When I woke up again, the surroundings were pitch black, but I was sensitively aware that Xiao Hai was standing beside me.I stretched out my right hand to light the ghost fire, but didn't look at her, because her previous behavior disappointed me, and I haven't recovered enough to calmly look at her becoming a deserter.

But in the end, it's not her fault, it's all because I'm not strong enough, so that Xiao Hai can't resist Dao Yuan's hostility, so he refuses to show up.

I rubbed my neck, which was still sore, and staggered towards the door, trying to open the mechanism and get out from here.

I have to say that Daoyuan's technique is really very accurate. It is generally known that there is an acupuncture point on the back of the neck, which is located below the depression of the skull and above the first spine. If you hit this point with your elbow or palm, you will immediately make the opponent faint. This acupuncture point is very fragile, even if you press it twice with your fingers, it will make you feel weak for a long time. I was hit so hard by him, and now I am basically half disabled.

The wolf-eye flashlight fell off when I was hijacked, and I threw the backpack behind the pillar. At this time, I had no other way, I could only use the faint light of the underworld to grope a little bit.

I don't know where it is, the yin energy is much heavier than other areas. I groped back and forth on the secret door with both hands, and found that the shape of this secret door is very strange. Symmetry, under the light of the underworld fire, it seems that even the colors are inconsistent.

I felt strange, so I put my right hand attached to the dark fire on it, but I didn't expect this unconscious action to be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, which happened to be the right one for me.

There was a ringing sound in my ears, and the secret door suddenly turned. I took a step back and stared at the door cautiously.

A few seconds later, the expected mechanism did not open, but another even more incredible thing happened.

I saw some pictures slowly appearing on the originally empty circular secret door, the pictures were like a mirage, very vague and indistinct, and the content of the pictures shocked me so much that I couldn’t make any reaction. He could only stand there blankly, staring at the person in the picture.

It was Dao Feng. He was being held down by another man's neck and pressed to the ground. His eyes were slightly opened and his brows were furrowed, looking very painful.I couldn't see the other man's face, but I could guess from his figure that he was Dao Feng's elder brother Dao Yuan, who was also the one who knocked me out before.

I saw Dao Feng's thin lips parted slightly, as if he had said something, and the big hand strangling his neck suddenly became stronger, as if he really wanted to kill him, which made me anxious and confused, and kept thinking about what happened What happened to make the two brothers turn against each other, recalling Dao Feng's description of Dao Yuan before, the relationship between the two of them should be very good.

Just when I was thinking about how to rush to rescue the scene, the situation changed again. Dao Feng couldn't bear the pressure of suffocation, and stretched out his hand to grab Dao Yuan's wrist, and the tooth amulet wrapped around his right hand was exposed, just by Dao Yuan saw it.Dao Yuan held Dao Feng's right hand, tore off the fairly strong amulet, and threw the amulet into the ditch with his hand, regardless of Dao Feng's fierce struggle and flustered eyes.

For a moment, I seemed to see a blank expression on Dao Feng's face. He gritted his teeth, and taking advantage of Dao Yuan's unpreparedness, he broke free and swung his right hand towards the opponent. Dao Yuan was very skilled and easily dodged the punch. And grabbed Dao Feng's wrist with his backhand, and ruthlessly broke it off.The severe pain made Dao Feng stop all struggles. His face was pale, cold sweat dripped down his face, and his eyes began to lose sight. Before this, Dao Yuan must have caused other injuries to him.

I clenched my fists, a sharp pain surged in my heart, and I wished I could rush over to save Dao Feng immediately.

However, this was not over yet, the next moment, Dao Yuan grabbed Dao Feng's injured right arm and lifted him up, the two said a few more words, Dao Feng just shook his head, that was clearly about to faint.Dao Yuan didn't care about this, he changed his posture, strangled Dao Feng's neck with one hand and lifted him in the air, and then, under such circumstances, threw the almost unconscious man in his hand into the deep ditch.

"Dao Feng!" Seeing Dao Feng rolling down without any resistance, my eyes widened, and my body involuntarily took a step forward. The veins in my arms were strained due to too much force, and my heart stopped at this moment. It throbbed, tightened violently, and throbbed. The strong sense of despair made my mouth taste bloody, and my eyes turned black.

I don't have the energy to think about why the uncle and sister Xuan are not there, why the black cat Dao Feng didn't show up, why Dao Yuan, who is the eldest brother, would be so cruel to my younger brother, I am restless and chaotic in this space that surrounds me Turn around, I just want to quickly find something to break through this door, so as to verify whether what I saw just now is true.

If it is said that my feelings for Dao Feng made me feel confused and incomprehensible, and it was in a hazy stage, then everything I saw just now is enough to make me sure of my mind.Because no one has ever made me so anxious and desperate to rush to him, the desire is almost ready to come out.I'm neither stupid nor dumb. Now that I know what I want, there's no need to continue pretending.

I admit, I like Dao Feng.I don't want to worry about why I like him. That kind of thing is not something that men who do big things should worry about. If you like it, you just like it. I don't want to be hypocritical. I just want to find him quickly and hold him tightly in my arms. Make sure he's safe.


Taking a deep breath, I frowned, looked around, and found that there were countless scarlet bright spots around me, I am too familiar with this kind of bright spots, Xiaohai's eyes are like this.

It seems that not only can't get out here, these evil spirits are the real organs.

Thinking about it, I closed my eyes, tried to stabilize my mind, and began to crazily hit the weird secret door that could reveal the picture with my body.It's a pity that no matter how hard I slammed on it, the door still didn't budge. Panting heavily, I looked back at the evil ghost who had almost come to me, and couldn't help but lower my voice and roar angrily: "Go away, I!"

Those evil spirits seemed to be aware of my irritability and anger, and their advancing figures paused for a moment, then continued to walk towards me.

I lifted my foot and kicked the door hard. After venting, I felt something wrapped around my leg. I lowered my head and looked around coldly, and saw those evil spirits showing their hideous and ugly faces under the light of the ghostly purple fire. .

I didn't move, and let those evil spirits pull my body, and I was thinking quickly about the way to get out of here. Xiaohai stood aside, using her long black and thick hair to block the invasion of those evil spirits, preventing them from really harming me. to me.

My intuition told me that the round thing might not be a door.

"The Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" records a very ancient ghost, called the Nightmare Ancient Mirror. The front of this ancient mirror can illuminate all the filthy things in the world, and the back can bring in the evil spirits in the world. It is said that because of an ancient wraith Attached to it, it can also show the desire of the people.The ancient mirror was lost when Dayu was controlling the floods, which made me wonder whether the side in front of me is the long-lost ancient nightmare-suppressing mirror.

If this is the case, as long as the ancient ghosts and countless evil spirits in this ancient mirror are completely blocked, a way out may be found.

Thinking of this, I looked up at the secret door, and sure enough, I saw a huge blood-red ghost eye appearing on it. The ghost eye slowly opened, staring at me motionlessly, as if it had already taken care of me, the intruder. Sentenced to death.

The eyes are surprisingly big, completely beyond the cognition of normal people, but it made me more sure of my thoughts.

I took out the military folding knife pinned to my waist, and slashed hard on the palm of my hand. Blood gushed out immediately, gurgled along the lines of the palm, and finally dripped on the ground, forming a touch of coquettish red.

I looked at my right hand that was already dripping with blood, and regardless of the countless evil spirits on my body, I slowly bent my body and knelt on the ground, and then recalled the technique of sealing ghosts shown in the book, gradually transforming the blood into The formation of ghosts.

The reason why the ghost sealing technique does not use too much language when it is performed is because it is used to deal with evil spirits. Words are indeed offensive and strongly suggestive, but for those who cannot communicate with humans For evil ghosts, they are useless, and in the eyes of ghost masters, redundant words are cumbersome, ghost masters will not pretend to be coercive in words, they tend to solve everything silently.

Those evil spirits had already noticed my special physique when I was bleeding. They rushed over crazily, grabbed me and refused to let go, and some even opened their mouths to gnaw and bite me. The severe pain made me My head started to go numb, although Xiaohai tried her best to protect me, she was also powerless in the face of thousands of evil spirits.

I gritted my teeth, forced myself to ignore the pressure on my body, and slowly interpreted the formation into shape.

Gradually, I saw that my blood-stained right hand was turning into dry bones, and those evil spirits also sensed something was wrong at this time, they paused in unison, and then fled frantically around as if they were facing an enemy. Desperately trying to stay away from me and the blood formation below me.

"Want to run?" I snorted, with a stiff smile on my lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's not that easy."

The mental pressure far outweighed everything else, I tried my best not to let myself fall down, Xiaohai was affected by me, his thick black hair spread out in an instant, tightly entangled those evil spirits who wanted to escape like spider webs, and the whole body The dark room was immediately covered by dense strands of hair, and the evil spirits tried to break free from the shackles of these strands of hair, but it was always in vain.

After the formation was completed, I looked up at Xiaohai, and saw that her eyes were completely black, her soft pink lips curved cunningly, the weird pattern in the middle of her forehead glowed brilliantly in the dark, and a line on her slender and white fingers Dodge's long nails are like the sharpest blades, and in his flexible hands are holding two evil spirits who are trying to escape.

I smiled, lowered my head to look at the formation diagram below me, then opened my right hand, and imprinted my handprint in the middle of the formation diagram, and at the same time muttered in my heart: Sealing Ghosts - Breaking the Army.

Immediately, layers of ghost flames were ignited from the array drawn by blood. The flames were several feet high and extremely vigorous, reflecting the dark room like daylight. Struggling, until a deep and long roar sounded, the ancient nightmare-suppressing mirror instantly cracked!

When everything around me returned to calm again, I opened my eyes, looked at the empty everything in the dark room and the opened mechanism, sighed, and hurriedly raised my legs and ran out.

Xiao Hai followed behind me obediently, as if everything just now had no effect on her.

But I know that after this time, Xiao Hai is basically invulnerable to ghosts, a kind of black mist permeates her body, and every time she moves, the black mist circles around and closely follows her, symbolizing her overflowing ghostly aura.

After opening the Ancient Nightmare Mirror, I saw the dirty black water outside, and finally understood where I was imprisoned, but I didn't expect that such a place was hidden on the small island in the middle of the pool.But when Daoyuan brought me here, he didn't pass through the pool, which means he entered from other secret passages, contacting the water ghosts who attacked us before, I think these are probably one of his plans .

"Dao Feng..." I was stunned for a moment, remembering the picture I saw in the ancient mirror, I immediately moved my legs frantically, and walked hard in the pool. I just wanted to rush over to see if Dao Feng was right? Really fell into that ditch.

At this time, I dare not think in a bad direction at all, and can only act on the instinct of my body.

I walked through the main hall and ran down the steps. I nearly fell down a few times because of my speed. Fortunately, Xiao Hai was there to help me from time to time. Otherwise, I would have died if I fell down the steps. See you again Dao Feng up.

Stepping onto the platform, I immediately saw the man standing on the edge of the ditch with his back to me. He was holding a flashlight in his hand, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

I was panting and anxious, so that my bloody right hand started to twitch. I clenched my teeth and put the injured right hand into my pocket, trying not to let Daoyuan see my flaws.

"You actually came out." Dao Yuan turned around and looked at me with a half-smile.

I lowered my voice, frowned and asked, "Where is Dao Feng?"

"Dead." Dao Yuan pointed to the deep ditch indifferently: "The corpse is under here."

Hearing this, I clenched my right hand tightly, trying to calm myself down, but unfortunately, the more nervous and angry I became, the more my body trembled uncontrollably. I don't understand how Dao Yuan, as an elder brother, could be so cruel to his younger brother. This kind of vicious and ruthless is not like what a person with feelings can do.

I tried my best to calm my shortness of breath, and without speaking, I turned around and walked up the steps, preparing to get the backpack I had lost, and then climb down with the rope.

Anyway, I'm going to go down and have a look.

"Wait." Dao Yuan seemed to see my intention, he stopped me, with a mocking arc on his mouth: "Don't waste your energy, you must follow me, or chop off your left hand and give it to me, I'll let you find him."

What the hell!

Hearing this sentence, I scolded my mother secretly, and finally understood what it meant to be unbearable and no need to bear it any longer.

So I stretched out my right hand, took out a piece of white paper from my pocket, turned around and raised my right arm in front of my body, the white paper full of spells was sandwiched between my fingers, facing Daoyuan not far away .

The white paper was prepared by me before departure, and it depicts forbidden techniques of the same level as Pojun. I don't need to worry anymore.

"Volunteering ghosts—greedy wolves."

As my words fell, the white paper in my hand was ignited by the dark fire, and four evil spirits with different expressions appeared around Xiaohai in an instant. They either stood or crouched, surrounded Xiaohai in the center, and showed ferocious smiles facing Daoyuan.

Dao Yuan couldn't see these evil spirits, but he could feel their existence. I saw him squint his eyes, and there was a sharp short knife in his hand.

I didn't want to waste any more time, so I immediately waved my arm, and a group of evil spirits received the order, and rushed towards Daoyuan.

After the other evil spirits moved, Xiao Hai moved her footsteps lightly, and her fingernails instantly swelled. Her figure was agile and light, and she ran extremely fast. Her long, jet-black hair was floating in the air, and she was almost at Dao Yuan's body in an instant. forward.

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