As soon as Xiang Wen finished speaking, he heard the sound of cracking planks. The sound was uneven from near to far, and it was especially terrifying in this silent cave, as if countless ghosts had broken out of their shells. us below.

I heard the sound, and hurriedly took a flashlight to shine on the ground, and saw large pieces of wood falling around us, smashing into pieces.

The uncle only took one look, and immediately said: "No, this is a coffin, we have encountered a living corpse!"

Xiang Wen's voice trembled, and he said anxiously: "Don't talk about it, let's go, the number of those things is at least three times that of ours, and it will be difficult to run when they come down."

I shone a light on the top of my head with a flashlight, and found that the distance was too far, it was so dark that I couldn't see anything, and I was a little flustered, so I cursed secretly: "I can only run, because I'm besieged by them in this kind of place." No one can please anyone, I don't know how high it is, those coffins are hung on the stone wall, if they hit someone, even if they don't die, they will die."

The sound of planks falling in the dark was still heard, everyone saw the situation in front of them, and immediately stopped delaying. The uncle took the lead and said "Run!", and we ran forward desperately.

The luminous bodies on the ground continued intermittently, meandering forward, and soon brought us deep into the cave.

The road here is fairly easy to walk, even in very dim conditions, you don't have to pay too much attention to your feet.

As I ran, I thought about the situation just now, and I always felt that we had entered a trap. Those coffins were hung in places that ordinary people would never notice. As long as someone walked over, the trap would be triggered. It was obvious that we were deliberately preventing outsiders from stepping here. , indicating that there must be something hidden deep in the cave, and it is most likely the entrance we are looking for.

Thinking of this, I can't help but start guessing again, what is the black shadow I saw before? If it is a person, what is his purpose of inducing me? If it is a ghost, is it right? In its favor?

But regardless of whether the black shadow is a human or a ghost, we have to go ahead and take a look. Whether the hidden thing in this cave is an entrance or a trap, it is the purpose of our coming here tonight.

"Coming!" A short reminder pulled me back from my thoughts. Before I could react, Sister Xuan and Leo turned around and fired back.

Between flickering and flickering, a dozen nimble humanoid creatures could be vaguely seen running under the interlaced firepower.

Those guys were wearing a layer of light armor, like warriors who died in battle in ancient times, but there were two strange green lights in the eyes, making them look more like a pack of hungry wolves.

The armor on their bodies was easily pierced by bullets, and those guys got up again immediately after falling to the ground, scrambling to rush towards us, with rows of jagged fangs exposed in their wide-open mouths, trying to crush us one by one.

We fought and retreated, and gradually realized that the road behind was getting narrower and narrower, and the stone walls on both sides were getting closer and closer, and finally formed a narrow passage that only allowed two people to pass side by side.

But in this way, as long as Sister Xuan and Leo are watching, those strange things can't get close.

However, the number of bullets is limited, and it is still impossible for us to consume them all the time. We must quickly find a way to get out of this predicament, either run away all of them, or kill them directly here.

At some point, the uncle slipped to the front and took a look, then ran back out of breath and said to us: "Quick, there is a mechanism in front that can block these things, let's go in and hide for a while."

When we heard the words, we immediately quickened our pace, and Xiaohai listened to my order to help prevent those things from approaching.

At the end of the passage is a half-open stone door. We drilled into the stone door one by one in order. After Leo also came in, the uncle closed the stone door beside him.

The heavy boulder fell to the ground, and our intense heartbeats gradually calmed down. Xiao Hai stayed outside the door until the last moment as a cover, but the ghost slave can only be in the same space as the ghost master, so I had to summon her out again.

The mechanism of the stone gate is very old, and the principle is very simple. It is a common hand-cranked lift in ancient times. The uncle is sure that the mechanism is very convenient to open and close, and there will be no situation where we can only close it but not open it, so we decide to let us enter the stone gate first to escape. .

It's just that this mechanism is too old, and the upper part of the stone gate has been stuck, and no matter how shaken it can only open halfway, which caused some trouble when we came in.

The outside sound was blocked by the stone gate, and the occasional rustling sound could be heard, which proved that the group of guys did not give up and were still sticking to the door.

Xiang Wen knocked on the stone door worriedly. Seeing that the boulder was solid and stable, and there was no danger of being broken through, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's all right. With them guarding the door, how can we go back?"

The uncle shined his flashlight on the surroundings, waved his hands and said, "I'll talk about this when we go back. Let's go inside and see, maybe we can find other ways out... It's best not to touch those things head-on, and hide as much as you can. After all, we are just Those who come to rob graves are not here to save the world."

The uncle said the last sentence smoothly, but he managed to choke Xiang Wen half to death, even diluting the tense atmosphere a lot.

Sister Xuan sneered, and walked to the side holding the gun.

Seeing this, we scattered around, looking for "other ways out" that the uncle said.

Daofeng was the first to discover something strange in this cave. He saw a gap with a diameter of one meter on the ground, so he boldly went down to have a look, and came up again after a while to tell us that there is indeed a road below, and there are many forks. Let's not wander around after we go down, so as not to get separated.

I was not as agile as Dao Feng, and it took a little effort to go down because the cave was too narrow, so I called Xiao Hai back and followed Dao Feng with the others.

There are indeed many forked roads here, but the luminous bodies are denser than before. Dao Feng is advancing according to the instructions of these road signs.

After an unknown amount of time, the eyes suddenly became brighter, and the dense luminous body almost illuminated the entire cave.

We looked around and found that we had entered a semi-natural huge grotto. Half of the grotto had traces of man-made carvings, while the other half was a completely natural product. Those luminous bodies over time covered only the man-made parts. The remaining edges and corners make the grotto look more dreamlike.

When we were all immersed in this rare scene full of fluorescent light, Dao Feng noticed something strange with sharp eyes. He looked up in a little surprise, then pointed to it and said to us: "It seems that the entrance we are looking for is Here it is."

We heard the words and looked in the direction of his fingers. At first, we didn't feel any difference. We just thought that the luminous bodies were more concentrated in the place Dao Feng said. But soon, we found that the luminous bodies had actually been connected. a portrait.The portrait is huge and unusual, magnificent and sturdy, if it is not for a distance, we may not be able to see it at all.

I took a deep breath and observed carefully that it was actually a Buddha statue. The Buddha's left and right hands were raised by his side, as if he was holding something.In the entire grotto, only above the Buddha's hands is there no luminous body.

So we got closer and looked at the two hands of the Buddha with wolf eyes. Sister Xuan fired a shot there. This shot made us sure that there was indeed something above the two hands, and they were in two shapes. holes of the same size.

"Looks like I'm going to go up and have a look." After finishing speaking, the uncle took out the rope from his backpack and asked, "Who's going up?"

Dao Feng took a rope without hesitation, tied the rope around his waist expressionlessly, and walked towards the stone wall.This kind of work is commonplace for him. No one in our group is more suitable than him, but there are two caves, and one person needs to go up.

Sister Xuan recommended herself to go up and have a look, but she was stopped by Leo next to her. The big muscular foreigner said bluntly, "Let me go, you are a woman, stay here."

After finishing speaking, when sister Xuan was about to get angry, she quickly put on the rope and walked to the bottom of the stone wall, and climbed up in two or three times.

The uncle saw that Sister Xuan was still angry, so he comforted her and said: "Finally someone is willing to treat you as a woman, why are you so angry? I think he is also kind, and he is afraid that he will encounter some danger when he goes up. Tell you to stay here, be careful not to scare people away."

Hearing the uncle's words, Sister Xuan was stunned for a moment, said "Yo" in a low voice, and then she didn't continue. It is estimated that the uncle's words hit her weak spot.

I remember that at the ghost town human skin painting, sister Xuan had a hallucination and almost strangled the uncle to death. We still don’t know what she saw at that time, and sister Xuan never mentioned it, but I always think she is emotional No matter what setbacks you have experienced, you will be sluggish because of a hallucination.

Sister Xuan is a woman, a beautiful and strong woman, she is a little too aggressive, but she can mix with us without complaining of tiredness or suffering, all these can prove her tenacity.But no matter how beautiful and capable a woman is, she still needs someone to protect her. This can be seen from the occasional inexplicable melancholy that Sister Xuan shows, it's not that she doesn't want someone to protect her, it's just that she is afraid and timid, so she has to pretend to be strong and invincible.

I looked at Sister Xuan who lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, sighed, and shifted my gaze to Dao Feng.

Dao Feng's skill is still so agile and light, which I can never catch up with in my life. When I am with him, he is the one who protects me...and us more often.I can't compare with him in this aspect, and I can only make up for it in other aspects. For example, if we are really together in the future, I will definitely do the food and housework at home. I bet Daofeng can't do these things. He can at most Put yourself in order, it can be seen from his character.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth unconsciously, and my eyes followed Dao Feng's figure.

Sister Xuan had come back to her senses at this time, she subconsciously glanced above Leo, and suddenly shouted in horror: "Look over there, what is that!"

The uncle and I were taken aback by her, and hurriedly looked at where Leo was, and found that in the cave where Leo was about to arrive, there was a part that was darker than other areas. The uncle identified it carefully, Immediately concluded: "It's a human figure!"

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