Dao Yuan didn't like being passive, so when those evil spirits rushed to him, he moved his body first, judged the location of the evil spirits according to his mastery and understanding of ghost energy, and then launched a preemptive attack.

Those evil spirits were not kind either, some of them looked like generals holding swords and spears, some were skeletons and their bones were covered with sharp barbs, which looked very frightening.

When Daoyuan stabbed at them with a short knife in his hand, these evil ghosts immediately formed a siege, divided labor and cooperated, while resisting Daoyuan's fierce attack while creating a gap, leaving space for Xiaohai later, in order to achieve a fatal blow the goal of.

However, even so, some evil spirits were killed by Daoyuan's quick and accurate method, which made me notice that there was a layer of the same black mist on Xiaohai's body on Daoyuan's short knife used to deal with evil spirits. It's not that this short knife is special, even a character like Dao Yuan must be helpless in the face of those invisible evil spirits.

Xiao Hai has grown from an ordinary evil ghost to a ghost king-level boss in a very short period of time because I used Po Jun before. She now has a strong ability to think independently. Although she still cannot escape my control, she cannot underestimate.

Forbidden spells such as Breaking the Army cannot be used repeatedly. It can form a domain centered on the operator within the duration of the spell. Everything in this domain will be judged as two types, one is friendly , one is the enemy, and those who are judged as enemies will be eliminated by the powerful evil spirit formed by the broken army, and the friendly ones will remain intact.And using this kind of extremely destructive forbidden technique is also a kind of devastating damage to the performer itself. As far as the vitality and blood I wasted just now, if I use the army breaking again now, I will not be able to finish the technique before the technique is completed. , I would bleed to death on the spot, not to mention the unknowingly wasted lifespan.

Xiao Hai was also influenced by Po Jun's powerful aura, so she broke through the shackles that have imprisoned her all this time, and grew into an evil ghost that cannot be underestimated. If I hadn't used Po Jun, she might have remained unknown as before. .

It's a pity that what has happened can't be changed. Xiaohai's sudden extreme mobility and inflated nails all prove that she has been reborn.

Thinking of this, I suppressed the sharp pain rising in my chest, pressed my arm that was still bleeding, turned around and walked up the steps, ready to get my backpack back.

I don't know Dao Yuan's strength, so I have to be prepared. If Xiao Hai defeats him, then I can climb down the deep ditch without worry, but if Xiao Hai can't subdue Dao Yuan, then I have to fight in Dao Yuan If I have the ability to get rid of me, I used to sneak below. After all, I care more about Dao Feng's life than winning or losing.

When I got the backpack and returned to the platform, the battle had already come to an end. The four evil spirits summoned by Greedy Wolf finally lost to Daoyuan and turned into flying smoke ahead of time, leaving only Xiaohai and the opponent fighting inextricably.

Xiao Hai is well aware of the weaknesses of the human body, her movements are fast and ruthless, with her slender and slender arms matched with her long black hair, the dances are as beautiful as singing and dancing, stabbing Daoyuan's head and heart straight.

After all, Daoyuan is just an ordinary person, not superhuman, not to mention fighting against invisible things, showing a little gap, and immediately cornered by Xiaohai, he uses a short knife to block Xiaohai's sharp nails, but black hair takes the opportunity to enter, Instantly penetrated the chest.

Blood spewed out immediately, but under this fatal injury, Dao Yuan just frowned, looking coldly at Xiao Hai, who he couldn't see at all, without showing a trace of weakness caused by pain and death on his face.

This can't help but make me feel extremely surprised, what kind of person can remain indifferent under the fatal injury?Is it because he is not afraid of death at all, or is Xiaohai's attack wrong, and the injury is not fatal?

The former is basically impossible. If a person wants to not be afraid of death, unless he has no love in his life and no desire for the real world, as long as he is a person, he will show fear when facing death, even The same is true for the strongest fighters. Those who laugh at others for being afraid of death or threaten that they are not afraid of death are either brain-dead or heartless and disregarding their parents and relatives, or their family background is broken and they have no living attachments, but Dao Yuan is obviously not like this people.

He has a desire, it's obvious, otherwise he wouldn't have come to this ancient tomb.But to say that Xiaohai's attack went wrong, I don't believe it at all.

I looked at Daoyuan, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, and walked over while thinking about whether to tie him up, because he didn't look like someone who was about to die, which made me worry that he would jump up and fight back at any time , interfered with me and prevented me from going down to find Dao Feng.

Daoyuan seemed to see what I was thinking, and laughed wildly. He pulled out the black hair on his chest, and there was a hint of hoarseness in his thick voice: "You can't kill me, no one can kill me, but don't worry , I was mortally wounded and can’t move for the time being, you can rest assured to find your Dao Feng.”

I froze for a moment, thinking about the meaning of his words, and wondered if this Daoyuan is really different from ordinary people, even if he is fatally injured, he can be safe and sound, at most he can't move temporarily?

It was so weird that I couldn't really trust him for a while.

So I stared at his face for a while, shook my head and said, "I don't care whether you live or die, I'm going to find Dao Feng now, just don't get in the way, otherwise I might do something beyond my control. "

This is not something to bluff, it is just a fact. I have just used the two forbidden techniques of breaking the army and greedy wolf. To be honest, I am very unstable now. The restlessness and irritability in my body make me have a splitting headache. Countless bloody shadows.

I pressed my forehead, shook my head again, forced myself to be more sober, and kept saying silently in my heart: I will come soon, Dao Feng, you must live well.At the same time, I recalled the scene of hugging Dao Feng and rolling down the dark river in Dingzong's tomb. The reassuring warmth and touch are still imprinted in my mind.

Taking a deep breath, I took out the rope, tidied up my backpack, ignored Daoyuan, and under his piercing gaze, tied the rope to a beast-shaped stone statue on the edge of the ditch. The stone statue had a big mouth open, The face was a little distorted, but I didn't have the heart to observe it, I just wanted to get down to the bottom quickly.

I asked Xiaohai to hold me, so that if the rope was not long enough, she could use her hair to help me down.

Unexpectedly, I had just climbed down two meters, and suddenly a black object fell from above. The object first fell on my back, then stretched out its claws to hook my clothes, crawled a few times, and got into my arms in panic. inside.

I was startled, I smelled a bloody smell, my heart moved, I reluctantly pulled out my left hand and groped inside the clothes, and sure enough, I touched the weird scales and hairy head.

"Little black cat?" I called softly, and immediately felt it nibble on my finger.

I breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the rope with both hands again, and continued to move down a little bit.

The black cat smelled bloody all over, and the movement of jumping down was a little slow. It must have been seriously injured.It's no wonder I didn't see it before, probably because I was too badly injured and hid in the dark. When I saw me coming down to find Daofeng, I hurriedly followed.

Originally, there was a lesson learned from Xiaohai, I thought the little black cat ran away because of fear of Daoyuan, but now it seems that this black cat really loves Daofeng, it is much better than Xiaohai at the beginning, if it is not for the ghost Yin supports, an evil spirit like Xiao Hai will never be used by me, living things and dead things are always different.

With a sigh, I speeded up and climbed down. Xiaohai was attached to my back, and used his hair to help me relieve the pressure from time to time.

I don’t know how long I’ve been climbing, but all the ropes on my body are exhausted, so I can only rely on Xiaohai at this time. I turn my body as hard as I can, hold Xiaohai tightly while protecting the black cat in my arms, and slowly descend when everything is still unclear .

This process was long and anxious, several times I almost couldn't wait, and thought about closing my eyes and just jumping down, just to accompany Dao Feng.But reason tells me that it is meaningless to die here, and even Dao Feng will look down on me if I do so.

When my feet finally set foot on the flat ground, I let go of Xiaohai, hurriedly adjusted the wolf's eyes to the maximum brightness, and called Dao Feng's name while looking around.

The bottom of the deep ditch seems to be formed naturally, and it is much more humid than the top. The soles of the feet are sticky. I don’t know what there is. I can only see a dense patch with a flashlight. I thought it was a moss-like plant. Look closely. It's not that simple again.

I searched back and forth in the general area several times, but I didn't see any figure. Instead, I found the amulet thrown down by Daoyuan.

Wiping the amulet clean and putting it in my pocket, I looked around, frowned and thought, since the amulet is here, Dao Feng should not be far away, why can't I see people everywhere? Could it be that he woke up and left?

This idea just flashed in my mind, and I immediately denied it. Dao Feng was seriously injured, and if he fell from such a high place, he would almost die. How could he stand up and leave by himself.

The only possibility is that there are some creatures that I didn't think of down here, or someone else came here... Dao Feng may have been rescued, or...

I clenched the amulet in my pocket tightly, gritted my teeth and continued to walk forward, thinking that no matter what, I will see people die and corpses. If Dao Feng really has an accident, I will help him avenge him, and then kill his body. Take the corpse out here and bury it well... If he is fine, then I will treat him well with my whole life. Even if he cannot accept me, I will let him know that someone misses him all the time and cannot be a lover, at least Be brothers too.

But when I think about it, I'm actually not sure.

Although I think there is no difference between men and women, Dao Feng doesn't necessarily think so. A guy as conservative as him, I don't know what he will think of me...

Just as I was thinking wildly, the black cat in my arms popped up suddenly, and my steps were sloppy and my mind was confused, so I didn't notice it. I didn't react until it hit me with its head and made intermittent calls from time to time.

I didn't know why I looked down at the black cat, and I saw it arch me twice, then turned its head forward and barked twice, as if it was showing me the way.

Could it be that it knows where Dao Feng is?

Thinking about it, I quickened my pace and walked forward. The faster I walked, the more restless the little black cat was in my arms. The restlessness infected me, making me want to take big strides and run.

The road under the deep ditch is rugged and complicated. Fortunately, the little black cat guided me, which saved me a lot of detours.

Finally, in a hidden cave, I saw a human-like shadow. The entrance of the cave was very narrow. When I got in hastily, I accidentally smashed a few corners, which alarmed the people inside.

"Dao Feng?" I yelled anxiously, looking over with wolf eyes in my hand, I saw a man squatting on the ground.

He raised his hand to cover his face, and said displeasedly: "Boy, you won't be polite if you treat me any more."

I was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly turned the direction of the flashlight, and when I turned my head to look over, I found that the man was squatting beside Dao Feng, with one hand carelessly groping on him.

I was sensitively aware of the slight ups and downs of Dao Feng's chest, and said to the man at the same time, "Hey, hurry up and get rid of your thief hand, can you touch that!"

"I saved him, why can't I touch him?" Hearing this, the man stood up, smiled and turned to look at me.

A small flashlight was pinned to his clothes. Although the light was not as powerful as wolf eyes, it was enough for me to see his face clearly.

Just this one glance made me froze in place in astonishment, unable to recover for a long time.

"You...you are the one..." I opened my mouth, not knowing how to speak.

But he waved his hand with a smile, pointed to Dao Feng on the ground, and said: "You should come and see your friend first, his right hand is dislocated, I just helped him fix it, but the internal injury is also serious, fortunately The ribs are not broken, you'd better bring first aid supplies, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Take it, take it." I nodded fiercely, and a killing intent flashed in my heart. Thinking that these are what Dao Yuan said, I regretted why I didn't really kill him before. Although he said that he would not die, if he cut him Losing his head, I don't believe he still has the ability to survive.

Seeing the murderous intent in my eyes, the man sighed and shook his head, and said: "You are so hostile at such a young age, be careful that you will be doomed in the future, you'd better not use ghost sealing technique like this."

"Me?" I was taking out alcohol and gauze to help Dao Feng treat the injury on his right hand. Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but pause for a moment, then carefully wiped Dao Feng's right wrist, and asked in a low voice: "What the hell are you? Man, last time I met you in the hospital, the evil spirit you brought with you was not low-level, and this time I met you here again, don’t tell me that you accidentally fell into it.”

The man found a larger stone and sat down, looked at my movements and said, "You don't have to worry about who I am, as long as you know that I am also from the Chu family, and I will not harm you, the purpose of coming here is the same as yours ... My name is Chu Wentian, what is your name?"

"My name is Chu Yang...he is Dao Feng." I looked back at Chu Wentian, wondering when there was such a number one person in the Chu family, why I have never heard of his name, and I can't think of it at all. Woke up to have a relative named Chu Wentian.

Chu Wentian didn't blame me for my impolite exploration, but turned to look at Xiao Hai behind me, and asked, "Are you the head of the Chu family? The talent is extremely high, but the mentality is not good. The more advanced the ghost sealing technique The more you test people's psychological endurance, you see that you are a ghost slave. You are powerful, but you have a resentment on your face.

Hearing what he said, I immediately thought of the male ghost I saw in the hospital. I compared it in my heart, and it was completely different. It is indeed different from ordinary evil ghosts, at least in my eyes, that ghost slave does not see any "ugliness" or "evil". In comparison, Xiaohai looks much darker and more vicious. It's like a ghost in a novel who wants to die.

I was a little embarrassed, thinking that I am usually a good young man who walks upright and sits upright, why did I become like this after using the forbidden technique a few times, but recalling the idea of ​​killing just now, I really feel that my mood has changed a lot .

"This... probably because I was too angry before, so I was a little impatient." I twitched the corners of my mouth, and after helping Dao Feng roughly treat the wound on his body, I carefully supported him and hugged him in my arms, leaning against a stone wall sat down.

Knowing that Dao Feng's life would not be in danger, the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. Seeing him lying in my arms with his eyes closed, I couldn't help hugging him tighter.

I remembered that Dao Feng's right hand had been injured a long time ago, and this time it was dislocated by Dao Yuan. I wondered if there would be a problem, so I hurriedly asked: "His hand...is it okay, will it be disabled? "

"That's not the case..." Chu Wentian shook his head, and said, "I treated him in time, and you bandaged him again. Just be careful in the future and don't hurt your hands again."

"That's good." I gently held Dao Feng's hand, lowered my head to think for a moment, and said, "I forgot to mention your previous question. The head of the Chu family should be my father. It's not my turn yet. You look younger than him, why don't you even know this? And I haven't seen you before, could it be that you are a sea turtle and haven't returned to China for many years?"

"Sea turtle?" Chu Wentian was amused by my question, smiled and waved his hands and said, "Do I look like a rich man? You haven't seen me before. Even your grandpa doesn't necessarily know me, let alone you brat. .”

"Hey..." I was also happy, thinking that this is weird, and there are people that my grandfather doesn't know about. Could it be that he is the illegitimate child of the Chu family that cannot be rumored.

I did not pursue this issue any further, but discussed with Chu Wentian about the issue of sealing ghosts for a long time, and I should accept the advice of my seniors.It’s just that I didn’t expect that after this discussion, I really understood that this Chu Wentian is definitely not a simple character. He knows the ghost sealing technique to a terrifying extent. There are many things that I have never thought about. He understood everything very thoroughly. With such an expert in the Chu family, how could they be in this situation today?

Chatting and chatting, the two of us are a little tired. I don’t know how many hours have passed since we entered the Golden City. With the big brother Chu Wentian around, I'm afraid he's a bird.

Thinking about it, I hugged Dao Feng in my arms again, rubbed against his warm neck twice, and then fell asleep contentedly...

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