Those evil spirits grinned bloodily, turning their scarlet eyes around, as if they were thinking about how to kill us, or just wanted to get the two strange stone statues with human faces in my pocket.

I took out the stone statue and put it in my hand to observe carefully, and found that the two empty eye sockets on the top now exude a faint halo. The frequency of its vibration is fast and slow, as if attracting the evil spirits outside the tower.

Seeing that the stone statue was held in my hand, the evil spirits suddenly became agitated. They rushed to push each other, but they were blocked by an invisible force, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not enter the inside of the golden tower.That disgusting and hideous scene made me wonder whether this stone statue has its own "defense system". As long as someone takes it away, it will attract these ugly ghosts. It protects the stone statue from being easily taken by the evil spirits, which creates a dilemma for the person who took the stone statue. If he wants to get out of the tower, he must put the stone statue back, otherwise he has to find a way to deal with the evil spirits outside.

"It's all right now, I can only take one back." I looked at Daofeng helplessly, walked to the side of the stone platform, and put the stone statue found in the tower back to its original position.

When the halo in the stone statue's eyes disappeared, the evil spirits outside became restless again, and then slowly left in groups.

We are now invaders to this ghost city. Everything in the ghost city is unknown. To eradicate those evil spirits, the result of doing so is likely to make neither of us happy, and it is more likely to destroy the aura here. Once the aura of the ghost market is destroyed and the established laws change, then our next actions will be impossible. That is the most serious consequence.

Dao Feng obviously agreed with my approach. He nodded to me and said, "Let's go back first."

"En." I put my hands in my pockets, intentionally protecting the stone statue in my pockets, and then glanced at Xiaohai who was walking beside Daofeng.

Xiao Hai still has a beautiful face, and the appearance of those evil spirits just now has no effect on her, which makes me think she and Dao Feng are more like a couple.

If it weren't for the consideration of the ghost slave's harm to the ghost master himself, I would be willing to give Xiaohai to him. With Xiaohai around, Daofeng would always be safer.Because the ghost slave will do his best to block the harm for the ghost master for his own survival.

"I'm afraid Uncle and Ji Xuan have to go there in person. This golden pagoda looks much safer than ordinary houses, and even evil spirits can't invade it. We'd better wait here until the ghost city disappears, and then find a way to open the mechanism in the pagoda. "I said as I walked.

"Maybe there is no need to wait for the ghost market to disappear." Dao Feng said: "The Buddha statues and totems may be illusions."

Hearing Dao Feng's words, I froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right."

Walking out of the golden pagoda, I looked around vigilantly, and seeing that there were no remaining evil spirits, I gestured for Dao Feng to speed up and go back.

However, Dao Feng and I walked a few steps, only to find that the scenery outside the Golden Pagoda has completely changed. It is not the street we were at at all. Although the streets on the two sides are opposite to each other, they are neat and orderly, and it is easy to identify the direction. But now everything that appeared in front of my eyes was chaotic and intertwined, crooked, as if I had entered a magic cave.

"What's going on, how did it become like this?" I looked around blankly, and whispered in my mouth: "Could it be that the ghost market has changed."

"Not necessarily." Dao Feng squinted his black eyes, stared at a certain place for a while, and then said to me: "Look there."

I followed his gaze, and found that among the undulating and distorted houses, one room was actually suspended in the air. It was hidden among many houses, and it was impossible to see it without careful observation.

But with this exposure, we quickly found other gaps.

"It's an illusion." After I was sure, I said to Dao Feng: "When the evil is strong, it can be blinded by a leaf. We are now blocked by these are just our illusions, and the real Golden City has not changed. "

"How to go back." Dao Feng asked directly without doubting my thoughts.

"I remember the location of Uncle and Ji Xuan." I hesitated for a while, then said, "But with these hallucinations, there is probably no way to find them quickly, so we can only try."

This is the same as the principle of ghost hitting the wall. The direction of people's walking is always judged by the eyes and body. Simply put, it is vision and feeling. When the feeling does not change, but the vision changes, people generally tend to change the vision. , which can easily lead people astray.

There are two forms of ghost hitting the wall. One is that due to the uneven ground, one side is slightly inclined, and people on it will naturally walk towards the inclined side, which eventually forms a circle and cannot walk out.The other is that the sight is disturbed. When walking, the vision is attracted by things like stones or trees on the road. Subconsciously go to the side with more or less stones. It may also be that there is a book at the corner, and the subconscious wants to bypass it. The tree ignored the other way.

In ancient times, when many generals marched and fought, they would invite military divisions to set up formations, making the enemy trapped in a maze and unable to move forward. Most of the formations deployed by military divisions were carried out according to this theory. They knew how to disturb people's subconscious mind and how to People can't get out in a circle.

And the illusion we see now probably has this effect.

Sighing, I pulled myself together and walked towards the location in my memory with Dao Feng.

The ghost aura in the city is getting stronger and stronger. I think this is closely related to the stone statue in my pocket. Taking the second stone statue is like countless evil spirits emerging, and taking the first one is the appearance of these hallucinations in front of me. The hallucinations appear much later at night.

Dao Feng didn't speak after that, but just walked aside silently. I saw something wrong with his expression, and thought it must be due to the attack of ghost energy, so I held his cold hand and said, "I don't feel warm either. , but Haolai is better than you."

Dao Feng understood what I meant, and nodded to express that he would not mind.

We continued walking along the chaotic streets, and encountered several dead ends on the way. I don't know how long we walked, but there was no sign of finding the original road at all.

I became more and more impatient, thinking about how to break through the huge ghost wall, while trying to ignore the ghost energy that filled my whole body.

I suddenly had a premonition that this ghost hit the wall only existed within a certain range around me, because if we walked back, we would see a different house arrangement from before.

I wanted Dao Feng to walk out of this area alone, but I was afraid that he would be in danger where I couldn't see him, so I refused to let go, and dragged him around the ghost town with me.

Dao Feng should have discovered this too, but he didn't propose to look for it by himself, but silently stayed by my side. Perhaps, he was also worried that I would not be able to walk back alone.

Overwhelming worries caused a large area of ​​black to suddenly appear in front of my eyes. Those blacks were like thick fog, constantly leading me into an invisible abyss. I clearly knew that I couldn't pass, but I couldn't stop my body.

The footsteps gradually became heavy, and the originally clear thoughts in my mind instantly turned into a mess. I began to panic, not knowing what I was doing, where I was, and whether I was still alive...

I opened my confused eyes, looked down at my hands in a daze, and found that they were not a pair of human arms at all, but white bones covered with rotten flesh and skin. This kind of familiar scene made my heart rise chill.

Does this prove that I have become those hideous ugly ghosts?

"Chu Yang."

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed me from behind, I turned my head and saw Dao Fengjun frowned slightly, his voice was low and sweet: "What's wrong with you."

"What's wrong?" I shivered, and suddenly woke up from the darkness. Everything just disappeared. I looked around and found that it was still the same as before. Those thick black mist went to nowhere.

Is this... a hallucination of hallucinations?

I shook my head, thinking that I had seen the same scene in Yuan Dingzong's tomb, but that time was in a dream, this time it was in reality.

My intuition tells me that the figure that dragged me away in the dream is the same as the breath around me now. According to Sister Xuan, it was Dao Feng who kept holding me that time.

Maybe... Dao Feng is the noble man in my life.

With a self-deprecating smile on the corner of my mouth, I lowered my arms and saw that Xiao Hai had come behind me at some point, her sinister expression was slightly ferocious, and her beautiful eyes were fixed on me.

"I'll go..." I was startled, and found that there were black lines on her beautiful face, and the black lines were entrenched around her eyes, forming a layer of terrible blemishes: "How did it become like this? "

I held Xiao Hai's chin and looked left and right, then shook my head regretfully and said, "It's a pretty face, why is there so much blackness?"

Seeing that I had returned to normal, Dao Feng said in a low voice, "It's the same on your face."

Hearing this, I looked at him in surprise, but he nodded to me with certainty.

"What the hell is going on." I raised my hand and rubbed my face indiscriminately. I didn't feel anything unusual, but seeing Dao Feng's expression, I knew he had no intention of teasing me at the moment.

Facing the unchangeable facts in front of me, my heart was shaken for the first time.

I have always understood that the physique of the ghost masters of the Chu family is different from ordinary people, but I did not expect such a strange phenomenon to occur in places with strong ghosts. The ghost master is the closest profession to ghosts and ghosts, and the only person who can communicate with ghosts , and now, I have to start to wonder if there are more terrifying things hidden under the numerous forbidden techniques of the ancient technique of sealing ghosts, such as... fusion with ghosts...

If Dao Feng hadn't been by my side just now, I might have become one of the many lonely ghosts in this golden city.

Thinking of this, I clenched my fists and forced myself to calm down.

Dao Feng sensed my uneasiness and asked, "Chu Yang, your appearance just now was very wrong..."

Understanding Dao Feng's worry, I was stunned for a moment, then smiled knowingly, took his cold hand again, scratched his palm lightly, and said, "Don't worry, as long as you are here, you will be fine."

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