[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 38 Draco's Invitation

The time will soon be October 31st.

On the eve of Halloween, Hogwarts was once again decorated with the atmosphere of Halloween - the big pumpkins can fit two people, and the black bats are flying in the air. What's interesting is the biting mischievous pumpkin head placed at the entrance of the auditorium, but it won't hurt people after it bites, on the contrary, it will spit out a bag of candy for you!

Maybe a quiet Hallows' Eve... Harry thought.

"Hey, look!" Ron yelled, pointing to a flock of owls flying in the sky, "Who will deliver the mail at night?"

"Maybe... it's for the professors..." Hermione said uncertainly, under normal circumstances, letters are delivered by owls in the morning, and even Muggle-born children can get sent by their Muggle parents You know, since wizards have knight buses, it's not unimaginable to have door-to-door mail, isn't it?

Two colours... very colorful owls flew towards Harry and Snape respectively, which surprised everyone - one was silver and the other was gold, obviously not their original colors - the two A red envelope was thrown in front of the two of them—the red envelopes were so conspicuous that no one noticed that they had also dropped the package.

"It's a roaring letter!" Ron's face turned pale all of a sudden, "Oh... oh my god... a roaring letter..."

Snape didn't know that Howler letters would be sent to him, and in fact no one would send him Howler letters, but... what was this letter about?He looked at Harry suspiciously, and Harry looked at him suspiciously.

Well, the little green-eyed troll doesn't know what's going on.Snape drew out his wand and tapped on the envelope, and immediately, the letter turned into a mouth and started... talking?

"Oh, Sev, I'm so glad I got in touch with you - don't ask me how I got in touch with you, you know your aunt, my daughter, married a Chinese wizard, didn't she? She brought the whole family back home recently When we arrive in the UK, I think maybe if we have time, we can get together.” It was Claire’s joyful voice, “Oh, by the way, it’s Halloween, I knitted you a new sweater and scarf, I hope you like it , and - pay attention to your diet, you look really bad... Tomorrow is Halloween, wait until Christmas - come over, dear!" Claire is still so charming, "Yes Come on, don't be so hard on Harry, if he sues me, I'll get you in trouble, you know, Sev my dear boy... remember, you have to be kind to yourself, my boy , your aunt brought back a lot of medicinal materials, which she said were unique to China, and I packed them for you too, I remember you liked them very much... Oh, this thing is so interesting!" In Claire's laughter, roared The letter shattered into powder.

"Wow, that's really bold..." Ron's eyes widened, as if the professor who was sent the shouted letter was no longer the professor he hated the most, "This must be a Gryffindor..."

"It's his aunt, Claire, a very nice lady." Harry felt warm when he thought of her, "Look what she has to say to me." As he spoke, he reached out and opened the wax seal, and the one just now The female voice spoke again, but this time to Harry.

"Harry, my dear boy, how are you? Forgive me for taking so long to write to you, but you are really hard to find! Hehe, well, I actually chose this day to contact you, I I think Sif also received the roaring letter, didn't you? My daughter came back from China. I hope you and Sif will come to my place for a little time during the holidays. How about a get-together? Maybe you can Flying with my little grandson, he brought back a very interesting flying prop from China - but it's not a broom. Ah, I almost forgot, I used the shrink spell on the package you sent, and your zoom You can only open it later, there is a new sweater inside, I knitted it myself, and some gadgets you can use, boys, always careless... Ah, help me look after Sif, take care of him, He can't take care of himself, you know, well, contact me when you have time!"

What a horror!

The whole of Hogwarts was in a mess in the wind.

It turns out that Professor Snape is related to Harry Potter—see, how well this old lady knows the two of them!Still so affectionate!He even made the savior look at the gloomy Snape!Merlin!Were all the fights and anger between the two of them fake? !

"So... the curse of Halloween is still there..." Harry took a deep breath, grabbed the big silver cup and poured the remaining half cup of pumpkin juice into his mouth, "He will definitely kill you!" mine……"

"No." Hermione smiled confidently, "Since she wants you to look at him, how can he treat you badly, otherwise he will be yelled at by her!"

"Like a tongue twister..." Ron's eyes turned into mosquito coils.

"It's just that you don't understand." An aria-like voice exploded behind Ron. It was Draco, holding a big box in his hand.

"Hey, who told you to come here!" Ron exclaimed, "This is the Gryffindor table!"

"Hmph, I'm not here to look for you, don't be self-righteous." Draco angrily threw the big box between Harry and Hermione, "Last time, you saved me, Scarhead, so, I hope you I can attend Slytherin's Halloween ball, tonight, in the cellar, I will personally pick you up—with your female companion, here are the dresses I prepared—for both of you.” As he said, he watched Glancing at Hermione, "Remember, it's seven o'clock in the evening!"

"Hey, how can you make a decision so easily?!" Ron glared at Draco.

"Shut up, this is Harry's business!" Draco stared back, then turned his head and smirked at Harry, "I'm assuming you wouldn't refuse such a... friendly invitation, would you?"

"Uh...but I don't have a girlfriend..." Harry scratched his tangled hair.

"Isn't the witch next to you not enough to be your female companion?!" Draco put his hand on Hermione's shoulder naturally, and Draco raised one corner of his mouth to make himself look a little evil, but he failed , "Listen, Scarhead, now... you and our dean seem to be relatives... for this, you have to come to participate in this misunderstanding! Put on your dress, and I will pick you up at the cellar door at seven o'clock—you guys .”

After Draco left, Hermione calmed down and opened the big box—it was indeed a dress. The box was divided into two layers, and the top was a set of men's dresses, but it didn't look normal. The person is wearing some kind of special dress, but the dress below is really beautiful-the blue-green skirt seems to be a layer of ripples connecting the sky and the sea, and... it seems to be the kind written in a book ...A costume that belongs to an elf?

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Ron said enviously, but at the same time he was very entangled - you know, his two friends are going to the snake den!How terrible that is!

"I'll meet you at the door of the cellar at seven o'clock." Hermione took a look at the clothes, and immediately wrapped the blue-green elf costume in her book—girls love beauty, even if she is a book lover. Girls too!

Harry first went back to the cellar to try on the dress. The dress was surprisingly suitable. Although the style was a bit weird, it looked very handsome, and he also included a note asking him to deform his eyes—it is very satisfying to have a considerate junior. Are people warm?Harry smiled, put on his gown and began to check the big package that Claire gave him - he used the magnification spell to zoom in and he realized that it was really a big package!

"This was knitted by Claire!" Prince yelled as soon as he opened the door and saw what Harry was tinkering with. He also liked the sweaters that Claire knitted for him, but he couldn't wear them now, and kept those In his future home...

"Two pieces!" Harry found another sweater from the package as if he had discovered a new world. It was the same style as the one he was holding in his hand, but the color was lighter, and it looked like young grass sprouts that had just begun to spring. , "Prince, try this one!" He compared the light-colored one to the little prince—it was very suitable.

"But... this is for you from Claire..." Looking at the new sweater, Prince really likes it very much - tender green, with silver-gray trim, no matter how you look at it, you like it!

"I have another one. In this way, we each have one, isn't it great?" Harry smiled and helped him put on the sweater, which really fits well--if you say it was Claire who was careful, she specially knit the sweater more closely. Harry was a size up and now fit Prince just right.

This was what Snape saw when he entered the room.For many years, he had imagined this kind of scene in his mind, belonging to him... Such a beauty, so beautiful that he even felt a little difficult to breathe...

"Father!" Prince found him, turned his head and opened his mouth at him, "Does it look good?"

"Very good." Although Occlumency was used, Snape still felt that his words were not smooth, and his throat was a little sore.

"I also think it's very suitable. It's the same color as Prince's eyes." Harry walked up to Prince with a smile and put his arms around his shoulders. Although the two were about the same height, he seemed to be doting on the boy next to him. Well, the tenderness on his face seemed to drip water, which made Snape feel that something was changing in his life... This change was completely beyond his grasp, and even made him a little scared...

"That... Severus," Harry said awkwardly, he thought Snape's eyes were weird, "Draco said he invited me to Slytherin's Halloween ball, but... I can't dance, uh …and he invited Hermione…”

"I'm assuming...you think you're going to be a genius in just..." Snape looked at his pocket watch. "Want to learn to dance in 10 minutes?"

"Uh... I don't think I can learn it either." Harry dropped his hand still scratching his hair, frustrated, "But I think... Draco is family after all, and Prince likes him very much... I I don't want to make him angry, it will make him stiff again..." He thought about rejecting that hand three years ago, and then fighting with him for two years... and now suddenly becoming a relative, it is indeed a bit difficult to change.

Harry, with his head down, only gave Snape the top of his furry head, and the messy black hair looked soft, a bit like a long-haired blanket, and he could feel its warmth if he stretched out his hand... So, Snape reached out and rubbed the top of Harry's head.

"Ah..." Startled by his action, Harry raised his head reflexively.

"Go, Slytherin's inner ball is a drag ball, and it doesn't require too many dance steps." Snape raised his eyebrows, "Prince, do you want to go and see?"

"Yes!" Prince nodded immediately. He had also heard about Slytherin's internal ball. It is said that everyone will dress up very special, which is different from the large-scale costume dinner on Halloween. It can be said that it is a small advance celebrate.He also asked to see it before, but his father always said that he was too young to be suitable, maybe... yes, the nine-year-old prince is no longer an eight-year-old child, he should have grown up!

In fact, since Prince appeared at the end of Spider Alley, Snape has prepared a lot of things for him, and of course there are also gifts from Dumbledore when he has nothing to do-such as various children's clothes, and there is a set with Deng Xiaoping. Those golden and red stars and moons of Bullido are a series... Of course, the most tasteful one is a set of expensive little dresses that Snape picked from Fengya Clothing Store, because it was picked by Big Malfoy.But now, Snape looked at the vampire dress on Harry, and found it particularly garish - it was Malfoy's taste at a glance.

"What's wrong with me?" Harry lowered his head and looked at himself. His clothes were mixed with arms and legs. There was nothing wrong with it, except that the style was a bit weird...

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