In the blink of an eye, he appeared in a strange place from the quest hall. The six people who took the quest had never experienced such a thing. They were instantly stiff and tense, and looked around vigilantly.

"You are here." Qiao Yulin already knew that someone was coming when the transmitter was triggered, and now he was waiting by the side. , "Come with me, you have a lot to do, don't be lazy."

The six people were taken aback, only to realize that there was another person beside them.

One of the taller men was also a little more courageous. He asked Qiao Yulin, "Can you tell us about the situation? What was that just now?"

Qiao Yulin was really impatient with these people, and his patience was only for Su Shu.But these six people were recruited by Brother Shu to help them with work, Qiao Yulin still didn't show his face to them.

Qiao Yulin pointed to the piece of land that needs to be harvested and said: "It was just my supernatural ability, so I made a fuss. This is also to let you come here faster, otherwise I don't know how long it will take when you drive here slowly. "

"That's where you work these days. You need to collect the soybeans and potatoes in the field. Since you can be selected, no one can do it, right?"

The six people looked in the direction of Qiao Yulin's finger, and their eyes widened instantly!

That is? !

Only then did they see that on the other side of the pond, there was a patch of green crops neatly arranged on the brown land like an army.Plump pods, fresh green potato leaves.A plant flutters with the wind.

There is no strange mutated color, or murderous organs at all.

Watching this scene, several people saw in a daze the normal fields that could be seen everywhere before the end of the world.

At this moment, the six people no longer care about their own safety.

What a joke, people who can have everything in front of them, what will they do to ordinary people who don't even have supernatural powers?Human life can be said to be the most valuable and the least valuable in the last days.

The six of them instantly felt at ease, and there were no more problems.The man who had dared to ask the question just now even smiled and apologized to Qiao Yulin.

Qiao Yulin didn't care, and was about to take a few people directly to the field to collect soybeans and potatoes, when a sound came from the transmitter.

It was Su Shu who came back.

Qiao Yulin immediately had a real smile on his face.

Seeing Qiao Yulin's performance, the other six people also understood that Su Shu was their real employer, and became more respectful.

"Brother Shu, are you back? I'm about to take them to start working." Qiao Yulin blinked, and quietly signaled that he had packed everything that needed to be packed, "Brother Shu, rest, there are enough people .”

This is a great opportunity to perform!

The other six also nodded.

Su Shu also felt that six people were enough, and the task he released also stated a three-day time limit, so how many acres of land could be finished in three days by six skilled hands.

"Well, they'll leave it to you." Su Shu doesn't like dealing with too many strangers. Anyway, Qiao Yulin is familiar with the situation in the field, so he doesn't need to worry about leaving it to him.

Qiao Yulin saluted a nondescript salute, and happily left with his book brother's trust.

The six mission workers looked at the aloof employer, and maintained the principle of talking less and doing more during the next three days of work, for fear that talking too much would make the employer unhappy.

During these three days, the six people gathered in the mission hall early in the morning. Except that Su Shu came to take them in person on the first day, Qiao Yulin was in charge of picking them up with the teleporter in the next two days.

As soon as they arrive at the farm in the morning, several people can receive half a steaming boiled potato.

Although there is only half a potato, in fact, half a potato weighs about a catty, which is enough for breakfast.Even if it is the man who can eat the most among the six, he will be full if he eats half a potato.

The two women with relatively small appetites could only eat half of it at a time, and they didn't waste the remaining half. After asking the employer if they minded, they wrapped it up properly and shared it with their families when they went home at night.

The lunch at noon made several people even more eager.

Sometimes it is stir-fried vegetables, light and spicy stir-fried, even potatoes and cabbage can make a lot of flowers.

Each person also has a large bowl of white rice.

The meal at night is different from the one at noon. There are several ways to eat tofu. Another time they drank a particularly delicious mushroom soup. After taking a sip of the soup with only salt and a little monosodium glutamate, the umami taste warmed the throat In the stomach, they can drink several large bowls of soup at a time.

However, compared with the mutated virus content of the ingredients, these are completely incomparable!

When the employer asked them to eat at the beginning, the six of them only felt that the food was very delicious, and they never thought that they would eat such a precious thing. illusion produced.

They didn't know it was an illusion until their eyes met other people's.They all felt the specialness of this food.

At that moment, in addition to ecstasy, the six people felt a little more fear.

The employer gave them such good conditions, so is it true that the only thing they are required to do is to harvest crops?Will there be other conspiracies, or greater dangers waiting for them?

With this kind of heart in mind, I worked all day, and was sent back to the familiar task hall of the fourth district by Qiao Yulin that night. I saw Qiao Yulin's figure disappear, and I still didn't wait for other tasks after waiting for a while.

Everyone finally determined that what they had to do was to go to the ground as simple as that.

After the fear disappears, all that remains is the ecstasy of picking up the treasure!

Afterwards, the six of them worked harder and harder, especially the two women, for fear that their efforts would be less than the other men's and they would be regarded as lazy by the employer, so they would be let go.

Losing such a good job, they don't know how annoyed they will be to death.

Several people worked so hard, and the remaining few acres of land were completely harvested in the morning of the third day.Regarding the point of missing a meal, the few people were only slightly disappointed and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The treatment is so good, and the things they do are so simple, they feel too much pressure in their hearts.Good thing it's over now.

Su Shu was also very satisfied with the early termination. He also saw the hard work of several people. For this reason, he planned to give another reward in addition to the promised reward.

"One thousand points, one hundred crystal cores, or three catties of food per person." Su Shu put the choice in front of several people, "In addition, reward each person with a catty of potatoes."

The joy on the faces of the six people could not be concealed at all, and they chose food without hesitation.

They can be said to have experienced the charm of these foods very clearly in the past few days. It is the reluctance to part with this taste in their dreams every day. What is the use of points and crystal cores? Can they buy such precious ingredients?

Of course not.

Su Shu is no exception.He was pretty clear about these people's obsession with food in the last days, and he had already prepared four catties of ingredients for each person.Among them, two catties of potatoes, one catty of soybeans, and one catty of cabbage were put into the sacks vacated from the used granary seeds.One bag per person.

The six accepted them in fear and fear, and were sent back to the safe zone by Qiao Yulin.

The six people who returned to District [-] were surrounded by neighbors, and all kinds of curious questions came from them.

Ever since these six people accepted this task, others have been curious about them for a long time.Needless to say, being mysterious every day is the norm for various tasks.But these few people can bring back particularly fragrant food every day, and the portion is not small. If you save some food, the home will smell very fragrant almost all day long the next day.

Where did this thing come from?What did they do?Are there any more of these ingredients?Where can I buy it?

These questions piled up in everyone's minds, like cats scratching.

After finally waiting for them to end, the neighbors couldn't bear it anymore.

"What kind of mission did you guys do? Do you still need someone?"

"Is this food given by the employer? Isn't that too generous? Is it convenient to disclose the grade of the ingredients?"

"I want to buy it. I have a brother who has a crystal nucleus. Would you like to sell me a little?"

Some people also saw the cabbage in their hands and thought of something.

"Is this a Mr. Su? If so, I may know who it is."

"Ah, I seem to have heard of it too. It's the one who appeared in the East Fourth District before, right? I heard that there is a store in the South Second District now, and there is a long queue outside every day, and the supply is always in short supply."

"Yes, yes, I have heard of it too. I heard that the ingredients in that store are of a particularly high grade and the price is not expensive. Although most of them only accept crystal nuclei, it is not particularly difficult. I heard that there are many Everyone is going to buy it."

"And it's still a waste of money to buy. Even the crystal core is patchwork. When passing the boundary line of the third district and the second district, you are often despised by those supernatural beings. Why do you want to buy it?"

"To be honest, I didn't understand their behavior before, but when I saw the dishes that Xiaoli and the others brought back, I understood a little bit."

The man named Xiao Li was one of the six people who worked on Su Shu's farm.Surrounded by neighbors at the moment, he only cared about protecting the ingredients tightly, for fear of being walked away.

Hearing their discussion, several people were also a little stunned.

It turned out to be that gentleman!They had heard people from the East Fourth District say that this gentleman is a truly benevolent and righteous person. Xiaoli had secretly laughed at him before, saying that there is no such thing as benevolence and righteousness in this end times.

Only when he really met this person did he suddenly realize: it turned out that he was the one who saved the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. "Yes, that's Mr. Su." Xiaoli replied, "Well, I'll cook some potatoes tonight, and share a bite with everyone."

"But I don't have many, so I'll give you a small bite at most, don't mind."

Xiaoli thought, he couldn't think about the end times like Mr. Su, so he should try his best to help Mr. Su promote his dishes.

Presumably Mr. Su also hopes that more people can eat normal ingredients without mutated viruses!

How could anyone care about this!Don't say a word, no one will mind even if you let them take a look. Everyone didn't expect Xiao Li to be willing to share such a precious thing with them, and all kinds of good words rushed away.

Several other people who also received rewards looked at each other and laughed: "Okay, then add ours, and let everyone try to eat as much as possible."

Unknowingly, something began to change in this last days.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 small paper ball;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: I am a lone wolf 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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