Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 54 I Want To Call My Brother

Because of the special nature of Di Hao's profession, Peng Yu never specifically told his friends, and even if he did, others would probably scoff at him—how could anyone believe in ghosts and gods in what age it is now.That's why this man was so surprised when he heard Peng Yu introduce Di Hao in this way, and said that he asked Di Hao to come and see his wife and children.It's just that the man has taken his wife and children to see a doctor many times during this period, but nothing has worked. Hearing Peng Yu introduce his friend in this way, apart from being surprised and puzzled, he doesn't feel much disgust. It was also because Di Hao was brought here by Peng Yu. After all, Peng Yu was trustworthy and would not harm him.

Di Hao looked at the man's expression, apart from being particularly surprised and showing no resentment, he immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Hello."

The man put away his surprised expression and held Di Hao's hand, "Hi, my name is Guo You, you can call me Guo Zi just like Peng Yu."

Di Hao nodded with a smile, then glanced at Peng Yu.

Peng Yu understood, turned his head and said to Guo You, "Where are your wife and children, let Di Hao take a look."

Guo You glanced at Di Hao, then nodded, "They are in the room, come with me."

Guo You led the two into a room inside and pushed open the door. When Di Hao and Peng Yu saw the scene inside the door, they couldn't help but glance at each other—no wonder Guo You looked so haggard. Somewhat weird.There was a woman sitting on the bed, her long hair was loose, her eyes were dull, her eyes were staring blankly at her belly, she was muttering something, there was a small cradle beside the bed, and there was a child in it, it was obvious that there was a child in the cradle. The child didn't fall asleep, and stayed with eyes open, but the child was also very quiet, as if he couldn't feel everything around him, neither crying nor fussing, just like her mother, a little silly.

Guo You glanced at his wife and children, and sighed helplessly, "Since my wife was scared in the hospital, she has become like this. I know she was stimulated. Although I didn't see the scene at that time, I heard People say it's scary, but I took her to see a doctor many times, but it didn't work... and the child... hey."

Di Hao walked to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the woman's eyes, but the woman didn't respond, then Di Hao tilted his head to look at the woman to observe, and then turned his head to look at the child in the cradle, "It's okay, it's just being trapped Yes, it's easy to solve."

After hearing this, Guo You opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise, "Really?"

"En." Di Hao nodded, then stretched out his left hand, with his index finger and middle finger together, and tapped it on the child's forehead, using spiritual energy as a guide, turning the spiritual energy into silk, encircling the yin energy in the child's body, The palms of the hands were turned up to draw out the yin energy, and the aura counteracted the yin energy. Guo You and Peng Yu saw the child burst into tears after Di Hao retracted his hand. Guo You hurried forward to pick up the child and held him tremblingly. In my arms, I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Di Hao touched his lips with his fingers, and raised his eyebrows at Peng Yu—oh, it's a girl.

The man couldn't coax the child well, so he looked anxiously in the direction of his wife, and found that the wife was still the same, so he couldn't help but look at Di Hao, "That...that, my wife..."

Di Hao looked at the woman on the bed, "Your child's affairs are easy to deal with, after all, it's just affected a little through the stomach, but your wife has really come into contact with bad things, and even saw the picture with her own eyes, If you want to wake her up, you need a drop of your child's blood, after all, a child has the purest aura, pure and innocent, and the blood of a close relative can wake up your wife's mind and wake her up."

Guo You glanced at the child, then asked Di Hao, "Is a drop of blood enough?"

Di Hao nodded, "Yes."

"Then... how to take it out, the child is so young, and I don't have any tools here." What's wrong with the man, it's just a drop of blood, it's not difficult, but there is no tool for taking blood.

"I have a way, and it won't hurt your child...Although this method is a bit slow." Di Hao said, then walked to Guo You's side, gently held the little hand of the child, and slowly massaged it from the wrist to the tip of the index finger, and use the aura in his hand to guide the blood in the child's body. After a while, Guo You opened his eyes wide and saw a drop of blood dripping from the fingertip of the child's index finger. Guo You, who didn't know what to say, said, "Well, although this method is slower, it doesn't hurt. Don't worry about your child, it won't affect anything."

Guo You nodded foolishly, and saw Di Hao walk up to his wife with the fingertip of his index finger, and then flicked blood towards his wife, the blood seeped into his skin strangely, and his wife trembled After a while, Di Hao squeezed a palm and slapped his wife on the head.

Guo You cried out in surprise—because her wife passed out.

Di Hao waved his hand, "It's all right, it's all right when she wakes up."

"Oh." Guo You nodded stupidly, his eyes full of admiration for Di Hao.

"Can I trouble you?" Di Hao asked.

Guo You hurriedly said, "You say what you say, you can do anything."

Di Hao smiled, "It's not a big deal, but after your wife wakes up, please ask her for me if the woman who lived with her did anything wrong in those few days? If so, Please call us and let us know."

"Oh, okay, no problem, but what you mean is that the murdered woman..."

Peng Yu patted Guo You on the shoulder, "Guo Zi, don't think about these things, and don't ask about them. Anyway, your wife and daughter are fine. Let's live your life well. It's better to have less contact with some things."

Guo You was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I see, don't worry, I will tell you after I greet my wife."

"Well, sorry to trouble you."

Di Hao and Peng Yu walked out of Guo You's house, and Peng Yu kicked Di Hao's shoulder, "Did you find any clues about Guo Zi's wife and child?"

Di Hao's expression was a little grim at the moment, and he nodded, "Although those two people have very little yin energy, they gave me a very evil feeling, and fortunately, they didn't come into direct contact with that kind of thing, otherwise they wouldn't be able to survive Let’s talk about it later, it seems that there is indeed a high possibility that someone is raising little ghosts, and there is a lot of resentment in that evil yin."

Peng Yu looked at Di Hao suspiciously, "If someone is raising little ghosts, why are Guo Zi's wife and children all right?"

Di Hao also shook his head in confusion, "I don't know either."

"Is there some kind of purpose?" Peng Yu muttered.

"Purpose?" Di Hao turned his head to look at Peng Yu, then nodded, "Maybe it's for some purpose, I..." Di Hao suddenly stopped and looked up at the opposite road.

"What's the matter?" Peng Yu couldn't help asking when he saw that Di Hao had stopped in the middle of his speech.

Di Hao frowned - just now he felt that someone was looking at him from across the road, but when he looked up, he didn't find anything unusual.Seeing that Peng Yu was still looking at him, Di Hao shook his head, "It's nothing... let's go pick up Qiqi." He said and left first.

Peng Yu scratched his head, "How strange, there must be something hidden from me..."

Zhou Yao sat cross-legged on the soft tatami mat, with a book between his legs. However, Zhou Yao was not reading a book at this time, but put his arms on his legs, and looked at the fat baby opposite with his hands on his chin— ——Qiqi, at this time Qiqi is playing a jigsaw puzzle, Zhou Yao took a look at the unfinished jigsaw puzzle, and saw what it was at a glance. The poop head on it looked lazy at first glance, even though he was staying abroad , but he is often forced by his family to watch cartoons, and they must be domestic. Although he always dislikes the naivety of cartoons, Zhou Yao has no choice but to watch them, because he really can’t resist the offensive of adults. At this time, Zhou Yao was extremely thankful that he had watched those cartoons, otherwise he really didn't know what Qiqi was fighting now.

Qiqi looked up at Zhou Yao, and found that he was not reading a book, but looking at his own puzzle, so he picked up a puzzle piece and asked, "Yaoyao, do you want to do the puzzle with me?"

Zhou Yao thought for a while, nodded, then put the book aside, and said while getting close to Qiqi, "You should call me brother, not Yaoyao."

Qi Qi tilted her head, "Why?"

"Because I'm older than you." Zhou Yao held a puzzle piece and gestured on it.

"Oh, okay." Qi Qi thought about Zhou Yao asking her birthday and age before, so that's what she meant.

Zhou Yao patted the top of Qiqi's head, "It's so cute."

When Qin Zhi came over, what he saw was that Zhou Yao and Qi Qi were doing puzzles together intimately. Although he told Qi Qi to be friends with Zhou Yao, Qin Zhi really never thought that their two children could be so good. Because after all, Zhou Yao matured a little earlier than other children of the same age since he was a child, and he couldn't play with them. He didn't expect to get along so well with Qi Qi.Qin Zhi smiled and walked in.

Zhou Yao was sitting facing the door, so he spotted Qin Zhi at the first opportunity, immediately restrained the small expression on his face, and shouted solemnly, "Uncle."

Qin Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth unobtrusively—who exactly does this kid look like?

After hearing Zhou Yao's address, Qi Qi also turned her head away, and waved to Qin Zhi with a smile, "Hello, Uncle."

Qin Zhi walked up to the two of them, knelt down and asked Qi Qi, "Your father hasn't come to pick you up yet?"

Qiqi nodded, "Dad hasn't come yet, but it should be soon."

"Then wait for your father at the door with uncle, I have a cake I just bought in the car."

Qi Qi's eyes lit up, she nodded her head vigorously, "Okay, okay." Then she said to Zhou Yao, "Yao Yao, let's put away the puzzle and put it together tomorrow."

Zhou Yao nodded, and collected the jigsaw puzzles with Qiqi, and only realized something after collecting the puzzles. At this time, Qiqi had already run to Qin Zhi's side, and Zhou Yao whispered from behind, "I said I want to call my brother .”

Qin Zhi heard what Zhou Yao said, turned around and pulled Zhou Yao, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, you like this Qiqi very much, do you want him to be your younger brother?"

Zhou Yao nodded, "Well, I like Qiqi, and I want him to be my younger brother."

Qin Zhi smiled, "The elder brother must take good care of the younger brother."

"Well, that's necessary." Zhou Yao patted his small chest, "I will definitely take good care of my brother."

Qiqi also raised her head and said to Qin Zhi, "I will also take good care of Yaoyao."

Zhou Yao's voice raised a little, "I said I'm going to call my brother."

Qin Zhi lowered his head, and saw Qiqi laughing, obviously teasing Zhou Yao.

Before he reached the door, he saw two people approaching from the opposite side, Qin Zhi narrowed his eyes.

Qiqi let go of Qin Zhi's hand, and ran over with a cheer, "Godfather!"

Peng Yu hugged Qiqi and rubbed hard, "Oh, baby Qiqi, godfather misses you so much."

"Godfather, why are you here?" Qi Qi asked with her arms around Peng Yu's neck.

"Godfather hasn't seen you for a long time, so I came here to see you." Peng Yu put his arms around Qiqi, and put his nose on Qiqi's nose, teasing him.

Qiqi grinned, "Why is godfather busy? Dad also said that godfather has a lot of things lately. Qiqi won't blame you."

"Haha, my baby is caring." Peng Yu smiled and kissed Qiqi's little cheek.

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