Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 101 Deliberation

The next day, Li Yueran came to the villa again, this time to take everyone to the police station. ?

"Where is the dissection room? I want to see the corpse." Yanming said.

Li Yueran called someone over and asked him to show Yanming the way.

After Yanming left, Li Yueran said, "I'll leave the case to you. Here are all the documents. You can work in this office in the future."

"Thank you."

"Then I'll leave first." Li Yueran nodded, stood up and left. Now that the case has been handed over and everything that should be said has been clearly stated, there is no need for him to stay. He is really not good at handling cases.

Di Hao, Qiu Yuan and the others began to look through the documents, and found that there were really no important clues in the documents here. They only marked the place and time of the victim's death. As for the others, there was no explanation.

"Are there no surveillance cameras around the three victims?" Qiu Yuan asked.

Xu Zihao and Xiao Qian checked the computer according to the location of the murder. Hearing Qiu Yuan's question, Xu Zihao said, "Captain, the places where they were killed are all private places. Although there are surveillance videos, the places where these people died are all It’s a box or something, so there must be no video installed.”

Di Hao raised his head and looked at the information, "Eh? They were all killed in private rooms... Well, this is in the private room of a nightclub, and this is in the private room of an underground casino. This is more normal, it is a hotel Bar?"

Qin Zhi took a look, shook his head and said, "This is a hotel on the surface, but it's actually a variety of trading places that don't make it to the table."

"Oh." Di Hao cast a sideways glance at Qin Zhi, "You know it well."


Qiu Yuan and the others sneered.

"Then, what kind of good places are the places where these three people died?" Xiao Qian thought for a while and asked Di Hao, "Brother Di, do you have something to say when you say they died in such a place?"

"Haha, Xiao Qian, you have been with Brother Di for a long time, and your thoughts have gone into one place." Xu Zihao patted Xiao Qian's shoulder and teased.

Di Hao glared at Xu Zihao, and then said, "I'm not sure, but it's quite a coincidence that these three people all died in the same place."

"Same nature? What kind of nature?" Qiu Yuan asked.

"Sensuality." Di Hao cast a glance at Qin Zhi. "Whether that kind of place looks normal or not, it will always be filled with all kinds of emotions, and this kind of emotion..." Di Hao's face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the change in Di Hao's expression, Qin Zhi couldn't help asking.

"It suddenly occurred to me that if these people died in this kind of place, and like Yanming said, they made themselves that way when they were alive, then there must be fear and resentment in their emotions, everyone The environment is a natural circle, and when they die in that kind of place, the fear and resentment they carry will be infinitely magnified... No, I'm going to see those corpses." Di Hao said, about to stand up .

"Those corpses..." Qiu Yuan stood up.

"I want to see if there is any resentment on those corpses."

Qin Zhi walked up to Di Hao, "Do you mean that the murderer purposely killed people in that kind of place in order to amplify their emotions by the influence of the surrounding environment? Then his purpose is not just to kill people ,still……"

"It's still to get the huge resentment from the dead." Di Hao turned his head to look at Qin Zhi, "If this is the case, although the traces on the corpse will not be too obvious, there will always be something to be seen, and I'm afraid the true identity of the person behind The purpose, we have to think about it carefully.”

The dissecting room is very large, and the three corpses are placed side by side on the dissecting table, and they still maintain the state at the time of death. Because the limbs are folded in reverse, the limbs of the three people's foreheads look like they are bent upwards in a weird way. The appearance of jumping up, a festive movement that appeared in photos before, now looks very strange, the expression on the face is hideous, it looks really frightening, and the red marks on the waist in the middle of the naked body, It is not difficult to imagine how much pain the deceased suffered before he lost his breath.

Yanming walked to the dissection table of a deceased person, looked carefully at the red mark, the incision was complete, and looked closely, it looked like a thin red line, thinking of the photos that had seen no traces before, the murderer's method was simply unbelievable. It's amazing, to be able to make such a mark, I have to say that the action must be fast and the strength is very strong. This kind of strength is not something that ordinary people can do. Looking at the other two corpses, in terms of body proportion , there is no slight deviation in the position, which shows that the murderer's attack is accurate.

Just when Yanming was checking, Di Hao brought people over.

"Come here to see the corpse?" Yanming lowered his head and asked.

Di Hao nodded, and walked in to observe the corpse. Xu Zihao and Xiao Qian almost vomited when they saw the corpse—this was probably the scariest corpse they had ever seen. Qiu Yuan's complexion was not good, and he was slightly pale But Di Hao and Qin Zhi didn't show much.

"Sure enough... the resentment remains on these corpses."

"It's no wonder that the limbs are broken like this, and it hurts to death." Qiu Yuan shook his head.

"They didn't hurt to death." Yan Ming suddenly answered.

"Huh? Didn't it hurt? How did you die?"

"Excessive blood loss." Yanming pushed his eyes with deep eyes, "You know the ancient method of cutting in half, that kind of criminal law will not kill people immediately, but will slowly feel the pain and bleed to death, and you see these three The wound in the middle of the person is small and flat, and it is not visible at the scene of the crime, but in the final analysis, it is cut off at the middle, so it will bleed, but the flow rate will be very slow, so in this process, the three people will be real. Pain will be felt, and it will be long."

"...Then, wouldn't this increase the resentment after death?" Di Hao's face was a little ugly, "Then all the resentment has disappeared now, isn't it all taken away by the murderer?"

"Probably so." Yanming replied.

The faces of several people are a little bad.

After leaving the police station, Di Hao planned to go to the scene of the crime with Qiu Yuan and others.

"Haohao." Qin Zhi suddenly grabbed Di Hao, pointed at the person in front of him and said, "Who do you think that is?"

Di Hao looked at Qin Zhi's finger, and after seeing the person clearly, he called out in surprise, "Brother?"

Isn't the person in front of the police station Di Jun?

Hearing Di Hao's voice, Di Jun turned his head in surprise, frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed.

Qin Zhi looked at Di Jun's expression thoughtfully.

"Brother, why have you come to the United States?" Di Hao walked into Di Jun's side and asked curiously, "And you came to the police station. Did something happen?"

Di Jun smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I just came to the police station to find someone, it's not a big deal."

"Oh." Di Hao nodded.

At this time, Qin Zhi said, "Do you need my help? The Zhou family still has some strength in the United States."

Di Jun shook his head and said with a smile, "No need, it's nothing important."

Di Hao thumped Di Jun, "Come on, big brother, why don't you come to the police station in person for nothing important? You're welcome, just talk to Qin Zhi with someone."

Di Jun pretended to be in pain, clutched his chest, and smiled wryly, "It's really nothing, Xiaohao....By the way, why did you both come out of the police station? Did something happen?"

"Oh, I'm investigating a case." Di Hao said indifferently, "It's related to the Zhou family, so Lin You sent me to take over."

Di Jun frowned suddenly, hesitated to speak.

Di Hao saw it, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, big brother?"

"It's okay." Di Jun shook his head, "I just think you have a good relationship with Mr. Qin." The last time he saw Di Hao and Qin Zhi in the capital, he felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right, but he didn't expect this time Di Hao was still involved in the matter.

"Ahem." Di Hao suddenly felt awkward, glanced at Qin Zhi, and didn't know what to say - he didn't plan to confess to his family.

Fortunately, Di Jun didn't ask any more questions, but asked about Qiqi, and after they agreed to have dinner together, Di Jun left first.

Di Hao looked at Di Jun's back in the police station and tilted his head, "I always feel like my elder brother has something on his mind."

Qin Zhi took Di Hao's hand, "It should be a matter of finding someone, just settle it."

"Well, let's go too."

The three locations were visited, and the three rooms where the crime occurred were all sealed, and there was a large pool of dried blood inside, and there were human figures drawn with white lines on the blood stains.It's not hard to see how much blood these people left behind.

Yan Ming looked at the dried blood on the ground and said, "These people have struggled before they died, but I'm not sure whether they were struggling to bend their limbs, or because of pain....I'm afraid it was both. Bar."

Xu Zihao said, "These people stayed in the private room for a long time, and they were all alone. I asked each person in charge, and they all said that before the three deceased came in, they said they wanted to wait for someone, but they didn't say anything. Whoever it is, I just said that if someone asks for the room number, just bring him in. But no one came until they were found dead.... Do you think that person may be the murderer. "

"Maybe." Qin Zhi said, "As far as I know, these three people are all dudes, and every time they go out, they are a group of friends. Since this is an appointment alone this time, it can be seen that the purpose is not simple. I am afraid that the other party will treat these three people Speaking is also very important.”

"Then find out who they have been in contact with recently." Qiu Yuan said, "It is better to have a place to start investigation than nothing."

"Well, I need someone to tell Grandpa, he has someone available." Qin Zhi said.

"I know."

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