After the crazy and violent explosion, I immediately got up from the ground, gritted my teeth and wanted to rush back. Although my reason kept telling myself that no one could survive this kind of impact, I still longed to find the figure of the uncle in my heart.Longing for the miracle that does not exist at all.

Now everything is clear, it was the woman who planted explosives near the mechanism, she had already calculated that we would turn off the mechanism, so she wanted to blow us up in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect the uncle to play a trick, expecting that she would be there The authorities played tricks, and finally chose to abandon themselves to help us escape.

It is also because of this that the uncle didn't let any of us go with him at that time, and insisted on shutting down the mechanism alone... He deliberately let the three of us escape, completely ignoring his own life and death.

To be honest, before I came here, I never thought that a woman could be so ruthless and cunning, and she would not hesitate to design traps and tricks again and again to kill us. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a snake and a scorpion.

The collapse near the iron gate became more and more serious, and huge boulders kept falling from the top of my head. I resisted the pain everywhere in my body, and desperately wanted to go back to find uncle. The eagerness and longing had completely burned my reason. Now there is only one thought in my mind, that is, I hope that uncle will be fine.

"Chu Yang!" Dao Feng grabbed me in the chaos, and growled anxiously: "Are you going back to seek death?! Get out of here quickly, and leave Wu Mou alone!"

"Why don't you care about Wu Mou, he might not be dead yet!" My eyes were tearing apart, the critical situation in front of me completely messed up my mind, the surrounding bangs and Dao Feng's indifferent face intensified my anger: "You Damn touch your conscience, uncle saved us, how can you just leave!"

After listening to my words, Dao Feng's expression remained the same, but his brows frowned deeper. His ungloved right hand held me tightly, not allowing me to move half a minute. Those dark eyes were dark and deep, as if he had something to say to say.

But no matter what he wants to say, I don't want to listen to it now. In my heart, uncle's life and death are more important. If there is a chance to escape together, I must not let it go.

I tried my best to shake off his shackles, when I heard another loud explosion from behind, and a more powerful wave of air crashed towards me.

"Be careful!" Dao Feng's face changed slightly, and he threw me on the ground.

When the earth was turned upside down, I felt that all the stone bricks under my body were broken, and the whole ground began to collapse. The original tomb was completely changed into ruins in an instant.

I was protected by Dao Feng in my arms, and the two of them were overturned by the air wave, and rolled down uncontrollably.

My head buzzed the moment the explosion sounded. If I could have lied to myself that my uncle was still alive before, then the explosion just now was telling me that it was impossible for that person to appear again. If I had gone back to look for it just now, the consequences at this moment would be unimaginable. .

Wu Mou died and was buried with thousands of evil spirits in this tomb, and he was destined to sleep here forever.He died to save us, and was killed by that woman surnamed Tang.

Countless earth and rocks hit my body like raindrops. During the rolling process, Dao Feng seemed to be hit by something. He protected me tightly, hugged my head tightly to his chest, and suddenly let out a muffled groan. My heart trembled, and there was an inexplicable pain in a certain part of my heart.

I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, and stretched out my arms to hug him. That strong and slender body became the only warmth in the chaotic and dangerous tomb ruins.

I know that I am childish and ridiculous. I don't know how to take care of the overall situation and only know how to lose my temper. Dao Feng is not the kind of heartless person at all. He just sees the essence of the matter and doesn't want me to die anymore. I kept messing around for no reason, and finally asked him to protect me.

I blamed him wrongly, but I didn't think about his mood. I didn't understand him at all, but I kept guessing his heart with dark thoughts.

In fact, I understand all these things, but I can't control myself at all. I don't want to think too well of him, because I'm afraid of exposing my ugliness, but when the facts are analyzed in front of me, I know that I have no way to find any more. reasons for rejecting him.

Dao Feng's tenderness and tolerance are hidden under that stern appearance, and you can feel it as long as you spend a period of time with him.

Now that the uncle is dead, I absolutely can't let Dao Feng and Ji Xuan have an accident again.

I heard the sound of splashing water in my ears, and I felt a sudden chill in my body. When I opened my eyes again, I found that we had rolled into the water.

The wolf-eye flashlight was lost in the tumbling, I pulled down the backpack, took out the spare flashlight from inside, lit it up and shone it on my feet, thinking that this was probably the underground river that uncle mentioned.

"Dao Feng?" I noticed that Dao Feng had made no sound after falling into the water, so I quickly searched around with a flashlight, and found him not far away.

Before we fell into the water, we hit a boulder and were forced to separate. Fortunately, we were not far away.

I ran over to lift him up from the shallow water, and saw that his eyes were closed, his lips were white, and his forehead and abdomen were bleeding profusely.

"Dao Feng, wake up!" I panicked, thinking that we didn't have first aid supplies on us, so I had to take off my coat and wrap him around his upper body, because there was too much blood, and the light source on my hand was very limited, so I couldn't help him. Check the dressing.

At this time, Ji Xuan walked over staggeringly. Her gun and flashlight disappeared during the fall, and she must have heard the sound to find us.

I looked at her with disheveled clothes and disheveled hair, and I couldn't help feeling a little pity. She is a woman after all, and she definitely won't feel any better after going through all this.

"How is Dao Feng?" Ji Xuan looked at Dao Feng lying in my arms, and asked helplessly, "Can we still leave here?"

"Yes." I nodded, wrapped Dao Feng tightly with my own clothes, and then said to Ji Xuan, "This is the dark river uncle mentioned. There is wind here, and the water flows fast. There must be an exit ahead."

Seeing that Ji Xuan's brows eased a little, I continued: "Is there any rope in your bag to tie me and Daofeng up, in case I have to go into the water soon, I can't hug him."

Hearing this, Ji Xuan looked at me, took off her leather jacket without saying a word, took out her saber, and cut the clothes into thin strips: "Use this, your rope tied that gringo, my backpack was scratched just now fell out."

"En." I was stunned for a moment, then took the thin strip, and with the help of Ji Xuan, tied Dao Feng on my back.

Dao Feng didn't even wake up after such a big move, which made me very anxious, wishing to take him to the hospital for treatment immediately, I was afraid that he would suddenly leave my side just like my uncle.

With Daofeng on our backs, Ji Xuan and I walked all the way along the direction of the dark river, the surroundings were damp and gloomy, and the river was icy cold. We had gone through great hardships and hadn't found a way out yet, so neither of us was in the mood to talk.

Especially the death of the uncle is a painful blow to us, and no one wants to mention it.

The unprecedented anger and impatience in my heart also turned into the cold anger buried in the bottom of my heart after Dao Feng was injured and passed out. This revenge must be avenged. Unfortunate death, uncle died, I want her to pay with blood, including Dao Feng's share, all returned to her.

Uncle is our savior, he was killed by that woman to save us, I will never forget this.

The dark river got deeper and deeper, and in the end we had to dive forward. Fortunately, my swimming skills are not bad, and I can barely maintain a certain speed with a person on my back.

At the depth of the dark river, there is an iron fence mechanism. The distance between the iron fences is not small, but it cannot allow an adult to pass sideways. ?

Ji Xuan swam over to try it, and found that the iron bars were so strong that it was impossible to open them with hands. When she looked back at me, she seemed to see something suddenly, so she gestured for me to wait where she was, and be alone People swim back.

When she came back again, there were slight changes in her upper body, and the iron bars that were originally sealed had been slowly opened.

I took a look at her breasts and knew that she must have taken off her bra to fix it. Judging by her appearance, this underwear is probably the only thing left on her body.

Ji Xuan noticed that I was looking at her, gave me a fierce look, and took the lead to swim forward.

We swam in the dark river for a long time, and the three of us were close to the limit. I was worried about Dao Feng's injury, so I moved my hands and feet more quickly.

After a rush of rapids, we were rushed into a small pond by the river. The river flowed out of a small hole in the mountain wall and merged into this pond, forming a small waterfall.

Dragging my heavy body, I slowly moved Daofeng to the shore. The mud on our bodies was washed away during the dive, but the blood was still clear.

I hugged Dao Feng in my arms, holding his cold hand, feeling an urge to cry.

When we came out this time, one died, one was seriously injured, and the two alive were neither human nor ghost, it was extremely tragic.

Especially now that Dao Feng's life or death is uncertain, Ji Xuan and I can only find the car first, and drive Dao Feng to the nearest hospital nearby.

"It shouldn't be far from where we parked." Ji Xuan hugged herself tightly with her arms, trembling from the cold: "It's important to save Dao Feng first, let's go."

Seeing that her lips were turning purple from the cold, I quickly took off my only piece of clothing and put it on her.

"It's so cold in the mountains, how can you do it naked." Ji Xuan raised his hand to refuse, but stopped when he saw my expression: "You..."

I knew what she wanted to say, waved my hand and said, "Stop talking, hurry up and go."

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth and picked up Dao Feng horizontally, and ran quickly.

Ji Xuan still had a clear memory of the road here, we ran for a while, and we found the original parking place.

We found the key from Daofeng's bag, and we opened the trunk to take out other first aid supplies and spare clothes. Ji Xuan got into the driver's seat and drove the car fast. I held Daofeng in the back seat and performed simple wound treatment for him.

The car bumped all the way and drove very dangerously, but I didn't care about it at all. I just took a blanket and wrapped Dao Feng in my arms, unwilling to let go like a treasure.

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