After knowing the surnames of the owner of the hostel and the person mentioned in Chu Wentian's letter, we were not in a hurry to ask for confirmation, but finished our meal in peace, packed our things and went back to our respective rooms to sleep.

Dao Feng was determined not to be in the same room as me this time. He crossed his arms, leaned against the door frame to block me from the door, looked at me expressionlessly, did not speak, and did not make unnecessary movements.

I was so depressed that I almost went crazy, I patted my chest to promise that I would not harass him again, and even made a poisonous oath, but Dao Feng refused to compromise.

I had no choice but to roll back to my room, and watched Dao Feng close the door, feeling a little scratchy in my heart.

At night, the entrance of the guest house is very lively. Basically every ten minutes, one or two people pretending to pass by "accidentally" bump into our car, and the Cayenne itself is very "sensitive". This night, the light alarm It rang no less than twenty times.

In the end, the guy in the store couldn't take it anymore, and ran to the door under the quilt and shouted: "Fucking, let people not sleep, haven't you seen a car, is there a way to smash the alarm and get the car away, a bunch of people An old hat who has never seen the world, you stinking fool!"

We ran to Sister Xuan's house, looked down through the window, and couldn't straighten up with joy.

To be honest, we are not worried about someone stealing the car at all. This place is only that big in total, and there is almost no place that can completely cover the figure of the Cayenne. If you want to steal a car, you have to poke everyone blind first.

But compared to the car problem, the lodging problem was more embarrassing. When I got back to my room, I saw that a corner of the bed was moldy, so I had to find something to cover it, and then I just took off my coat and went to sleep.

The main reason why I didn't report this issue to Sister Xuan was not because I was willing to swallow my anger, but because I was worried that Sister Xuan would really run to block people's doors in a hurry.The kid who looks after the store doesn't look bad, so there's no need to embarrass him too much.

I endured the hunger and cold all night, but the uncle came to tell me early the next morning that Sister Xuan was already aggressively blocking the door of someone's house.

It is said that it was because she heard mice scurrying under the bed last night when she slept.

"It's just a big deal." I put on my clothes and said to the uncle, "I didn't have a quilt to cover last night, so I survived as usual. Luckily, Sister Xuan was born as a killer."

The uncle saw that I used all the quilts to make up the bed, nodded understandingly, and asked, "Who told you that she was a killer?"

"I guessed it." I whispered to my uncle, "Don't tell Sister Xuan."

"Mission Impossible has watched you too much." The uncle glanced at me contemptuously, and went downstairs with the letter.

I walked out of my room, turned around and entered Dao Feng's room, saw that he was fully dressed and was about to go out, so I pushed the door behind me, and blocked the doorway to stare at him.

"What?" Dao Feng was not surprised at all, he looked at me calmly, and he walked in front of me, the distance between us was only one meter.

"You didn't let me in yesterday." I gritted my teeth.

Dao Feng turned his head to look to the side, and replied, "I want to rest."

"Who won't let you rest!" I was mad.

Dao Feng turned his head silently, staring at me with black eyes without speaking.

"..." I coughed dryly, rushed over to press him against the wall, put my arms around his waist, and said almost to his lips: "Then I must give you a good morning kiss, you have to make up for the pain my young heart suffered." trauma."

"Why didn't I see that you were so clingy before." Dao Feng sighed slightly, put his arms around my back and kissed me proactively.

"It's all your fault." While deepening the "good morning kiss", I took the time to mutter, "If I wasn't sticky, you would ignore me at all."

Dao Feng didn't speak anymore, probably acquiescing to the fact that he has never been willing to take the initiative in emotional matters, and he probably knows it very well.

So I can only be clingy, if I am not clingy, I am afraid that I will think that I am secretly in love with one person, but love is clearly a matter of two people.

After the kiss was over, I turned my head and sucked a hickey on his neck, comforting myself that this is the proof that we are in love.

Dao Feng frowned, but didn't say anything, he just pulled up his collar a bit.

He turned around and wanted to open the door to go out, when I suddenly thought of something, I hurriedly hugged him from behind to make him stop.

Dao Feng struggled slightly, seeing that I was tightly hugged, he didn't continue, but his voice was a little impatient: "What's the matter?"

I reached in from under the clothes, stroked Dao Feng's firm and flat abdominal muscles, and whispered in his ear: "Didn't you have something to say to me before, and now there is no one..."

Dao Feng was startled, grabbed my dishonest hand, and after a long time, he managed to say in a low voice, "What did you say, I forgot."

The corner of my mouth twitched, and with a dark face, I stretched out my hand to touch his chest and threatened, "Do you want to play tricks on me?"

Several places on Daofeng's chest are very sensitive. He trembled slightly as soon as I touched it with my hand, but it was difficult for him to catch me through the clothes, so he could only keep silent and let me do whatever I did without making a sound. I know, actually He is also sure that I have nothing to do with him.

I stopped the movement of my hands very boringly, tightened my arms and hugged him tightly, put my head on his shoulder, rubbed against his face, and said hoarsely: "I really want to didn't say it at that time I always feel that if I don't hear it, it will be the biggest regret in my life, Ah Feng, I love you, how about you..."

I coaxed him in a low voice, did not hesitate to act like a baby, and exhausted the greatest patience in my life, just hoping to hear what I wanted to hear most from his mouth.

Dao Feng was bewitched by me, and after a while of silence, he finally spoke: "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Sister Xuan appeared at the door with a big grin, still cursing: "What are you two doing, dawdling..."

"That's right, I've been waiting for you for a long time..." The uncle followed Sister Xuan, and when he saw Dao Feng and I's posture, his voice stopped abruptly.

I stuck my head behind Dao Feng and looked at them, my hands were still in Dao Feng's clothes, but I was keenly aware that the guy in my arms was already blushing.

After a while, I wailed and fell on Dao Feng's bed and kept rolling, cursing and saying: "Fuck, you sister, you two super light bulbs... Fuck, it hurts me to death. Damn Dao Feng, this bastard, actually used so much force!" , hit my kidney..."

Sister Xuan completely ignored my accusation, bit her ear and said to the uncle: "Did you see, Dao Feng's face turned red just now, ouch, it's so cute that it exploded..."

The uncle nodded, looked at me and said, "Chu Yang has kidney deficiency..."

I glared at the uncle viciously, knowing that what I said before was correct, this guy's mouth will always be more Zhou Libo than Han Han.

After finishing breakfast, we found the boss surnamed Hao. The uncle took out Chu Wentian's letter and asked him if he knew the Hao Fusheng mentioned in the letter.

Boss Hao just finished his breakfast at the moment, and was sitting at the door of the guest house flipping through the newspaper. When he heard the uncle's words, he raised his head and glanced at us, and said, "Why are you looking for him?"

The uncle said: "That's right, five people came here decades ago, and they left a few things here, but now they can't come, so they asked us juniors to help get them back, saying that as long as Find Hao Fusheng, he naturally knows what to do."

Boss Hao looked at the uncle, and said cautiously: "Five people? What's their name."

Uncle: "The leader is Gu Hai."

Boss Hao's face changed, and he asked again: "There is no proof for what you say, is there any evidence that you know him?"

The uncle smiled and took out the emerald finger wrench.

Boss Hao thought for a while when he saw Fei Cui's fingers, and then looked at the uncle, nodded and said: "This is it. After waiting for so many years, someone finally came. I thought I had to help them before putting this old bone in the coffin." Looking at things, the Hao Fusheng who helped them take pictures back then is my elder brother, he had a heart attack a few years ago and just left, my name is Hao Fugui, you can just call me Old Hao.”

The uncle thanked him with understanding, and we followed Hao Fugui to the backyard of the hostel. There are several old rooms here, and one of them can be seen to have been locked for a long time.

Hao Fugui took a brick and knocked the old lock open, and said to us: "After so long, I lost the key to this broken lock."

He pushed open the door and coughed a few times due to the dust: "Go in, call me if you have any questions, and I'll sit by the door."

The uncle said a few more polite words, and then led us into the house.

Everything in the house was covered with a thick layer of dust, and it was almost impossible to see your hands when you touched them.

We have to endure the choking dust, try not to touch those unnecessary things, first use our eyes to distinguish which ones may be useful, and then pick them up for a closer look.

Sister Xuan took out some wet paper towels and handed them to us, and said, "Use this to wipe off the useful ones. Don't pat them with your hands. There will be dust everywhere, and there is no place to take a shower here."

Clutching wet tissues obediently, we started looking for clues everywhere.

The uncle found something similar to a map on the table, and just about to snort with his hands, remembering what Sister Xuan said, he hurriedly put on a wet tissue and wiped the map clean little by little.

Dao Feng was next to the uncle, and also found many papers that recorded important clues, and the two of them fiddled with each other for a while in front of the table.

Covering my mouth and nose, I turned and walked around the corner, hoping to find something different.

There are many paper balls on the ground that look like garbage. I rummaged through them for a long time, picked up a few that I thought were valuable, and held them in my hand. There were many scribbled sketches on these paper balls, some of which were abstract and could not be seen at all. What, some of them I am sure are the ear totems of Nanzhao Kingdom.

This room has been stuffy for too long and we can't stay here for long, so we have to collect clues as soon as possible, and then find a "safe" place to study.

I walked quickly to the bookshelf, and when I looked down, I accidentally saw a golden thing in the gap of the bookshelf. It seemed to be a small box, and I didn't know what it was for.

I squatted down, stretched my hand in with difficulty, and groped for a long time before I caught the box.

The box was tipped over in the crevice of the bookshelf, a lot of dust fell on the front, and the color was almost invisible, but the side was completely unobstructed due to the angle. I just discovered it because I was attracted by the golden color on the side.

I wiped the small box with a wet tissue and found that it was a small pure gold jewelry box with no complicated patterns on it, only some simple decorations, very old and conservative.

I opened the box to find two earrings and an oddly shaped stone inside.

The moment I picked up the stone, I suddenly felt that the stone had a special power. It was constantly attracting me, calling me, and letting me hold it, and I couldn't let go of it at all.

I quietly looked at the stone lying in the palm of my hand. One end of it was smooth and round, but the other end was broken strangely, as if it had been broken off from some kind of object.

The stone exudes a strange chill, as if penetrating into the bone marrow, so that I can't take my eyes off at all. That kind of gloomy chill is very familiar to me, and it belongs to the breath of evil spirits and death.

I found that I liked this stone more and more. For a moment, I even felt that it should belong to me, and no one could have it except me.

So I sneaked the stone into the inside pocket of my jacket, zipped it up so it wouldn't fall out, looked back, and felt relieved knowing that no one had noticed my movements.

I pretended to turn around as if nothing had happened, but Xiao Hai suddenly appeared in front of me. I was taken aback, and thought to myself that I hadn't summoned her, so why did she run out on her own initiative.

There was no expression on Xiao Hai's glamorous face, she looked at me blankly, then stretched out her hand towards my chest.

There, lay the stone that was just picked up.

I lowered my face, raised my hand and waved her away, and said in a low voice, "Go back."

At this time, Dao Feng finally noticed my strangeness. He heard that my voice was not right, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

I looked at Xiao Hai blankly, and there was a sharp pain in my left hand. When the pain subsided, I turned around and walked towards Dao Feng, saying, "It's okay, that guy Xiao Hai came out to make trouble again."

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