Professor HP is not a pedophile

Chapter 6 Hufflepuff's Savior

At noon, Neville ran back to the box where he stayed before and dragged his suitcase over, expressing that he wanted to take root with Harry, and shared with Harry and Draco the loving lunch prepared by his grandma.

Draco talked to the two little things for a while, and then he saw Harry yawned, and it was almost time for a nap, so he thoughtfully let them sleep for a while, put a ignore spell on their box, and then Go back to your box.

"Draco is amazing." Harry sighed.

Neville yawned and nodded, "He must have been learning magic since he was a child. Noble children are like this. My grandma wanted to teach me too, but my magic power is too weak. Until I was ten years old, my grandma always thought I'm a Squib..."

"What's a Squib?"

"It's just a wizard without magic power."

"Oh... Neville, are you sleepy? I'm so sleepy, I woke up at five o'clock in the morning..."

"I'm sleepy too...I didn't fall asleep for a long time last night..."



The two little ones slept head to head until the afternoon.When they opened their eyes, they saw Draco sitting across from them, and the sky outside the car window had darkened to a beautiful deep purple.

Seeing them rubbing their eyes, yawning and yawning, Draco couldn't help showing a sincere smile, "Hurry up and change into your school robes, school is coming soon."

"Wow!" The two children shouted excitedly, and frantically rummaged through the suitcase to find their school robes.

Draco looked at them, and suddenly had a feeling of "I am an adult", these two little things really looked... so easy to make people want to take care of them!

Harry put on his school robes, and asked Neville cheerfully, "Neville, does it look good? Does it look like a wizard?"

Neville nodded sharply.

Draco held his forehead weakly, leaned over and turned out the collars of the two children's rolled up collars, and tidied them up.

"Draco is so nice! Like a big brother!" Harry admired.

Neville continued to nod.

"Is there any mistake!" Draco roared in his heart, "We are obviously the same age! Who made you two so childish!"

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, and we will send you to school." The voice echoed on the train.

Draco patted Harry on the head, "Okay, I have to go back to my side, you two be careful."

The two children nodded obediently.

The train slowed down and finally stopped.Pushing and shoving, the children rushed to the door and descended onto a dark and small platform.Harry shivered from the cold of the night.Then a lamp flicked over the students' heads, and Harry heard a voice shout, "First Years! First Years over here!"

He took Neville's hand nervously and followed the tall figure with the lamp.

"He's so tall," said Neville enviously.

"Well, yes," said Harry, "and he's very loud."

They followed the crowd along a winding path and came to a huge lake.

"Wow—" Everyone looked at the majestic castle on the hillside across the lake and sighed in surprise.Then, under the guidance of the tall guide, boarded the small boats that can only seat four people.

The boat is really too small, and it starts to shake as soon as you step on it.Harry and Neville held hands nervously all the time, which made a tall girl who was on the same boat with them give them a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, this boat is enchanted, it's absolutely safe."

"Oh come on, Bartina, why didn't you tell them there's a giant squid in the Black Lake?" exclaimed another man in their boat, a boy with blond hair and a beaming face.

The two children gasped in horror.

"Shut up! Darth Vader! You're scaring the kids!" Tina gave the boy a fierce look, then quickly put on a smile on the two kids, "Don't worry, it's said that the giant squid in the Black Lake won't hurt you!" Human."

Darth Vader muttered under his breath, "Oh motherly Tina, don't act like we're not 11."

Tina ignored him, and happily started to make friends with the two children. After successfully asking their names, although she was shocked by Harry's identity, she couldn't help the child's pitiful tears when the parents were mentioned, so she continued to love her. flooded.

When the boat stopped on the other side of the lake, the four people in the boat were already on good terms.

The students disembarked, and then, by the light of their guides' lanterns, they climbed a tunnel in the rock until at last they reached a flat, damp meadow in the shadow of the castle.

They climbed a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oak door. "Is everything here?" The tall guide said, raising his huge fist and knocking on the gate of the castle three times.

The door opened instantly.A tall dark-haired witch in emerald green robes stood in front of the gate.She looked serious, and Harry thought of the fierce Mr. Snape first, and couldn't help shivering.Draco, who was standing not far away, noticed him and smiled at him.

The guide named Hagrid handed over the new students to Professor McGonagall.

She pulled the door wide open.The foyer was large enough to move the entire Dursleys' house into it.Like Gringotts, the stone walls are surrounded by blazing torches.The ceiling is so high you can barely see the top.On the front is a luxurious marble staircase leading directly to the upper floor.

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to a small room at the other end of the hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said, "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the dining room, you must first perform the sorting ceremony. This is a very important ceremony, because you During your school days, the house is like your home at Hogwarts. You will attend classes with other students in the house, live together in the house dormitory, and spend your spare time together in the house common room. The four houses The names are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history and has produced outstanding wizards and wizards. During your studies at Hogwarts , your good performance will earn your house points, and any violation will cost your house points. At the end of the year, the house with the highest marks wins the house cup, which is a great honor. I hope No matter which house you are assigned to, you will be a credit to the house." She glanced at them, and then suggested that they clean up their appearance.

"I'll pick you up when it's ready over there," said Professor McGonagall. "Please keep quiet while you wait."

She leaves the room.

The freshmen started whispering.

Harry heard a red-haired boy not far away say to the person next to him: "I guess, there's always a kind of test to pass. Fred said it hurt us a lot..."

He and Neville looked at each other, realizing that the other was as terrified as he was.

They looked towards Draco, only to find that his face was also pale, and Tina and Darth Vader next to him were not much better.

The two children were even more frightened.

"Oh!" They jumped up in fright - twenty or so ghosts suddenly jumped out of the wall.These pearly white, translucent ghosts, glide across the room.

"Well, what's that, ghost?" Harry asked Neville tremblingly.

"You're wrong, kid," a ghost in a ruffled bodysuit floated over his head and said, leaning over him, "we're ghosts, remember."

"Okay, sir." Harry kept moving closer to Neville.

"Hope you get a Hufflepuff!" said a monk-like ghost. "I used to go to that house."

Harry mentally compared Brother Ghost with Mr. Snape, and realized that he still wanted to go to Hufflepuff...

"Move forward now," said a shrill voice. "The sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Professor McGonagall returned, and the ghosts drifted in file through the opposite wall and disappeared. "Now, stand in single file," Professor McGonagall said to the first-years, "follow me."

They walked out of the room, through the foyer, and through a double door at the back into the luxurious dining room.

Harry had never imagined that there could be such a magical, beautiful and magnificent place.Students from other years of the academy were already sitting around four long tables, above which thousands of candles floating in mid-air lit up the dining room.Glittering gold plates and goblets stood on four tables.There is another long table on the table at the top of the restaurant, which is the teacher's seat.

Harry caught sight of Mr. Snape in a black robe with a gloomy face.He was so frightened that he subconsciously hid behind the tall Tina.

After hearing Professor McGonagall say that they can be sorted just by wearing the sorting hat, all the freshmen breathed a sigh of relief.

After the Sorting Hat sang, Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever I call now puts on a hat and sits on a stool for sorting," she said. "Hannah Abbott."

A rosy-cheeked little girl with two blond braids stumbled out of the queue, put on her hat, which just covered her eyes, and sat down.There was a pause - "Hufflepuff!" the hat called.

The table on the right applauds Hannah and welcomes her to their table.Harry saw the fat friar ghost and waved to her happily.

He made up his mind to go into Hufflepuff, because those people seemed really nice.

After many people were sorted into various colleges, Professor McGonagall called Neville's name.

Neville stumbled as he ran towards the stool.It took the hat a long time to make up its mind about him.When the hat finally yelled "Hufflepuff", Neville ran away wearing it, and finally had to trot back to Professor McGonagall amidst a lot of laughter.

Harry jumped up with joy, because Neville said on the train that his grandma told him to go to Gryffindor. Their family has been Gryffindor for generations, but Neville always felt that he might be separated. to Hufflepuff.Although Harry didn't think about encouraging him to go into Hufflepuff too, Harry himself was sure that he would be able to get into Hufflepuff, and he never thought that he would be sorted into other houses, so when he saw that Neville could go to Hufflepuff, he still wanted to go to Hufflepuff. Glad to have the two of you together!

Draco was sorted into Slytherin without any surprise.

Harry was oddly last in the list.Didn't you say that the list is arranged by surname?When he heard Professor McGonagall calling him, the child scratched his head in doubt and walked forward.

There was a sudden humming and murmur in the dining room, like the hissing of a small flame.

"Potter, is she calling Potter?"

"It's that Harry Potter"

Harry quickened his pace uncomfortably, and then... he saw a sullen Mr. Snape.The child shuddered and walked faster.

When the hat was about to be pulled over his head to block his view, Harry saw the dining room was full of people, all of them staring at him, hoping to get a good look at him.Then came The Dark World in the Hat and Waiting.

"Oh, a Potter..." He heard a small voice say in his ear, "I can see that you are not very brave, but you have a good heart, you are a simple and good boy, then—"

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the hat.

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