[HP] Snake

Chapter 31

After that day, Severus and I seemed to have returned to the extremely fragile relationship that was only maintained by potions.

However, something has changed.

These days, I have become more and more clingy to him, spending almost all of my free time with him, even if it was just researching potions, and even moved into the room in the cellar that originally belonged to me.

And he didn't say much about these actions of mine, he didn't agree or refuse, his expression was as flat as if nothing happened, just like he ate the big table I prepared that day without saying a word. Same meal.

Can I expect him to be like this? In fact, he also has me in his heart.


Maybe it's because I've been out of the group for too long. One morning, as soon as I came out of Severus' office, I was caught by Draco who had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"Good morning, Harry." Draco stopped me with Crabbe and Goyle, looking like a blackmailer, even though he was just saying hello.

"Good morning, Draco, good morning, Crabbe, and Goyle." I nodded slightly to hide the weird curve of my lips.

"Harry, I haven't seen you outside of the classroom for a long time. And you are not interested in Quidditch, and you even applied for an exemption from flying lessons! Leaving aside the previous ones, today is Slytherin vs. Granville How can you not read Fendor's life?!" Draco turned from his reserved and arrogant look, with starry eyes, and finally even glared at me complainingly.

"Draco, do you like Quidditch very much?" I looked at Draco's rare gaffe with black lines on my face, I really didn't know what to do with the stupid activity of flying around chasing a ball on a broken broom Being so attractive to a standard aristocrat, Salazar ridiculed Godric a lot for his passion for the sport.

"Of course, I like to fly." Draco continued to shine his starry eyes, and replied decisively, "When flying, you can enjoy the wind that may be slight or strong, and you can feel the vastness of the world, the feeling of stepping on everything under your feet. The feeling of ... Harry, you should try it, you will love it."

"But, Draco, don't you think riding a broomstick is a very uncomfortable and very un-aristocratic thing? I prefer flying carpets, or something. And, in front of everyone It reminds me of slave gladiatorial fights in ancient Rome. I think we should sit on the sidelines rather than participate in such things.”

It’s not that I haven’t tried broom flying. For a while, I was also very obsessed with that kind of rapid flight, enjoying the wind and the sky, as if holding everything in my hands.

However, Salazar didn't like it, it can be said that he was quite disgusted.

It's not about giving up anything for Salazar. After all, there is no comparison between a broken broom and Salazar.I just, one day, suddenly realized how phony flying felt to me.It can't really let me grasp anything. When I stop, everything will disappear, and this contrast between gain and loss is what I hate the most.

After waking up, I reinvested in my magic research.

Later, for me, the broom was no longer an indispensable prop for flying.I have realized the transformation of the human body in any situation, and I can change a pair of wings for myself to support flight at any time.

"Harry, do you think so?" Draco on the opposite side obviously wouldn't think of the series of memories that flashed through my mind, he frowned, obviously couldn't accept my argument.

"Yes, Draco, we are nobles, and we must not lose our composure at any time. This is the admonition we have received since childhood, isn't it?"

I don't know which headmaster made the decision to play Quidditch on campus and even elevate it to the height of the college's honor.However, it cannot be allowed to continue.Treating it as an ordinary game is okay, but letting students fight for it will not have any positive impact at all, but will cause both sides to suffer, and in the end, the gains outweigh the losses.


"Come on, today, I'm going to show you what a Quidditch match at Hogwarts looks like." Looking up at the small piece of blue sky at the end of the corridor that was blocked by the wall, he smiled slightly. He gave a very cold smile.


The game had already started, and the weather was very cold, with the icy wind blowing so hard that even sitting in the stands was unbearable, let alone those Quidditch players flying against the wind on broomsticks.

I pointed to the crazy aggressive Quidditch commentator, even looking at Draco with a cold, sarcastic smile on his face.

"Look, from the commentator onwards, the whole game is about the confrontation between Slytherin and Gryffindor."

Gryffindor's Quidditch captain, apparently named Wood, knocks a Slytherin suitor off his broom.He swung his hand and cast a strong levitation spell on the Slytherin who had dropped his broom, and watched him float to the ground, and then Madam Pomfrey took him aside to check before turning back to look at Draco.

"Look, if there hadn't been a Quidditch match, Priscine Sidney, who has always been strict and reserved, wouldn't have dropped his broom so embarrassingly." Seeing that he wanted to refute, I interrupted him, "Don't argue, listen to me Say. Quidditch is just a game, but, at Hogwarts, it almost rises to the level of combat. For the honor of our house, we have to let go of our stance as nobles, in this narrow sky, Wrecked, lost face. Don't tell me that boys are interested, boys are impulsive, boys are competitive. The reason why Quidditch brings satisfaction to Slytherin is only for one reason. We brought the House Cup and the honor that belongs to Slytherin. But this honor was bought with our manners, our modesty, and even our pride."

"Ha... Lee..." He called out my name automatically, obviously shocked.

"Draco, tell me, is it worth it?"

"I...I don't know..." After hearing my question, his expression became hesitant.

"I also know that I'm taking this matter a bit seriously. You may be used to it now, used to fighting passionately for Quidditch. However, hundreds of years ago, Quidditch and the Academy first When the cup was hooked, I dare say that Slytherin definitely fought for quite a long time, for the honor of the nobility."


The match ended with the Slytherin Seeker catching the Snitch.Slytherins won this year's Quidditch match with a high score, but the Slytherins who heard what I said earlier were obviously not very excited.

Ignoring those who were excited or silent on the field, I went straight to the library.

An unexpected person unexpectedly appeared in the library.

Rubeus Hagrid.

Holding several books in his hands, he poked his head furtively in the gap between a bookshelf that was very narrow for him.

"Hagrid, what are you doing here?" Every abnormality must be a monster. I walked over and skimmed the books he was holding, each of which was related to dragons.

"Oh! Ha... Harry... why are you here..." He was obviously taken aback, and his exaggerated movements almost knocked over the bookshelf behind him.

"This is the library, of course I come here to read."

"Oh, yes, yes, I'm just, find some books, you know." He was a little incoherent, which complemented his silly appearance perfectly.

"I've seen it, dragon, what are you doing with these books? Could it be that you secretly raised a dragon?" I squinted my eyes at him on purpose.

"Ah! Harry, how do you know—" By the time he reacted and silenced, the matter had already been exposed.I really don't know whether to say that he is easy to deceive, or that he has no brains, but it seems to be the same.

"Hagrid, tell me, what's going on?"

"Uh, no, it's just a dragon egg. You know, it's about to break its shell." He specially turned down the volume and said mysteriously.

"Hagrid, this is against the law! You're planning to raise a dragon at Hogwarts?! Have you forgotten the Hogwarts motto?!"

What Salazar hated the most in his life was the dragon, because it was a dragon that took away his mother's life and his happy childhood.

"Hey, Harry, I'll take care of him, don't worry."

"Take care of it? It's up to you? Do you know how fast a dragon grows? As long as it breaks its shell, within two or three months, it will grow big enough to crush you easily." , like crushing an ant to death."

Hogwarts, never allow the existence of a dragon, absolutely!


A few days later, when Severus fined Draco for labor service for the first time, I didn't know that the dragon had broken its shell.

I can't imagine, Draco, being stupid enough to inform Professor McGonagall, and even get a labor service with those stupid Gryffindors for it.While this did cost Gryffindor a lot of points, Slytherin also lost points for it.How could he forget that Professor McGonagall himself is a Gryffindor.

After that, I learned about the content of their labor service that night through the portrait of the castle, the Forbidden Forest.

Dumbledore's arrangement, very good, very good...

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