[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 39 A Sweater

At seven o'clock sharp, Draco waited for the people he had invited, and led them into the Slytherin common room - Harry had been in in his second year, but this time was very different from the last time Well, those sofas, tables and chairs were moved to the side, and the tables were filled with all kinds of food, and there were a lot of juices, it looked like the banquets of the nobles seen on TV.

"Welcome to Slytherin's drag ball." Draco smiled handsomely - he thought that his platinum blonde hair was combed meticulously by him, reflecting the light shiningly.

Muggle-born Hermione felt a little oppressed in the Slytherin cellar, but Draco handled it well, he circled her around and explained to her the Slytherin rules hanging on the wall, that way The son seems to be a very knowledgeable person, and this just makes Hermione, who is a bookworm, have a good impression. As for Harry, he can only sit on the sofa beside him and drink the red pomegranate juice—oh , Merlin knew, why didn't he know that Hogwarts still provides this kind of thing before?

Since Harry has been the red man in front of Snape recently-yes, the big red red man, you must know that Professor Snape will never lie to anyone and Harry has not only got the opportunity to live in the cellar recently but also Getting the same shouting letters as the professor made his position more and more delicate, so when he was invited to the Slytherin ball, no one objected, even though his female companion was a Mudblood, It doesn't matter much, does it? That mudblood girl looks like the most powerful little witch!

Just when everyone was having fun—Hermione was invited by Draco to leave, and Harry just sat on the sidelines watching everyone dance, and he couldn't dance, so it's better not to be ashamed.

"Hey, let me say..." A clear voice sounded, Harry looked up and saw Pansy, she smiled at him with excitement on her apple-like face, "My lord, come and dance! "

"Ah... I... I can't..." Harry was embarrassed, he couldn't dance at all, and... he thought she was looking at him strangely... It wasn't malicious, but it wasn't kind.

"It's okay, I can teach you." Pan Xi smiled and bent his eyebrows. He had always admired him before, after all, he grew up listening to his stories, but after entering school, he found that he was not that great, so this kind of admiration faded away. After going down, now I find... um... It's still very interesting, especially after changing into a beautiful dress and taking off the ugly glasses, the little savior looks so cute, just like a doll at home, maybe... She smiled and looked at Draco, who was chatting enthusiastically with Hermione, and was already planning secretly - in fact, the savior and the platinum prince are quite eye-catching.


"Don't bother you, Miss Parkinson." Suddenly, a gloomy and calm voice sounded behind Pansy, and the little Slytherin princess almost dropped her jaw when she turned around - it was her dean, Professor Snape !

"Professor Snape... hello." Pansy, who had just experienced the baptism of the toad, did not want to confront her dean at all.

"Very well, I think...you'd like the dim sum over there, wouldn't you?" Snape raised his eyebrows, and Prince next to him covered his mouth and snickered.

"Yes, Dean, I like it very much, I'm going to get... eat it." Pan Xi jumped out of the way like a frightened little rabbit and went straight to the cake.

"She was frightened..." Harry blinked—very well, it turned out that Snape didn't only scare Gryffindors, even Slytherins were frightened by him... Well, I really misunderstood before him.

The inner Slytherin dance was much more interesting than the big school dance. In Harry's opinion, these half-grown children pretended to be adults and talked there, but they turned out to be talking about which kind of candy tasted better, which kind of broom The topic of more comfort... Well, Mr. Redeemer apparently forgot that he was one of the children, because what he wants to discuss now is how to knit a proper woolen glove-wait until December. Gewartz was so cold that he wanted to knit a pair of gloves for Prince himself.Of course, Harry doesn't know how to weave the spell, and he can only weave it with his own hands, but it makes him weave his love for Prince more, doesn't it?

However, Snape would never discuss knitting with Harry. They sat in the corner with big eyes and small eyes, and Prince laughed happily because he got Claire Hand knitted sweater!

In fact, Harry is still very grateful to Snape, after all, he doesn't have to go dancing, and he can still sit here and watch the jokes of the Slytherins, with his most beloved Prince beside him—hey, Don't ask for more!

When the music ended and the dance ended, Harry felt that he was not so energetic. He dragged Prince slowly to the cellar, followed behind Snape, and Snape's black robe was flying in the air. Like giant bat wings!

"Hey, even if he doesn't wear any costumes, he looks like a born vampire..." Harry pointed to Snape's back and smiled at Prince.

"Uh...Harry, that..." Prince looked at his little father sympathetically, "Papa also said that fathers are sometimes like vampires..."

"Uh..." Harry paused, he just described Snape as a very reliable person, in fact... he is really not a vampire, although they guessed that this professor was hiding in the first year A vampire among wizards, but actually...Harry has lived with him for so long, and of course knows that Snape is really... not that similar to a vampire, except that he likes the dark, "He doesn't even drink tomato juice!"

"Yeah, he won't drink!" Pulis laughed until his stomach ached.Harry squeezed tomato juice during the holidays, but his father didn't touch it at all, and ended up adding a lot of sugar to Dumbledore!

Back in the cellar, Snape asked Prince to take all the candies he received to Dumbledore, so that he would not see too many candies in the cellar, but he could take this opportunity to get Dumbledore Hey, the old principal will never count how many candies the little prince left with him, so that means... Albus has become the little prince's candy warehouse!

For this plan, the little prince agreed a hundred times, and immediately filled a pocket full of candy and rushed to the principal's office. Of course, he changed the suit for the prom and put on Claire's hand-knitted sweater .

Claire's sweater is made of the best wool, and it's very warm to wear, much more comfortable than the Warm Charm.

After Prince left, Snape stared at Harry, while Harry quietly sorted his bag of things—except for the sweater, there were a lot of messy things, and Claire seemed to think that the wizard was a completely uncivilized person. Therefore, he has prepared a lot of daily necessities, including bath liquid, soap, and even eye drops!Although these things were messy, they were very thoughtful, and Harry almost lost his eyesight from laughing.


"What?" Harry was taken aback, but didn't react.

"I'm asking you, 'why'." Snape walked over and found the sweater said to be knit by Claire for "him" from the package - just looking at the yarn, he knew it was from the red-haired Wes Although Lai's handwriting is careful, it is not exquisite, and the wool is also of poor quality, but it cannot be said that it is not warm.

"Hey, I just..." Harry snatched the sweater into his arms, "I've got this!"

"You'll make him get carried away." Completely spoiled, just like when he was just born, Snape snorted heavily, opened his package, and took out the navy blue that belonged to him inside. Throwing the colored sweater on Harry, "Shrinking Curse, do you know how to use it?"

"Yes." Harry nodded, immediately aware of Snape's thoughts, "but... this is for you from Claire... uh... I shouldn't..."

"Then you should give that one to Prince?" Snape raised his eyebrows and smirked, Snape felt that the savior was really stupid.

"That's different!" Harry blushed, "Prince is my child, and I can give him everything!"

"Very well, then, you should put this on so that Claire won't trouble me in the future!" Turning around to pick up the medicinal materials in the package, Snape walked towards the laboratory.However, the slightly red tips of his ears caught Harry's eye - hey, was that shyness? !

Harry blinked, and looked down at the sweater that belonged to Snape in his arms—it was very big, which showed that Snape's height...it was really tall, um...it was navy blue, and it was There are dark green gold threads, it looks...really very suitable for mature men!He hugged the sweater to his face and rubbed it, there seemed to be a faint scent of medicine left on it...Maybe...Snape still tried it on? !But this should not be possible, Harry smiled, the clothes were sent together with the medicinal materials, of course they will smell of medicine, and Snape...would never wear such...uh...sexy bag Clothes man, he likes black!

After packing up his things, he went back to the bedroom with his new sweater. Harry tried the shrinking charm several times to make the clothes fit. It was very warm to wear, just like Molly's sweater, it was hard to put it down!

Yes, for Harry, nothing can be described as good or bad. Molly's love and care for him is like a mother, so the things she gave him are of course the most precious. And Claire is no worse than Molly to him, so the weight of the two sweaters is almost the same, but Claire's is slightly heavier now, not because of anything else, but because this navy blue sweater is Got it from another person, and... also because of his little prince.

Harry is a grateful person, but not a sociable person. He is sincere to people and likes to hide his likes and dislikes, because he is too sensitive, for fear that revealing his likes and dislikes too much will have the opposite effect , afraid of being disliked, but at the same time he is not afraid of real hostility.This is commendable for a 13-year-old boy.

Taking off the outer robe, Harry put on this sweater. The gleaming green and gold threads were like his eyes, setting off the rich navy blue vividly.

And right now, in the lab in the dungeon, Snape was scribbling—writing letters.

On the table, there was an old style black sweater, but it was well preserved, but at first glance, it was obvious that it should not belong to Severus Snape, because this sweater was too small, even Ha Lee's clothes don't fit!

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