In the bathroom, a plump, white and beautiful ketone body stood under the shower head.

Warm water poured from top to bottom on the white and tender skin, slid along the beautiful jaw line to the collarbone, played intimately with the collarbone, and then ran to the chest mischievously, the towering mountains made the water droplets find no way, and the surrounding area was surrounded by the mountains Turn around and find your way again.

Slip all the way to the lower abdomen and waist unimpeded.Gather on both sides of the forest and then separate, sprinting along a pair of slender white legs, scrambling to be the first to join the large army on the ground.

The image of that person leaving the table earlier came to mind, with pale lips, preoccupied face showing distress, and staggering steps.It's all proclaiming how bad this person's state is at this time.

At the dinner table, I don't want to ask too much and cause the elders to worry. Now that I think about it, since the afternoon, that person seems to have something on his mind.

He turned off the shower head that was still spraying water tirelessly, pulled off the bath towel on the shelf and hurriedly dried his hair and the remaining water on his body.

Nan Yan wrapped herself in a bath towel and stepped out of the bathroom, drying her hair impatiently, throwing the few strands of hair she accidentally tore off into the trash can next to her.

After a brief combing in front of the mirror, I walked out of the bathroom and took a set of home clothes from the closet and put them on. I stepped on the slippers and walked out of the room. I walked out of the house and knocked on the anti-theft door of the opposite house.

"Xiaoyan, what's the matter? Did you forget something?" Mother Jiang opened the door, and the house was quiet and quiet without the noisy happiness just now.

Nanyan told Jiang's mother cleverly that she forgot her bag in Jiang Yu's room and her phone was still inside.

Jiang's mother rushed her into the house, pointed to Jiang Yu's door, and motioned for her to get it by herself, and went back to the room with Jiang's father to sleep.

Standing in front of Jiang Yu's room, Nan Yan suddenly became inexplicably nervous.He raised his hand and tapped three times, "Jiang Yu, I'm coming in."

Slowly pushing open the door, the appearance of the room was once again displayed in front of my eyes.

In the room, only a small lamp by the bed was turned on, and all kinds of books on the desk were still randomly placed on it, just like when I came at night.

The window in the room was opened with a negligible crack, and the sound of the wind blowing from outside the window could be heard in the quiet room.

The air conditioner was laid flat on the bed like it was at night. At this time, Jiang Yu was wrapping his body, only his head was exposed, silently facing the window and leaning against the wall, his two thin legs were bent, and his hands hugged his knees , buried himself in the hollow of his knees, closed his eyes as if falling asleep.Hearing Nanyan coming in, he moved slightly, but there was no response.

The light of the night light shines on one side of Jiang Yu's face, and the other side is reflected in the darkness, Jiang Yu looks lonely and lonely.Seeing her like this, Nan Yan couldn't help feeling distressed, as if she had been severely gouged out by a knife.

What kind of thing can make Jiang Yu react so strongly? In 27 years she had never seen her so alone.

Nan Yan held back her distressed tears, walked lightly to Jiang Yu's bed, took off her slippers and climbed onto Jiang Yu's bed on her knees, approaching her step by step.

Kneeling in front of her, he raised her head with his hands, hugged her head into his arms, and stroked her hair gently as if he was afraid of breaking a fragile item, "What's wrong with you?" ? Jiang Yu, can you tell me something?"

Jiang Yu buried his head in her chest, feeling the temperature and fragrance from her body. The warm body temperature combined with the pleasant smell of milk bath milk smoothed the haze in his heart just now.

A sense of grievance swept over again, and she put down her hands that hugged her knees, passed through the air conditioner and was wrapped around her slender waist, without saying a word.

Seeing that she was still unwilling to speak, Nan Yan took a picture of Jiang Yu's long bent legs, and sat down on her lap with her legs apart, facing her.

He gently held her cheeks on both sides again, his eyes were full of tenderness, his fingertips stroked her face caressingly, and he spoke slowly again, "Can you tell me what's wrong with you? Don't make me worry about you. Jiang Yu."

Maybe her eyes were too gentle, maybe her movements were too gentle, or maybe the air in the room was too thin.

Jiang Yu felt as if he had fallen into the deep sea, unable to breathe, his heart rate was too fast, and his cheeks were extremely rosy from holding his breath.

The starlight in her eyes was shining, and Jiang Yu was sucked in, placed in a galaxy, surrounded by the bright light of the galaxy.

"Nan Yan, you can't leave me." He spoke slowly, and for some reason, his voice, which usually sounded clear and clear, was actually deep and hoarse at this moment.

When Nan Yan heard her domineering speech full of possessiveness, she couldn't help but be moved.Staring at the eyes of the person below him, with a smile on his brows and corners of his eyes, he said, "Why should I leave you?"

Jiang Yu listed the reasons why she would leave him one by one, "You have met more people recently, everyone likes you, you still have to go on a blind date and get married, and you don't want me when you get married."

The aggrieved tone made people feel distressed. Listening to her "criminal evidence" one after another, it turned out that she had cared about it since the blind date. Nanyan was only surprised that someone seemed to be jealous and unhappy.

Holding the face of the little hamster who was so angry that his cheeks bulged, he explained his crime in a funny but serious way, "I'm not going to get married, and I'm not going to leave you."

Jiang Yu was in disbelief, with a look of disbelief, "I've grown up, it's useless for you to coax me like this."

"You said last time at the beach that we can't go back to the way we were before. What change do you want? Don't you just want to leave me? Liar."

"Yanyan, I won't be naive anymore, okay? Don't leave me, even if you really want to get married, don't leave me, okay?"

After saying the last sentence, Jiang Yushuang looked at Nanyan with tears in his eyes, as if she would cry in the next second if she didn't agree with him.

The pain of her heart being pulled together made her a little overwhelmed, and she could only pray for Nanyan to agree to her.In order to relieve my aching heart.

Promise her not to leave her, not to abandon her.

Nanyan gently caressed the corner of Jiang Yu's eye with the tip of her right finger, lovingly stroking her cheek, tip of nose, and lips along the corner of her eye.Finally, he stretched his hand behind his ear and gently kneaded Jiang Yu's delicate earlobe.

Resting his left hand on his face, he promised lightly but firmly.

"I will not leave you, Jiang Yu, I will never leave you in this life, as long as you turn around, I will be behind you."

Jiang Yu went from bottom to top, looking at Nan Yan's face.She had her back to the light, but I saw the twinkling starlight from her body. Under the bright starlight, she looked serious and cherished.

"I believe you, but I want you to prove it?"

After hesitating for a while, Nan Yan slowly said, "Then close your eyes."

Jiang Yu didn't know how she wanted to prove it, but obediently closed his eyes and waited.

The room is full of warmth under the subtle warm light.

The bright light shines on Jiang Yu's face. With her eyes closed, there is still a trace of water on her eyelashes, and her delicate and smooth skin still shows her whiteness under the warm yellow light. Make a slight noise.

The small movements of the eyeballs that are still moving slightly when the eyes are closed are particularly eye-catching under the eyelids.

Nan Yan got up and knelt on both sides of her thighs, held Jiang Yu's face in her arms, slowed her breathing, and approached her gently.Finally, he placed a light kiss on her smooth forehead.

Feeling the kiss on his forehead, Jiang Yu opened his eyes in disbelief, staring blankly at the person in front of him, without reacting for a while.

Just now... Did Nan Yan kiss herself?

Joy overflowed his cheeks, his eyes were full of smiles, he was so happy that he didn't know what to do, he just showed his big white teeth and looked at her and smiled, proving to her how happy he was now.

Looking at Jiang Yu's face, there is no disgust or disgust, only joy.Nan Yan's hanging heart finally let go, it seems that Jiang Yu doesn't dislike being in close contact with her.

The man with a smirk got into his arms, wrapped his hands around his back, hugged himself full, shook his head and rubbed left and right in front of his chest.Feel her enthusiasm and energy.Nan Yan's face was also full of spring breeze, the tips of her ears were reddish and covered by her hair.

Raising his hand along her back, he smiled lightly and said, "Are you so happy?"

Jiang Yu raised his head buried in her arms, nodded vigorously with a smile on his face, felt a little insufficient when it was over, and thought about it for a while.Pulling Nan Yan's waist down so that she sat completely on his lap, he briskly kissed the corner of Nan Yan's lips.

"You won't leave me after stamping on me, then I will also stamp on you, I will definitely never leave you!" Jiang Yu raised his hand and swore.

Nan Yan raised her hand and gently stroked the corner of her lips that Jiang Yu had kissed, a brighter smile appeared on her face, and the corners of her lips rose to show the joy in her heart at this moment. "Okay, got it."

It is now 11:30 in the middle of the night, and an hour has passed since Jiang Yu sent her back. Nan Yan was lying on the bed reminiscing about the touch of being kissed by Jiang Yu just now, her face was flushed, and her heart beat faster.Immersed in it for a long time...

Fortunately, the light in Jiang Yu's room was not good just now, so Jiang Yu didn't see his blushing cheeks and hot earlobes.

Is all Jiang Yu's emotional changes today because of himself?This surprising discovery made Nanyan happy.

Is she... finally starting to realize it?

On the other hand, because Nan Yan got an affirmative answer, Jiang Yu happily took a shower and lay down on the bed hugging the quilt and fell asleep happily, having a good night's dream.

Waking up the next morning, the morning light shines on the floor through the window, Jiang Yu opened his sleepy and blurred eyes, sat up on the bed with his hands up and woke up, remembering what happened last night, he felt shy after knowing it.

She kissed Nanyan?Although it was Nan Yan's first, but why the thought of kissing her couldn't stop the joy in his heart.

Get up in a good mood to wash and change clothes, and it is not yet 07:30 to go out. Looking at the closed door opposite, Nanyan should still be sleeping.

The down elevator stopped on the 11th floor, and the old grandma I met last time came in. Jiang Yu greeted her sweetly, "Good morning, grandma."

Helping the old lady into the elevator, the old man turned around and looked at Jiang Yu, and suddenly remembered something, and smiled kindly, "Ah, it was the beautiful girl last time, why are you alone today, and where is the other girl?"

"She should still be sleeping, I go to work earlier than her~" Jiang Yu smiled.

The old man nodded kindly, patted Jiang Yu's hand supporting her, and whispered that she was a good girl.

Jiang Yu said again, "Grandma, what are you doing out so early? I don't think I've seen you before, grandma."

The old man coughed, and Jiang Yu hurriedly patted her on the back to make her feel better.

"I'm getting old, and the kids said that the environment in the countryside is not good, so they brought me to the city. Isn't it because I can't sleep well? Go out for a walk." The old man said slowly to Jiang Yuyan.

The elevator went down to the first floor. Jiang Yu helped the old lady out of the elevator, waved his hand to confess to the old man, and then stepped into the elevator to descend to the second floor.

Sitting in the car and thinking of what the old man said just now, it must be that grandma is not familiar with it in a strange environment.

Grandma Jiang Yu is the only surviving elder in Jiang Yu's family. A few years ago, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also wanted to bring Grandma Jiang to the city, but they couldn't resist Grandma Jiang's stubborn temper. Chick and Lamb are with her, so don't bother them. If you are really filial, go back and see her from time to time.

The couple no longer mentioned the matter of coming to Lincheng, and went back to see the elderly only half a month later. When Jiang Yu was free, the family of three went to the countryside to visit Grandma Jiang.

Driving from the city to grandma's house in the countryside took about two hours one way. Jiang Yu thought that he hadn't visited grandma for a while, so he decided to take a break to see grandma next week.He took out his mobile phone and sent Nanyan a WeChat message.

【Yanyan, I'm going back to see grandma next week, do you want to come with me?Let's go to the countryside to play~]

Jiang Yu did not receive a reply until he arrived at the hotel. It was almost 10:[-] and there was no traffic jam in the morning. It usually takes half an hour to drive from home to work, but Jiang Yu arrived in less than [-] minutes.

Just after breakfast and stepping into the workshop to start working, I received a reply from Nanyan.

【it is good. 】

There was no morning meeting on Saturday. Jiang Yu and Gu Xi had been busy all morning. They bought all the materials they purchased yesterday. After sorting out their things, it was almost time for lunch, so they put down their work and went to the cafeteria.

As soon as he sat down, Qi Boshi came over and sat across from Jiang Yu, "Jiang Yu, regarding the bachelor party next Friday, the guests and the salesperson hope to send a pastry chef to give them a brief introduction to the name of the cake and how to make it. Taste or something."

Jiang Yu raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he heard such a special request. In the past, the guests at most asked them casually when they set up the table. They had never asked the pastry chef to introduce them so formally.

Looking at each other with Gu Xi, they both saw doubt and speechlessness in each other's eyes.

"Mr. Qi, how long will it take for this introduction? Can't they have a party all night and we have to watch over it?"

"The customers say that it's enough to introduce them about half an hour before the party officially starts. The sales side means to send more capable people. I'm more inclined to you."

"President Qi, in terms of ability, I am not as good as Sister Jing, why don't you think about Sister Jing? And you know, President Qi, that I have to work on a new theme recently, and the master is not here, and I haven't checked my attendance yet."

"Yang Jing is capable, but she lacks the skills to deal with customers."

Jiang Yu understood what he meant, and seemed to be in a dilemma, and this kind of trouble was shared by himself again.

Qi Boshi saw that she didn't reply for a long time, "This guest also said that if the party is satisfactory, he will consider letting the banquet hall take over the wedding in the future."

Gu Xi rolled his eyes silently at the side, and pushed us out together to do some entertaining, so as to bring him some success.This man is really good at calculating.

"How about it, Jiang Yu, after you go this time, don't you want to recruit another person? I'll go and ask the higher-ups for instructions."

"Okay." Jiang Yu agreed.

After Jiang Yu agreed, Qi Boshi left.Gu Xi gave Jiang Yu a thumbs up, "Okay, Taro, let the old man agree to recruit someone."

Slapping her thumb off, he calmly told her to keep a low profile, "Hmph, if he wants us to help, he will have to spend some money. It's a good idea."

"Keep your voice down, go back later and tell Sister Zhiyan that Qi Boshi agreed to recruit people, and asked the senior sister to go ahead and recruit people first. Anyway, he said he was too busy for the party next Friday when he didn't recruit people. .”

Gu Xi gently covered his mouth with one hand, pointed at Jiang Yu's nose with the other, his eyes widened, and he called out to the good fellow, "Taro, you are amazing! Oh my god, you are no longer my innocent and deceitful pure Taro, you are Niu Colu Taro now!"

Jiang Niu Colu Yu smiled at her, then buried himself in his meal, and stopped talking.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yu first asked Gu Xi to wash the variegated leaves, and was going to teach her how to make Mochacha juice.

"Momochacha, the desserts in Southeast Asia can also be regarded as drinks. It is very popular in Malaysia and Thailand. Water chestnuts, purple taro, sweet potatoes, a few ingredients are washed and cut into small cubes, as big as a fingernail. After the sago is boiled, take it out and put it in cold water, so that it still tastes good. There are also some ways to add red beans, mangoes, etc. It doesn’t matter what ingredients are added, the important thing is that it uses banana leaves, coconut milk, The liquid that boils out of sugar."

"Pandan leaves are also called pandan leaves, pandan, tropical green plants, which are more common in Malaysia and Singapore, so Momo Chacha with colorful leaves is defined as Malay Momo Chacha. We are going to do this today. You first put that After finishing a few ingredients, I went to the office to do the attendance."

After explaining things to Gu Xi, Jiang Yu went to the office to do attendance checks, and in the afternoon he worked hard at the computer again.

After finishing the attendance check, I stretched my waist, which attracted other people in the office to joke, "Has Xiaoyu finished the work at hand?"


"Hey, your master is so lucky to have such capable apprentices as you two."

"Master Cheng, you are making fun of me again." Master Cheng is the head chef of the West Kitchen.

"I didn't. If you don't believe me, ask Manager Wang?"

The person called Manager Wang was the manager of the banquet hall, who rescued Jiang Yu, "You will bully other girls, why don't you bully others, are you afraid of being beaten?"

The office roared with laughter, and Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing too.Master Cheng was kicked on the desk in front of everyone in the office by the manager of the Chinese restaurant because of his quick talk.

Master Cheng was ashamed, and the embarrassing incident 800 years ago was brought out again for ridicule.The look of burying your head in hard work seems to wish you could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

It was almost time for Jiang Yu to leave work after finishing his work attendance, so he packed up his things, went to take a shower, and clocked in to get home from get off work.

The white Audi was driving smoothly on the road, with soothing music playing in the car, and Jiang Yu lowered the window of the driver's seat, bathing in the afterglow and sea breeze.She also thought of Nanyan's soft kiss last night, and her kiss back.Doubly sweet.

Her lips are so soft, I really want to bite.

The author has something to say:

Thank you for your lovely reading. ++

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