In this kind of grotto at the bottom of the valley, how could a figure suddenly appear? Apart from us, it is impossible for other living people to exist in this place.

My heart sank, thinking could it be that those things outside the stone gate came over?Or is it true that someone else is here and found us?

The uncle made a gesture to signal us not to startle the snake, and at the same time told Sister Xuan to get ready to shoot immediately if something went wrong.

"It's really a person..." Sister Xuan took a look through the scope, and said in a low voice with an ugly expression: "Why is there someone here, what exactly is he trying to do?"

The uncle shook his head and stared at Leo's movements. At this time, we can only see how the other party reacts. We are too far away to care about it. If that person wants to kill Leo, sister Xuan will shoot and force him back He, if Leo goes up safely, it will not be our turn to help. With the skill of this big foreigner, it is easy to deal with one or two people.

Reminding him now would only affect the person hiding in the cave, and he might do something irreversible in a hurry.

Sister Xuan understood what the uncle meant, and gradually calmed down, but the hand holding the gun was still secretly exerting force.

The light in the cave is too dim, and many places can’t be seen clearly. The rough and rugged corners of the rocks are very easy to make people ambiguous. I watched Leo climb up with hands and feet, getting closer and closer to that weird figure , I was worried about Dao Feng again, wondering if there would be a strange person on his side.

Dao Feng had crawled into the cave in the hand of the Buddha at this moment, his speed was twice as fast as Leo's, and he didn't come out immediately after entering, indicating that there was some depth in it, at least it was not a decorative cavity.

Just when I was guessing about Dao Feng's general movements, Xiang Wen, who had been silent before, suddenly said "Hey" and said, "Look, is that person gone?"

The uncle is also paying attention there all the time. Hearing the words, he nodded slightly and said: "It is true that he has left, but it is not sure whether he has really left or is hiding inside waiting for an opportunity to ambush. It is best to find a way to remind Leo to be more careful. .”

Sister Xuan nodded, and raised her hand to shoot at the edge of the cave. Leo turned his head to look at us when he heard the sound. Sister Xuan immediately made several gestures, implying that there was someone in the cave and asking him to be careful.

Leo understood Sister Xuan's hint, and returned an "OK" cautiously, then turned on the flashlight on his chest to the brightest, and walked in cautiously with his gun in hand.

After Leo's figure disappeared, about 10 minutes later, Dao Feng came out from another hole. He simply climbed down along the rope, came over and said to us: "There is a dead end inside, and there are many traps. Can't go."

The uncle touched his chin, looked up at the hole where Leo walked, and said, "It seems that we have to wait for Leo to come out and report the situation."

Seeing that Dao Feng was not in any danger, I felt relieved and suddenly realized that before I came in to find them, I had also seen a man with quick movements. It feels not much different from the black shadow in the cave.

Could it be that they are actually one person?So why did he appear in this way again and again?Is it to guide us, or to lure us into a trap?

And the most important point, is he an enemy or a friend, dead or alive?

"Why don't you come out?" Xiang Wen frowned, looked at the hole, and said, "He's already gone to a place where I can't hear the sound. If this continues, there may be accidents..."

I understood what Xiang Wen meant. If there is any danger in Leo now, we have no way of knowing. We can only stand here and wait, so I turned my head and said to them: "Why don't we follow up to see, anyway, there are only these people left now?" There is a way to go."

The uncle waved his hand irritably, and said, "Come on, we can't wait any longer, I think it's probably the way Leo is going, if that person really wants to do something, Leo is probably in danger now , if we arrive earlier, we can save it in time."

Dao Feng had this idea long ago. He knew that Xiang Wen and I were not very good at rock climbing, so he asked us to wait below. After he climbed up, he threw the rope down, and we used the power of the rope to go up again.

After a lot of tossing and turning, the few of us finally came to the top of the big hand raised by the Buddha statue. I called out Xiao Hai and asked her to follow me. People stand side by side, but to be on the safe side, we basically walk in tandem.

Those luminous bodies have completely disappeared here, without those special substances that can emit light, the whole cave looks ordinary, simpler than any place we have been to before, and there seems to be only one road here, and we have been walking for a long time. See any forks.

This made me wonder whether Leo was in danger or had discovered something else.Because in this kind of place, it is almost impossible to subdue him with his skill, unless he is a two-hundred-five-year-old persimmon with good-looking muscles, or the gun in his hand accidentally went off and fell to his own head.

Unknowingly, we walked for more than ten minutes, and we had already passed a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the place where we found the Buddha statue. Xiang Wen had been listening to the movement in the cave, and at this moment he was relieved and told us that Leo should be right ahead. far away.

When we found Leo, he was walking back slowly and cautiously, and almost regarded us as a target for shooting.

After confirming that it was his own person, Leo immediately explained the situation here briefly in blunt Chinese.

He said that there is still a long way to go, and he doesn't know where it leads, but judging from the air flow in the cave, this is indeed an exit, so he decided to go back and inform us first, and then we can act together.

As for the weird figure, Leo's answer was that he hadn't seen anyone since he came in, and he was the only one after walking for so long, and he didn't encounter a fork in the road.

After listening to Leo's narration, the few of us looked at each other and decided to put this matter behind first, and how to get out is the most important thing right now.

"I still think there is something wrong with that person." Xiang Wen said with lingering fears as he walked, "If it wasn't to hinder us, then what the hell was he standing there looking at? I bet he knew that we were looking for the entrance of the ancient city of Khotan. If you didn't do anything, you probably wanted to wipe us all out."

"It is indeed possible." The uncle frowned, obviously also thinking about this issue: "But I estimate that there is a 60.00% possibility that it is because of a deeper reason, otherwise, at the angle he was standing at that time, even if he couldn't hit the knife Feng, it is very easy to kill us."

After finishing speaking, the uncle pointed at Sister Zhixuan, meaning that he could directly and covertly kill us with a sniper, unless that person didn't even have a decent gun in his hand.

Xiang Wen thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right, besides, I didn't even hear his voice before I found his shadow, this person must be not simple."

The words of the uncle and Xiang Wen were very skillful. While elevating the enemy, they also indirectly praised themselves, and when they turned a corner to brag, there was finally a change in the passage.

"That's enough, stop chatting." I sighed, interrupted their conversation, looked at the sudden fork in the road ahead, and said, "Hurry up and think about what to do about this."

The uncle took a slight look behind me, and said in surprise: "I just wanted to say that there should be something different, but I didn't expect it to happen."

Those fork roads are intertwined with one another, or several are connected at one point, which looks complicated. The uncle pondered for a moment and said: "There should be many dead ends here, or they are all connected in series. Difficulties, it means that we are not far from the exit, we can go anywhere, I guess we will be able to get out soon."

Facts have proved that the uncle's psychological analysis of the ancients is very good. We took the leftmost path, and after walking for a while, we came to a relatively large space.

What appeared in front of us as the last difficulty was a thick and tall iron gate.

The iron door has been corroded so that the original appearance cannot be seen, and the patterns on it are also blurred, only two grooves on the left and right are quite obvious.

There is a gap in the middle of the iron door that only allows one person to pass sideways. Someone must have opened it before we arrived, and this person is likely to be the guy who was hiding in the dark before.

But the matter has come to this point, if you hold back, you are no longer a man. I glanced at the rest of the people, waved to Xiao Hai to pass first, and then followed closely.

Behind this iron door is a long staircase, and there are still no traps. It is conservatively estimated that we walked for at least half an hour this time.

The stairs kept sloping upwards, and there was a stone door at the end. Dao Feng, wearing gloves, pushed the stone door open with a little force.

Holding flashlights and guns, we walked out of the long stairs cautiously.

Stepping on the soft sand under our feet, we scanned the surroundings with our flashlights in doubt. After half paying, we were surprised to find that this place was actually the ruins of an ancient city.

"This..." Xiang Wen looked at the ruins of the building that had collapsed into one piece and was blown by the wind and sand, and said in a low voice in disbelief: "Could this be the ancient city of Khotan?"

Sister Xuan looked up at the sky, then at the dark ruins around her, nodded half-believingly, and said, "Maybe you've hit the spot... I never thought it would be so easy to find the ancient city of Khotan, there is no sense of reality at all, However, where are we now, we can't leave the grotto, how do we go back? How do we contact Tangning?"

The uncle seemed to have found something similar to a totem nearby. He knelt down and separated the sand covered by the totem with his hands, and then confirmed: "This is indeed the ancient city of Khotan. It is not so simple for us to find this place. I think that before That person brought us here on purpose. If I'm not mistaken, there may be more than one passage in the cave below, or more than one iron door of that kind... But there is only one problem we need to consider now, which is to directly Enter the ancient city and finish what you need to do, or go back to the bottom of the valley to find other people to explain the situation."

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