What did he mean just now?"

Qi Qi and Zhou Yao shook their heads in unison.

As soon as Di Hao went out, he saw a lot of people gathered in the box not far from him. He rummaged through his pockets, and finally found the gun that Lin You gave him, so he took it and walked up, "Ahem, excuse me, I'm police."

A man in a suit at the side directed the security guards to evacuate the crowd. He was probably the manager of the hotel. Hearing what Di Hao said, he couldn't help but glance at Di Hao. Seeing that Di Hao was indeed holding a gun in his hand, he left In the past, "Hello, what's your name?" Then he looked behind Di Hao.

Di Hao waved his hand, "I came here for dinner today, the police will come over later, I'll take a look at the scene of the crime first, just call me Officer Di."

The manager nodded, "Officer Di, please follow me."

At this time, the crowd had already been invited away by the security guards, and the door of the box was closed. In order to protect the crime scene from being damaged, a fashionable woman sat on the ground in the corridor and cried, with two security guards standing beside her.

Di Hao pointed to the woman, "What's the matter with her?"

"Oh, this is the person who was with Mr. Zhao when the case happened." The manager said.

"That Mr. Zhao is the deceased?"

The manager nodded, "Well, when we came over, Mr. Zhao was already out of breath, and this woman was crying in fright, not knowing what happened. We were afraid that Mr. Zhao's death was related to her, so we sent Two security guards were watching her."

Di Hao nodded, "Well, this is the first suspect, you are right to do this, thank you."

The manager smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, Officer Di, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Yeah." Di Hao nodded, and pushed open the door of the private room. Di Hao couldn't help frowning at the scene inside - he saw a young man lying on the ground inside the private room. Holding the handle of the knife, the tip of the knife was inserted into his left chest. Visually, there were other wounds on his body, and there was a pool of blood on the ground. It looked like a man committed suicide, but the man's face was full of horror and fear, his eyes He was also wide open, no matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like he had stabbed himself, and even if he wanted to commit suicide, he would not come to the hotel.

At this moment, Di Hao felt someone pat on the shoulder, and when he looked back, it was Qin Zhi who had come.

Qin Zhi took a look at the situation in the private room, his face didn't change, he just said to Di Hao, "Leave the matter here to Qiu Yuan first, I'll take you to another place for dinner, and we'll consider the case after dinner."

Di Hao nodded.

After Qiu Yuan came with someone, Di Hao pointed to the woman sitting on the ground, "Take her back to the bureau first, I think she is a little scared, let her wait for one night, we will ask tomorrow ask him."

Yanming said at this time, "Then can I have an autopsy tomorrow?"

Di Hao narrowed his eyes, "If you can guarantee that you will get the most comprehensive clues tomorrow, you can postpone the autopsy."

Yanming said helplessly, "I'm going to die of exhaustion sooner or later."

Because this kind of death is not normal at first glance, if the autopsy is not done immediately, some things may disappear, so it is necessary for Yanming to do an autopsy as soon as possible to find clues.

Xu Zihao came over at this time and asked, "Brother Di, you still have to take care of Qiqi. Don't go back to the police station after dinner. We'll go back after packing up the things here. We'll talk about things tomorrow."

Di Hao thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Then he looked at Yanming and patted him on the shoulder, "But you have to deal with things before you go back."

Yanming rolled his eyes, "I will go on strike sooner or later."

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