After this wave of soybeans, cabbage and potatoes are harvested, Su Shu doesn't plan to plant them anymore. One is that the harvest this time is enough for him to use for a long time, and the other is that one piece of land can be planted with one kind of plant for a long time, which will easily deteriorate the land. Needs to be rotated.

It just so happened that the fertilizers in the past few days have almost fermented. Naturally, normal fertilizers are not so fast, but Su Shu’s systematic addition has also added crystal nuclei in a systematic way, even if the raw materials in the fermentation tank are not fermented. There are many, but it is still successful in making fertilizer.

The only shortcoming is that due to the lack of raw materials, there is not enough primary fertilizer in the end, and even the newly opened wasteland cannot be fully sprinkled with fertilizer.

Su Shu could only focus on the plants in the sample field first, and of course he didn't forget the garlic on Qiao Yulin's windowsill.First plant 10 different types of mature plants to upgrade the system.

All the plants in the sample field have been watered with primary fertilizer, but the crops here have all germinated. The tallest of the 10 wheat plants planted at the beginning is already half the height of a person, and the other nine wheat plants are also knee-high. up and down.

This kind of crop that has already started to germinate and grow, the effect of pouring fertilizer on it is not very great, and it is easy to burn the seedlings if you touch the plant carelessly. Fortunately, Su Shu's primary fertilizer is given by the system and will not cause such a situation.

It's just that the effect of fertilizing when it was first planted is still somewhat different from that of fertilizing now.

[The crop growth cycle is shortening...]

[It has been reduced to 58 days. 】

[It has been reduced to 30 days of maturity. 】

[It has been reduced to 75 days of maturity. 】

[Reduction failed. 】

【Lucky!The crops are ripe tomorrow. 】

Su Shu watched the fertilized crops being affected by the fertilizer, and began to shorten the growth cycle.I don't know whether it's the face of the plant, the face of the fertilizer, or the face of the farmer.

In short every plant rarely has the same shortened growth cycle.The unlucky ones have no shrinkage at all, the lucky ones can ripen tomorrow at the earliest.

That plant that will ripen tomorrow is the sweet potato.

Su Shu was very happy. The food he got from the granary this time was very rare in the variety of sweet potatoes.It was the red earthworm king who ruined the entire storage warehouse, and he managed to dig out this sweet potato seed.

After the sweet potato matures, the yield is particularly high, and the efficiency of saving seeds is also very fast.It won't be long before he can continue to grow large fields of sweet potatoes.

Su Shu unconsciously began to think about how to eat sweet potatoes.This thing tastes delicious, like potatoes, boiled, baked, steamed into puree for Western desserts, or Chinese pancakes, they are all very delicious.

It will be winter soon. In this season, make a fire and bury a few sweet potatoes in the fire. The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes will spread overbearingly, and you can smell it from far away.

Su Shu likes to hold a baked sweet potato when the weather is cold, especially when his hands are cold. He doesn't eat it, but smells the burnt aroma and sweetness, and warms his hands, which is very comfortable.

After the fertilizer was successfully made, Su Shu did not forget to promise to give Xiaolu a share of fertilizer. After all, in the process of making the fertilizer, Xiaolu played the biggest role.

Speaking of it, I don’t know what’s going on, but every time Su Shu uses the system to check Xiaolu’s status, it shows that he is healthy, but it’s been so many days that Xiaolu is still bare, not a single leaf has grown.

Once Su Shu saw that Xiaolu had grown a leaf, but when he went to see it again a few hours later, its only leaf fell off again, which made Su Shu wonder if there was a system error. The frequency is too fast.

After getting the primary fertilizer this time, Su Shu plans to fertilize Xiaolu twice more. Maybe the other party does not grow leaves because of insufficient nutrition. After all, it is a mutant plant, whether it is to support its activities or grow, it should have more energy than other plants. There are more ordinary plants.

In fact, it was Su Shu who had a guilty conscience. Who said that the tree started to lose its leaves after he talked about cooperation with it. How could this not make Su Shu suspect that Xiaolu's leaves fell off because he exploited too much? of.

It is impossible to ask, so let's quietly give more fertilizer and water compensation.

After getting the fertilizer, Xiaolu was so happy that the whole tree danced.If its roots were not buried in the ground and could not come out, I am afraid that it would really jump three feet high like a human.

With the current appearance, Su Shu who was standing next to Xiaolu could already feel the ups and downs of the nearby ground, and there was no one but Xiaolu who made the movement.

After that, there was a long period of leisure time.Su Shu counted with his fingers. Except for one sweet potato seedling that had already matured, the plants in the sample field took at least a month. Those plants that had not been fertilized in the field grew even slower.

The fertilizer in the septic tank also needs to continue to accumulate. Neither Xiao Hei nor Su Shu and Qiao Yulin can produce feces so quickly.

There is nothing left from kitchen waste, and dead branches and rotten leaves cannot be used as most of the fertilizer. The fertilizer produced in that way will be marked as inferior by the system, and the effect of use is not as good as that of normal fertilizer, and even Produce some strange and unexpected side effects.

Xiao Hei seems to have adapted to the current life now. After the crop harvest this time, most of the fresh soybean leaves and potato leaves left by Su Shu are prepared for Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang Xiaohua to eat.

In this way, the farm has even less things that Su Shu has to manage now.When he was idle and bored, he stayed at home and played games for several days.

As long as his book brother is happy, Qiao Yulin will not care about what Qiao Yulin does no matter what he does.As for the saying that staying in the room will make you ill, he just ignored it. Nothing is more important than Brother Shu's mood.

Brother Qiao Yulin said so.

However, Su Shu has been living at home these past few days, while Qiao Yulin has not been living at home.

Ever since he stuffed two zombie robots into the woods to hide them last time, Qiao Yulin has been full of interest in the woods, and always runs into it for nothing.

Fortunately, he still remembered that his force value was not high enough, and he would bring space-type zombies with him wherever he went, and his ability to escape was top-notch.

Anyway, Su Shu had seen him flashing in front of him several times, yelling that he was so scared to death.

This time Qiao Yulin flashed in front of the wooden house again, but unlike before, his performance this time was pleasantly surprised.

Qiao Yulin raised the things in his hand and shouted to his uncle: "Brother Shu, look at what good things I found!"

Su Shu happened to finish playing the game in his hand, and when he turned around, he was pleasantly surprised.

"It turned out to be an orange. Where did you find it?" Su Shu took the orange from Qiao Yulin's hand and gently pinched it.

The orange peel was very thin, and it didn't take much effort to open a skylight. The orange flesh inside was plump and full of moisture, and it also smelled sweet and fragrant.

This kind of wild orange is unexpectedly not sour, what a surprise!

Qiao Yulin pointed to the place where he came from: "It's a little far away from here. There's an orange tree over there. I thought I'd show the treasure to Brother Shu right away, so I sent a space-type zombie to guard it, Brother Shu. Do you want to go there now?"

Of course Su Shu had to go there, not only with people, but he also had to find a container to take them with him.

"Call your zombies back, let's walk over and find out the way." Su Shu threw Qiao Yulin a backpack and asked him to lead the way.

The back basket was also made by Su Shu in the past few days.Since he knew about the Mission Hall, he has indeed discovered some talents.

The task hall is not only a place where employers post tasks, but also a place where many people who need to do tasks post their basic information and skills. The skill of making things is what Su Shu saw on it.

An old woman and a middle-aged woman, the old woman is very skilled in weaving bamboo products, and a basket is beautifully woven.That woman's knitting skills on soft threads is quite good, and it was this woman who was originally written in the skill introduction. Su Shu thought that she could knit wool and maybe bamboo, so she went to find someone to try.Unexpectedly, women don't know how to weave bamboo, and the old lady at home happens to be able to.

It's just that the old woman has been worn down by the pattern, and it's not fast to weave a pannier. It takes more than a day to weave a pannier.Fortunately, Su Shu was not in a hurry, so he put all the bamboo strips he had split in the two people's homes, and asked them to weave as many as they could, and the price was calculated as ten crystal nuclei.

The two that Su Shu and Qiao Yulin had now were the only two he got.

What Su Shu didn't know was that when he found the old woman carrying a basket, the old woman was already determined to die, and she only thought about committing suicide in one more night. She couldn't drag her daughter down. She can survive with a little bit of work, and if there is another old woman who can't do anything but only eat, her life will only be very difficult.

And after she died, middle-aged women would most likely lose their will to survive.

At this moment, Su Shu came over.

From today onwards, the two firmly regard Su Shu as a lifesaver, not only want to set up a longevity card for Su Shu, but also pass it on to future generations.

This is all a funeral, let's not mention it for now.

Su Shu was following Qiao Yulin to the orange tree.

Sure enough, as Qiao Yulin said, the distance from the orange tree was a bit far, and the direction was different from the two directions of the iron forest and the bamboo forest trap that Su Shu had been to.

"What are you doing all this way?"

Su Shu became more and more helpless towards the person beside him.After getting along with him for a long time, he also found that Qiao Yulin was not a temperament that could calm down at all. He would tease two zombies or Xiao Huang Xiaohua all day long. Even Xiao Hei in the pigsty had been teased by Qiao Yulin, and he never tired of it.

Su Shu thought about whether it was not suitable for him to live on this farm with him, and whether it would be more appropriate to send him to a safe area.

As a result, as soon as he tentatively said these words, he was scared back by Qiao Yulin's appearance that he was about to cry.

As if as soon as he said this, he would immediately receive a wailing employee.

After confirming that Qiao Yulin really didn't want to leave the farm, Su Shu didn't think about it anymore.

Soon, the two walked to the orange tree.

Seeing the scenery in front of him, Su Shu was pleasantly surprised.He thought it would be good to have one orange tree here, but he didn't expect it to be a whole orange grove!

"Pick the big ones." After Su Shu instructed Qiao Yulin, the two each found a tree and picked the ones that were pleasing to their eyes and began to pick them.

The orange trees here are full of heavy fruits, even the lower places are full of yellow and big fruits.The branches hang down under the pressure, and Su Shu can reach them with just a stretch of his hand. There is no need to climb trees or find auxiliary tools.

Su Shu picked and ate the oranges. The oranges were very thin. From the hollow, he used his fingernails to draw a shallow line. When he gently broke the two sides, the oranges were divided into two halves. One piece at a time, the juice was full in the mouth, and there was no sourness at all. meaning.

By the time most of the basket was filled, Su Shu was already full of oranges.

Qiao Yulin's efficiency is faster than Su Shu's. In just a short while, he has already picked a basket full and is looking for Su Shu.

"Brother Shu, it's full."

Su Shu looked at the baskets of the two of them, and at the many heavy oranges on the branches in front of him, feeling very reluctant to part with them.

"There are too many picks, but the oranges are already ripe. If you don't pick them, they will be overripe and will go bad."

And at that time, magpies will come to eat, pecking the good oranges into a mess.

Such good oranges, Su Shu really couldn't bear to let them spoil like this.

"Let's pick some more and sell them." Su Shu decided, "I want to enclose this place into the farm as well, and this will be the farm's orchard from now on."

Su Shu thought, although it doesn't feel good to sell things that he didn't grow by himself, but as long as he spends the money from the sale on these orange trees, there will be no problem!

Flower crystal nuclei are needed for making fertilizer, trimming the road from the farm to the orange grove, pruning branches for the orange grove, and doing pest protection.

After he did something for Guolin, he would have no burden at all to receive the crystal nucleus he bought into his pocket.

Qiao Yulin never refuted Su Shu's opinions, and he didn't care how difficult it was to classify this place as a farm. He would help Su Shu do whatever he wanted to do.

"Then shall I find another space-type zombie?" Qiao Yulin said, "The distance from the orange grove to the farm will be faster if there is space to teleport. Even if you don't catch a space-transport type zombie, you can catch a zombie with storage space It can also help Brother Shu reduce some of the burden."

Su Shu thought so too.

With more and more crops on the farm, it is impossible to use his backpack for all of them. It is better to have another space to store equipment.The orange grove is relatively remote, and it can be seen from the denseness of these oranges that no one comes here.

Even if a zombie is installed here, it should not be discovered.

"Okay, hard work."

Now that they decided to pick it up and sell it, the two stopped picking and choosing.Let Su Shu put all the oranges that had been picked in the back basket into the system backpack, and then the two split up again to continue picking oranges.

Su Shu likes to walk to the side.Picking and picking, I have already left the range of the orange grove before I knew it.

Noticing that the yellow oranges in sight had become increasingly rare, Su Shu realized that he had gone astray.

He was about to look at the direction and get closer to the middle again, when suddenly something caught him by his feet.


Su Shu was pleasantly surprised to find that it was nothing else that hooked him, it was a chestnut with thorns that officially fell from the tree.

Chestnut is a great thing.Whether it is fried as a snack, or ground into powder as a staple food, or used to stew meat, the taste is very good.

Su Shu raised his head and looked up, and sure enough, he saw familiar chestnuts hanging on the tree.

The chestnuts that are still hanging on the tree are not the ones that have been processed into black shells, but have a green shell full of thorns on the outside, like little green hedgehogs, or balls kind of.

Su Shu didn't plan to continue picking oranges, it was enough for Qiao Yulin to pick them alone.He wants to pick some chestnuts to go back.

The chestnut tree grows a little tall, and the fruit is covered with thorns, so it is impossible to pick it by hand.

Su Shu looked around and found a branch of suitable length with a small fork at one end.This shape is most suitable for picking fruit from the tree.

Su Shu lifted the branch, inserted the forked part into the pedicle between the fruit and the tree, held the branch and twisted it lightly, and the fruit would fall in response.

At the beginning Su Shu was still a little unskilled, but after picking a few, his movements quickened.Soon the ground was covered with green thorn balls.

Carefully putting these unhulled chestnuts into the backpack, Su Shu continued to pick them.

Speaking of chestnuts, at first he thought they were the fried chestnuts he usually ate, growing on trees.Later, when he bought raw chestnuts online and received a box of thorny green balls from the seller, Su Shu became angry instantly.He thought it was the shopkeeper who got angry indiscriminately.

As a result, after the other party's explanation, Su Shu realized that the chestnut looked like this when it grew on the tree.He had to use something to peel off the thorny shell on the outside, revealing the chestnut he was familiar with inside.

The store is worried that the chestnuts will go bad on the road, so they come here with the shells.

At that time, Su Shu was embarrassed.It was also this experience that was so impressive that he would never forget what a chestnut looks like.

No, it's used now.

Su Shu picked all the fruits from the lower half of the chestnut tree.But he really couldn't pick it from the tree.I can only wait for the next time I have a handy tool to come back. Anyway, things like chestnuts have a long shelf life.

Qiao Yulin's call came from a distance, and Su Shu responded, not planning to go back the same way to meet up.

Since there are chestnuts around here, what if there are other things?

Su Shu looked around without giving up.

Not to mention, he really discovered another thing.

Qiao Yulin quickly came to Su Shu and asked, "Brother Shu, what are you doing? Why did you come here?"

Su Shu first pointed to the chestnut tree to Qiao Yulin, and then pointed to the thing he had just discovered.

"You see what that is?"

Qiao Yulin looked over: "A bit like a pear?"

"It's not a pear, it's a lemon." Su Shu said and walked towards the lemon tree.

When I got closer, I didn't admit my mistake.The lemon fruit has turned slightly yellow, no matter it is green or yellow, you can pick it anyway.It can be used to make lemon tea or as a condiment for cooking.

Su Shu unceremoniously picked all the lemons he saw.

Anyway, the lemon tree is so short that he can reach even the topmost one.

This time it can be said that it has gained a lot.Su Shu's determination to bring this area into the scope of the farm became more and more firm.

There are quite a lot of wooden fences made before, and there are so many woods that are useless, so let's use them to surround the fruit forest this time.

On the way back, Su Shu kept planning.

As soon as he got near the cabin, before he had time to empty out the contents of his backpack and clean it up, Su Shu heard a strange cry from inside the cabin.

"Sound Conch!" Su Shu thought for a while before realizing what the sound was.

Walking into the wooden house, it really came from the sound transmission screw placed under the TV.The circle connected with Zhang Chuang was emitting a faint light.

"Zhang Chuang?"

"Mr. Su is me." Zhang Chuang's voice came from the other end, "When will sir come to the safe zone again? The director of the Institute of Zoology wants to see you."

"He? Why are you seeing me?"

Zhang Chuang was a little helpless: "Director Wan has been looking for you several times, and every time he was one step behind. He really had no choice, so he asked me to contact you. It seems to be about the piggy you asked last time."

"If you don't want to meet, sir, I will help you refuse."

Su Shu thought for a while: "It's okay, let him go to the shop and wait for me. I'll come right away."

Anyway, Su Shu also wanted to take the oranges to the store, and then collect today's business crystal core, so there was no delay.

As soon as these words came out, Su Shu heard a suppressed but still very rough cheer from the other end.

Su Shu poured out all the unshelled chestnuts in the backpack.

"Qiaoqiao, if you're okay, just peel these off. Be careful not to pierce your hands. The chestnut shell is a bit hard, and it will be convenient to find something to break open."

Qiao Yulin was very happy to fulfill Su Shu's order: "Okay, Brother Shu, don't worry, it will be fine if you leave it to me."

Qiao Yulin planned to change the program of the two zombies and let them strip them too.Anyway, these two things have nothing to do now.

Su Shu also has nothing to clean up.With the oranges in the system backpack, he pressed the transmitter.

This time, his destination was directly set at the shops in South Second District.

The director of the Institute of Zoology hadn't arrived so soon. Su Shu looked at the crowds of customers in the store, and thought he'd put the oranges on the table first, so he didn't plan to go.

Or wait until the store is closed.

Su Shu found a corner and waited for someone.

Soon, Wanna came.

The tall and burly director of the Institute of Zoology is conspicuous enough by himself, but now, he is carrying a large bundle of unknown things on his back.

Anyway, it's a lump of green.

Looking at this scene, Su Shu felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Wanner immediately found Su Shu in the crowd. He strode over and threw the things on his back in front of Su Shu with a bang.

"Mr. Su, a gift!"

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