Dao Feng didn't expect Lin Xiang to get up so quickly and find here accurately. He looked at the other party in surprise for a while, and then said lightly: "We are just looking for something, and we don't want to disturb you."

Lin Xiang crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked Dao Feng up and down, as if she had a new understanding of him.

"It's been so many years, and this is the first time I've met someone who can drink like you." Lin Xiang said, "Even that bastard Gu Hai can't drink me. Who in this area doesn't know that I, Lin Xiang, are the famous thousand cup drinkers?" Not drunk, I didn't expect to let you, a brat, get drunk today."

Hearing this, Dao Feng didn't explain anything, he just looked at Lin Xiang quietly, wondering what she was doing here in the middle of the night.

Seeing that Dao Feng didn't speak, Lin Xiang's eyes flashed with sadness, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "Since you guys know Gu Hai, I don't have the heart to bother you anymore, but I have something to pass on to you for me." Give it to him, just say that I will not help him watch these messes again, and I will not owe him anything if I return this thing to him, and I will leave Tianjin immediately, and we will never meet again in the end of the world."

Hearing Lin Xiang's words, we were all shocked, I really didn't see how many brushes this woman has, she spoke very boldly, not like the kind of prodigal girl who was really taken care of by others, Gu Hai might have been He took a fancy to her before accepting her.

After Lin Xiang handed Dao Feng a jadeite finger, he took a deep look at the four of us, then turned and left the alley.

I think, before leaving Tianjin, she still has a lot of things to prepare.

Lin Xiang may have been waiting for this day for a long time. If we hadn't come, she might have continued to wait here until the oil was exhausted and her old age was gone. We came to find Gu Hai's former residence, which was an opportunity for her. An opportunity for her to be relieved, an opportunity for her to push the burden on us and live a life of her own.

Whether we really know Gu Hai or not is not that important to her, all she needs is a reason, even an excuse.

I took the wrench from Dao Feng's hand, and felt that this wrench must be the most useless thing that Gu Hai left for Lin Xiang, because I would slip out with it, let alone Lin Xiang's little hand .

But for Lin Xiang, this small thumb probably carries all her memories, otherwise she wouldn't have preserved it so perfectly, the smooth and delicate texture even I can tell it's a treasure.

The uncle snatched the wrench, looked carefully, and said with a low smile, "Yo, it's still Qianlong's. I'll ask someone to have a look later, maybe it can be sold for millions."

"Damn it, Qianlong's?" I looked at the treasure in uncle's hand in surprise, and asked, "If it was really worn by Qianlong, it must be more than this price, right?"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, my intestines turned green with regret, because I saw that sister Xuan, who didn't know much about antiques, looked down on me.

Sure enough, I heard Dao Feng sigh faintly, patted my shoulder and told me quietly: "Qianlong refers to the era..."

My old face blushed, I scratched my head in embarrassment, and complained: "The uncle just said that it was something from the Qianlong period, so he just got it, and he still fixes these fake things."

The uncle ignored me, obviously disdain to be with me.

Once we got what we wanted, we had no reason to stay here any longer, so we decided to find a hotel to sleep in first, and then set off for the next location.

We hurriedly found a hotel that looked fairly clean, and asked for a standard room and two private rooms. Dao Feng didn't have any requirements for housing, so I dragged him to sleep with me.

Before we parted, Uncle and Sister Xuan cast enigmatic glances at me one after another. I held the magnetic card, pointed at the two of them and said, "Bulb number one, light bulb number two." Then they rushed towards me Before pushing Dao Feng into the room.

Dao Feng really drank too much. He said that this was the first time in his life that he drank so much that he felt nauseated. Nausea.

At this time, there was still some time before dawn, and we took off our clothes and went to bed after a quick wash.

Dao Feng lasted for so long, and basically got stuck on the pillow. I looked at his face in deep sleep, and felt like a brush was scratching in my heart.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime moment, if I don't do something, wouldn't I be sorry for myself?

I jumped out of bed with a cheap smile, and crept into Dao Feng's bed. He still smelled heavily of alcohol, and there was a strong aroma of red wine. I guess he must have drunk a lot of good wine at Lin Xiang's tonight. , the aroma can have such a mellow, there are only a few in this world.

Dao Feng slept soundly, looking really exhausted.

I hugged Dao Feng in my arms, and suddenly felt distracted. I wanted to harass him, but seeing him so tired, I couldn't bear to do it. After all, half of our success in getting things this time is due to him.

I turned both of their mobile phones to silent mode, then moved my body so that Dao Feng could rest on my arm safely, and then saw him sleeping peacefully, and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep lasted until noon, and I woke up completely hungry. I turned on my phone and checked the time, and found two missed calls and a text message. Why haven't you gotten up yet.

I quickly typed a text message and sent it, telling them that Dao Feng was still sleeping, and let them go to eat first.

The uncle understood what I meant, and knew that it was not easy to wake up Daofeng at this time, so he didn't reply to the text message, probably he really took sister Xuan to dinner.

I looked at Dao Feng in my arms, and the subdued flame in my heart sprang up again. I couldn't help but rubbed my fingers back and forth on his face, and the fingertips slid down his cheeks to the corners of his lips. The soft touch suddenly felt like an electric current. Usually pierces into the bottom of my heart.

I moved my hand away in a panic, feeling thirsty in my throat, fixed my eyes on the light-colored thin lips, and told myself repeatedly in my heart, anyway, Dao Feng can’t wake up now, it’s okay to sneak a kiss, and even if he really wakes up No, it won't do anything to me...

Thinking about it, I moved my body slowly while observing his expression. The moment my lips met, I fell into a trap almost instantly.

Eyes closed unconsciously, I used my lips and tongue to taste and describe little by little, and even raised my hand to support Dao Feng, gently pried open his teeth, and stuck my tongue in to feel the warmth and softness.

The taste of emotion is wonderful, especially this kind of sneak attack, which can make people feel a kind of secret pleasure.

I held Dao Feng tightly in my arms, and as the contact between lips and tongue deepened, the strength in my hands also increased.

When I was almost obsessively ravaging Dao Feng's mouth, there was a depressing moan in my ear suddenly, I was startled, my head woke up instantly, and I hurriedly let Dao Feng go, only to see him half-opening his eyes in displeasure, The black eyes are a little out of focus, but it can still be seen that they are staring at me.

"Enough kissing?" Dao Feng pushed me away, his voice was hoarse and fuzzy as if he had just woken up.

I giggled dryly, watching him sit up straight, fidgeting with his hands to mess up his not-so-tidy black hair.

After being woken up by me, Dao Feng seemed very unhappy. He frowned, pressed his forehead and said two words in a low voice: "Headache."

I hurriedly got out of bed and poured him a glass of water, and said, "Go to sleep, you drank too much last night, let's eat after you sleep enough."

Dao Feng looked at me vigilantly, and said with a low snort: "If you sleep again, you will wake me up."

I was choked by him, and I didn't know what to reply for a long time, so I turned around in embarrassment and pretended to get the clothes.

I bet, Dao Feng will definitely not want to sleep with me in the future, at least in the near future, he will never be fooled again...

When Dao Feng and I had finished packing, Uncle and Sister Xuan came to our door after dinner.

Due to the hangover, Dao Feng refuses to eat now, so I had to go to the supermarket to buy some bread and fruit and throw it in the car for emergencies.

I followed the route given by my uncle and drove westward. The next target was the person who took black and white photos for Chu Wentian and others. moment.

When I was driving, Dao Feng was catching up on sleep in the co-pilot. What he meant was that the car was much safer than the hotel...

We ran non-stop for two days and two nights and walked many wrong ways before we found the place Chu Wentian mentioned in his letter.

The transportation here is inconvenient. The only connection with the outside world is the broken bus that runs several times a day. If you want to take the train, you have to find your own way to go to the city a few towns away. Although there are many backward places like Tianchao, I do. It's the first time I've seen you.

When we drove in, I even saw that some people were still using external faucets, and the beams on the roof could be seen from the door of the house. Not only me, but even the uncle felt mixed feelings.

I really don't know what kind of mood the group of five came here at the beginning, maybe in their time, the situation here was still good, but after decades of wind and rain, plus the funds for road construction It was not in place, and it gradually evolved into what it is now.

No wonder the slogan back then was not only planting trees but also building roads. Traffic has always been a difficult problem for human beings to overcome.

We wandered around in this place where there are no villages or towns, and only then did we find a guest house. The hygienic environment is really better than living in a residential house.

The young man sleeping on the counter saw someone coming, and hurriedly greeted us to come in and sit down. After asking us if we were going to stay, he hurried upstairs to clean up the room. He was the only one to look after the store here, even a helper nothing.

The body of the Cayenne is covered in dust after a long time of running around, but it is still very conspicuous here. Not long after we entered the guest house and sat down, there was a crowd of people outside the door, all of whom were uncles and aunts. We were still holding the vegetables we just bought, which made us feel embarrassed.

Sister Xuan was the most depressed. She had disliked the sanitation here, but now she was surrounded by people and wished she could wrap herself in a piece of cloth.

The first floor of this guest house is a small restaurant, and the second floor is the guest room. It seems that it is the only one in this area. No matter who comes, they will get him to stay here.

The boy had already been sure of this, and asked for four hundred when he asked. Sister Xuan gave him five hundred in a rage, and said that he would add more money after the service was completed. If the service was not good, the aunt would not leave. His door.

During dinner, a half-century old man came to the guest house. The old man seemed to be familiar with the boy who looked after the store, and he went upstairs after saying hello.

We looked at it inexplicably, wondering if this old man also came to lodge?

Later, the kid watching the store accidentally yelled, and we found out that the old man turned out to be the owner of this guest house, surnamed Hao.

The uncle took out Chu Wentian's letter and glanced at it, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he muttered, "Damn it, it must have happened."

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