Hearing my words, Dao Feng was slightly surprised for a moment. Although the expression on his face did not change much, I still saw a trace of strangeness in those dark eyes, but this strangeness was fleeting, and he recovered soon. Lost the original sternness, the slightly drooping eyes no longer showed any emotion.

I was a little lost in my heart. I knew that this was a normal reaction, but I felt very dissatisfied for some reason. I hoped that Dao Feng would behave differently after I said that sentence, but I didn’t know what I wanted him to show. This kind of psychology is complicated and contradictory, which makes me more and more unclear about what I want Dao Feng to do, or what I want to get from him...

The cool temperature came from the palm of my hand, and I felt that I became very anxious, so I had to put aside those distracting thoughts and concentrate on finding a way out in the illusion in front of me.

Based on the current situation, if Dao Feng and I don't find the location of Uncle and Ji Xuan as soon as possible, then we will probably be stuck here forever.

These shadowy houses with scattered heights are not just illusions, but also a trap, a trap that can trap people to death. If you want to break this trap, you must find the yang energy from the misty ghost energy, so Uncle The existence of He Jixuan has become the key to guide us back to the right path, and the breakthrough point of the whole game.

Taking a deep breath, I firmly held Dao Feng's hand, and decided to make an exception for the safety of both of us and use the most heretical forbidden technique in the ghost sealing technique - "ghost eye".

The ghost eye is created by imitating the yin and yang eye. The reason why it is heretical is because it does not belong to the huge system of the ghost sealing technique, but another auxiliary technique that is independent from the outside. Compared with the yin and yang eye, the ghost eye is more harmful Bigger, crueler, and more capable.The yin and yang eyes can perceive ghosts from the aspects of vision, hearing and touch, but the ghost eyes rely on the power of ghost slaves to expand the ghost master's own vision and see through everything in the entire area in a short time.

This method of using the power of evil spirits is the most detrimental to Yangshou, but compared to the lives of two people, it is nothing.

The ghost slave and the ghost master basically share the same mind. When I made this decision, Xiao Hai had already consciously walked in front of me.Looking at her long black hair, my heavy heart eased a little, thinking that with Dao Feng and Xiao Hai around, even if my ghost eye failed, it wouldn't matter.

Taking out the lighter with one hand, I lowered my head and began to reflect. I shouldn't have taken away the stone statue with a human face so hastily. If I knew that the stone statue had its own defense system, I wouldn't dare to take it out so carelessly if I was killed. The stone statue is something from the underworld. In order to enter the underground palace, I have to bring it into the underworld no matter what.What's more, the world is unpredictable, and I don't have the ability to predict the future. In the end, I have to go through this experience no matter what.

Resigned to fate, I drew the "eyes" on my forehead with the dark fire. I closed my eyes and opened them again, and instantly felt a strong Yin Qi pouring into my body. With a sound, I felt that the heat in my whole body dissipated in an instant, my hands and feet were as cold as ice, and I almost lost consciousness.

Turning his head to look at Dao Feng, there was warmth from the hand he was holding.

I froze for a moment, thinking that if I used ghost eyes, I would be no different from a dead person. Dao Feng's cold hands are warm to me, so I don't need to hold him.

Thinking of this, I immediately let go of my hand, but Dao Feng held it backhanded again more quickly. I was a little surprised, and looked at him for no reason, and found that his pair of black eyes were staring deeply at mine. and forehead.

I know that my current appearance will definitely not look good, and I don't care about what kind of bear I become, as long as I can survive.

But to be honest, it's a bit embarrassing to be stared at by Dao Feng like this.

I twitched the corners of my mouth in embarrassment, and said, "Don't look, I used ghost eyes, and I can find Uncle and Ji Xuan right away."

After I finished speaking, I saw that Dao Feng's face was slightly pale, but he still didn't intend to let go of his hand. I couldn't help but scratched my head, and continued: "My hand is so cold, so don't hold it..."

"..." Dao Feng ignored me, he seemed very upset, turned his head and stopped looking at me and stopped talking, and returned to that indifferent look.

I was confused by him, and guessed that he was probably angry because I used ghost eyes without telling him, but he didn't know that ghost eyes shortened his life, so it should be because my face changed too much. It was so hideous and ugly that it frightened him...

If it's the former, it's okay, if it's the latter...then why is he still holding my hand?

Is he upset because he is worried about me?

...this is too fucking awkward...

I coughed dryly, tried my best to suppress the perverted joy of seeing Dao Feng's face, and pretended to be serious to perceive all the areas in the Golden Ghost City.

The first time I used ghost eyes, I was a little bit immersed in it.

I opened my eyes, but what I saw was no longer the only things in front of me, but countless clear and complex veins advancing layer by layer, and the layers of overlapping phantoms made me almost unable to tell which of them was yin, which was yang, and which was yang. True or false.

When I finally cleared my mind, Dao Feng's impatience had gradually turned into anxiety. He looked at me strangely, and even pinched my palm tentatively, as if he wanted to know if I was still alive.

I grinned a smile that I thought was normal, and led him to the place with the most yang energy.

Unseen ghosts walked by one after another. I knew that we had come to the central street, and those ghosts blocked by illusions could not see us, so there was no need to worry about the threat they would pose at this moment.

"Here we are." Standing in front of a residential building, I noticed that Uncle and Ji Xuan were inside, so I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Dao Feng raised his hand and pushed the door open one step ahead of me. The illusion around him disappeared in an instant, and the bustling ghost market reappeared behind him.

We quickly entered the house, and just as the door was closed, we heard Sister Xuan yelling in horror: "Oh my God! Chu Yang, how did you become so virtuous!"

The corner of my mouth twitched, I stretched out my hand and said, "Bring the mirror."

Sister Xuan took out the small mirror she carried with her from her bag, covered her mouth and handed it to me: "It's too scary, why did you become like her."

I took the mirror and looked at the face inside, only to realize that "she" refers to Xiaohai.

In fact, my face didn't change much, but my eyes turned scarlet, and some weird patterns appeared around the eyes. This is a normal phenomenon, because I borrowed the eyes of a ghost, so I will naturally look like a ghost.

The dark fire that ignited the ghost on the forehead is still on, indicating that there is still some time before the ghost eye disappears.

"You want to scare dad to death when you look like a bird." The uncle came out of the inner room and was startled when he saw my eyes.

He pushed Dao Feng and Ji Xuan away, pulled me over to look left and right, then straightened his face, and said in a low voice: "What kind of magic did you use, it looks very important... You are from the Chu family, and you are probably the last generation of the Feng family." Ghost master, you should know that the more powerful the magic, the greater the sacrifice, so don't use it casually..."

"I know." I interrupted the uncle: "The situation was urgent just now, because of this broken rock, Dao Feng and I almost gave up our lives."

As I said that, I told the uncle and Ji Xuan everything that happened before, and handed over the stone statue of the human face to the uncle.

After analyzing the stone statues, the uncle said: "It seems that these two stone statues are the keys to open the underground palace, and the three stone platforms are locks. Only by using this 'key' to open the lock can we enter the underground palace. If I No mistake, these two stone statues are not placed on the third floor, but on the first floor. The Buddha statue and the totem should be moved up one floor in succession. This is the correct order of placement. However, these have yet to be verified. , we still have to rush there as soon as possible, otherwise when the ghost market is over, the stone statue that was not taken will disappear together."

I nodded, knowing that Uncle and I had basically the same deduction. The inexplicable extra layer of grooves on those stone platforms is the best proof of the order in which the three items are placed.

After making a decision, we packed our backpacks immediately, and before the ghost eyes disappeared, I led everyone all the way to the second golden pagoda, and took down the stone statue from the stone platform.

"Don't look outside later, be careful to scare yourself." Holding the two cold and strange stone statues, I silently waited for the evil spirits outside the tower to appear.

Sister Xuan began to think that I was making a fuss out of a molehill, and she wiped off her cold sweat guiltily after seeing those ferocious-looking evil spirits who pushed and squeezed each other.

But Sister Xuan is Sister Xuan after all, this kind of fear didn't last long, and she was seen standing by the window with her hands on her hips, not afraid of those evil spirits who were only an arm's length away from her.

...because she already knew they couldn't get in.

Seeing Ji Xuan's boring way of killing time, the uncle smiled and shook his head.

Dao Feng was unmoved at all, still looking at me from time to time, his brows were slightly frowned, as if observing when I would return to normal.

My heart moved, and I immediately walked over to him and sat down, thinking that according to what the uncle said just now, he knew that the technique of sealing ghosts might harm the performer, so would Daofeng also know?

The previous action was indeed a bit big, no wonder Dao Feng was worried about this.

Thinking of this, although I feel sorry for Dao Feng, there is an indescribable satisfaction somewhere in my heart. At least for me, this is very good.

Before this, I never thought that one day Dao Feng could disperse his energy on me. The inexplicable possessiveness was so weird that I even felt a little abnormal.I just don't know how he sees me.

"Oh, they're gone."

Sister Xuan suddenly let out a low cry and dragged me out of my thoughts. I looked up and said, "The ghost market will disappear soon, we can act now."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go to the first floor." The uncle stood up and said with a wave of his big hand.

At the end of the walk, I raised my hand and touched my forehead, and found that the ghost eyes were affected by the Yin Qi of the ghost market, and they were about to disappear, so I quietly wiped off the cold sweat.To be honest, I really can't take it anymore if I stay with my ghost eyes for a few more minutes.

It's so fucking cold... I can hardly move my hands and feet, probably only a ghost can not be afraid of such a harsh cold.Moving my numb arms, I shook my head and sighed as I walked.

The moment the ghost city disappeared, the magnetic field in the Golden City changed dramatically.

I stepped on the last step, grinning and rubbing my sore neck, when a light flashed in front of my eyes, all my movements stopped, and I stood there blankly.

Just at the last moment when the ghost eyes disappeared, I suddenly noticed that in this empty and silent golden ghost city, besides the four of us, there were actually other auras of living people...

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