If the previous palace was surrounded by stars, gorgeous and extravagant, quiet and steady, then the current palace is a huge black waterfall, like a living thing, it keeps falling with the rotation of the machine, not only the cathode, but the entire tomb under the feet. Vibrating violently.

Luck is really not something that you don’t want if you don’t want it. On the contrary, it appears in any possible situation and has nothing to do with personal subjective consciousness. If I knew that I could memorize it to this point, I would be killed I won't touch the pottery figurines. In places like ancient tombs, there is a one-in-a-thousand chance that accidents may happen. A blind cat may also pick up a live mouse.

At this moment, the huge black cathode in front of me has completely fallen down, oppressing the ground and slowly sinking into the depths of the ground, and the original hard and flat ground is also decomposed into a back-shaped ladder under the drive of the mechanism, layer by layer followed by the cathode. As it sank, the earth-shattering roar rang through my mind, but I was stunned by what I saw inside the cathode, and I didn't care to cover my ears at all.

I saw that the inside of the black cathode boulder had been completely hollowed out, and a strange Buddha statue was engraved in it, pointing to the sky and watching all living beings under its feet. The compassion and pity for saving all living beings, on the contrary, revealed a kind of evil spirit.

This Buddha statue is huge and carved from stone. It is conceivable how many craftsmen spent their hard work and sweat to cast it, and how many of them were trapped and died in the mausoleum as human martyrs.

"It seems that the owner of the tomb is a man who is good at calculating. He guessed that the tomb robbers of later generations will be proficient in the art of yin and yang feng shui. According to the ordinary formation layout, they will definitely be seen through, so he set the formation eyes at will. It seems unintentional. If you have intentions, it is often more unpredictable." The uncle glanced at the decorations in the hall and said, "Fortunately, God favored me, and Xiao Chu found the hole by accident, so we just jumped down from here to avoid it." Those bone worms, of course, there may be more vicious things down here, anyway, everything can only depend on good luck."

As soon as the uncle finished speaking, the black monsters hovering on the top wall suddenly spread out, as if they had finally found their target, they stretched their wings one after another, and rushed straight down holding two pairs of long and sharp pincers. The target was the four of us. people.

For a moment, the buzzing sound of the vibrating insect wings overwhelmed the sound of the mechanism, and life and death were only a moment away. Ji Xuan raised his submachine gun and aimed at the front few big insects and fired fiercely, then shouted: "Run!"

Those swarms of bone worms were swept away by the machine gun and instantly dispersed into two teams. We took this opportunity to take a big step and ran towards the cathode boulder at the fastest running speed in our lives. All the strange insects were left behind by us, and the two legs fell like a clockwork, falling faster than the wheels, and in a blink of an eye we came to the place where the boulder intersected with the floor of the tomb.

Looking at the weird Buddha statue in front of me, I found myself as small as an ant in the desert, and I felt a trance.

At this time, the huge boulder hadn't fallen very deep yet, someone yelled "Jump!", the four of us no longer cared about other things, closed our eyes and jumped down.

The lower floor of the Yin-Yang Dome is a small pool. I couldn’t react in time. I choked on a few mouthfuls of water when I jumped down. As soon as I poked my head out to catch my breath, I saw some bone worms had followed us into the gap. Take a deep breath and sink into the water again.

The water here is very clear, and when the flashlight hits the water, you can even see the black Buddha statue that is still sinking not far away.Until there was a loud bang, the top of the cathode completely overlapped with the floor of the tomb, and the entire lower floor was suddenly dark, and the ever-bright light with the dome could no longer be seen leaking in.

The four of us hid in the water, gesticulating and discussing how to deal with the remaining bone worms on the water surface. Now that there is no suitable light, it is difficult for Ji Xuan to hit those black worms, let alone the gun is soaked in water. I don’t know if it will be possible. There are other issues.

Uncle means that the bone worm can recognize the breath of a living person. As long as the four of us come out of the water, we will be besieged immediately. Even if Dao Feng can crush the worm attacking him to death with his bare hands, it cannot guarantee our safety. We must think of a perfect plan , to lure those bugs together, and let Ji Xuan destroy them all.

Ji Xuan thinks, Uncle, this is complete bullshit. When he thinks of a perfect plan, the four of us will be suffocated in the water. Why don't we choose someone randomly to act as an introduction. She sees one and beats the other, which may be faster. point.

I thought about it, and felt that both of their methods were unworkable. The former did not have so much time, and the latter had a high probability of missing, because if the bug chose to attack from an angle that Ji Xuan could not see, the person who went out to act as an introduction Isn't it wrong to die?

The three of us were gesturing and arguing under the water, while Dao Feng was thinking about it secretly. Then, when we didn't expect it, he raised his hand violently, and the black cat flew out of the water with the help of his arm, successfully Leap onto the Buddha statue.

After the organ was closed, half of the body of the Buddha statue sank into the water, and the other half was exposed, which happened to be the place where the black cat landed.

Dao Feng tied the wolf-eyed flashlight to the black cat's back, letting the black cat cling to the Buddha statue to attract the attention of those bone worms.

This trick really worked. The black cat itself carried the breath of living things, and its movements were sensitive and quick. It sprinted and jumped over the head of the Buddha statue, avoiding the attack of the bone insects lightly. At the same time, the wolf-eyed flashlight on its back also showed the figures of those insects .

Seeing that there were more and more bugs gathered around the black cat, Ji Xuan gave Dao Feng a thumbs up, and without any further delay, she quickly swung her feet twice, came out of the water with her backpack in her arms, and then took out a Take out the gun parts, quickly assemble a sniper rifle, aim at the bone worms reflected in the light, and wipe them out one by one.

Seeing Ji Xuan floating in the water with a serious expression while stabilizing her body while knocking out those nasty bugs, I immediately felt that this woman's coquettish surface actually hides a very professional technical level, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a sharpshooter. I just don't know why she became a tomb robber because of her good marksmanship.

With the cooperation of one person and one cat, the bone worms were quickly wiped out. Those black worm corpses fell from the air to the water surface. I irradiated them with a flashlight and found that some worms had only their wings broken, and they still had a breath , couldn't help but secretly sighed at Ji Xuan's tricky and ruthless tactics, this kind of style of play that made Bone Worm's life worse than death really fit her pungent personality.

"It's done!" After whistling, Ji Xuan looked at us triumphantly.

Dao Feng floated beside her, nodding to her in appreciation.The uncle and I, who didn't do anything, had to hide silently and watch them.

Since we are not sure if there are any remaining bone worms hiding nearby, we decided to hurry up and get out of here.

The depth of the pool is a place similar to a cave. We landed from here, found a clean place nearby, and set up a temporary grill. Fortunately, the waterproof performance of the backpack is very good, and most things are not soaked in water. We Take off the clothes and bake them until they are half dry, and then put them back on one by one.This is also to ensure that our subsequent actions are not disturbed, and to prevent certain diseases from occurring.

While baking clothes, I studied the figures of several people by the way. Needless to say, Dao Feng's body is about the same as mine, but in terms of his skills, his muscles are definitely much stronger than mine.Compared with the two of us, the uncle's figure is nothing to look at, dry and useless, which is the level of ordinary people.

Miss Ji Xuanji fully demonstrated her dominance when I was researching. She asked the three of us to turn our heads slightly, and then took off our clothes and baked. She didn't care that we could look back at any time. I can't help but admire her bold and unaffected character even more, and at the same time, I am very moved by Dao Feng's uncompromising nature.

Because during the whole process of drying the clothes, my uncle and I took the opportunity to peek at it countless times, only Dao Feng kept his expressionless face, and even Ji Xuan asked him to help carry things without looking back...

This can't help but make me viciously guess in my heart whether he is sexually frivolous or really has no sexual interest in women like Ji Xuan.

After redressing, we continued along the cave, seeing many piles of ironware, clay pots, aggregate vessels, knives, stirrups, and plaques, etc. The dead body, with only its skeleton left, leaned crookedly against the wall.

"This tomb is indeed built according to the scale of the emperor's tomb, but it is different everywhere. There is no sign of the emperor. I don't know who the owner of the tomb is." Uncle flashlight, walking Said: "The rubbings in my hand were obtained by Yugui Yulong respectively, and the combination of the two points to this tomb, which means that the thing is indeed here, but I don't know if we can find what we want after getting it. "

After finishing speaking, the uncle looked at Dao Feng.

Dao Feng's dark eyes flickered, and he replied: "The elder brother said that the thing is here, and if you find it, you can find the clues to that incident back then. I believe him."

Seeing that Dao Feng was so determined, the uncle didn't say anything more, and continued to study other items in the cave instead.

Ji Xuan and I glanced at each other. Obviously, neither of us is very clear about the "that thing" and "that incident" they talked about, but we can be sure that Yugui and Yulong lead to this tomb The map, the uncle and Dao Feng got these two maps from nowhere, so they came here to look for "that thing", and "that thing" is the key to unlock "that incident back then", and from Dao Feng's words, we can I learned that this incident also involved his elder brother.

What confuses me is, since his elder brother has already got involved, why didn't he find it himself, instead let his younger brother Dao Feng come forward?

Among them, is there any unknown strangeness...

Just as I was thinking deeply, Dao Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly raised his left hand and made a gesture of stopping and silencing. We stopped at his signal, stood on the spot and listened intently, and it didn't take long. I heard a small voice similar to people talking in the cave...

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