There were loud noises, wave after wave, and we stood in the center of the tomb, as if we were standing on a swaying boat. The same hit us, I looked at the ground that was gradually cracking, and I couldn't control the panic in my heart.

"No way, a landslide?!" Ji Xuan covered her head to avoid the broken bricks that fell from her head, and looked at the uncle in amazement. It was obvious that she had never encountered such a situation before.

"It's not a landslide." The uncle thought for a few seconds, his face changed drastically, and he cursed angrily, "Damn it, it's that woman with such a vicious heart. She wants to use explosives to blow up this tomb and kill us all." it's here!"

"She wants to blow us up?!" Hearing this, Ji Xuan's face turned pale in an instant, she stared at the depths of the tomb with her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief: "She can't get it even if she blows up here!" What the hell is she planning!"

"No matter what she plots, we must leave now, or we will really become funeral objects! It is not a pity for me to die at such a young age, and the three of you must not be buried in such a place!" The uncle glanced at the three of us and gritted his teeth As if making up some kind of determination, he waved his big hand and took the lead to run quickly into the darkness.

I saw something strange in the uncle's expression. When he looked at the three of us, his eyes were very firm, as if he had really put life and death aside. I couldn't help but sigh for the decisiveness of the uncle. In these years, there are only a few people who really plan for others, not to mention It's the uncle who sacrifices himself for others and doesn't care about his own life or death.Compared with him, I am simply a coward as a mouse.

I secretly despised myself, without pausing, and followed the uncle and Dao Feng who were running ahead, thinking that if God rewarded me this time and let the four of us go out this time, I must be sworn brothers with the three of them, no matter where we go in the future , They are all brothers of my Chu Yang.

Because of the explosion, the dark and damp abandoned tomb was no longer so dull and empty, but a little more angry, but the danger was not reduced because of this. The broken stones and bricks that continued to collapse around fell all over the ground, and some wooden beams and beams With the dust that has been deposited for many years, it roared and smashed to the ground.

While hiding and running, we had to avoid being hit by the falling boulder beams, and at the same time, we had to speed up to find a passage to escape from the sky. The whole scene was chaotic.

My heart was beating fast, and the constant roar in my ears became a fatal catalyst, deepening my fear of death and speeding up the confusion of my thinking. There was only one thought in my mind, and that was to run, keep running!

At such a critical moment, stopping is the only way to die.

The flashlight flashing back and forth in the collapsed tomb was even more messy and impatient. Some weak ghosts got their heads out of the rocks and cross-logs, as if wondering why their residences suddenly became like this. Unfortunately, ghosts are different from humans after all. They have already died once, and if they come again, they will just be wiped out. Whether the tomb collapses or not has little to do with them. Maybe it is considered a redecoration for them.

Seeing how desperate we were running away, a ghost without long eyes stretched out its foot to trip Ji Xuan. I quickly grabbed Ji Xuan, kicked the ghost aside, turned around and continued to run forward.

At this time, we came to a high platform and found that there was a burst of smoke and flames below. It must have ignited some flammable items in the tomb during the explosion, but this made our escape even more difficult.

"The air here is so humid, and the fire can still burn so vigorously, which means that there is an outlet like an underground river nearby, and the air can circulate quickly. We just need to find the underground river and flow out along the water." The uncle raised his finger and pointed to the front , looked at us and said: "Don't be dazed, hurry up, or wait for the fire to burn bigger, we will be burned to death first if we don't get smashed to death."

Dao Feng nodded and said in a low voice, "This way."

We followed Dao Feng and ran for our lives in places where the fire was weaker. The heat wave hit our faces, dispelling the original darkness and gloom in the tomb, turning it into a sea of ​​flames.

Seeing that the fire was getting fiercer, the uncle hurriedly took out a few pieces of rags from his bag, which seemed to be what he had left from tearing up his coat earlier.

He took out the mineral water for emergency use, splashed it on the rags, and then distributed it to us, saying: "Put this mask over your face and cover your mouth and nose, don't take it off, it's life-saving!"

We also have a little bit of common sense about escaping from a fire, knowing that this is to prevent inhaling too much smoke and dust, because most people who die in a fire are not burned to death, but poisoned by smoke.So he took the wet cloth and quickly covered his face.

"What should I do now, which way to run?" I looked around and found that the place was in a mess, and it didn't look like there was a way to escape.

"Didn't you say there is a dark river? Where is the river?" Ji Xuan was also impatient, looking at her expression as if she wanted to smash all the boulders blocking the way with the submachine gun in her hand.

"There." Dao Feng suddenly raised his hand and pointed. We looked in the direction of his finger and saw the black-haired woman and the gringo slipping through a secret door.

"It can't be wrong, the woman must have found the dark river and prepared the way out, so she dared to make such a big noise." The uncle looked at Dao Feng in agreement, and continued: "Follow them, and if necessary, directly Do it, don't be soft-hearted."

Ji Xuan understood, put the submachine gun in a position where she could raise it to shoot at any time, and pursed her lips angrily.

We ran here and there along the escape route of the black-haired woman, surviving in narrower and narrower fire gaps, and the breath of death attacked us along with the overwhelming raging fire and debris, trying to stop us and turn us into A new batch of tomb guards.

The collapsed rubble blocked the way, leaving only a gap for people to pass through.

We decided to let Dao Feng pass first, Ji Xuan second and me third, and Uncle in the rear.

Unexpectedly, when Dao Feng passed by, I accidentally glanced up, and saw a hideous and hideous ghost, holding a thick and long boulder in his hand, trying to block the intersection with a sly smile.

Seeing that the heavy and solid boulder was about to fall, I was sweating anxiously and lost my mind for a while. In this situation, I couldn't stop its movement at all, and I couldn't pull Dao Feng back immediately. Startled in place, he shouted, "Dao Feng!"

If the boulder is allowed to fall, Dao Feng must be buried in these ruins. I don't want to watch him die, so I rushed over involuntarily in desperation. Lift the boulder easily, so Dao Feng and I will live in peace.

Just when I was helpless and was about to be smashed into meatloaf together with Dao Feng, the falling boulder suddenly stopped in mid-air strangely, Ji Xuan and uncle also noticed the boulder while I was shouting , and witnessed the whole process of the falling of the boulder, it looked like he was doing a magic trick, as if a powerful magician had fixed the thick boulder in front of everyone's eyes.

"What... what happened?" The uncle looked up at the boulder and muttered to himself in horror.

I wiped off the sweat that almost dripped into my eyes, but I had no time to think about other things, because in front of me, the female ghost Hai Lost, which I had dealt with before, appeared again, but it was different from the hostile relationship at that time, the female ghost in front of me had thick hair. The long hair stood up straight like a waterfall, dragging the boulder to prevent it from falling down, and those scarlet beautiful eyes looked at me motionlessly.

"You..." I was dumbfounded, staring at the strange pattern on her forehead, a little at a loss. I could see that the pattern was exactly the same as the black pattern on my finger.

Could it be that I didn't subdue her back then, but turned her into a "summoned beast"?Could she be the original body of the pattern on my finger, hiding by my side at any time, watching me silently, and then coming out to help when my life is in danger?It's just luck that you can get such an easy-to-use beautiful ghost just by using a strange spell indiscriminately...

Consider going out and buying a lottery ticket, maybe the next 500 million will be mine...

I complained in a complicated mood, and looked at the female ghost in surprise.

The uncle was the first to react, he slapped me hard and said, "Don't be dazed, hurry up! Let's talk about it when we have something to say!"

"Yeah." I nodded, followed Ji Xuan into the cracks in the rocks, absentmindedly looked back at the female ghost frequently, thinking how could it be so powerful, how could it be willing to surrender to me? Is it just because of this ghost art? power?

But in any case, as long as the immediate danger is overcome first, everything else can be solved later.

After getting out of the waste rock pile, the surrounding fire suddenly became much smaller. We ran to the secret door and found that the stone door was slowly closing, and the only gap exposed could not even put a finger in.

The uncle turned his head and looked, pointed to a giant dragon stone pillar in the distance and said: "The fire breathing out of the stone dragon's mouth is probably the mechanism of this door. The woman opened the mechanism in the stone dragon's mouth before leaving, trying to get our only The escape route is blocked, I will turn it off, you wait here."

I watched the uncle lift his legs and walk away, and couldn't help but whispered: "It's dangerous for you to go alone, I'll help you..."

"No need." The uncle interrupted me without turning his head: "It's such a mess here, so many people get in the way."

After all, I walked back alone, and the three of us stayed on the ground and looked at each other.

Dao Feng obviously trusts the uncle very much, and has no doubts about the uncle's words. The black cat in his bag popped up at this moment, and its golden cat eyes glanced at Ji Xuan and me, and then went back in an instant.

I saw that it looked very interesting, and it was not as majestic as before, so I wanted to tease it a few times, but before I could move my hand, the stone door next to it slowly rose with a click.

"Uncle succeeded." We looked at the fully opened stone gate in surprise, and sighed that Uncle is really brave and resourceful.

However, before our surprises were over, there was a sudden roar behind us, and the violent explosion rang through our minds, catching us off guard. When he got outside the door, countless gravel hit his body, and the world turned upside down in front of his eyes, flickering.

When I was blown away by the air wave, my forehead hit a stone. The sudden pain blinded my eyes, but my heart felt as if I had sunk into an ice cave, leaving only a pale paleness.

We have received such a strong impact from standing so far away, so what about the uncle...

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