[HP] Snake

Chapter 49

Back in the cellar, as soon as the door was closed, Severus, who had been frowning, pulled me into his arms, strode to the sofa and sat down.

"Harry, tell me, who did that snake just now?" He grabbed my chin with one hand, lifted my head up, looked straight into his eyes, and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly with one hand. Forrest didn't beat around the bush at all, and asked directly.

"Sev, you know this guy too." I winked at him, deliberately not answering his question directly.

"I know? Could it be Dumbledore—" His brows frowned even more, and his face became more gloomy.

"No, it's not him. However, the appearance of this person is indeed related to him." I reached out and gently covered his mouth to prevent him from guessing.

"Damn it, don't try to trick me there! You should know, I'm shutting down—" He threw off my hand on his mouth, burst out an angry growl, and then stopped abruptly .

I naturally know what the second half of the sentence he couldn't say is...

Yes, he is concerned about me. Although he can't say it, he really exists.

The heart is sweet and warm, this is the sweetness and warmth exclusive to lovers.

She leaned forward and pressed a kiss lightly on his tightly pursed thin lips, and then the whole person nestled into his arms.

"That person is this year's first-year Slytherin freshman, Grumi Bihuf from France."

"What?!" Severus asked in surprise from above his head.

"Sev, do you know what Dumbledore has always upheld?" I reached out and patted his chest gently, asking in a low voice.

"Idea? You mean...for the greater good?" Severus froze for a moment, reached out and pressed my hand against his chest, and said.

"Yes, you know, I have dealt with many ghosts and portraits in the castle, and know a lot of Hogwarts secrets, including Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Some of the past of these two people, Grindelwald."

"Gellert Grindelwald?! A Dark Lord?!"

"Yes, that generation of Dark Lords. According to the portrait of the castle, Dumbledore should have met Grindelwald when he was about to graduate. The two equally talented and ambitious teenagers hit it off and planned to establish a wizarding organization to rule. All wizards and Muggles, and look for the Deathly Hallows."

"Death Saint—"

"Sev, you seem a little irritable today? Please listen to me, okay?" I stretched out my other hand to gently cover his mouth, and then stroked the center of his frowning brow.

"Okay...Harry...I see..." He stretched out his hand and took my hand, held it in his palm, took a few deep breaths before calming down, and said.

"No, there's something wrong with you. When you came back from the hall, you looked a little weird. Now, you can't even control your emotions. Sev, I think, I have to check you." Straighten up, use the position of sitting on his lap, look directly into his eyes, let him see clearly my seriousness.

"Okay, Harry, I feel weird too." Severus obviously sensed something, and nodded in agreement.

I withdrew my hands from his grasp and cast a detection spell on him, but found nothing wrong.Frowning, he reached out and pressed his chest, controlling his strength to inject his magic power into his body, and probed carefully.

damn it!How dare... How dare you touch Severus in front of me!

Slowly withdrew my magic power, clenched my hands into fists, took a deep breath, and resisted the urge to rush directly to kill the guy who dared to attack my partner.

"Harry, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Severus obviously also saw that something was wrong with me, stretched out his hand to break my fist away, hugged me tightly, and gently patted my back .

"It's the Confusion Curse." Following his movements, she gradually relaxed her body, leaned against his arms, and responded in a low voice.

"what is that?"

"It's an ancient black magic spell. If you don't know it, it should at least be completely lost in the official magic research. This spell is not difficult to say, and the effect of casting the spell is very single. The spell caster gradually loses his heart without being aware of it at all, and then when a specific spell caster summons it in a specific way, he completely obeys the spell caster's instructions and becomes a puppet with self-will .”

Severus's uncontrollable low exclamation came from overhead, obviously, he had understood the true evil of this spell...

It will make the cursed person completely unable to resist the spellcaster's orders, and will make him soberly do things that go against his own heart, even if he kills his relatives and lovers with his own hands...

This is a more evil method than using the Imperius Curse to control a person. In the past, this spell was usually used by people who had fallen into extreme madness, and there were no other than two reasons for using it, either because Extreme control, or it stems from extreme resentment.

"I..." Severus was silent for a while, and then he spoke again, but only uttered one syllable, and couldn't continue.

"Sev," I can sense his emotions, I know he is afraid, fearing that one day he may be controlled and hurt me because of this, I reach out and caress his chest, "Don't worry, I won't let You are controlled by others."

"Harry, do you have a way to undo this confusion spell?!" His voice suddenly became urgent, almost bouncing up, and the sudden weightlessness made me almost fall, but luckily he still remembered to hug me tightly Me, I didn't let me fall to the ground stupidly.

He couldn't help snickering, if Severus became like this in the future, would he keep telling Gryffindors that they were frizzy and stupid lions...

He reacted immediately, hugged me tightly and sat back on the sofa, not only the tips of the ears were red, but also the whole cheeks were faintly flushed.

It seemed that this Bewildering Charm was not perfect, and it could not make a person truly change unconsciously, but instead had a considerable impact on Severus' character.However, maybe it was because Severus was originally an extremely calm and rigorous person, even a small change would be clearly reflected in him.

"Ahem——" Severus cleared his throat, and then he came to his senses, "Harry, how do you get rid of it?"

"The method is actually very simple. This spell is not perfect. It can be cast successfully only because the caster's magic power is higher than yours. As long as your magic power is higher than his in turn, it can be lifted."

"Magic power? I think, you should know that every wizard has an upper limit of magical power, and the fastest growing period of magical power is from the age of ten to twenty. And although I have not reached the upper limit of magical power, my magical power The speed of improvement has gradually slowed down. It is impossible to increase the magic power enough to break the curse in a short period of time. It is impossible for me to think about this issue in two or thirty years. At that time, I may Under the control of that person, something unpredictable has been done." The more Severus said, the more excited he was, and the palm that clasped the back of my shoulder increased uncontrollably.

"Sev, since I said this method, it is impossible not to consider these issues." I laughed softly, stretched out my hands to wrap around his neck, and patted his back.

He shrugged slightly, pursed his lips, and signaled me to continue with his eyes.

"My magic power is higher than yours, and it is enough to help you break through your magic power limit."

"Breakthrough...the upper limit of magic power...you mean..." Severus was stunned, obviously understanding what I meant.

For a wizard, the upper limit of magic power is almost an absolutely constant standard, which determines how far a wizard's ability can reach in the end, and it is a boundary that is almost impossible to break through and cross.

However, since it is almost impossible, there must be a breakthrough method, although these methods are usually accompanied by unimaginable pain and suffering for ordinary people.

"That's right, I believe, Sev, you definitely have enough firm will to survive the pain of breaking through the upper limit of magic power, don't you?"

Severus looked at me, fell silent, hugged my arm tightly, and nodded slowly after a while.

"Then, Sif, these days you have to try your best to take care of your body and keep it in the best condition. After all, after raising the upper limit of magic power, the sudden increase in magic power will run rampant in your body, and you want to straighten them out , in addition to a firm will, you also need a good enough physical condition."

Severus frowned, and nodded after a moment.

I know he is struggling. After all, when recuperating his body, he can't touch most of the poisonous potion materials, so he has to suspend his potion research.

"Okay, we've just talked about half of the topic, Dumbledore and Grindelwald, do you want to continue?" He lowered his head and chuckled, then looked up at him.

Severus pursed his lips and nodded.

"According to those portraits, Dumbledore has a younger brother named Aberforth. They once had a quarrel about Grindelwald at Hogwarts, and they almost fought. At that time, Dumbledore Lido just said one sentence, which made the portrait of a member of Slytherin deeply remembered."

"We are empowered, and that power gives us the power to rule, and we strive to rule for the greater good."

"Very Slytherin way, isn't it?" I winked at him.

"Yes... very Slytherin, really worthy of that old fox Dumbledore. I didn't expect that he and Grindelwald have such a past." Severus couldn't hide his shock, his deep voice faltered slightly After a while, he said.

"Not only that," I shook my finger at him, "According to the portrait in the principal's office, there is a blank photo frame on the desk in the principal's office, and Dumbledore often looks at it and calls a person's name, Gail. "

"Gal? You mean...Gellertger Lindelwald? They..." Severus exclaimed under his breath.

"I'm afraid it is. At least, the relationship between them is definitely not just as simple as close friends."

"Then what does all this have to do with Grumi Bihuf?"

"Grumme, which means darkness, corresponds to the white color represented by Dumbledore's name Albus, and Bihuf, which means benefit."

"You mean—"

"Yes, this person is Gellert Grindelwald."

The author has something to say:

———————————— A small theater that continues to convulse—————————

Mouxi: Professor, in fact, you just wanted to say that after 30 or [-] years, the day lily will be cold...

Professor Mo.

X: Professor, how do you say day lily in English? ? ?

The professor continued silent.

X: Professor, is it the yellowflower course? ? ?

The professor went on silent.

Mouxi: Professor, give me some feedback, don't talk, I won't let you eat Xiaoha! ! !

Professor: Arvada—

Mouxi fell to the ground: This...isn't...

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