Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 102 2 Steps Before Steamed Buns Come

"The people who were in contact with the three deceased have been investigated..." Qiu Yuan looked puzzled when he said this.

"What's wrong?" Di Hao asked, "Isn't it good to find out?"

"But... I always feel that it's a little too simple. I mean, this person was easily found out, and his purpose and identity are also clear, as if the other party didn't deliberately cover up." Qiu Yuan frowned. Said, "Tsk, this feeling is not very good."

"Who is that person?" Qin Zhi asked.

"It's a man named Wan Si. Of course, if he didn't use a fake name... This man should have some commercial purpose in contacting the three deceased, but he didn't achieve it."

"Wansi..." Qin Zhi frowned as he read the name.

"But..." Qiu Yuan continued, "It's strange that, except for the three deceased, the people around me don't seem to be very clear about Wan Si's origin. It should be said that except for the three deceased, Wan Si didn't associate with anyone. Moreover, when we went to investigate, we also found that it seemed that the three deceased did not know that the other party knew Wansi."

"Huh? Don't you know that the other party knows each other?" Di Hao asked in surprise.

"That's right." Qiu Yuan nodded, "The people who investigated never said that Wan Si had been in contact with the other two deceased. It seems that they didn't even know about it."

"...You say, if he is the murderer and has been dealing with the offshoots of the Zhou family, then who is his next target?" Qin Zhi asked suddenly.

"How many offshoots are there in your Zhou family?" Di Hao asked.

"Four..." Qin Zhi stood up suddenly, "These three people represent three side branches. I remember that the only family that had no accident also had a child."

"Let's go find him now!" Di Hao stood up and met the only person who was safe first. If he can be protected and the murderer really wants to deal with the four families, then...

"I called and asked where the family was."

After getting the exact address, Qin Zhi rushed over with his people, maybe fate really didn't favor them, and heard a scream before they entered.

Several people looked at each other, and shock flashed in their eyes at the same time—it couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?

Before he had time to think about it, he rushed in. Di Hao saw a young man lying on the ground with his eyes full of pain, and there was a phantom standing beside him.

The phantom found someone coming in, turned around and left quickly.

Di Hao saw the phantom's face clearly, and his expression was startled. He didn't even react when the phantom ran away. After reacting, he hurriedly chased it out, but the phantom had disappeared.

After Di Hao came back, Qiu Yuan anxiously grabbed Di Hao's arm, "Go and see him, what's the matter with him?"

Di Hao looked at that person in a blink of an eye, and saw that he was held by Xu Zihao and Xiao Qian, his limbs were still struggling, but his expression seemed involuntary, and he could still speak, "Help me...quick... help me."

Di Hao walked over suspiciously, and found an enlightened jade around his neck, but at this time the jade was already stained with a little bit of dirt.

"You are a fortune teller. This jade protects you a little bit. Otherwise, you won't even be able to scream. I'm afraid you will die silently like the three people before." Di Hao said while calling the man The bondage curse on the body is removed.

The man regained his mobility, first he tore off the jade around his neck and threw it on the ground, then he took a breath, his face was still full of fear, but he was not polite at all, "Why are you here so late? !"

Di Hao raised his eyebrows, sneered, stood up without saying a word.

Seeing that Di Hao didn't give him face like this, the man's face was a little ugly, and he opened his mouth to say something.

Xu Zihao couldn't see it, and said, "It would be nice if we could come to save you! Who do you think you are! It has nothing to do with you whether we come late or not!"

The man choked for a moment, then said arrogantly, "Tell me, how much money do you want to protect me?"


Originally, they definitely wanted to protect this man, but after what he said, they felt like letting go.

At this time, the door opened, and Qin Zhi who had not been here just now walked in. The man saw Qin Zhi coming in, and the expression on his face immediately changed. Feel ashamed in front of you.

Qin Zhi glanced at the man, didn't seem to care about what he went through just now, and said directly to him, "You have been staying at home for the past few days and don't go out. Although our people will protect you nearby, we will I won't follow you around to eat, drink and have fun, if you still want to save your life, it's better to stay obediently in the past few days."

The man hummed twice, but didn't speak.

When they went back, Di Hao was a little absent-minded, and Qin Zhi was also a little thoughtful, but Qin Zhi still noticed that something was wrong with Di Hao.

Back at the villa, Qin Zhi pulled Di Hao into the room, hugged him into his arms, and sat on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Di Hao asked after recovering.

"Comfort and comfort you." Qin Zhi kissed Di Hao's temples.

Di Hao tilted his head, "What's wrong with you? Suddenly..."

"It should be me who asked you what's wrong?" Qin Zhi turned Di Hao's head, "Hao Hao, you have been absent-minded since you came back, and..." And you looked very sad—this is Qin Zhi's feeling When he came out, he didn't know how to comfort his Haohao, and he was eager to know what happened. He always felt that Haohao's sad things should have something to do with Di's family - because he saw Di Jun outside.

In fact, when the incident happened, Qin Zhi had been following Di Hao, but ever since Di Hao saw the phantom, he was in his own thoughts and didn't pay attention to Qin Zhi chasing after him, and his mind was only on On the phantom, Di Jun was not found at all.But Qin Zhi saw it.

After Di Hao turned and left, Qin Zhi saw Di Jun again - he didn't think it was a coincidence, why did Di Jun appear on this occasion?And it was precisely when this kind of thing happened, and looking at the direction where Di Jun appeared, it was obviously the direction where Xu Ying fled just now.

Qin Zhi frowned, and chased after Di Jun, but there were so many people here, Di Jun disappeared very quickly.So Qin Zhi came back.

Di Hao looked at Qin Zhi with his head tilted, and suddenly sighed, "Today... the phantom I saw seemed familiar to me, and the feeling he gave me... was strange, sad, angry... but , I can't remember where I've seen him."

"Can't remember?" Qin Zhi asked, "Are you sure you've seen him?"

Di Hao nodded, "It's strange, but I think I must have seen him sometime." Having said that, Di Hao frowned, "Who the hell do you think that person is? What's his purpose? Now it seems that that People not only have a relationship with the Zhou family... but also have a relationship with me."

"Perhaps, his purpose of attacking the Zhou family also has my reasons." Qin Zhi said suddenly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Di Hao didn't understand.

"Wan Si..." Qin Zhi said, "If his name is really Wan Si, then it should have something to do with me."

"Why do you say that? Did you know Wan Si before?" Di Hao asked.

Qin Zhi smiled, "...then they should have known each other a long time ago."

"A long time ago? How long was that?"

"It's been a long, long time... a very long time." Qin Zhi hugged Di Hao tightly, "Hao Hao, don't talk about this matter, there will always be a day when you know the truth, no matter what the truth is, I will always be with you, right?"

"Tch, it sounds like you are very important to me." Di Hao didn't appreciate it at all.

Qin Zhi bit Di Hao's nose, and said vaguely, "You are very important to me, and I love you more than life."

Qin Zhi stared into Di Hao's eyes, lowered his head and kissed Di Hao, the kiss became more and more lingering, as if even the air around him became sticky...

Di Hao was woken up by Qiqi's laughter outside the door. When he woke up, he felt a little unsure what Jinxi was, and his body was sore when he moved... No, it should be sore even if he didn't move. Angry Di Hao Hao thumped the bed, and listened angrily to the sound of Qin Zhi telling Qiqi to take a bath and sleep outside the door.

Di Hao looked at the clock opposite - it was already 10 o'clock in the evening...

It was so late, and Qiqi hadn't gone to bed yet, Di Hao thought about it, tried it, but fell back on the bed weakly, and could only sulk with himself - next time, Qin Zhi must be more restrained.

In fact, Qin Zhi had already restrained himself enough, even if he was finally obtained, his actions would inevitably be a little crazy, but fortunately he was a bit more rational later, and he was afraid that his precious son would be back soon, so Qin Zhi stopped in awe.

Unexpectedly, after cleaning up Di Hao's body, when he carried him back to the room, he heard the sound of his precious son ringing the doorbell. Qin Zhi sighed and said to himself - as expected, he went to open the door.

"Big Daddy!" Qi Qi threw herself into Qin Zhi's arms, and Qin Zhi hugged Qi Qi and brought the others in.

"Keep your voice down, your father is tired today, don't bother him."

"Huh? Dad is tired?" Qiqi worried, "Why is Dad tired?"

"Ahem, he just didn't rest well, he is sleeping now."

"Oh." Qi Qi nodded, and then said to the three little ones beside her, "Don't bother Dad."

Huo Yun flicked his tail, then jumped on the sofa to watch TV, Huo Miao and Xiao Bai squatted beside Qi Qi begging for a hug, not sure if they listened or not.

Xiao Yan took Qiqi's hand, ignored the two who were begging for a hug, and took Qiqi into the house.

Qin Zhi also didn't have the concept of managing children's time, Qi Qi and Xiao Yan both played until after 10 o'clock, he realized that it was a bit late, so he let Qi Qi and Xiao Yan go to take a bath.After sending the two children into the bathroom, Qin Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, and opened the door to see his Haohao.

Who would have thought that as soon as the door was opened, a pillow would fly over and hit Qin Zhi.

Qin Zhi caught the pillow, walked helplessly to the bed, ignored Di Hao's angry eyes, bent down and kissed him, "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat."

"Hmph." Di Hao turned around with difficulty, ignoring him.

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows, ready to get up and prepare dinner for Qin Zhi.

"Ah!" Di Hao suddenly called out.

Qin Zhi hurriedly turned around, "What's wrong?"

Di Hao looked at Qin Zhi with bitterness and hatred on his face, "You...did you wear a cover when you did it?"

Seeing Di Hao's Jiji eyes, Qin Zhi coughed, patted Di Hao's head, "I'll make porridge for you." Then he left in a hurry.

Di Hao wanted to cry - Qi Qi won the bid once, so this time... Oh my god!

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