[HP] Snake

Chapter 48

At around eight o'clock in the evening, I staggered out of the cellar, but Severus left about a quarter of an hour earlier because he had made an appointment with Lockhart in advance.

When I came to the hall, the four long dining tables had disappeared, and a gilded stage was attached to one wall, with hundreds of candles floating in the sky for lighting.The ceiling above became pitch black, and almost all the students from the school came together, each holding their own magic wand in their hands, and most of them looked a little disappointed.

I saw Gilderoy Lockhart on the stage, wearing a fuchsia robe, showing off his incomparable smirk, and standing beside him was Severus, wrapped in a black robe, with an impatient expression Frown.

"Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!" Lockhart waved his hand, and then shouted, "That's right, Professor Dumbledore allowed me to start This little dueling club, to train you well in case you ever need to defend yourself, in the same way that I have used countless times—see my published work for details on this."

What an astonishingly thick-skinned guy... It seems that no matter how many embarrassments he makes, he can still laugh... But, this is a skill, isn't it...

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," Lockhart said, grinning, "he told me he knew a thing or two about duels himself, and he was generous agreed to help me with a little demonstration before class. I said, I don't want to worry you little guys--when I'm done demonstrating with him, I'll return your potions professor intact You guys, don't be afraid!"

"Pfft—" I really couldn't hold back this time, among the dense crowd, there were not a few people who also laughed out loud.

He thought that with just one mouth and that stupid smile, he could defeat Severus, who had really experienced war and was once a high-ranking Death Eater...

Severus didn't say anything, and even stretched his frown. Although his eyes were still empty, I could feel that he was in a happy mood.It seemed that Severus wanted to clean up this idiot in a fair manner.

Maybe it was because of Severus' slightly softened expression, Lockhart was still smiling, it seemed that he was selectively ignoring Severus' oppressive eyes.

Lockhart turned around, facing Severus, who was also turned around, and bowed flirtatiously, flipping his hands constantly, doing many tricks like juggling, but Severus just couldn't catch it. Trace nodded.

Then they raised their wands to their chests.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling position," Lockhart said to the crowd. "When I count to three, we will cast the first spell. Of course, we No one will take the other's life."

"I wouldn't bet on it." Severus lifted his lips and snorted coldly.

"One—two—three—" They both raised their wands over their shoulders at the same time.

"Except your weapons."

A blinding red light shot out from the tip of Severus' wand, and Lockhart was instantly knocked off his feet by the red light, and flew backwards off the stage, slamming into the wall hard, Then slipped down and curled up on the floor, unable to move.

Many people clapped their hands, apparently because they had deep grudges against Lockhart, an idiot.

It took a while before Lockhart staggered to his feet, his hat off and his wavy curls standing on end, looking ridiculous.

"Well, you see!" he said, staggering back onto the stage, still with his ridiculous smile on his face, "it's a disarming spell—as you can see, I Lost my wand - oh, thank you, Miss Brown." A girl went to help him retrieve the dropped wand, and he flashed her a "charming" smile before continuing, "Yes, Stein Professor Nepe, it's a good idea to show them this trick, but don't mind me saying this, your intentions for doing this just now are obvious. If I want to stop you, it won't be a problem. I I think, in order to increase their knowledge, let them see..."

Severus snorted coldly, and the pressure around him suddenly pressed on Lockhart.

Of course Lockhart couldn't bear his pressure, his face paled a bit, he forced himself to step off the stage step by step, and said, "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I'll come among you and divide you into groups of two... "

Severus immediately restrained his pressure and walked down. I blinked at him slightly, and he stared back.

Not just out of some kind of psychology, Lockhart actually asked me to form a team with that Ron Weasley from Gryffindor to go on stage for a duel demonstration.

I shrugged indifferently, and stood next to Severus on stage, while that Ron Weasley came on stage tremblingly, stood on Lockhart's side with a look of disgust, and then looked at I.

Obviously, this Gryffindor boy only dared to chew his tongue behind his back, and didn't dare to face me directly. The expulsion incident at the beginning of the first grade did not completely affect this boy...

"Face your partners!" Lockhart yelled, looking smug, "Bow!"

Ron Weasley on the opposite side nodded his head cautiously and looked at me warily, as if I would cast a curse on him at any moment.

I sneered and nodded slightly, looked at him sharply, and was satisfied to find that his face was a little pale, and cold sweat was almost breaking out on his forehead.

"Wand up, get ready!" cried Lockhart. "When I count to three, I'll cast a spell and disarm - just disarm - we don't want accidents. All right, one - Two—three—”

I raised my wand over my shoulder, and that Ron Weasley tried to do it before Lockhart could count to three, but obviously his wand wasn't cooperative at all, just A small puff of black smoke came out, and then it completely failed.

"Pfft——Weasley, does your wand fit the one you have? Why doesn't it seem to work at all?" Although I had already counted "three", I didn't do anything, I was really worried, If I had cast a vocal disarming spell with my wand, would I have accidentally killed him straight away.

"Bastard, how dare you laugh at me!" The boy over there exploded all of a sudden, his face was flushed, almost the same color as his hair.

Immediately, he flicked his wand, trying to cast a spell of some sort.

Maybe it was because Merlin finally accidentally paid him a favor. A light pink light appeared from the tip of his wand and shot towards me.

I turned my body slightly, and the ridiculous light pink light formed a light pink mist on the ground not far in front of me to the left, which gradually dissipated after a while.

And when the light and mist dissipated, a long black snake unexpectedly appeared on the ground there. It was holding its head up, baring its teeth, ready to attack.

I sneaked a glance towards the position off the stage to the rear edge on the right, a sneer naturally formed on my lips.

Got you!Do you think you can escape my eyes and ears by using the invisibility cloak?You know, it is absolutely impossible to fake the magic fluctuations produced by a person when casting a spell...

"Let me do it! I'll take it away—" Lockhart cried, raising his wand and waving it menacingly at the snake.

However, after the bang, the black snake not only failed to disappear as expected, but jumped up to a height of more than one foot, and then fell heavily back to the floor.It immediately became enraged, hissed, and swam straight at a Gryffindor boy. After that, it raised its head again, bared its fangs, and assumed an attacking stance.

【Stop. ] I made a sound in time, before the snake was about to jump up and bite the boy's neck.

[Hiss... Parseltongue?Hiss...all according to Parseltongue's orders...] The snake immediately stopped, turned to my direction, and obediently bent down.

【very good. ] I flicked the wand and it disappeared immediately.

Glancing at the shocked Lockhart, he turned to the audience. The students were obviously shocked too, and many of them had inexplicable horror on their faces.

Don't you already know I'm a Slytherin?Didn't it even occur to me that I'm a Parseltongue?Should I say that they are really innocent and cute...

"You guys look surprised?" I made a smirk, and said to the audience, "Parseltongue, the so-called Salazar Slytherin's unique ability, and I, as a Slytherin Leitlin's heir, of course. Then, why are you who have known my identity for a long time, why are you so surprised?"

After finishing speaking, I raised my eyebrows deliberately, as if I was really puzzled.

"Okay, that's all for today, all go back to your dormitory, don't let me find out that some of you are still wandering outside after curfew, otherwise... Humph!" Severus didn't finish speaking, just It ended with a cold snort, but no one would want to experience that "otherwise".

The students dispersed at once, except for most of the Slytherins and a small number of Ravenclaws who could still maintain their image, they were basically rushing back at their fastest speed.

And the person hiding in the invisibility cloak who just cast the spell also left the hall with the crowd.

The author has something to say:

———————————— A small theater that continues to convulse—————————

One day, Xiao Ha was reading a magazine in the cellar, and suddenly pointed to a picture in the magazine and asked the professor a question.

Xiaoha: Sev, what is this round thing connected to a small box by a thin line?

The professor glanced at it, and froze, without answering.

Xiaoha: Sev, what is this small square paper bag with a circle in it?

The professor stared at the magazine, his whole body became more rigid, and he still didn't answer.

Xiaoha: Sif, this...

Seeing that Xiaoha was still determined to ask, the professor snatched the magazine and threw it with a "disappearance".

Xiaoha: Sev, what are you doing? !This Muggle magazine was just given to me by Lucius today!

The professor silently made a note for Father L in his heart.

On the other side, Father L, who was reviewing documents in the study of the Malfoy Manor, sneezed violently, which attracted the attention of the diary gentleman sitting on the other side of the sofa. He smiled back, and then touched himself With a straight nose, I was very puzzled...

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