Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 7 Harry's Dream

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Without realizing it, Harry ran to his dream place - the Hufflepuff table, and sat next to Neville.

Hufflepuff's big, middle and small badgers clapped their hands.The others were awakened by them, and there was a burst of noise immediately.

Harry listened to the cry of "how is that possible" and "the savior should come to Gryffindor" from Gryffindor, and looked around uneasily, a little aggrieved.

On the long Ravenclaw table next to him, Tina and Darth Vader, who had already been seated, turned around to comfort him.

"It's okay Harry, Hufflepuff is fine too," Tina said.

Darth Vader glanced at the Gryffindor table with disdain, and said to Harry: "Don't worry about those stupid lions, Gryffindor is not as cute as Hufflepuff!"

Harry nodded and gave them both a sweet smile.

This smile instantly killed Ravenclaw, who was mostly girls, as well as the big, middle and small badgers who were always full of love and loved cute things.

A senior sister opposite Harry smiled and said to him: "Don't worry, little Harry, Hufflepuff is a big warm family, and everyone will treat you very well."

Harry smiled shyly at his seniors.

The senior sister immediately exaggeratedly held her face and sighed: "Oh~ what a cute baby~"

It made Harry giggle, and quickly blended into the cheerful atmosphere of Hufflepuff. Badgers, big, middle and small, all began to introduce themselves to him, and he didn't feel the discomfort of "the savior is being watched" at all. feel.

Harry said to Neville with a happy face: "Neville, I really like Hufflepuff!"

Neville sympathized: "Yeah!"

At this time Dumbledore stood up on the professor's chair.He looked at the students with a smile on his face, and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than seeing the students gathered together. "Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: idiot! sneeze! scum! screw! thank you!" he said. Sit down again.

"It's weird how he talks..." said Harry.

The senior sister opposite was still smiling: "Leave him alone, Harry, the principal is always like this, you will get used to it in the future, how about some lamb chops, my dear?"

Harry was dumbfounded.At this time, the dinner plate in front of him was full of food.He had never seen so many of his favorite things on the table at once: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, crisps, Yorkshire puddings, pea shoots, Carrots, gravy, ketchup, and for some odd reason mint hard candies.

He took the plate of lamb chops handed over by his senior, thanked them sweetly, and ate happily.

After everyone finished their meal, the leftovers disappeared from the plates in one go.The plates and forks are as clean as ever.After a while, dessert came up after the meal.

Harry and Neville each took a piece of chestnut mont blanc, and both of them ate until their eyes narrowed happily, like two kittens.The senior sister on the opposite side patronized to watch the two of them eat.

After eating dessert, the two little ones started to feel sleepy.Although they slept all afternoon on the train, they slept sitting up and didn't sleep very comfortably.

To distract himself from falling asleep, Harry looked towards the professor's chair.

"Oh!" He turned his head back suddenly and quickly.

"What's the matter with you?" Neville asked him.

He looked at Neville with tears in his eyes: "Neville, do you get a headache when you see scared people?"

"Huh?" Neville was confused.

"Professor Snape is scary..." Harry said aggrievedly, "Do you think he can cast magic with his eyes? My head hurts when I see him...Look, it's the one in the black robe A vicious looking professor!"

Neville turned his head and glanced at the professor's seat, then turned his head back with an "oops", pulled Harry's sleeve and said nervously, "Really! I feel a headache when you say that! His eyes are so scary. Here."

"Are you talking about Professor Snape?" The smiling senior sister said, "Professor Snape teaches potions. It is said that he can boil children who swim at night into potions!"

The two little things screamed and hugged each other tremblingly.

"So you have to be good, and don't violate the school rules." The senior sister continued to smile.

Then another senior slapped her, "Sylvanas, even if you are a prefect, don't use this trick to intimidate the freshmen to abide by the school rules!"

Cirvanas-senpai chuckled.

Severus in the chair had no idea that he had been programmed this way in front of Harry.He's resisting the urge to give the garlicky Quirrell an Avada right now.

Even with the Dark Lord attached to him, it was too much for Severus to bear!That horrible garlic smell!

Severus was very depressed.Enduring it once in his previous life was enough to make him unhappy, but he didn't expect to have to endure it again, that smell was worse than the weirdest potion!

His face became more gloomy, and in order to divert his attention, he began to scan the students below.Glancing over to the Savior who had turned away as soon as he saw him, the little thing was listening to the Hufflepuff prefect with a horrified expression.He couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart, this little Potter boy really doesn't look like Lily at all except for his eyes!Of course, not like that damned old Potter, look at his cowardly stupidity!

He couldn't help but snorted again, and this time a voice came out.

Dumbledore followed Harry's gaze, stroked his beard, and said to him, "Harry is such a lovely boy, isn't he, Severus?"

Severus glared at him, then turned his head away.

Dumbledore touched the bridge of his crooked nose, stood up and gave a speech about school regulations and school opening matters, and finally asked everyone to sing the school song.

So the teachers and students sang in random order.

Harry finished singing the strange school song in the tune of the nursery rhymes taught by his elementary school music teacher, and couldn't help but look at the professor's seat again, then asked Neville in a low voice: "Neville, what kind of tune do you think Professor Snape uses?" Woolen cloth?"

"I don't know," said Neville, "but I guess it's the British national anthem."


"Because the national anthem is also very serious."

The old students who heard their conversation next to them imagined Professor Snape singing the national anthem, and their expressions were distorted.

After singing the school song, the freshmen walked to their dormitory on the basement floor under the leadership of senior sister Cirvanas.

The portraits in the corridors along the way are excited to watch them, moving in the frame as they go.

Harry was extremely curious, and he and Neville were chatting small things together.

At the end of the corridor hung a picture of an old lady with a very simple and kind smile.

"Password," she said.

"Mandrake." Sylvanas replied.

The painting wobbles away, revealing a doorway.

Sylvanas led the freshmen into their common room one file at a time.It was a cozy circular room filled with squishy armchairs.The earthy and black shades look very coordinated.

Then the male and female students separated and entered the two doors in the common room under the leadership of the male and female prefects.

When the prefects assigned the rooms, Harry and Neville stood together, so they were assigned to the same room without a hitch.They also have two roommates, both seem to be easy to talk to.

After the four children introduced themselves to each other, they suddenly saw their suitcases at the foot of the cabinet in the bedroom.

"Neville!" Harry's eyes were wide open, he grabbed Neville's arm, pointed to those boxes and said, "They appeared all of a sudden, I saw them, and they were there with a 'whew'!"

"Harry, it's nothing. There are a lot of house-elves in Hogwarts. They must have sent them." Neville said.

"What's a house-elf?" asked one of their roommates, Owen Caldwell from the Muggle world.

Neville and Cad Vallad, another native of the wizarding world, explained to them, and the four children opened the suitcase, took out their pajamas, changed into them, washed up and went to sleep.

Maybe it was because Harry was overfed, and he had a very strange dream.He dreamed that he was running and running on the lawn in front of the castle, with Professor Snape chasing after him, Neville cheering him on, and Draco laughing.

Seeing Professor Snape getting closer and closer, Harry was so anxious that he was sweating. He ran and ran desperately, suddenly his feet were empty, he fell forward, and then—then he woke up.

The poor child remembered all the horrible rumors about the Potions Professor that Senior Sister Sylvanas had said, shrunk under the blanket, and fell asleep again after a long time.

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