The creaking sound of the air conditioner is running, and the cold air is sent to every corner of the office, cooling down the hot end of June.

Jiang Yu lay on the edge of the table to calm down the turbulent mood, and what happened between him and Nanyan played in his mind like a movie. Did the recent changes make him panic.

I have known Nanyan for 26 years, I have known each other for 26 years, and I have been with you for 26 years.Nanyan has become an indispensable part of his life.If Nanyan wants to leave her and start a life without her, what should she do?I never thought that there would be a day when I would have nothing to do with Nanyan.

After calming down, Jiang Yu thought carefully, would Nan Yan really leave him?

There was a "ding" in his ear, the phone turned on, and there was a WeChat message from Nanyan.

[Jiang Yu, I'll wait for you to pick me up, let's go home together. 】

Seeing the words on WeChat, Jiang Yu felt wronged, tears filled his eyes, and wanted to cry.I want Lai to act like a baby in Nanyan's arms, and I want Nanyan to promise not to leave her.

Before hearing what Nanyan said, should I believe what she said, she said...will always be with her.

Look, this is the proof, the proof that Nan Yan won't leave her.

As Nanyan said, they went home together.

Jiang Yu went to the bathroom to wash his face, splashing cold water on his face, it was cool and comfortable.I tidied up my clothes and hair in the mirror, and put away those bad emotions.

When they returned to the office, the three head chefs of the Chinese and Western Banquet Kitchen were all working in front of the computer, and Gu Zhiyan was also at the desk.

"Xiaoyu, I see that you have finished calculating your inventory and costs in your computer." Gu Zhiyan saw her coming in and called her.

Jiang Yu greeted the other branch leaders one by one and walked into Gu Zhiyan, "Yes, senior sister, I was just about to send you a message. My side is almost done. This month's cost is a bit overrun, which is more than 2000 yuan more than last month. .”

Gu Zhiyan looked at the data on the computer and waved his hand with a smile, "It's okay, I had a rough number on our side when I traded just now, and I should be able to fill it up for your side. It's okay if it exceeds, the turnover of these two moon cake houses It also far exceeded the original expectation, and more than 2000 yuan can be rounded back."

"Yeah, Xiao Jiang, the income of your bakery has increased a lot this month. You don't have to worry so much about the money." The person who spoke was Master Zhang, the head chef of the banquet kitchen. Because banquets often cooperate with them, the relationship between the two parties is also good. .Master Zhang comforted Jiang Yu, saying that the cost of more than 2000 yuan was nothing but trivial trouble.

Jiang Yu nodded, "Well, I just want to report to Senior Sister."

"By the way, Master Zhang, where is the venue for the bachelor party next week?"

"It is tentatively scheduled to be in the small banquet hall No. 4, and the needs of the guests are still changing."

"Thank you, Master Zhang."

Gu Zhiyan was sitting on the office chair and entering the inventory system in the computer, Jiang Yu checked the time on the phone, it was 10:[-], and there were still [-]:[-] minutes to get off work.I remembered that Nanyan hadn't replied yet.

【Okay, let's go home together. 】

After sending Nanyan WeChat, I will inform everyone in the work group.

[Sister Zhiyan and I are doing an inventory in the office, everyone should get off work at four o'clock.Remember to check to make sure that the water and electric oven is turned off, and that the refrigerator is refrigerated and frozen at a normal temperature.Be careful on the way back, everyone.thanks everyone. 】

After receiving the replies from everyone in the group, Jiang Yu picked up the inventory list on the table, leaned behind Gu Zhiyan's side, on the cardboard box where the sundries were placed, and began to register the things that had been counted in the two workshops.

After the two of them registered all the inventory sheets and month-end cost sheets, it was already [-]:[-], Gu Zhiyan sat and stretched, "Xiaoyu, we can tidy up and get off work."

Jiang Yu nodded, "Then senior sister, I'll go in first and change my clothes."

After speaking, Jiang Yu picked up the private clothes hanging on the hanger and went into the small changing room, took off the overalls and work shoes, and changed into his own clothes and shoes.The work shoes are placed on the shoe cabinet in the dressing room with his own name on it.

After changing his clothes and coming out, Jiang Yu greeted everyone, then went downstairs with his overalls to the staff shower room.Throw the work clothes in the single wardrobe, take out the slippers, and step into the shower cubicle with the bath products.

Hot water poured down from the top, wet Jiang Yu's hair, and then slid down the skin.

The sound of spraying water hitting the ground can be heard in my ears, and a little mist rises from the shower cubicle.

After simply wiping his hair until no water dripped, Jiang Yu put on his clothes and came out of the cubicle.

Just after taking a shower, her face was rosy from the heat, like a ripe apple, and the water was still attached to her cheeks, which looked very attractive.

Taking the worn overalls to the uniform room to change into clean uniforms, and tidying up the clothes, Jiang Yu returned to the office with the clean uniforms. Everyone should have gone off work or showered, and there was no one in the office.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was four fifty.Hang clean uniforms on hangers.

Punch off work, get in the car, it's almost five o'clock.I drove to Nanyan Studio for half an hour, just to avoid the rush hour after [-] o'clock. Today, Friday, compared with other times, there is more traffic at night.

Ignite the ignition, step on the brake, release the handbrake, put the gear on, and step on the accelerator.The white Audi A4L slowly drove out of the parking space and out of the underground parking lot.

The sun, which was still showing its power, shone into the driver's seat, Jiang Yu lowered the baffle above his head, turned right out of the hotel and merged into the traffic flow.

Following the car on the main road, Jiang Yu turned up the temperature of the car's air conditioner to 25 degrees, and Nanyan was almost on her menstrual period these days.

Slam on the accelerator and drive under the speed limit on this road with few pedestrians and vehicles.

Arrive at the entrance of the studio at 05:30 and park the car in the roadside parking space.Pick up the car key and get out of the car and step into the studio.

"Little Yu is here." Teacher Zhang warmly greeted Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu nodded to her, and joked with a smile, "Well, I'm here again, don't think I'm annoying, Teacher Zhang."

Teacher Zhang teased her with a smile, and motioned her to sit by herself, as she still had work to do.

When Jiang Yu entered the door, he saw the wall directly opposite the entrance rest area. The picture of a family of three in an amusement park uploaded by Nanyan on Weibo yesterday was framed and hung on the wall.Next to it are paintings of other Nanyan and other teachers hanging on the wall.

It seems that I really like this painting.

Passing by the teaching studio, he didn't see Nanyan inside, so he went straight to Nanyan's separate office.Stand at the door and knock three times.

"Please come in." A clear voice like a trickle came from the door.

Jiang Yu pushed the door open and went in, looking at the person who was still thinking about the easel.

Seeing Jiang Yu coming in, Nanyan put down the brush, moved the easel aside, and said, "You are here, wait for me, I will take the bag."

After speaking, he walked to the desk to take the bag on the hanger.

She didn't wear high heels today. She was wearing a white chiffon shirt with a slit and knotted waist, a long black skirt, and a pair of white canvas shoes.

He was originally 2cm shorter than Jiang Yu, but standing in front of Jiang Yu now, he was half a head shorter than Jiang Yu who was taller in Martin boots.

Jiang Yu seemed to smell the familiar perfume on her body, it smelled good and sweet.

After walking out of the office and saying goodbye to other teachers, the two of them walked out of the studio together. Jiang Yu looked at his car parked on the side of the road and suddenly said, "Yanyan, you also have a driver's license. You can drive today."

Nan Yan glanced at the car keys in her palm, and Jiang Yu had already taken her bag, "What's the matter? Didn't you say you came to pick me up? Do you want to be lazy?"

"I just want to be lazy, can't you drive it? Hmph"

"Okay, if I drive, I will drive, and you will be charged for that."

"Wow~ I used to drive the car, and I didn't ask you to collect money. You still ask me to collect money today, it's too much, woo woo woo..."

Nan Yan looked at someone who was pretending to cry, and hilariously raised her hand and knocked on her head, "Aren't you afraid I'll hit your car?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you still took me for a ride, I have nothing to be afraid of." Jiang Yu shook his head.

Jiang Yu got his driver's license when he was 21 years old, and he had been working for two years at that time.Every day, I have to take the subway for more than an hour to commute to and from work. I spend a lot of time on the road from dawn to dusk. Occasionally, when it rains, I feel like a drowned chicken when I go home.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother felt sorry for the child, so they immediately urged Jiang Yu to take the driver's license test. Jiang Yu was hardworking and smart, and got his driver's license in three months.

The convenience store opened by the family also began to make profits gradually. Jiang's parents used their savings to buy this white Audi A4L for Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu's monthly salary is only four, and there is not much left after repaying the car loan and social security deductions. Fortunately, there are no other high expenses, so he paid off the car payment on his 24th birthday.

After Nanyan went to college, she took the driver's license test as an adult. Before Jiang Yu had no driver's license, she would often drive Jiang Yu out in the family car. Of course, it was Jiang Yu's request.

It's just that after graduating from graduate school at the age of 24, I spent all my savings on opening a studio, and I didn't buy a car in the past two years.

Her parents asked her to drive the family car. Her parents were teachers at Lincheng University, and it took half an hour to get to Lincheng University from home, so she rejected her parents' proposal.He claims that he is young and can commute to get off work by subway, and his studio is not far from home. Occasionally, when the weather is bad, he either does not go to the studio or takes a is also considered convenient.

After getting in the car, Nanyan confirmed that Jiang Yu was not afraid, and then calmly lit the ignition and set off.The vehicle runs smoothly on the road.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jiang Yu quietly looked at Nan Yan. Nan Yan will be 27 years old at the end of next month.

I always feel that time flies so fast, I and her childhood seem to be still in front of my eyes, but they have grown up.

The traffic on the road was obviously denser than the road on which Jiang Yu came just now, but it was still flowing.The two arrived at the door of the house in less than six o'clock.

Jiang Yu took out the house key, twisted the lock cylinder and opened the door.

Mother Jiang heard the movement and poked her head out of the kitchen, "Ah, Xiaoyan and Yuyu are back."

"Mom, Dad."

"Aunt Jiang, Uncle Jiang."

Jiang's father kept turning the spatula in his hand, and said to the two with a smile, "Yuyu, first take Xiaoyan to your room to play for a while."

Jiang Yu and Nan Yan walked into Jiang Yu's room. Jiang Yu took out a set of clothes that he wore at home from the closet, and went into the bathroom to change.

Nan Yan put down her bag, and looked around Jiang Yu's room. She hadn't been here for a while, and Jiang Yu's desk was full of novels, comics, books, and all kinds of books.

The bed was clean, the quilt was evenly covered on the bed, and there were two small photo frames on the bedside table, one was a photo of Jiang Yu wearing a bachelor's uniform with his parents, and the other was a baby photo of her and Jiang Yu.

The road was rough and I and the newborn Jiang Yu held their two little hands together, and I was hugged by my parents lying on the edge of Jiang Yu's crib, and Jiang's parents were also inside.

Jiang Yu came out after changing clothes, the two sat together for a while, Nan's father and Nan's mother also arrived, and the two went out to the living room.

Jiang Yu went into the kitchen to help his father, and Nan Yan sat on the sofa with his parents, chatting with Jiang's mother.

The two families are harmonious and happy.

"It's time to eat, uncles and aunts, stop chatting with my mother. My mother won't be hungry after chatting~" Jiang Yu came out with corn and yam pork ribs soup, put it on the dining table, and interrupted the chat of several people on the sofa .

Jiang Yu's words made several parents laugh, and Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.Jiang's mother looked at her daughter with disgust, and hurriedly called everyone to sit down.

At the dinner table, Father Jiang asked, "Lao Nan, would you like some wine today?"

Papa Nan thought for a second, "Then I'll have a drink or two with you."

The two mothers looked at each other and let them go.

Father Jiang took a sip of the white wine and asked, "Didn't you say that the son of the school teacher wants to know Xiaoyan? How is the situation?"

When Jiang Yu heard his father's words, his heart skipped a beat.

Nan Yan glanced at Jiang Yu, with a smile on her face, and replied softly, "Yes, I met, but I didn't contact much after I was busy."

"It's fine if there is no relationship. Mom and Dad didn't mean to rush you, but they were just worried that you would be inconvenient." Nan's father patted Nanyan's hand, feeling sorry for his daughter.

"I know, Dad."

Jiang's mother smoothed things over, "Xiaoyan is so good, what do you have to worry about. It's okay Xiaoyan, Auntie will introduce you to reliable ones next time."

Nanyan smiled, but did not refuse Mother Jiang.

Several people turned the topic to Jiang's parents going out to play this time.

Jiang Yu's mood began to surge when he heard his father's question. After hearing Nan's father and Nan Yan's answers, he eased up a little, and was frightened by Jiang's mother's words.

My mother introduced Nanyan...

Jiang's mother used to work in a government agency, and she has a wide network of contacts and knows many people.

In case...there is someone Nanyan likes...

What if... Nanyan falls in love with someone else...

Jiang Yu thought of this, since last night, all the emotions that he forcibly suppressed came suddenly.

Anxiety, fear, bitterness, grievance, all emotions were overwhelming in Jiang Yu's heart.Jiang Yu found that he couldn't control their overflow, and hurriedly finished the food in the bowl.

His face turned pale, and he stood up with a slightly trembling voice and said to everyone, "Parents, uncles and aunts, I finished eating, and suddenly remembered that there is still some work to be done, so you eat slowly." After finishing speaking, he left the table.

Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Yu's back when she returned to the room, and sighed, "Hey, Yuyu is working so hard now, I don't know whether to be happy or sad. This child is serious about everything, so I'm worried that she can't take care of herself. Me and □□ I miss her when I go out to play."

Nan's mother comforted her, "It's a good thing Xiaoyu is so responsible, what are you worried about, the child is already that old."

"Yes, Aunt Jiang, Jiang Yu is very sensible." Nan Yan also comforted Jiang's mother, but her heart was in a mess.

Everyone didn't see or notice, but how could I not see Jiang Yu's weak footsteps just now.

Jiang Yu her... what's wrong?

The author has something to say:

small theater

Author: Xiaojiang, what's wrong with you?

Jiang Yu: I want to strangle you to death!

Author: Why?

Jiang Yu: You still want to introduce my daughter-in-law! ! ! (panic)

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